
The Isle Of Three Peaks

The story follows a young man named Nicolas Constantine whose brother had his soul stolen. Investigating supernatural leads have led him to cross paths with an unlikely team and together they seek to find the reason for the disappearances of individuals in the country of Trinidad & Tobago. (My vision is to see this story in a graphic novel or an animation)

Kerron_Masters · Fantasy
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17 Chs

What Lies within

Father Joe felt a sadness in his spirit as Nicolas had recounted what had transpired on that day about the unworldly man that had stolen the soul of his little brother.

Perhaps he sought you and your brother out due to your high spiritual energy, Father Joe questioned.

It's possible, Nicolas stated as he began to think about it.

Thomas interjected and said to Nicolas, our organisation has had an encounter with that particular individual.

Nicolas: You saw him? Where? When?

Thomas: Yes we have seen him on our monastery grounds, many years ago.

Thomas was about to continue when a sound startled them. It sounded like a loud spark in the distance.

They all turned to see a green flash of light and then the past shadow soul appear, near the same spot he had appeared the night before. He looked even more muscular, as if he had been 'juicing'.

The shadow soul immediately turned and looked in their direction as if he felt their presence in that area.

Nicolas slowly got up from the bench that he was sitting on and said 'I will end this now, reaching for something behind his back. '

Father Joe realized that what Nicolas had was a black 9 mm gun which he pulled out from his waist and he began shooting at the shadow soul.

He emptied the clip into the shadow soul but nothing happened. The soul took all the bullets that were fired at it, without even flinching.

A slight look of surprise came upon Nicolas's face even though he figured that there was a chance that it would not have worked.

Thomas let out a scuff and said no guns, he scolded. You don't know who may be watching!

Father Joe then began the incantation for the crosses spell.

Nicolas looked up in the air to see four small crosses appear in the sky near to the shadowy soul.

The soul looked up at the crosses and the moment the crosses moved, he dodged it as if he had remembered the previous battle from the night before.

The soul laughed when all the crosses had missed, however these crosses were different in size.

Thomas had already ran up to one of the crosses that was stuck in the ground and he picked up two of them, like a weapon.

The cross lit like a weapon in the hands of Thomas as he grasp it and ran up to the enemy.

With a combo, Thomas slashed the 6 foot figure all across its chest as he tried to grab the weapon.

After his combo Thomas stabbed the cross into its chest and kicked them further into the shadow soul. The soul, looked down at its chest and reach down to hold the end of the cross. It's hands burned as it try to grab and pull out the holy cross.

With its hands being burned it pulled out the crosses from the chest by the hilt of the cross. It smiled as it had pulled out the two sword crosses. Lifting its head it stared directly at Thomas who stood with his crossbow already in his hand.

Thomas pulled the trigger causing the small arrows from the crossbow to fire at close range which went into the shadow soul.

Each arrow was purified and was a blessed alloy, so they met their target, ending it quickly.

The shadow soul disappeared in a puff of smoke and its ashes fell to the ground.

The team of three walked up to the ashes that had fallen to the floor.

With a smile, Thomas said looking at Nicolas, that is how it is done. Lets us hurry now, Thomas continued. That gun fire may have alerted the police or even worse, a scout of a gang.

Gang, Nicolas asked?

It's ok. I don't expect a southerner to know how things work in the town, Thomas stated.

So because I live south, you assume that I don't know the inner workings of town? Nicolas scoffed.

I do assume and don't take it to much too heart. Anything past the lighthouse is considered south, he joked.

Father Joe pulled out a lighter and lit the ashes which quickly caught fire and as it burned, a reddish flame that burned on a straight, invisible line in the air travelling down the beach, towards the ocean.

At the coastline the red flame burned out, however it illuminated an almost invisible opening to another world. The team of three slowly walked through the opening which was a gateway that led to another world.

This was where the real threat was and with a deep breath, they entered the gateway.

Juicing can be described as a term used for taking or using anabolic steroids.

Gateway was used over Portals due to their definition.

A Gateway - An entrance to another world which can remain opened for a long period of time.

A Portal - A temporary entrance which can be opened to gain access to one or multiple worlds.

Kerron_Masterscreators' thoughts