
The Island of Bewitched

Kathrine Kent is socially awkward, bisexual girl, who accidentally gets sucked up into the world of magic, mist and opportunities. There she finally makes true friends, falls deeply in love and discovers her true potential.

Carla_Mia · Fantasy
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16 Chs


It was a very sleepless night. No matter how hard I tried to close my eyes, sleep just wouldn't come. I even watched ASMR in hope to fall asleep, but no success.

Random thoughts were running through my head at night and I was really nervous because I really don't know what to expect. What kind of magic do we even do? Are we like the girls from Winx club? Or like the Moroi from Vampire Academy? Maybe like Merlin? Or is it like in Harry Potter? I honestly have no idea. I kind of hope I don't need a wand, it seems rather impractical to be dragging a piece of wood with you wherever you go.

As I was leaving the dorms I spotted a girl, too odd to fit in with the rest. She had flawless dark skin, insightful eyes, and braided hair. She was dressed in a summer dress with flowers on it and beige sandals. I am pretty sure she made me stop on the spot or at least slow down significantly. I observed her walking down the streets- well more like hopping, or dancing. I don't really know what that movement was.

As I watched her, a smile crept on my face, she just seemed so happy, not caring about the world and all the curious looks she was receiving. As she passed me I heard a boy near me say something that sounded a lot like 'a freak'. And I was ready to put the asshole in his place, but her face mesmerized me. Her blissful expression didn't falter even for a split of a second. I made a mental note to talk to her and make her my friend. She was just so refreshing, happy, careless, and she seemed like the purest creation ever. For a second I started worrying that she may not be a Gynaka but I soon brushed those thoughts away, she was clearly involved with something magical. It would be weird if she wasn't.

When I finally got my shit back together, I entered the building. And then something happened. I don't really know how all of this is possible, but as I opened the door there was just light. Bright white light. As seconds passed by, the light dissolved and a sandy beach with palms came into the view. And about hundreds meters from the beach a white greek-like temple came into the view.

What was even weirder, I saw a couple of dozen girl gathering around the house. How? Is this a dream? Am I still asleep or have I just completely lost my mind. The funny thing is, that the temple and the girls weren't even the weirdest thing. I was in London a second ago. How am I on the beach now?

I havent mooved in quite some time, and when I finally remembered my ability to walk, I started moving closer to the temple.

But something felt wrong. I looked down at feet and saw that I'm standing in the ocean.


In the ocean.


Like fishes and shells and salty water ocean.

I don't know if it was the trans I was in or just my natural stupidity, but I dipped my fingers into the water and licked them.

They were salty.

Huh? I didn't understand. When I finally recovered a little bit, I noticed something even weirder. My clothes were dry. A quiet "The fuck...?" escaped my lips and shortly after I registered a chuckle.

I turned my head in the direction the chuckle was coming from and noticed that it belongs to that peculiar girl. After I stared at her for a while, I managed to turn my lips up a bit and managed some words: "Hi, sorry for the staring. It's just..." I finished that thought with my hands pointing to our surroundings. She smiled a bit more as she said: "Oh it's alright. I'm sort of used of all of the staring coming from you by now." And then she winked.

So she did saw me staring?

Oh god...

How humiliating.

"Well my name is Brianna Walker, and I assume you are new to this world." I only managed to nod. She smiled again: "You see, those doors you passed are actually a portal for all who are part of the old religion. They are enchanted. If you enter that building and have magic in your blood it transforms you to this place, if you dont... well then you enter the Lockwood's institute." Her explanation, ever so weirdly introduced into the conversation, made me sane again. I guess she could read minds. "Magic? Yes of course. That was my second guess." Here I remembered what Elisaveth told me.

Honestly woman, you could spare me a lot of embarrassment by giving me just some hints.

"What was your first?" she asked, oblivious to mine inner argument with Elisaveth.

"Something in the sense of alien abduction."

She laughed a little bit at that statement and that earned me a mental high-five. "Nope, just magic." she said smiling widely as we slowly progressed toward the building. "I'm Kathrine by the way, nice to meet you."

The building reminded me of the temples, like the ones in Greece, however there was something different about this one. It was majestic, tall temple with these huge columns that made it look strong and unbeatable and yet the temple appeared innocent and feminine at the same time.

It was beautiful. The columns had curvy stripes on them that circled the surface and made it look gentle, fragile even. On some of these columns were sculptures shaped in flowers and plants. All together it looked like the columns are the trees and all the other sculptures are the flowers and plants, my first association was rain forest.

Behind the forest were really tall doors, cracked only slightly open. But of course slightly for the door this size still meant that a bus could fit through.

Behind the door was a staircase that spread out the entire room. It was probably made of marble since everything on this beach seemed to be made out of it. I noticed a lot of statues, but only of females. The building was also very tall and I really wanted to explore it but then I noticed a group of girls left of the staircase. And among those girls was a familiar one smiling at me in the way that made me feel so out of place.

I don't belong here. It's too white, too clean for me. All of the girls wore either sun dresses or an outfit of matched pastel colors. There was one who wore blue jeans and red crop top. And she stood out among them like crazy. And then there was me.

With my black worn out converse, ripped black skinny jeans and an oversized INXS shirt. If they were the angels, I was the demon.

As I started to approach Brianna, more heads were turning my way. Some turned right back, the other stared with raised eyebrows, but I didn't really care about that. It was the comment from the girl in red crop top that got my attention "I thought this was for girls only." A handful of girls chuckled around her, while she stood there with arms crossed in front of her and a sublime expression on her face.

I am very self-conscious about my muscular body, true. But there is no way in hell, or heaven, I guess, that I would ever let another person's comment about it bring down my mood. That's why I only smirked arrogantly as I passed by her.

I cried a lot when until I was about 16 and that made me feel weak. It was then, when I decided not to show my weaknesses in public, to strangers or to family. It never worked out for me when I did. The remarks people throw at me will be overly thought about in later hours of the day, stealing sleep from me.

Maybe this is not the healthiest way to cope with life, but it keeps me going through the day and made me very self-reliant, for which I am grateful.

Besides, this was a really pathetic insult.

As I chatted with Brianna I noticed a few more glares from the girl's direction. What's her problem?

Brianna must have noticed me sneaking a peek at her as she said "That's Medeia."

Or maybe it was just her ability to read minds. Who knows.

Still looking at her, I half asked, half huffed: "and what's her problem?".

"Oh she is just a power hungry bitch, who thinks is better than everyone because she was born into the religion."

She stopped for a moment and then continued.

"But her problem," the emphasis on the words she repeated after me, "is you." I looked at her puzzlingly. "She is a self-called rebel, who thinks wearing daring colors make her badass, although no one really cares about that." She stopped to look at her. "And now you are making her look not so amazing with your choice of clothing." That she said with humor in her voice. "What does i-n-x-s even mean. Is that something from your language?"

"Erm no, that's a name of a band." I said confused. "And isn't my language your language? I thought I noticed some british accent?"

"Yes, I'm british." She said, now confused too. "But u aren't, right? You don't speak the same way I do."


Is she ok?

Did all that hopping gave her a concussion?

We were talking all this time and she didn't notice that we understand each other?

"I'm American. And confused." I half muttered the second part of that statement.

"Oh. Oh! Then say so. I thought you were Russian from the first impression."

Ok. I-


Am I going crazy? Is this a simulation? Or a dream maybe? I am so confused.

I decided to just stay quiet, despite her looking at me. Constantly.

A moments passed and then she started laughing again.

Yes, ok. It's her. She's the crazy one. I'm good.

"How silly of me." She said and a few more chuckles escaped her lips. "Of course you don't know, you are new to this."

Her sanity still questioned, although she is seemingly going to make some sense.

"This entire island is enchanted."

"Excuse me, island?" Weren't we in London before? Does she mean Britain? Island of Britain?

"Yes, Proelefsi. It's an island in Greece"

Ok, going to ignore that for a moment. Don't mind me. Just trying to keep that small amount of sanity I still have. I mean, Greece?

"It's under a spell. People come here from all around the world to practice old religion. And since there is a lot of tongues on the planet, this island is enchanted so we all hear everyone talk in our mother language."

Ok. This will settle down with me after a minute or two.

But just so btw, this does sound like Harry Potter met Percy Jackson, right? Some secret camp in Greece, under a spell like Hogwarts?

Brianna, oblivious to my train of thoughts continued: "So I hear everyone speak English, with different accents of course, but English never the less."

Of course, accents. Because this is a smart spell. It can tell accents.

"Medeia for instance, hears everyone speak Bulgarian."

"Wait, not Greek? I thought she was born into this?" I said, slightly less confused. But only slightly.

And when realization hit me a thought slipped through my lips "And that's why you couldn't tell I was American."

I was a bit slow with that comment, but it just had to leave my mouth for it to make sense.

"Well her mother is gynake raised in Bulgaria."

I was still confused, but at least some of the things started making sense now. And thank the Universe she told me that, imagine how much I could humiliate myself in front of entire class.

Brianna and I chatted on some more. I requested to change the subject from gynakes to something more familiar. And so here we were talking about the Marvel movies. When I tell you that I was surprised when she initiated the subject, better believe me. I would never imagine this odd flower girl to like this kind of movies and as she told me about her slight obsession with Loki, I wasn't surprised anymore. First of all, it's completely understandable, second of all it appears that Brianna has a not so flowery side to herself, which made me like her a lot more.

The chatter in the room was put to end with very loudly thud of the door. Everything went really silent and every head in the room turned to the source of the voice.

A beautiful tall blonde girl stood there, with an evil smirk on her face. And when others seemed to notice her, the sharp inhales filled the room.

She was stunning. Her walk was so confident, her head held high and her shoulders pushed back. She could easily be a supermodel. How ever there was something wicked about her. Was it the smirk or the poisonously green eyes, or maybe both? She walked with such power and elegance that she seemed like the purest and the most dangerous being on the world at the same time.

I stared at her with adoration, she was mesmerizing. And this time I wasn't ashamed of the stares, something told me I am going to hate her in the future, so I devoured the moments she was walking by.

"I can't believe she came." Were the words that brought me back to reality. "She actually came." The words fell from Brianna's mouth, this time they were colored with exasperation and shock.

"Who is she," I asked after I was out of the girl's earshot. "This is Tanis. She-" I waited for Brianna to continue, but she never did. So I decided to watch Tanis closely some more.

Her attitude toward the people here, like she is our superior, but still she looked so relaxed, like she was taking a walk on the beach.

I noticed that I wasn't the only one who looked at her with admiration. While most of the girls were looking at her in fear and shock, Medeia's expression looked dangerously similar to mine. The only difference was that she seemed willing to sell her soul for this Tanis in a blink of an eye. Her admiration was much deeper than mine, what did she know? She clearly admired her for something she did. What was it, and how awful it must have been if all the other girls were so scared of her?

When her catwalk through the chamber was over, she sat on the bench, crossed her legs and elegantly leaned on the wall. She looked at the girl with most fearful look on her face and exaggerated a bite, as in 'rawr, fear me'. And even though that girl trembled, I found the gesture really hot.

When her eyes landed on Medeia however, she winked. Awfully enough not in intimidating way, more like in a friendly way. Well at least friendly for Tanis.

After a few fairly awkward moments elder ladies started to emerge down the stairwell. All the eyes focused on Tanis just a second ago, were now curiously observing the new figures.

The lady upfront was very chic, she was older than the rest but walked with much more confidence. She had short blond hair and slightly wrinkled skin. Her kind eyes and elegance could easily make you believe that everything will be just fine in the world. She was dressed in elegant body tight dark blue suit and wore unbelievably high stillettos.

Behind her was a middle-aged lady. A familiar middle-aged lady. Elisaveth.

"The theatrics." I thought to myself.

Next to her was this serious looking woman, who, like the rest, didn't dress up for the occasion. She was in combat clothing, her eyebrows were slightly furrowed and she had a very stiff posture. Although she relaxed only the slightest after her eyes scanned the crowd. It seemed she was rather pleased with us.

Behind them was another pair of ladies in their 30s. One had long curly blonde hair, blissful look on her face and kind eyes. The way she moved reminded me a lot of Brianna. It seemed like she was more floating than actually walking. Just by looking at her I knew she must have been a ray of sunshine. Next to her was a redhead with an excited look on her face. She was looking at our faces and occasionally squinting her eyes. Unlike others she seemed human, natural.

Behind them was- what appeared to be a romantically involved couple- they appeared oblivious to their surroundings as they quietly joked about something. Out of seven of them they were the only ones who seemed relaxed. She was brown-haired and dark-skinned and had this very positive energy around her. He had long hair and a bushy beard, eyes filled with humor and face decorated with an honest smile. However I didn't let their relaxed posture distract me, they were both very muscular and looked like they could rip the tree from the ground, with roots and all.

As the seven reached the end of the stairs, serious looks magically appeared on all of their faces. Such a sudden change in their moods took me aback. I suddenly felt like I am getting called to the principle office for something bad I did.

The posh lady took a step forward and it became clear that she was madly respected by the rest of the crew. At the peak of the tension she finally offered us a smile and all the stress left the room.

"Welcome girls," she started. "My name is Kassiopeia, and I am the headmaster of Proelefsi, the school meant for talented young ladies such as yourself. You are here today because you are special, different. You've been touched by the most powerful forces in nature and have received a certain power that you will learn to shape and master at this school."

She took a small break and looked around the room. "The next week will be very important for you. You will be presented with the old religion and with the way of Gynakas and Andres."


Another unfamiliar term.

Something is telling me it doesn't stand for a bunch of dudes named Andre.

"After a week a big decision will await you." She continued, oblivious to my thoughts. "You will have a chance to start training to become an official Gynaka and also be renamed and given a new name, suitable for your magical nature."

Then she looked at Medeia and Tanis and some other girls who seemed to be looking rather arrogant. "Of course some of you have already gone through this phase and have already be given your true name. The handful of you will have this week to get to know this island and its premises, as it will be your home for the next 3 years."

After the rest of the teachers briefly introduced themselves and gave us some technology gadgets, on which we were supposed to get our information about school and classes, we were free to explore the island.

I was about to ask Brianna if she would want to walk around the island with me, but as I turned to talk to her she wasn't there anymore. And one more time I felt extremely out of place here and slightly outcasted, especially when I saw all the other girls already in groups. I sighed quite audibly and left towards the gate.

I decided to distant myself from the crowd and go watch the ocean. I didn't really feel like walking, it sounded exhausting, especially after the last few days I had.

I guess I just wanted to be alone some more and overthink the situation I got myself into. I took my shoes off and walked barefoot on the warm sand pursuing my spot away from the school, so no one would notice me being alone.

When I finally reached the spot from which I couldn't be seen from school, I sat down. My thoughts were already storming. I was concerned about fitting in, finding friends and failing classes I haven't even yet officially decided taking.

But the schooling part didn't really bother me. I always did good in school, even if I didn't put much or any effort in it. It was the making friends part that scared me. I am not really comfortable around people, especially not around those I don't know. And making friends doesn't come easy for me. Pretty sure that's because of my, otherwise self-diagnosed, social anxiety.

I mean, I am almost certain I have it, but seeing a therapist sounds scary to me. I'm scared that if I got officially diagnosed with those disorders I would, at least subconsciously let it take over my mind. Or even worse, how fucked up would it be if it turned out I am completely fine. Even though the chances for that are small, the thought itself haunts me.

And now I'm here, my life is turning into some fantasy book story, this reality becoming a bit much for me. I was longing about the place I belonged to. I never fitted in with my family, school, or even with friends. I mean we got along perfectly fine but I couldn't comfortably be my true self around them. I was hoping this bizarre world was going to be the place where I finally find myself and my purposes in life but for now it was only the next failed social experiment I somehow got kicked into.

But all the anxiety aside this place was truly beautiful. The water was turquoise blue, the sky was without a cloud and everything was just so white and clean. Another markers I don't fit with.


Kathrine, don't.

Be positive.

This place, no matter how different from you, is still better than home. And you have never been the one to say no to new adventures.

I observed the wavy water some more after the exciting thought crept into my mind. I mean the water looked so relaxingly warm and inviting. "Oh what the hell," I thought to myself. "No one mentioned the water being out of limits." After some more pointless encouraging talk I have decided to go for a swim.

"Wait…" I remembered how the water didn't get me wet when I got here. I stepped into the water and then checked my foot.

"What are you doing?" words colored with laughter interrupted me.

When I turned around and saw the most beautiful girl watching me, suddenly I realized the lack of clothing on my body.

"I…um…I was just checking if the water is wet…"

She responded with a chuckle: "wait…water can be dry too?"

And then it struck me how stupid I sounded.

"Oh," I chuckled slightly, "I guess I didn't really chose the right words."

She looked at me expectantly waiting for my explanation.

"You know how we got here through the water and didn't get wet…"

She smiled broadly when she realized what I meant: "You must be really new to this."

I furrowed my eyebrows. Hoe does everyone here seems to know how this place works.

"I mean I'm new to this hocus pocus world myself and yet I have a slight idea how the things work here." She stated, a bit proud may I say but not insulting.

I didn't respond. I didn't know whether or not I should feel embarrassed about my actions, my cluelessness or the fact that I am getting a lecture about this place while being almost naked.

"The ocean will recognize your attentions and will be the way you want it to be. It's amazing really." She continued, "just before, I saw a girl wish for a banana under a palm tree and the palm tree grew a banana."

How my eyes didn't fell out of my head as she said this is beyond me. "I've been wishing for pina coladas ever since."

That brought a laughter out of me. "I don't think there is a plant that will grew you cocktails."

"Yeah, but I'm new, maybe nature will see how hard I try and award me with one anyway."

I laughed some more.

I liked this girl. She was just so relaxing to be around, I would normally try to cover my body in front of the stranger by now but she just gave me that "yass, work queen" vibe.

"I'm Kathrine by the way," I said as I remembered we haven't introduced ourselves.

"Sanem," the girl said. "Were you going for a swim?" she asked, "I mean, after you made sure water was wet of course." She added as she put a lock of her long wavy brown hair behind her ear.

I noticed she was starting to take her bohemian skirt and bralette top off. "Yeah, that was the plan." I chuckled.

She had a slim, but toned figure. Her muscle lines were visible but weren't as defined as mine. I appeared a lot more masculine around her.

"My frog will love this place," she said as we slowly started walking into the ocean. "You have a frog?" I said, only slightly buffled.

"Yeah, he is a funny little thing," she said "or maybe it's a she. I really don't know."

I chuckled at her comment. She was just so easygoing and fun. I really hope we will become friends. "Don't get me wrong, Izmir is beautiful and all, and I love it there." She paused slightly, and continued, now with more serious look on her face. "It's just that Tukey is such a hostile place for a woman, especially a young woman." She shook her head and continued with a smile on her face: "but that's a conversation for another day."

"I'm from Portland." I said, apparently having a need to interrupt her and taking conversation in my way.

I hated myself for that moment, so I quickly added: "Izmir, where is that?"

"Turkey," she replied with a smile and a wink, "it's a city near the ocean in the Asian part of the country, beautiful, but a bit crowded for my taste."

"Yeah, you do give off pretty cottagecore vibes." I said, observing her.

She smiled proudly and made some awkward hand gesture.

I then dived into the ocean and sighed as the heavenly water wetted my hair. It was perfect, clean, cooling but not cold, and just…divine. I closed my eyes and dived once more, this time Sanem joined me.

"Oh my god, I could get used to this."

"Do you think winter ever comes here?" I asked, slightly affected by the relaxing water.

"I honestly doubt it. This place is filled with magic, I'm sure it never gets cold. And besides, Greece is not exactly known for cold winters."

Right, Greece. We are not in London anymore.

Sanem and I really enjoyed our afternoon. We chatted a bit and then gossiped about the teachers and other students in our school.

"But what was with that girl, the…" I asked.

"The tall, beautiful blonde angel? I don't know." She interrupted me.

"The looks she got, damn. It was like she killed everybody's grandmas or something."

She chuckled: "Yes, I just know she is going to be the Draco of our magical universe."

"Yeah, definitely. And besides she is just too damn beautiful not to be a villain."

"I swear I thought the exact same thing." She agreed.

"You know Katy, I can call you Katy, right?" As I was about to answer, she continued: "No, never mind that. Katy is just too basic." She paused for a second, thinking. "Rina? Can I call you Rina?"

I answered with a smile: ���Yes, sure. I always wanted a nickname."

"OK, cool. So Rina, I like you. I think I'll introduce you to my friends. They are just the best."

I smiled, relieved and genially happy.

"Anyways, how would you like to join us for a brunch tomorrow? Around 12.30?"

"I would love that."

As our day ran to it's end we said our goodbyes and confirmed the plans for the brunch tomorrow.