
The Irregular Specialist

There's something beside human in this world. Ghost, Vampir, Werewolf, etc. They are exist. But they are not from this World. They from another world. There's no problem if they just want to stay in this world, but not all of them want to live in peace. There's also group that want to harm innocent people, because of their instinct or maybe they just want to.

Integra6 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 4

Liss Parker's behavior is strange lately.

Even when she meet her classmate, her friend, her best friend, her teacher, or her parents, she ignore them when they talk to her.

I, Charla, when hearing this rumor about her behavior, figured that Liss is somehow involved with Irregular. After so many encounter with Irregular after i met Atris Aqua, i know that kind of strange rumor mostly involves Irregular. So i talk to him about it and he agree to help me. If it involve Irregular, usually he Will agree about it. Since it's his job to solve that kind of case.

I met him 2 years ago. Well, because of something, i ended up working for him. I also have a debt to him, its also one of the reason. But i didn't get payment because of that debt. But at least when i ask coffee to him, he make me one. His home Made coffee is good. He also often treat me for food, so it's not that bad. When my debt is clear, i can do what i want, but to be honest, i don't want to leave 'this world'. No, its not like he Will kill me if i choose to not work for him. He just gonna erase my memory about him and the stuff related to Irregular. I don't know if i can live normally after that though.

Right now i was on my way to Atris's place after asking Liss's parents about their daughter. I got a little useful information about her. Like how she usually act, what her favorite food, what place she likes, and etc. Yes, it is useful information because right now we searching for her location. Even if she not in one of the location that i get from her parents, we can still minimize the area when we search for her. It's too complicated, but it's necessary. I also asking around to her friend or her neighbor just in case.

When i in my way to the school, where he supposedly there, i saw him walking with a girl entering a family restaurant. I know that girl. Whenever there's this kind of rumor, she always get herself involved in it. Seems like this time she do it again.

Without wasting my time, i also enter the family restaurant to talk to them. I also hungry, so maybe i Will ask him to treat me some food.

"Atris." I call him.

"Oh, Charla, how's it?" When he answer me, he move a bit to the side so i can sit beside him.

"Yes, i got some place that she might be use for hiding spot."

"Oohh, nice."

"Ummm…." Marsha, the girl in front of me who eating her food this whole time, looking at me with questionable face.


"You are Charla Hall, right? From class 2-A."

"Yes, you know me?"

"Well, yeah. You are quite popular, you know? You are in top 5 grade in the school. You are also beautiful. There's even a fan-group who idolize you, you know?"

While she said that, i order food and coffee.

"Popular, eh." Atris said with smile on his face while looking at me, "Also, a fan-group?" And then he laugh.

That makes me annoyed so i kick him on the leg.


"And you are?"

"Ah, my name is Marsha Gray. 2nd year like you and from 2-B. So, what is your relationship with Mr.Aqua?"

"Well, because a lot of thing, i ended up working with him."

"A lot of thing, huh." She glare at Atris.

"No no no, its not what you think, ok? Our relationship is healthy. It's not like what you think."

"Hemmmm." She still glaring at him.

"Anyway, Charla, let me hear your report." He try to change the topic.

"Yes." My food is arrive, so before i tell him my report, i decided to eat first.

After we finish our food, i tell him the place that probably she use for hiding spot. But i didn't tell the detail for now since Marsha still with us. If she know about it, i bet she Will go there by her own even if we say no.

Also, i don't know why he ask me to tell the report in here, right now when Marsha still here. It's definitely better to report it later when we alone. But I think he has his own plan.

"Library, Shrine, and abandoned amusement park, huh."

"But why Shrine?" Marsha ask.

"It seems she is a religious person. So she often go there for prayer or just spending her time when she have trouble. The amusement park seems like her favorite place. She go there when she is a child and since then she like that place. Even after the place is closed, she often trespassing. Well, since the CCTV also not working, she never get caught until now."

"So, the most suspicious one is amusement park, huh."

"But there's also a chance that she go to the Shrine."

"Yes, but the chance is low. It's a Shrine, so of course there Will be a lot of people who visit it."

"Hmm, you're right."

"So, you guys gonna go to this amusement park?"

"Yeah, maybe tomorrow. It's already late today. And since the amusement park is already closed, i doubt there Will be a light in there."

"Can i go with you guys?"

"No, not happening." I said instantly.

"But why? You guys just gonna searching a person right? There shouldn't be any danger."

Right, even though she believe about Irregular, she don't know them yet. Well, actually she already 'know' but we already erase her memory about it. But with my instant answer, she probably feel something is wrong. She probably think i hide something from her. I'm to hasty answering her question since i don't want innocent people involved.

"But you said that she is doppelganger right? If it's true then it Will be dangerous." Atris said.

"And you also said that is a nonsense."

"And you also still have school tomorrow, right? Are you planning to skip school?"

"But what about Charla, she also have school tomorrow."

"Of course she won't come. She is still a student. And her duty is to go to school. I'm planning to go there tomorrow since it just searching a person."

"Ck." She just clicks her tongue.

I'm glad Atris cover me. With this her suspiciousness should be gone, but i'm sure not all of them. And I doubt she Will just sit quietly. We need to solve this case as soon as possible before she gets involved again.

"Anyway, let's go back to our own house. We can accompany you until you go home, Marsha. It's also to make sure you don't go somewhere else."


After that, we take Marsha to her house. We talk a bit but she often try to dig Information about Liss from me but of course i didn't give her any hint and just change the topic. Knowing i Will not answer her question, she finally give up.

After we take Marsha home, i ask him a question that still in my head.

"So, why you make me report it right there when Marsha still with us?"

"Well, just in case."

"In case what?"

"You'll know."

"Haaahhhh, you always like this."