
The Invulnerable

Haruki Nakamura was just another normal boy, until he is surprised by a spirit that grants him the power of invulnerability, with this power he cannot be cut, pierced or suffer any kind of physical, mental or spiritual damage, in exchange for this gift. he will need to fulfill the spiritual pact made between that spirit and his ancestor, that pact consists of defeating the spirit Kurogami Oni and all his demons and human servants and his main servant ........ well he also fights against the crime in your spare time.

MiyamotoMusashi213 · Action
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6 Chs

You're Invulnerable.

Ah well, where can I start? My name is Haruki Nakamura, and at the time it all started, I lived in Tokyo, more specifically in Ueno. I lived with my mother, Yoshiko Tanaka. My father, Tatsuya Nakamura, abandoned us when I was about 4 years old. I don't remember him very well; I only have some memory of the smell of alcohol, arguments, and things breaking at home.

Well, in relation to my mother, I don't have much to say. She was not the best example overall. She went out, drank, and always found a new boyfriend to take home. Some were annoying, but the relationship only lasted until they paid the rent. She worked in a beauty salon, so even though we weren't rich, she knew how to look beautiful to attract men.

But back to my story, the crucial point that changed my life was when I was 13:

''Shit, I'm always late on Mondays''

Haruki used to spend his weekend days playing games, reading manga, and watching anything that had violence in it.

"Hey Haruki, could you help me with my garden this afternoon?

Yelled an old lady from the second floor balcony of her house.

''Sure, Mrs. Sato! I just can't guarantee that I'll remember.

Haruki replied as she ran as fast as she could until she reached the school.

Hey Ryota isn't that Haruki? how about we play a prank on him again?

This is Ryota, a typical rich family bully with a serious superiority complex.

"What are you going to do, pull down his pants in the middle of the cafeteria again?" said Ryota.

"Well, you know, this is a classic. At least once a month, we do it to Haruki, and I even write it down in my diary so I don't forget."

''You are pathetic, I don't know why I still let you hang out with me, you have a serious creativity problem''

Everyone in the small group of 4 students makes an expression of submission.

"Come on, I'll show you what a real prank is''

At that moment, Haruki enters the classroom and accidentally bumps into his classmate, Emi Tanaka.

"As always, you're late on Mondays,"

Emi says.

"Yeah," Haruki replies.

"I bet you forgot to bring your lunch again."

"That's true," Haruki thinks to himself. (Well, it's not like I have someone to prepare my school lunch for me. I'm surprised when my mom remembers to go to the market.) "In that case, here you go." Emi takes an extra lunchbox out of her backpack and hands it to Haruki, who expresses joy. "Emi, you're amazing. I even feel guilty for taking advantage of your kindness." Emi blushes and responds, "Oh, it's nothing. It's natural for humans to help each other.""Hey, Haruki, how's it going?" Ryota responds as one of his hefty henchmen devours Haruki's lunch. Haruki says, "Oh, Ryota, long time no see! I couldn't help but notice that your friend took my lunch, although I know we should help those in need, your friend doesn't seem like someone who's starving." Haruki says this while looking at the henchman's belly, who becomes visibly uncomfortable. Ryota then replies, "Haha, Haruki, you always have that sense of humor, but I need to talk to you about something important." Ryota says this while placing his hand on Haruki's shoulder.

Then Haruki replies, "Oh yeah? And what kind of topics would those be?" Ryota says mockingly and ironically, "I don't want to be offensive, but you know that people at school don't really like you. It's no wonder the only person you talk to is Emi. You're not good-looking, and you have to come all the way from Ueno every day. But you know what? There's a girl who likes you!" Haruki's expression turns into surprise as he asks, "Me? Who?" Ryota responds, "Aiko Fujimoto." Upon hearing this, Haruki's expression becomes one of disgust. "Aiko? Are you sure? The last time I spoke to her, she punched me in the stomach." Ryota replies, "Come on, that was three years ago." Haruki says, "That's exactly why I haven't talked to her since then. How can you confirm that this is true?"

"You know, I have my informants within the school," Ryota says. Haruki thinks to himself, "Well, I don't think Ryota would lie about this, especially since he's involving Aiko. He wouldn't lie about someone who could easily take him down with her bare hands." Haruki responds, "Alright, but what do I do with this information?" Ryota says, "That's precisely why I'm here. One of Aiko's friends asked me to talk to you. She wants to confess her feelings for you in front of the entire school today." Haruki thinks, "Wow, despite her being a bit rough, she's actually quite cute. I hit the jackpot." He then says, "Alright, I'll do it. I'll be there on time!" Ryota exclaims, "Excellent! We'll be rooting for you. Now, let's go." At that moment, Ryota and his henchmen descend the stairs in a row. Despite being only 13 years old, Ryota has a paranoia for organization.

At the end of the school day, Haruki sees a large crowd of people with Aiko in the center and thinks, "Wow! In the end, it was all true." However, within the crowd, everyone was whispering, "Is it true what Ryota said? Is the lonely Haruki really going to confess to Aiko?"

As Haruki stood face-to-face with Aiko at the bottom of the stairs leading up to the school, Ryota and his henchmen dropped a bucket filled with urine from the second floor, which splashed onto Haruki's head and splattered onto Aiko. In that moment, a great silence fell over the crowd, which quickly turned into an intense chorus of laughter from everyone present. Haruki's face contorted with intense anger, and Aiko delivered a punch to his stomach, leaving him breathless and falling to the ground.

At that moment, Haruki got up and ran away while Ryota watched from above with a huge smile on his face. Ryota and his henchmen were heading back home and discussing what they had done. "Hahaha, you're really brave, Ryota. Aren't you afraid of what Aiko can do to you?" one of them asked. Ryota grinned and said, "Aiko's father is just another employee of my dad. She can't do anything to me without her father losing his job, haha." One of the henchmen commented, "Man, Haruki smelled so bad that I can still smell it, hahaha." The other added, "Funny, I was going to say the same thing."

Suddenly, Ryota was struck by a powerful blow to the back of his head. Haruki had come for revenge! He said, "You think it's so funny to pour other people's urine, look what I brought for you!" Haruki threw a bag of dog feces at Ryota's head. Seeing his clothes all dirty and smelling, Ryota flew into a rage and shouted, "Hold this damn bastard!" At that moment, the henchmen restrained Haruki while Ryota unleashed a series of punches and kicks. After that, they left him lying on the ground.

Haruki looked up at the clouds in the sky and thought, "Haha, yes, Haruki Nakamura, this is your life. What? Did you think you could seek justice and get revenge? I guess you should already know that resisting is pointless. In this world, there are those who are on top and those who are at the bottom. Trying to change your nature won't help... The best thing to do is to accept it." Haruki slowly got up, feeling the pain from the blows, grabbed his backpack, and headed back home.

However, on his way home, a being from the spiritual realm observed him from the top of a building. When Haruki stopped at a traffic light, he saw a little boy shouting, "NO, ICHIRO! COME BACK HERE!" A small white cat had gotten loose from its owner, the boy, and was running towards the middle of the road just as an out-of-control truck was approaching from that direction. The cat froze in front of the truck's wheels, but before it could be crushed, Haruki grabbed it and held it in his arms. However, that didn't stop the truck from colliding with Haruki with tremendous force, throwing him far away. As he opened his eyes, he saw the figure of the small cat looking at him and licking his nose as a sign of gratitude. With his mind still confused, Haruki wondered, "Ahgh... what happened? Did the truck hit me...? Did I end up in a medieval magical world with various anthropomorphic races living alongside humans?"

At that moment, a large crowd gathered around Haruki to check if the young boy was alright. The boy, who had recovered his cat, looked at him and said tearfully, "Thank you so much, sir. You saved Ichiro." An elderly man said, "Let's see if he's alright! The impact was very strong; he might have some broken bones!" But incredibly, Haruki Nakamura was unharmed, without a scratch, dislocation, or any kind of pain. This left everyone present with expressions of surprise and disbelief, and they exclaimed, "How is this possible? I've seen people die from less than this, but this slender boy doesn't have a single scratch!''

Haruki was confused, he had been thrown and had no fractures? how was this possible? a few minutes ago he had been beaten up, but now he can withstand the impact of a truck? he then picks up his backpack and hurries home.

Haruki opens the door and says, "I'm home," when he hears a slightly disoriented and sleepy voice coming from the kitchen, "Ah, Haruki... is that you? Haruki replies, "Yes, Mom, I'm a little tired, I'm going straight to my room to take a nap." As Haruki walks up the stairs towards his room, his mother says, "Emi's grandfather called, he asked if you are really going to martial arts training today," Emi's grandfather owns an old Dojo, he has traveled all over the east and west and has combined techniques from different martial arts: karate, the various styles of Chinese kung-fu, wing-chun, taekondo, muai thai and jiu-jitsu.

'''' So far I can't think of a reasonable explanation, I don't feel any pain..... I mean, nothing but the pain of the beating I got from Ryota, that bastard."

At that moment, Haruki felt a presence in his room, it was a scary presence, but calm at the same time. He was searching the room when he came across a small humanoid figure in front of him, his skin was snow white, his hair was even whiter, as if he was very old, but he had a childish face with a neutral expression and red details, as if it was a traditional Japanese make-up, He was wearing a kind of kimono that resembled a Greek tunic, this clothing covered his whole body, leaving him exposed only his hands and feet, when Haruki saw it he was paralyzed and did not emit any sound, he stared at that creature, after a few seconds the little being opened its mouth and started to speak, "Hello Haruki Nakamura, please do not be afraid, I am not here to do you any harm" when he heard this Haruki thought "What? that thing speaks my language?" The being stared Haruki in the eyes and did not blink, its eyes were big with completely black pupils, but they did not convey fear, Haruki took courage and asked "Who are you? What is your name?'' the creature replied ''my name is Hikari, I am the spirit of the blessing of invulnerability, I am here to fulfill an agreement I made with your ancestor and the bet I made with an evil spirit'', Haruki looked at the creature, he no longer felt so much fear, he asked ''my ancestor? agreement? bet? what are you talking about?'' Hikari replied ''I know this is a lot of information, but I will explain in detail''.

Haruki sat up in his bed, still surprised at what was happening. The spirit Hikari explained, "Long ago, God created the universe and its dimensions, the earth, human beings, and spirits like me. We served Him, but there was a rebellion and the good spirits fell from their position and became what you call demons, Oni and other human terms. Some good spirits, like me, can offer blessings to humans, the blessings can be of a very wide variety, from communication with animals to flying. Likewise, demons offer these types of abilities, but as curses, requiring the human's soul and some form of sacrifice." At that point, Haruki interrupted and asked, "Do all spirits look the same as you?" Hikari replied, "We and the Onis don't have a physical body, but we can take on different forms. We can appear or become invisible to anyone we want." Haruki expressed surprise, and Hikari continued, "Your ancestor was one of those blessed humans. I granted him the blessing of invulnerability because he had a good heart and thirst for justice, the ideal man to stop Kurogami and his evil servant."

Haruki asked, "What happened between you and Kurogami? What does my ancestor have to do with it?" Hikari replied, "Long ago, a human sought out Kurogami in search of power. In return, he offered his soul and 50 human sacrifices in exchange for power. Kurogami is the demon of power, granting the user financial power, physical power, and any kind of power one can interpret. He would be unstoppable. I could not allow this and sent his ancestor to defeat him. The power of invulnerability makes a person immune to any physical, mental or spiritual attack. However, although he could not be defeated, he also could not defeat Kurogami's servant. But he was able to delay him and thwart his plan. However, Kurogami is sadistic and likes challenges. Among the Oni, he is the worst. He made a pact with his servant, and from his descendants, a new servant would emerge to whom Kurogami would grant power. But to keep that promise, a child had to be sacrificed in each generation of that family." Haruki expressed disgust at hearing this, and Hikari continued, "I did something similar. I made a pact with his ancestor. When Kurogami chose his servant, I would do the same, but only with the one I considered worthy and honorable." Haruki said, "Wow, does that mean I am worthy and honorable?" Hikari was silent for a moment and said, "Well, compared to the other descendants... yes." Haruki showed a disappointed expression, and Hikari said, "Kurogami and I made a bet." Haruki asked, "What bet?" Hikari replied, "It's not important to reveal it now." Haruki said, "Wow, could you explain to me more about how this power works?" Hikari said, "You won't get sick, your bones won't break, you won't get burned even if you jump into the lava of a volcano, your strands of hair can't be cut by anything, and al-" Haruki interrupted and said, "That can't be true. I must be delirious. Did the truck crash leave me like this?" Hikari replied, "The fact that you are alive and intact even after the collision proves what I am telling you." Haruki's expression showed a mixture of excitement and amazement. Hikari said, "Nevertheless, you can also deactivate this blessing, which will turn you into a normal human. If you get injured in that state and reactivate your blessing, the injuries you acquired will follow the normal healing process of the human body." Haruki replied, "So does that mean I am invulnerable to everything?" Hikari replied, "No, you are not invulnerable to aging or death, nor are you invulnerable to the feelings that come from within you." Haruki became excited and said, "THIS IS AMAZING!"

Hikari interrupted Haruki's excitement and said, "I understand that you must be emotional, but I must emphasize that you are not obligated to accept this burden. You can change your mind at any time. However, you must agree to two demands of mine. , the requirements are: 1) Accept the pact to defeat Kurogami, his servant and anyone who serves him directly or indirectly, and 2) Not use his abilities for evil. Furthermore, you can use them however you want." Haruki quickly replied: "I ACCEPT!" And from that moment on, the story of Haruki Nakamura underwent a great change, he was unaware of the suffering that awaited him.

To be continued......


"Haha, that's it guys! Thank you very much for reading the first chapter of this journey. To improve your understanding, I will give a broader explanation of the powers of the Invulnerable: The Invulnerable cannot be hurt, sick, drowned, incinerated , curse, or receive any kind of damage. He is also immune to blackmail and lies designed to harm him, of course, as long as they have the blessing of invulnerability turned on. turned off, the healing process follows the standard human healing process, even after reactivating the blessing. The blessing remains active at all times, even when Haruki is sleeping. If he sleeps with the blessing deactivated, it will be automatically reactivated once he falls asleep. More explanations and curiosities will be revealed in the next chapters. Now go ahead and read the next chapter called 'The Training of the Invulnerable'. See you soon! 😁"