
5 : Entrance Examination: First night (3)

Currently, Elizabeth and her followers were heading toward Mt. Run, their next destination. Meanwhile, Balor was thoughtfully analyzing how to defeat the remaining Kobolds without taking excessive risks. The other examinees were panicking, running away from the Kobolds in a desperate bid for safety.


Five Kobolds were on the loose, and one of them had already been killed by Balor. Roughly 30 examinees had been eliminated from the examination. Balor was strategizing on how to defeat the remaining Kobolds all together, but he was also hesitant, knowing this was a risky situation. He contemplated running towards Mt. Run instead. However, he was certain that the Kobolds would seek revenge for their slain comrade. Thus, not taking any action or running was not an option.

From a distance, Balor observed other examinees racing towards Mt. Run, hotly pursued by Kobolds. Yet, they displayed unwavering determination, as if their lives depended on reaching the mountain.

Balor's mind raced with possible strategies. He knew he had to act swiftly and decisively. With Elizabeth and her followers moving ahead, he couldn't afford to let the Kobolds wreak havoc among the remaining examinees. The situation demanded both courage and cunning.

Balor's eyes scanned the surroundings, noting the positions of the remaining Kobolds and the fleeing examinees. He took a deep breath, steeling himself for the challenge ahead. It was time to turn the tide and ensure the safety of those who remained.


"Balor, if you want to gain friends, you should go with a good approach. Try saving them when they are in danger or something like that. They might feel indebted to you and then they'll want to be your friends. Because one life saved equals one life owed," Arthur had reminded Balor while he was still studying in the library of Arthur's mansion.

Though that friendship might start out of a sense of indebtedness, it can evolve into something deeper. Once people begin to treat the relationship not as a way of repaying the person who saved them but as a genuine bond, the feeling of indebtedness will completely disappear. Over time, as they spend more moments together, that initial sense of obligation will transform into true companionship and best friendship.


Balor smirked as he recalled Arthur's words. With a determined glint in his eye, he jumped down from the tree. Moving swiftly, he peeled the fur from the Kobold he had taken down, intending to use it as a makeshift cloak shield. The coarse, dark fur would provide some protection, and it might just give him the edge he needed to turn the tide against the remaining Kobolds.


Balor sprinted towards the other examinees who were being pursued by the Kobolds. As he closed the distance, he slapped the cloak made of Kobold fur against one of the pursuing creatures. The Kobold let out a scream of pain, as if struck by hard metal. The howl of agony quickly turned to a roar of rage as the Kobold saw the fur of its kin in the hands of their prey.

The sight of their fallen comrade's pelt ignited a savage fury within the pack. It was an unmistakable indicator that one of their kind had been killed. As the other Kobolds heard the scream and saw the fur, they too were consumed by a murderous rage. Their eyes burned with killing intent as they started to sprint at full speed, their focus entirely on Balor.

The examinees, seeing the sudden shift in the Kobolds' attention, felt a momentary relief mixed with terror. The Kobolds' bloodlust was now squarely directed at Balor, who had drawn their ire by displaying the fur. Balor, however, remained undeterred, his mind racing with strategies to leverage the Kobolds' fury to his advantage.

Balor stood his ground, waiting for the other Kobolds to charge at him. He had fashioned a makeshift suit of armor from the Kobold fur, covering his entire body. The remaining fur was wrapped tightly around his sword, increasing its durability though it did nothing for its sharpness.

Knowing that Kobold fur could deflect a sword, Balor had devised a clever strategy. He realized that using the fur to cover his sword would effectively turn it into a club, its strength derived from the same material that protected the Kobolds. This improvised weapon, though blunt, was tough enough to withstand the Kobolds' defenses and deliver powerful blows.

The Kobolds, enraged by the sight of their kin's fur, charged at Balor with murderous intent. Balor braced himself, gripping his newly fortified weapon tightly. As the first Kobold lunged at him, he swung his fur-wrapped sword with all his might. The impact was immediate and powerful, sending the Kobold reeling back with a howl of pain.

Balor's strategy was working. The blunt force of his makeshift club, combined with the Kobold fur's toughness, gave him an edge in the fight. With each swing, he aimed to incapacitate rather than slice, using brute strength to overcome the Kobolds' natural defenses.

As the other Kobolds closed in, Balor moved with calculated precision. He sidestepped attacks, countering with heavy blows that exploited the weak points in their lower bodies. The Kobolds' rage made them reckless, and Balor used this to his advantage, systematically wearing them down.

The examinees watched in awe and terror as they saw Balor, standing alone against four Kobolds, creatures known for their formidable battle intelligence. Despite the odds, Balor held his ground with unwavering determination.

The Kobolds, driven by fury and desperation, launched relentless attacks at him. Yet, each time they lunged, Balor's improvised weapon met them with a powerful blow. The fur-wrapped sword, now a makeshift club, struck with enough force to send the Kobolds reeling.

The examinees were captivated by the sight. Balor moved with a blend of grace and raw power, his every strike calculated to exploit the Kobolds' weaknesses. The Kobolds' intelligent maneuvers were rendered ineffective as Balor's strategy and sheer tenacity turned their aggression against them.

Despite their numbers and cunning, the Kobolds were unable to breach Balor's defenses. With each failed attack, they grew more desperate, their movements more frantic. Balor's resilience and innovative use of their own fur against them created a scene of raw, brutal defiance.

As the battle raged on, the examinees could see the tide turning. Balor's solitary stand against the Kobolds was not just a fight for survival—it was a demonstration of unparalleled skill and courage. It was a reminder of what one person could achieve with determination and ingenuity, inspiring a sense of hope and resolve among those who witnessed it.


In the reception office, where the headmasters and other teachers were gathered, they watched intently through a large blue rectangular screen made by magic crystal. The screen displayed a live feed of the examinees as they navigated through the examination. Among them, Balor stood out, his performance surpassing that of his peers.

"Zylas," the headmaster, an elderly man with weathered skin, white hair, and a beard, called out to the observer seated nearby. His voice carried a sense of authority and command. As he also the one who become the top head of the Temple.

Zylas, a figure of quiet observance, turned his attention to the headmaster, his expression attentive and respectful. As the designated observer of the examination, he awaited the headmaster's instructions with a sense of duty and readiness to act.

"Yes, Headmaster." Zylas responde in a appropriate manner.

"Do you know what 'Emotional Manipulation' is?" The Headmaster asked Zylas while stroking his white beard.

"Yes. The Emotional manipulation is the act of provoking someone's emotions," Zylas responded, his voice steady and composed.

"Right. Then let me ask you a question," the headmaster said, his gaze fixed on Zylas and the screen displaying the examination. "How is emotional manipulation applied to those Kobolds?"

Zylas paused, considering the question carefully before responding. "Emotional manipulation could be applied to Kobolds through tactics that exploit their instinctual responses and emotional vulnerabilities. For example, by inciting fear or anger, one could influence their behavior and decision-making process during battle. Additionally, manipulating their sense of loyalty or camaraderie among their pack members could also be utilized to control their actions."

The headmaster nodded thoughtfully, acknowledging Zylas's insightful response. "Indeed, emotional manipulation can be a powerful tool in influencing the behavior of not just humans, but also creatures such as Kobolds. It's important for our examinees to understand the psychological aspects of combat and how to leverage them effectively."

Zylas listened attentively, his mind already considering how to incorporate this lesson into the curriculum for future examinations. As the head observer of the Temple, he understood the importance of preparing their students not just in physical prowess, but also in strategic and psychological warfare.

Zylas's gaze remained fixed on Balor, who was overpowering the Kobolds with both physical and psychological prowess. As he observed Balor's strategic manipulation of the Kobolds' emotions, a sense of both admiration and concern flickered across Zylas's features.

"By killing one of their kin, Balor has effectively provoked the Kobolds' emotions, tapping into their instinctual responses and exploiting their weaknesses," Zylas remarked, his voice tinged with a mixture of awe and apprehension. "Not only has he demonstrated formidable physical skill, but he has also shown a keen understanding of psychological warfare. It's a potent combination."

Zylas's thumb and index finger pressed against his chin as he pondered Balor's tactics. The young examinee's ability to adapt and excel in the face of adversity was indeed impressive, but it also raised questions about the extent of his capabilities and the potential risks involved.

As the head observer of the Temple, Zylas understood the importance of nurturing talent while also tempering it with wisdom and restraint. Balor's prowess was undeniable, but it would be crucial to ensure that he wielded his abilities responsibly and with an understanding of the consequences.

As the battle came to an end, the lifeless bodies of the Kobolds lay at Balor's feet. Panting heavily from the exertion, Balor stood amidst the carnage, his expression a mix of exhaustion and determination.

Observing the scene from the reception office, the headmaster's smile widened as he watched Balor's formidable display of skill and strength.

"That kid will be a terrifying monster when he reaches his peak. Balor De Corich, I will remember that name." the headmaster remarked, his voice filled with both admiration and a hint of awe. Taking a sip of his tea, he contemplated the potential that lay within Balor, recognizing the young examinee's extraordinary talent and potential for greatness.

To be continued.