
3 : Entrance Examination : First night (1)

Balor, standing on starting line. With him the Princess. Elizabeth with a backpack same as Balor but Balor's Stuff was much more than what Elizabeth had.

Balor's bag was containing a few foods than can long last for 3 days and some knives, and also a sword that provides by the Reception office.

From their positions, they can see an imposing mountain shrouded in mist, with a dark, menacing fortress perched halfway up its slope. The fortress, with its sharp, red-lit spires, stands out starkly against the dense, green forest that carpets the lower reaches of the mountain. Tall trees, their branches heavy with moisture, frame the view, enhancing the eerie, almost otherworldly atmosphere. High above, the peak of the mountain disappears into ominous, swirling clouds, hinting at the mysteries and dangers that lie within.

"Also. No need to worry about that, thing in the way. Because that red-lit thing was just a ruined castle that burned by the dragon long time ago. But the fire wasn't still spreading. They believe that flame was, flame of Judgment that's why it doesn't burning anything other than the ruined castle." Behind Balor and Elizabeth who was ready to run from the starting line, Zylas appeared telling a story about the red thing on the mountain before the highest mountain.

"Time Check it's 9:50 AM. There's still 10 minutes before the examination starts." Zylas smiled and leave us alone and gather the other examinees to place themselves on the starting line.


There's only 5 Minutes before the examination starts. The 100 examinees was on their feet now, calming themselves remembering their spell and so on. To prepare themselves for the upcoming struggle they gonna face once the examination starts.

"Remember the rules. You can take down your competitors, use any method but killing on purpose was strictly forbidden." He said with a menacing tone then he added. "Condition to win, is to reach the peak using any method. That's all, May the god of luck be with you all." Zylas gently said to the examinees.

Zylas raises his right arm. A small fire slowly gathering to his hand slowly and steady.

"Fire Explosion!" Zylas shouted as the fire on his hand ignited and shot into the air, flying 30 meters and exploding at a safe altitude where no one would be harmed.

The explosion was the signal for the entrance exam to begin. Distracted by the blast, the examinees sprang into action. The first 95 sprinted ahead at high speed, their bodies reinforced with magic.

Among the remaining five were Balor and Elizabeth's followers, running at a more measured pace. Balor conserved his stamina, anticipating potential dangers such as monsters testing the examinees' strength. Elizabeth, running at the same pace as Balor, had the same strategy in mind.

Some students understood the purpose of the race and ran at full speed to showcase their swiftness to the examiners. They also prepared for any monsters that might appear. However, they were puzzled by the sight of a royal, her followers, and a seemingly random guy running at a relaxed pace, almost as if they were jogging.

Balor, Elizabeth, and her followers were strategically preserving their stamina. In a challenging environment like this, exhausting their energy too early could be dangerous, especially when climbing the mountain. The ability to sustain their energy levels would be crucial for overcoming any obstacles and completing the exam successfully.

After running for about four hours straight, many students were visibly exhausted from maintaining their full speed. However, Balor hadn't even broken a sweat. Elizabeth and her followers, though in better condition than most, were also starting to show signs of fatigue. They could likely run for another hour, but doing so would deplete their stamina significantly.

Elizabeth was still able to keep going for about two more hours with the help of magic, but this would also exhaust her body or it might stressed her body. Balor, on the other hand, had paced himself well and maintained his stamina.

It was still midday, meaning it was lunchtime. Balor sighed as he realized what the princess had been thinking all along. He decided to take advantage of the break and ran over to a huge, thick tree. The tree stood about 20 feet tall. Balor used his legs to run up the tree, closing the range to 5 feet before gripping it with both hands. He took a moment to gather his strength and then jumped up, reaching a large branch.

Settling down on the branch, Balor began to eat some of his food to replenish his stamina.

Elizabeth, observing Balor's actions, was clearly surprised by his agility. Recognizing the wisdom in his approach, she decided to stop and take a break as well. She gathered her followers to strategize.

After a 30-minute break, Balor had maximized his stamina once again. He remained settled on the branch, observing the surroundings that they would need to navigate to reach the first mountain, known as the Mountain of Ruin, as Zylas had mentioned earlier.

"Mount Ruin," Balor murmured to himself, continuing to study the wind flow and strengthen his senses. He heard the sound of water flowing, indicating a nearby river. His focus was interrupted when he sensed that Elizabeth and her followers had also fully replenished their stamina.

Realizing they were ready for the final run of the day, Balor knew they would need to camp on the mountain, adapting to the challenging environment. He noted Elizabeth's and her followers' preparedness, and he mentally steeled himself for the upcoming journey and the night ahead in the rugged terrain.

"If they run now for about three hours, they'll have another hour to make camp and build a campfire in the forest, but it seems the sun might go behind those trees in two hours..." Balor whispered, contemplating their next move.

Running for three hours might not exhaust them entirely, but moving without sunlight could be dangerous. He needed to balance the time spent running with the time needed to set up camp safely before dark.

He considered his options. Making a camp on the ground was practical, but sleeping on the tree branches like a monkey might offer more safety from ground-based threats. Balor weighed the benefits of each approach, understanding that their choice could impact their rest and readiness for the next day's challenges.

Balor sighed and decided to move ahead of the group. He jumped from tree to tree like a monkey, using this strategy to detect any monsters that might be in their path. This vantage point also allowed him to keep a close watch on Princess Elizabeth and her followers.

While they were armed and capable, he knew that the exhaustion from running for another two hours could leave them vulnerable. If their bodies were suddenly stressed from the prolonged exertion, protecting the princess could become a difficult task. Balor remained vigilant, ready to warn them of any imminent danger while also planning his own strategy for the journey ahead.

To be continued.

Note: The examination started at 10 AM. They took a break at 2 PM and resumed after 30 minutes, making it 2:30 PM when they began moving again.