
The Isekai Support Group

In a world where the idea of an Isekai is reality, what happens to those taken away when they come back? Adapting to modern society would be hard enough after leaving for two or three years. What would happen if they were gone for even longer? How would society view them? What could go wrong? Half darker slice-of-life and half urban isekai fantasy,

SaltyHermit · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
46 Chs

Discovering the World

To the rest of the world around him, Ichiro hadn't changed much. The only significant change that was visible was that the color of his eyes shifted to a bright red. He was simply another random man who had stopped before a crosswalk, got lost in thought, and stared off into the distance. He had only stood there for a couple minutes.

To Ichiro, however, everything had changed. In that short time, he had lived for thousands of years in another world. Countless experiences and adventures swam through his head. More than a million days and nights imprinted themselves on his mind. With that, the world around him began to come back to light.

"What is going on?" Ichiro exclaimed unsure of where he was or what had just happened to him.

Seemingly lost, Ichiro looked around at a world he didn't know. He began to slowly walk, confused at everything he was seeing. It had been so long since he'd seen structures like this, they were like a long forgotten memory of childhood. Lost in a world he didn't know anymore, passing through a city he had forgotten even existed, he wandered the streets aimlessly but ultimately sure of himself. Any cars passing him brought surprise as he'd never seen a beast or monster like them nor as plentiful before.

"These beasts seem to ignore me" he said as some cars passed by, engines rumbling.

Ichiro began to pat himself down realizing his armor and weapons were missing.

"Is this some final attack enacted upon me?" Ichiro pondered out loud as he paused and looked up at the sky. "I don't know these stars or creatures. Did she send me someplace far away so she could continue her reign of terror?"

Only partially understanding his situation, he chose a direction and began to walk. Learning as much as he could about the world, he quickly studied everything as he passed. He could see a much busier area far in the distance. There seemed to be a larger gathering of people.

"There seems to be some sort of celebration." he said as he approached the well lit area, bustling with life.

The main road he approached was busier than normal. There were bars and food stalls littering the area.

Paying close attention to everyone, he thought, "How are there no elves or dwarves or demi-humans here? This must be a uniquely human city."

As Ichiro was deep in thought analyzing the scene unfolding before him, a drunken businessman stumbled by, bumping into him.

"Watch where you're going!" the business man slurred.

Ichiro, didn't respond, but rather just looked at the man. His lack of response seemed to anger the drunken man.

"Oh, you think you're better than me? You want to start something?" the drunken man spit out as he spoke.

Ichiro reached up and wiped the spittle mist from his face and stared back at the obviously insulting, middle aged man. Staring into his eyes, the drunken man noticed the red eyes peering back at him.

"Ah, I see. You're one of those pathetic lying moochers." the businessman insulted.

"Oh, I'm a whiny baby. I need to be special because I have red eyes. I went to another world." he continued in a mocking tone as if he was speaking for Ichiro.

"Look, I have no idea who you are or what your problem is, but you're an embarrassment to yourself." Ichiro replied to the man without breaking his stare that was stabbing holes in the drunk.

Reeling from his words, the mid-forties businessman threw a punch at Ichiro's face. Ichiro was ready for it. He knew the power he holds. Speed beyond what this man could comprehend. Strength enough to end this middle aged man with a single punch. Completely sure of himself he tried to dodge and failed. The punch connected. Pain coursed through Ichiro's face.

The drunk swung his briefcase hitting Ichiro again and again. He couldn't understand why his body wasn't reacting like he knew. Ichiro tried punching back, but the man grabbed him and threw him to the ground.

"Why do the punches from this drunk hurt so much?" he thought as the man continued his onslaught. "How could I not have dodged that?"

Ichiro curled up in a ball on the ground and the man continued hitting and kicking him. Kick after kick and punch after punch landed. Other people had gathered around to watch the fight which made, a short distance away, two police officers see a commotion. The two officers moved to investigate. Seeing a man, curled on the ground and getting beaten, they moved to stop and detain the drunken man. Easily overpowering him, the officers got him away from Ichiro.

"Are you okay sir?" one of the officers questioned Ichiro while the other sat the drunken man on the curb.

Ichiro, battered and bruised, struggled to his feet. Even with the help of the officer, the pain coursing through him made him shaky.

"Thank you, for your assistance" Ichiro said with a bloody nose and a black eye starting to form.

"FUCK THAT RED EYED PRICK!" the drunken man slurredly shouted.

"Red eyed?" the officer queried as he got a better look at Ichiro.

Ichiro drooled some blood onto the ground and then looked back at the officer. Once he saw the red eyes peering back at him, his mannerisms and posture shifted.

"What happened here?" the officer questioned.

Wiping blood from his face, Ichiro answered, "As I was walking by, the man bumped into me and started yelling. Then he attacked me. I'm sure any of these people around can confirm that's..."

The officer cut him off with "Why would he just randomly attack you?"

"I'm assuming because he was drunk" Ichiro quipped back.

"Are you back-talking me red eye?" the officer challenged.

Even more confused, Ichiro questioned "What?"

The officer with an even more authoritative tone "Don't what me! I bet you tried to attack that poor drunken man and he simply defended himself."

The other officer who was dealing with the drunken man, heard what was transpiring and called for their commanding officer of the radio to come to the scene. Inspector Haruki wasn't far, and based on the voice tone coming from the radio, he hurried to the scene.

"You're lucky we don't arrest you!" the officer exclaimed.

"What are you even talking about?" Ichiro wondered out loud.

"If you know what's good for you, you'll shut up" the heated officer yelled.

"What do you think you're doing?" Inspector Haruki said sternly, his booming voice overpowering the situation.

Taken aback at seeing his commanding officer, the policeman bowed slightly and let out a "Sir!"

Attempting to explain everything happening, the officer began to talk, "Sir, we arrived on scene and this man was assaulting the businessman over here. We separated them and..."

Cutting off the lying officer, the inspector cut in with "I think you need to shut your mouth. Right now."

The officer stood there, with the look of a child being scolded by his father. Inspector Haruki continued staring him down. After a few seconds, the officer diverted his eyes away.

"There is no room for your personal feelings in law enforcement. If you're going to act like that then I will accept your resignation at any point." Haruki continued before being interrupted.

"Sir" The voice of the other officer who called him over the radio meekly caught his attention.

The inspector looked to the other officer, then back at the situation and sighed letting out a slight chuckle.

"You're absolutely right" Haruki said out loud. "Now, let's see what's going on here."

Haruki looked to Ichiro, his eyes, darting across his body to assess each detail. Ichiro had a battered face and at least one obvious footprint on his shirt. This boy was roughly 5'8 or 173 cm. Ichiro looked roughly 150 lbs with an average build. Finally, the inspector noticed Ichiro's eyes, but without the disdain the others felt.

Bruised and bleeding still, Ichiro apologized "I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I was simply walking and wasn't able to defend myself."

Haruki looked to the drunken businessman. He was falling asleep while sitting on the curb. Assessing more, the inspector saw the bruised knuckles and profuse sweating that comes from rapid physical exertion.

Taking in and letting out one deep breath to calm himself and focus his mind, the inspector looked back at Ichiro before asking, "Are you injured?"

"Only slightly. It will heal." said Ichiro

"Do you want medical attention or would you like to press charges against this man?" Inspector Haruki continued.

"I don't know what you mean. I wouldn't like to press anything against him. I would continue on my way if that appeases the situation." Ichiro answered with seemingly no emotion in his voice.

The inspector let out another sigh before reaching up and squeezing the bridge of his nose slightly.

"How long have you been back?" The inspector asked.

Ichiro puzzled for a moment before responding, "I don't know what you mean by that either."

At this point, the inspector had a decent grasp of the situation. Understanding Ichiro was no threat, lost, and confused, the inspector told the officers to take care of the drunken man. Because he would personally handle Ichiro.

The two officers woke the drunken man, placed him in handcuffs, and began walking him to the police box. Ichiro and the inspector stood there and watched as the three disappeared into the crowd.

"Now, I don't believe I introduced myself. I'm sure this is all new to you so I'm Inspector Haruki. Those two and I are...how can I put this. Do you know what city guards are?" Haruki said.

Ichiro simply nodded to confirm he did.

"Well, we're something like city guards. My name is Haruki Hanma."

"I am called Ichiro"

"Do you have a second name, Ichiro?"

"I am known widely as Ichiro the Breaker. I inherited my teacher's title when she ascended." Ichiro stood up slightly, seemingly proud of his accomplishment.

"No, I mean a family name or something like that." the inspector queried.

"I don't know what you mean." Ichiro shrugged.

"Well, that's okay for now." The inspector mumbled. "You said you would leave the scene and before that you said you were walking."

"Yes, I would like to continue on and maybe find the guild or a barracks" Ichiro said.

"Ah, a guild. I might be able to help you find something like that if you'd be willing to accompany me there." Ichiro said.

"After my previous interaction, I appreciate any assistance." Ichiro said with a small smile.

Haruki calmly walked away from the scene motioning for Ichiro to follow along. With that, the two walked off into the night as Inspector Haruki pulled out his phone.