
The Irregular Grimm at Magic Highschool

A boy who lost his lost precious memories fell into a new world, or a fusion a new world. With no idea of his previous life, he has no choice but to embrace this new life in a familiar yet unfamiliar world where beasts walk among humans and magic becomes the evolutions of science. He who walks both these worlds will be an irregular for both worlds. -------------------- So this a fusion of the series, Grimm, and the anime, Irregular at magic high school. The power of the protagonist is based on Naruto cause I am a Naruto fan As for the readers who read my other stories, I humbly apologize for starting a new one before finishing the last ones. It's just that, ever since I got the idea for this one, I couldn't help but think about it, and before I realized, I was planning the storyline. And for people who don't know about Grimm series, I tried my best to keep you guys inside the loop within the story. So you can understand what I am talking about And you don't necessarily have to watch Grimm (though I recommend that series) Disclaimer: I have no rights on Irregular at magic high school or The Grimm series

ITS_ASH · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

Enrollment Arc 15

The next dawn, Shiori-san was moved to Kyoto. Two fuchsbau affiliated with HW came to pick her up. They said they were her friends before she moved abroad and would be happy to help.

Do I trust them because they are sent by HW?

Hell No

Do I trust them because they would rip their own throats if they betray me because of the genjutsu I put on them?


Then, I returned home. I told master I won't be there for training since I would prefer get some proper rest.

Taking the short cut, aka kamui, I got back inside my house.

Before going to bed, I checked the table, the one with futuristic built in computer.

Turning it on, I saw a message Icon. Opening it, it read

Call back when you're back home


Not taking a second to hesitate, I called him.

The glass windows of the house turned black, and the light in the living room turned dim.

The giant TV screen in front of me switched on automatically and displayed the call icon.

After a few seconds, the call connected and Rodrick's face was visible.

"Were you waiting for my call?", I asked and chuckled.

"... Did they leave?", Rodrick asked ignoring my question.

"Yeah, just an hour ago", I replied. "She's alive"

"You still haven't told me what happened. Why is she in a coma?", Rodrick asked.

"She was attacked and almost died. The shock put her in trauma", I recited what I already told him.

"Why aren't you telling me the whole story, Obito?", Rodrick asked, frustrated. "You says he nearly died but there are no injuries on her body. So what happened to her?"

"Rodrick, you have to trust me on this one, please. I can't tell you what happened", I said. I know he doesn't trust me. The reason he moved Shiori-san away was probably because he thinks I was the one who did this to her.

Rodrick sighed. Then said, "you did cause quite the uproar".

"What do you mean?", I asked, puzzled

"The message you sent to the Reapers", Rodrick said with a smile.

"I see word travels fast", I said indifferent.

"It turned quite a few eyes to fall on Japan", Rodrick Commented. "That includes the Royals"

"But that's all they can do", I said.

"Maybe outsiders can only just watch but those inside can make their move"

"You mean the Master Clans?"

Rodrick nodded. "You need to be careful"

"Don't worry, I doubt they'd expect a Grimm to be a highschooler. The Kudo family would be looking for an adult or a female teenage Grimm, since that's the possible age for the Grimm abilities to show"

"But that doesn't mean they would just let it go. You maybe the first grimm with those red eyes but you're definitely not the first male teenage grimm", Rodrick said, "sooner or later, they'd find you"

"Calm down Rodrick, I can handle myself", I brushed him off, "also, why haven't I received any good information regarding that masked attacker?", I said to change the subject

"Only think I got is that they're a group called the masquerades, wierd name, and one set a serial killings in Germany which is suspected to be done my these guys"

"Yes, I blocked the rest of the info"

"...Did I hear you wrong?"

"No. Tobi, take my advice, the Masquerades are completely unknown territory for any of us. They're an anomaly even we have no clue how to handle. So stay away from them"


The next day, I returned to school. The events during my absence were same as the original storyline. Tatsuya beating up kirihara-senpai, the being harassed by the second years and the rumours about him scaring Mibu-senpai. .

It was a relief I didn't influence the storyline too much to change it.

Currently, I am having lunch at the Student Council.

"It has been a while since we last saw you, Tobi-san", Saegusa senpai said

"Yeah, I had some personal issues to take care of", I replied with a slight laugh. I didn't Wanna tell them what happened.

"And are you sure you want ramen during lunch?",Saegusa senpai asked.

"I don't like rice. And ramen tasted way better during lunch", I replied.

"Say Tatsuya", Watanabe senpai called Tatsuya. "Is it true you scared the crap out of Mibu Sayaka from class 2".

"Senpai, I don't think that's something a lady like you should say", Tatsuya replied.

"You might be the only one who treats me like a lady", Senpai chuckled.

"So you're boyfriend isn't a gentleman to treat you like a lady?", Tatsuya teased.

"That's not true. Nao is-!"


Watanabe senpai jumped from her seat, hearing tatsuya's teasing, eager to deny it and me and Saegusa senpai couldn't hold back our laugh.

"Cough", returning to her senses, senpai composed herself and continued, "is it true you intimidated Mibu?"

"That's not the case", Tatsuya denied.

"really? But someone who saw you until said she was blushing beet red"

Soon the temperature of the room dropped and all the food started freezing. Senpai just had to open the freezer door.

"Oni-sama. What is she talking ab- kya", Miyuki asked coldly but was interrupted but was interrupted by a jolt of pain through her forehead by a bottle cap shot by me.

"Watch it! My ramen is turning cold!", I complained.

"You didn't need to hit my forehead for that", Miyuki complained.

"Then you shouldn't ruin my lunch!", I retorted. This was enough to close the freezer.

Grabbing my bowl, I started heating by frozen noodles.

The others laughed seeing our exchange, including Tatsuya. That's a relief. For a second, I was scared he might kill me.

"To use a spell without activation sequence, your ability to rewrite phenomenon is quite strong", Saegusa senpai complimented us. Then she turned to Tatsuya.

"I'm surprised Tatsuya-kun. I thought you'd beat up Tobi for harming your beloved sister", Saegusa senpai was really trying to get me killed.

"He doesn't have any I'll intentions towards Miyuki. I am sure Miyuki gets it too", Tatsuya said.

"And I don't think anyone would mess with Miyuki like you do, Tobi", Watanabe senpai to me.

"I wasn't messing with her", I said in defense. "I just don't like anyone messing up my ramen"

The issue was resolved after Tatsuya explained what happened between him and Mibu senpai.

The remaining of the meeting, I simply listened and let it progress as per the storyline and Tatsuya brought up Blanche.

"How do you know that name?!" Saegusa senpai spoke, alarmed. "That's classified information"

"Not so classified considering everyone in this room seems to know about it", I couldn't help but comment. How is some classified government info became a topic of lunch time discussion among highschoolers?

Whoever classified it sure did a poor job classifying it.

Blanche, the terrorist organization that rejects the magic society. They claim that they fight against the discrimination between status of talented magicians and others. Many who join blanche is also of the same thought.

But people should really know that they aren't against the discrimination, but the lack of benefit they are receiving because of magicians. So they are trying to establish a society where magic is no longer a reality.

At least that is what the Kehrseite believe. But even that is not the whole story.

Throughout the story of Grimm, I came to understand one thing. Every world wide threat faced was related to wesen. While the story only showed Hitler to be blutbad, that wasn't all.

Hitler, Napoleon Bonaparte, Ghengis Khan, they were all wesen.

Wesen have a sense a superiority complex against Kehrseite. Organization like the Black Claw are the wesen supremists who prefer wesen should rule over the Kehrseite. While not all wesen think the same, the sense of superiority many have is undeniable.

So what would they think if the inferior Kehrseiten have access to something like magic?

Magic became an everyday reality but they aren't exactly commonplace. Not all humans can be magicians and this is true for wesen too.

Unless you are a wesen like the hexenbiest, being able to use magic isn't a given. So wesen who can't use magic, or can't weild it effectively would feel threatened by the Kehrseite who can.

That is the essence of organization like Blanche.

Why do I know this?

Because HW is keeping tabs on Blanche as well since Blanche is connected with Black Claw. They were partners they do have many dealings together, since they both fear magicians.

"Nothing positive can come out of trying to cover these things half- heartedly. Hm, I wasn't criticizing the President, it's just that the government's approach is too ineffective."

Despite Tatsuya's comforting words, Saegusa senpai's expression did not brighten.

"...No, it's just as Tatsuya-kun said. Since organizations that view Magicians as enemies already exist, no matter how unreasonable they are, rather than using inappropriate methods to cover their existence, we should bring the truth to light and promote information exchange on both sides. We avoided the direct confrontation — no, we escaped from it." Now, her tone turned self-reproachful.

"That can't be helped."

The liberating response was tinged with a cold tone. "This school is a state-run facility.

With our status as students, despite not being actual public servants, we cannot escape the fact that any school-related activities or student council members are limited by governmental policies."


In a voice devoid of warmth, as if the incoming comment could not be properly processed in the brain, we all stared blankly at Tatsuya.

"...In other words, given the President's position, the only thing you can do is deal with this business in secret."

As she stared at Tatsuya, who looked away, Watanabe senpai bent her lips. "Ho ho, so even Tatsuya-kun has a gentle side."

"But, the one who kept questioning the President was Shiba-kun..." Azusa senpai softly murmured.

Dude acts like someone who doesn't understand emotion and yet he sweeps the girls off their feet. Is that even possible? Seeing this happen right in front of my eyes, I can see why fans call him Godsuya.

Watanabe senpai immediately followed up the attack.

"Bring them down then pull them up by yourself, that's quite the gigolo's trick. Even Mayumi is not immune to such a display. It looks like we can't underestimate Tatsuya-kun."

"W-wait, Mari, don't say such strange things!"

"Your face is red, Mayumi."


The Student Council President and Chair of the Public Moral Committee started going back and forth

During this time, Tatsuya looked skywards with an unreadable expression.

Even knowing that his sister was coldly gazing at him this entire time, the only thing he could do was pretend not to see it.

"Okay... It's about time to return to class. Let's go, Miyuki."

The three of us got up to leave. Since I  was closest to the door, I walked forward but Tatsuya had to stay behind a bit more since Watanabe senpai called him.

I didn't stay for long since it wasn't something I needed typo know. Well, I already knew it though.