
The Isle Of Three Peaks

The story follows a young man named Nicolas Constantine whose brother had his soul stolen. Investigating supernatural leads have led him to cross paths with an unlikely team and together they seek to find the reason for the disappearances of individuals in the country of Trinidad & Tobago. (My vision is to see this story in a graphic novel or an animation)

Kerron_Masters · Fantasy
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17 Chs

It's Only The Beginning

The victorious team of three looked at each other knowing that this may only be the beginning. If there were any more portals like this, they would have to be closed the very same way.

Leaving the shore, they ventured back towards the boardwalk to 'turn in for the night!'

As Nicolas was walking to his bike, Thomas walked behind him and stated that the Monastery have medical services and they would be happy to attend to his arm.

The muscle sprain will wear off eventually, Nicolas stated as he fixed himself on his bike.

Father Joe also walked up to Nicholas and said, we understand.

If however, you want to know more about the man in the mask, the Monastery will have the information that you seek so do come and check us whenever you are ready.

I will think about it, Nicolas answered as he propped up his right arm, started the bike and slowly rode off into the midnight darkness .

Thomas and Father Joe returned to their car and entered. Starting the vehicle, Thomas reversed and headed back to the Monastery. Making conversation for the journey ahead, Father Joe said, "Tell me Mr Thomas, how come you ended up at the Monastery?"

With a smile, Thomas said, my story starts from as far back as....


In the distance on top a building, a man stood in the shadows, watching them as their taillights disappeared in the distance.


Nicolas stopped off at the hospital….

Nicolas decided to stop off at the Mount Hope General Hospital before going home. Setting down the stand, in the handicap parking spot, he hopped off the bike painfully and headed towards the front door.

The sensor caused the door to open and as he entered, one of the female attendants saw how he cradled his right hand with his left and realized what was wrong.

Pulling a wheelchair that was close to her, she moved to him so he could have a seat. Then she picked up a 'check -in form' from the counter, for him to fill out, before leading him down the corridor to see a doctor.


End Of Chapter II - Half Moon


The mixture of blue and green crashed against the shore of the boardwalk as the tide was coming in. The night was slowly passing away and dawn was on its way.

A masked figure appeared on the boardwalk, clad in a black three quarter pants. Walking slowly he made his way to the coastline, to a spot three steps away from where the gateway once stood.

Stooping down, he waved his hand over an area where the sand and the ocean met, to reveal a large black rose that was stuck in the sand. The rose glowed a variety of colors as if infused with magical energy.

The rose had successfully absorbed the magical energy that was released from the collapsed gateway, he thought to himself.

And so… It has begun he said deeply. Then he turned and walked away from the spot, as the rose concealed itself again.