
The Island of Bewitched

Kathrine Kent is socially awkward, bisexual girl, who accidentally gets sucked up into the world of magic, mist and opportunities. There she finally makes true friends, falls deeply in love and discovers her true potential.

Carla_Mia · Fantasy
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16 Chs


The summer is slowly coming to an end and a new chapter of my life is about to begin.

I just graduated high school and am now enrolled to University of Portland, with a little hope of becoming a sociologist.

I originally wanted to go to Columbia, but my parents wouldn't allow me. It's too far, they said. Yet I know that most of the reason why they want to keep me here is to control me. My life just can't be too exciting, or for that matter exciting at all. It's exhausting really and I just can't wait to be independent.

After a smaller argument with my mother, I took a stroll in the local park, here in Portland. It wasn't a pleasant walk, I kind of hoped to relax a bit before school starts next week, but as I got out I somehow just got more anxious. I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched, so I quickened my pace and hurried my way to the Peninsula park.

This place is always filled with people which would usually bother me, but today it was sort of comforting. I set on a bench near the pink roses, there I was still surrounded by people but I wasn't in the center of social happenings. But even as I was sitting on my safe spot this anxiousness kept overwhelming me. I couldn't concentrate on my book as I kept turning around looking for some creepy person staring at me behind the bushes or something.

At some point I spotted this oddly looking woman with long curly hair and a dress to big to fit. I noticed that she kept looking at me and as I moved to sit under this amazingly tall oak tree she moved as well. The lady looked kind and harmless, which filled me with courage.

So a bit annoyed from all the creepy behavior I spoke to her: "Not to sound conceited or anything, but I kind of get a feeling you want to talk to me? I mean, I really hope that's the reason behind all this stalking." As I said this, I looked at her not so nicely, with a smug look on my face and irritation visible in my eyes.

She just smiled, slightly amused by my actions and responded: " As a matter of fact Kathrine, I do wish to talk to you." She stood up and started to approach me. But I didn't really care about that, what bothered me was how she knew my name. I was thinking about asking her, but really what calming answer me could she possibly offer me.

"My name is Elisaveth and I'm a professor. Can I join you?" She continued with a kind look on her face. And I couldn't help but notice that despite her creeoy behavior, she gave off very motherly vibes. I was conflicted between running away and running in her arms for her to hug me. I bet she has very comforting hugs.

When I didn't answer her, she raised an eyebrow at me and repeated: "Can I?"

I nodded my head and she started talking about how beautiful today is and how pretty this park looks.

"So you're not from around here?" I interrupted.

"No, I'm originally from Scottland, but I've lived in Greece for the last decade or so."

At that, I just nodded, not sure what to say. She came from Greece to talk to me? I've never even left Oregon before, how could someone from Greece possibly know me?

I suspect distress was visible on my face when she started again: "The school I teach at is meant only for special talents, the talents that are sadly very rare. Therefore, we look for such talents all around the world and we suspect you may be one of those talents."

"Are you some sort of modelling agent or something. Because let me spare you the trouble and tell you that I am not interested." I said, not really knowing to what talents she keeps on referring.

"I imagine this may be a little confusing to you," she said, half giggling, "maybe a little demonstration of said talents are in order?" She looked at me questionably.

I just nodded my head 'sure' and let her continue.

"I would suggest we go to a bit more private place, but I suspect you chose this very visible tree for a reason?"

Her question brought a genial smile to my face, not really sure why. There is just something about her.

As she saw my reaction she turned to me and continued: "Now please turn a bit and watch closely."

She took an acorn, squeezed it, poured some soil over it, closed her eyes and reopened her palms.

And let me tell you, all I kept thinking was "what the actual fuck".

In her hands was a tree. Not an acorn, not a branch, a tree. A very small tree, but a full grown tree. All together it was about 20 centimeters (8 inches) big. And I know I should probably be freaking out about the fact she just turned an acorn into a miniature tree, but I was fascinated with roots.

I mean, more than half of the sculpture, I know it's no really sculpture, but let's just call it that, were roots. I've never imagined that this is how roots look like.

As I was having existential crisis over some roots, Elisaveth just kept observing my face with furrowed brows and commented: "Amazing, isn't it, how something-"

"How deep into the ground do roots go?" I interrupted, not really caring what she was about to say.

She was about to answer, but it soon became clear that I was just mumbling this to myself.

She let me think about this for some more time and then added: "As fascinating as this tree is, I think we should talk about how it got in my hands."

That brought me back from whatever dimension I was in.

I looked at her and just said whatever was on top of my head without even forming a complete sentence and thinking it through: "Magic, right? No. Wait, it can't…"

As she opened her mouth to elaborate, I raised my hand and putted it on her mouth: "Those talents you were talking about- they are not magical are they? Because let me tell you I was really bummed when I didn't get a latter from Hogwarts. And if this is a joke and you will-"

For a moment I realized how crazy I sounded, so I changed my tactics and my train of thoughts: "Where are the cameras? I've been pranked. Surely. You, don't- what?"

As I looked at her, a look of amusement and compassion on her face she said: "Allow me to elaborate. First of all, what you just witnessed was indeed magic and second of all we send e-mails, it's the 21st century after all."

She saw me almost starting my second existential crisis today and intervened just at the right time "Listen to me. It's not as crazy as it may seem now."

I swallowed a lot of saliva down and just nodded.

Slightly more relaxed she continued: "The Universe consists out of natural and magical elements. They all used to work in harmony, but over centuries humanity grew further apart from magic and have soon forgotten about it or even worse- punished it."

"Medieval witch trials." I added, more to myself.

"Yes, among other, not so infamous events."

"Let me ask you, Kathrine," she continued after a short pause "did very odd occurrences ever happen to you, such as impossible coincidences. For instance, you learn about something one day and the next day you live it?"

I nodded.

"Those are all bits of magical elements in the world that people still register. However, there are still some women who have the talent to come in touch with their magical source. If you decide to come to the school, you will learn more about the history of magic and about magic itself. You will learn how to master spells, potion and more. I can't explain everything just now, but it will soon make sense."

"Why me?" I asked.

"What do you mean?"

"You said some women –and why only women- em… you said some women can learn to master magic, how do you know I'm one of them?"

"Your aura. People closer to magic have some gold in their auras."

"Of course, with the talk of magic, mention of auras shouldn't really surprise me."

She giggled. "So will you come with me?"

"I can't. My first year of college starts next week. I can't just not go, especially with all the money my family spent on it."

"Oh, that's least of a problem. We can freeze the money and let you enroll again whenever you want to, or just return you the money and delete you from their records." She said, hope coloring her words.

"How… OK, you know what, it doesn't matter." I said, wondering how on earth could they access school records.

Even though I haven't really formed a sentence she knew what I was talking about and a wide grin showed on her face.

"Look, we are aware that magical world can be a bit overwhelming for the newcomers, that's why our school offers a one-week program, where you get to learn the basics of Gynakas. And after that week it's up to you to decide whether or not you want to stay."

I would lie, if I said I wasn't interested. I mean I hate the kind of life people are supposed to live, get educated, meet a boy, get married, have kids, …, and I have always hoped some exciting opportunity would show up. But then again, now that it's here I know just what am I risking. First-of-all how will I ever explain this to my parents, I have absolutely no intention on telling them I won't go to college because I will try to learn magic. Secondly, what if there is no magic in me, I mean I have never done anything that would even slightly suggest to supernatural...

And here it happened. Mental click.

"OK, I will come with you." I said, after realizing that the only reason why I am stalling is fear.