
The Isekai Archive (Story One): I am NOT The Queen

Suddenly, her life has changed. There was no warning and she is now a Queen in another world. She is just a high school girl with no experience in becoming a Queen and fulfilling her duties. What will she do now?

Just_Gurang · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Prologue: Without Warning

It was just another ordinary day at Fujimoto Academy for Young Ladies, who had just returned from a skiing trip in Wonsan. The food was great, but why even bother going to Korea to ski? Niseko had plenty of snow to ski down. However, Akiko's father wanted to go because his friends were having a birthday party at a ski resort. Her mother urged her to follow her father as a caretaker. Akiko didn't mind because she was given a credit card, so it was worth it.

As the afternoon passed, Akiko was in her favorite spot in the library, reviewing a book for a test the next day on the topic of "How the Mongols almost conquered Japan." She was bored, super bored, and sleepy when she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her head. She blacked out, her body collapsing onto the floor as she hit her head on the edge of the table.

When Akiko came to, she felt a wet sensation on her nose and realized that she had been cannot move her entire body for some time. She tried to sit up, but found herself unable to move. It was as if her body was being pulled by an unseen force.

"H... e.. l... p..." Akiko managed to utter a word, but she was still falling. Her perspective shifted and she felt as if her life was no longer in her control.

Akiko tried to cry out, but her body wouldn't respond. She was sucked through an endless hole, tumbling, spinning, and falling through a sea of colors and lights.

When Akiko finally landed, she felt her body splash on the water. As she touched the water, her consciousness snapped back, and now she found herself in a strange and exotic world, completely unlike anything she had ever seen before.

"Haa!!" Akiko screamed and looked around in confusion. She was standing in the middle of a vast, open plain, surrounded by rolling hills and tall, green grass. In the distance, she could see a dense forest and a shimmering lake. It was a beautiful and peaceful place, but she had no idea how she had gotten there.

Akiko's knees were trembling as she tried to get her bearings. She suddenly heard a commotion behind her. She turned to see a group of knights riding towards her on horseback, their armor shining in the sunlight. They stopped a few feet away from her, dismounting and bowing low before her.

"Your majesty," one of the knights said, his voice filled with reverence. "We have been searching for you for weeks. We are overjoyed to have finally found you."

Still not recovered, Akiko stared at the knights in shock. "Your majesty?" she repeated, not understanding. "What are you talking about?"

The knight looked at her with a confused expression. "You are Queen Akiko, the rightful ruler of this kingdom," he said. "We have been searching for you ever since you disappeared from the royal palace."

Akiko's jaw dropped. Queen? She was just a normal high school student from Japan! How could she possibly be a queen? She had no idea what was going on, but one thing was clear: she was way over her head.