
The Isekai Support Group

In a world where the idea of an Isekai is reality, what happens to those taken away when they come back? Adapting to modern society would be hard enough after leaving for two or three years. What would happen if they were gone for even longer? How would society view them? What could go wrong? Half darker slice-of-life and half urban isekai fantasy,

SaltyHermit · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Raring for a Fight

The group had trudged through the snow to where the portal was opened. Much to their surprise, the swirling path connecting the worlds sat in the sky above Tokyo Tower. Despite the rest of the area being covered and coated in snow, the area around the tower was surprisingly devoid of the deep, cold precipitation. Looking up at the tower, Yuki could barely see Satsui standing out on the observation deck, windows shattered and missing. The demon lord looked down at the group.

"Battle armaments being deployed." Asuka stated in the same monotone, robotic voice as before.

"What does that mean, Asuka?" Shingo asked.

"My battle armaments should arrive in two minutes and twelve seconds." Asuka answered blankly. "If we are to fight, we should delay until then lest I be ineffective in combat."

"We might not have a choice." Yuki said staring up at what seemed like pure evil.

Satsui then jumped from the tower and impacted the ground, shattering the pavement in a circle around her. Dust obscured the area and the group struggled to keep sight of her. As the dust cleared, the demon lord marched toward them.

"I gave you an opportunity to die last." Satsui called out. "All you had to do was wait and watch as the world was destroyed around you."

"We can't just stand by and let that happen." Takamasa responded to the overbearing woman standing across from the group.

"You seem different!" Satsui said pointing at Konomi. "Somehow, you seem even more pathetic than you did such a short while ago. What happened to you?"

The group, silently, stared down the demon lord.

"What's wrong?" She continued. "Cat got your tongue?" She said motioning toward Konomi and letting out a slight chuckle.

"By opening the portal, you've doomed yourself." Yuki called out.

Confused, Satsui taunted the group, "Oh? You think you can defeat me? How tragic." She scanned the group's faces. "Well, I guess I can start with you." Satsui pointed at Shingo. "If you don't mind I think you should....DIE!"

With that, Demon Lord Satsui lunged toward Shingo, closing the distance quickly, almost too quick for the others to see. Inches away, Shingo began to smile and fell backward disappearing into his own shadow. Satsui, barely missed as she sliced through the air with her fingers. She flew past where the boy had stood, sliding to a stop and kicking up dirt.

"That's a neat trick." She said. "Though, now that I've seen it, it won't work again." Satsui climbed back to her feet, standing adjacent to the group.

A loud sonic boom cracked across the sky surprising everyone.

"Ten!" Asuka started. "Nine! Eight!"

"GO NOW!" Yuki asserted.

Konomi dropped to all fours and sprinted on her hands and feet toward the tower. Yuki pushed with all her will, creating armor and a sword of golden energy, and jumped to the side clearing the way for Takamasa.

With a wave of his hand and calling out, "ENTROPY!" Takamasa unleashed a blast of wind toward Satui catching her off guard.

His voice echoed unlike the group was accustomed to. Loud and booming, Takamasa's voice seemed to be spoken from everywhere. Giant swaths of air gusts cut large slices into the area leaving divots in the ground that were two feet deep. It was as if a tornado of invisible blades swept through. Shingo, popped back out of Asuka's shadow waved his hand and a giant wave of shadow appeared behind the demon lord catching the remains of Takamasa's blast to cut down as much collateral damage as he could. Even then, far in the distance, several buildings caught the fallout of Takamasa's spell. They shred instantly and fell into pieces.

"Two! One!" Asuka called out as the sonic boom grew closer.

As she finished her countdown, a mass of metal impacted the ground three feet to her right. Immediately, the girl turned and climbed up onto it and entered a hole just big enough for her near the top. Dust and debris from Takamasa's attack began to clear revealing only minor scratches on Satsui as the hunk of steel began to hum louder and louder. Suddenly, arms and legs burst forth from the steel contraption revealing a twelve foot tall mech being piloted by none other than Asuka.

"You're going to be a problem." Satsui whispered to Takamasa who had taken his eyes off of her for only a moment to witness Asuka's armament deploy.

Satsui was right next to the chaos mage. Yuki, having realized the demon lord's movement toward Takamasa, formed a shield and moved to his defense. The young leader grabbed him by his shirt, pulling him behind her as the demon lord's fist came crashing down into the shield with more than lethal force. To Yuki's surprise, Satsui's fist wasn't injured. Shingo, used his power to entangle Satsui as pitch black tentacles made of shadow reached from the ground, grabbed her, and tried pulling her down. The overpowered foe writhed against the shadowy tentacles and broke free.

Yuki swung her radiant sword, connecting with the sundress laden torso. The dress sliced cleanly through where the blade landed, but Satsui's body was unharmed by the attack. Yuki had long thought that anything touching her radiant weapons or armor would be instantly obliterated. That didn't seem to be the case for this powerful foe before her. Asuka, then, with pinpoint accuracy, unleashed a hail of gunfire from the arm of her mech with each shot landing with the perfect accuracy that only a computer could muster. As the bullets connected, remnants of the projectiles exploded in metal confetti.

"Yuki!" Takamasa yelled alerting his leader he was about to attack again.

Yuki tried to back away from Satsui, but the demon lord had other plans. She grabbed the young support group leader's leg tripping her up. Yuki was dragged to the demon lord who, in one swift motion, threw Yuki straight up into the sky.

"NO!" Shingo called out as Yuki flew upward into the sky.

Asuka, also noting the need to save her, replied, "Keep fighting!" and hammered her fist down on a button inside the mech's cockpit. The feet of the robotic monstrosity opened to reveal rockets which ignited sending Asuka and her mech in pursuit of her leader.

"ENTROPY!" Takamasa called out again as the ground beneath Satsui cracked sending rocky spikes upward which smashed against her.

Yuki was snatched out of the air carefully by the mech and, as it descended back to the ground, the shoulders opened up launching a flurry of rockets at the demon lord. Shingo, popped out of the shadows, snatching Takamasa up and carried him to safety from the rocket blasts. The area exploded with a concussive force that rang through the city and leveled the rocky spikes created by the chaos mage's spell.

"ENOUGH!" Demon Lord Satsui yelled out as she swiped her hands through the air clearing the smoke from the explosion. "YOU ARE BENEITH ME! I WILL TAKE PLEASURE DESTROYING THIS WORLD!"

"Don't forget about me!" Konomi cheered as she had jumped from halfway up Tokyo Tower and came flying toward Satsui.

The cat-girl demi-human's foot screamed across her enemy's face stumbling her. Konomi, sensing her opponent lost her footing, unleashed a hail of blows and swipes on Satsui. The girl's strikes came faster and faster as the demon lord deflected each punch and swipe until Satsui began to respond to the assault. A single blow landed on Konomi which sent her flying backwards, almost uncontrollably, until her cat-like reflexes kicked in which aided her in landing on her feet. Asuka's mech landed next to where Konomi had landed and Yuki jumped from its arms back to the ground.

"With her current power levels, I estimate only a thirteen percent chance of victory on our end." Asuka uttered to the group with her.

"We have to go harder!" Yuki said as Shingo appeared from the shadows next to her.

"We're barely doing anything!" Shingo exclaimed. "She might be too strong!"

"It's too late to think about that now." Konomi said as a slight bit of blood came from her mouth from the blow Satsui landed. "When I was up the tower I couldn't figure out anything with the portal. We'll have to try again after the fight."

"Asuka!" Yuki called out. "Keep her busy!"

"Understood!" Asuka replied and then immediately charged in with reckless abandon.

"If she goes down, get her out of there Shingo." Yuki said just loud enough for Shingo to hear while the demon lord was preoccupied fighting the massive robot. "Tell Takamasa to continue blasting no matter what. Konomi and I am going to go in hard and fast. "

"We'll be depending on you to get us out and back in when Taka's blasts come in." Konomi said as Shingo nodded along.

Just then, Shingo noticed Satsui grab hold of one of the mech's arms and rip it from the body. Shingo melded back down into the shadows again. With a swift kick to the center of the mech, Satsui shattered the chassis of the machine. Asuka pulled a lever and ejected as her armaments broke into pieces in front of her. Shingo made it just in time to snatch her out of the air and pulled her into the shadows. With her mech suit destroyed, Shingo placed her slightly further away and out of potential harm's way.

"ENTROPY!" rang out from Takamasa as a red hazy cloud formed in a cone in front of him as an acidic mist burned and melted everything it touched. Demon Lord Satsui's skin blistered slightly as she wafted her hand, deflecting the majority of the mist away.

"NOW!" Yuki announced as she and Konomi sprung into action.

They closed the distance quickly so as to not allow their adversary time to react. Konomi screeched and hissed as she let forth another shower of attacks. Yuki grunted with each swing of her sword. The pair coordinated their attacks well. One would attack high while the other attacked low. The assault came at blinding speeds and brutality, but the demon lord deflected or dodged each attack.

"ENTROPY!" rang out again as Takamasa unleashed another spell toward Satsui.

Shingo appeared from the shadows. He snatched Yuki and Konomi up and pulled them back into the darkness as Takamasa's burst of electricity rippled across the ground and struck his target from her feet. As Satsui impacted the ground, Shingo shoved the pair of fighters back from the darkness to continue their assault. Satsui smacked her hands on the ground with such force that it shot her to her feet. She became more and more furious and decided that it was time to properly fight back. The demon lord cracked with energy as she retaliated for the attacks. She sent punches into Konomi which launched the girl away from the fight. Konomi hit the ground hard and went limp.

"NO!" Takamasa screamed as Yuki continued to attack with what strength she had left.

Snapping her head to look at Yuki, Satsui unleashed a single powerful blow which shattered the young leader's shield. Bits of the shield disappeared as it broke away and floated into nothingness. The strike was so brutal and forceful that it knocked Yuki to the ground.

"ENTROPY!" Takamasa called out again, but unlike before the demon lord was ready this time.

Shingo popped out of the shadows to try and snatch Yuki from the danger.

As soon as the man appeared, Satsui called out, "LIGHT!"

A blazing ball of light flashed into existence illuminating the area and removing all shadows in the area. She grabbed Shingo by the neck as he had nowhere to escape to and smashed him into the ground disabling both members of the support group as Takamasa's spell reached the area. A spark as if from a roman candle skittered down from the sky and landed directly next to Satsui and the other members. Only a moment later, an explosion blasted Yuki and Shingo in opposite directions. Their unconscious bodies slid to a stop thirty feet away. Asuka, having been dropped a slight distance away ran toward Shingo to check on him.


She snapped her gaze toward Takamasa and she waved her hand to which he flew, uncontrollably, from the fight. His body smashed against the leg of the tower with a loud thud and he ricocheted and bounced to where he ultimately landed on the ground, grievously injured.


Yuki awoke from Satsui's angry scream and struggled to climb to her feet.

"Did we lose?" Yuki thought to herself. "Is this the end?"

"I'LL START WITH YOU!" the merciless demon lord said as she slowly approached Yuki.

Satsui reached down, grabbed, and lifted the young leader by her hair. Shocks of pain shot through Yuki as she struggled helplessly against the might of her attacker. Tears were streaming down her face.

"I can't." Yuki thought to herself. "This really is the end. Just like Inori. Just like Ichiro."

"He...lp" Yuki sputtered and coughed blood as she tried to call out. "H...el...p...us"

The avatar of pure evil opened her clawed hands ready to swipe and cut Yuki's throat when a loud thud sounded. Yuki hit the ground hard, dropped by Satsui. The armored girl looked up to see that the demon lord was no longer standing there. She glanced around to see what had happened. A line was cut into the ground where the demon lord had slid having been hit by something hard which knocked her from her feet and a massive hammer was half embedded in the ground next to her.