
The Invincible Sect Master just wants to Enjoy Life.

In Progress ...currently writing another book.

Uriel_Oblea · Urban
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Chapter:1 The Lazy Sect Master

Chapter:1 The Lazy Sect Master

What would you do if you had a second chance at Life?

Would you, Perhaps grow stronger and avenge your untimely demise?

Perhaps you'd prefer a different approach and try to Conquer the worlds that exist under the Nine Heavens? Or perhaps...would you try living in peace in some remote corner of this vast universe.

Well I've tried them all! I've been killed and reborn. I've died and Resurrected. I've been plotted against and survived. I've crossed the nine heavens, conquered worlds and ruled over civilizations and now I've reached the peak...the ceiling of power became a god, a creator of world's and rules that make up this galaxy...so, now what ....well, now I've decided to retire and build myself a home in the middle of nowhere...maybe catch on some sleep...or so I thought.

Everything was but a beautiful dream, until she came along, a lone wanderer ...and my first disciple.

Let me tell you a story about me and how my peace was so rudely interrupted.

Everything started a few billion years ago...or was it perhaps a bit longer... I can't remember, any ways I had finished gathering the resources I needed for my retirement you know, livestock, food, porn mags ...cough! Cough! I meant to say door mats.

Whatever...don't judge me, I know you probably hide something yourself, under that tab in your browser that reads ...incognito...yes you know what I mean.

Anyway, back to what I was saying. After gathering resources I traveled the universe searching laboriously for a place to call home.

Until one day I found it. A large stretch of space cleared and void of any signs of life or planets, not even space rocks could be seen into the distance...well at least my godly eyes couldn't see anything as for a human yourself I'm sure you wouldn't be able to see anything. And so I gathered my power and created a star, the star sat on the palm of my hand spinning in place and as I injected it with godly rhymes, the sun got hotter and hotter, burning ever more brighter than the moment before until It could no longer shine brighter. Then I stretched out my hand and tossed the star into the distance and as it flew out of my hand the star became bigger and bigger and bigger, until it stopped, and as it stopped the area of space around my star began to resonate with my creation and it became a sun.

Happy with my work I went to sleep, for creating a sun is no trivial task.

After about a million years, I awoke from my slumber and began to work again I created a planet with the laws of the five elements and compressed the planet not once, not twice, but for a total of nine times reaching the perfect balance between heaven and earth making it a planet which laws were comparable to that of the heavens.

The first layer is on the inside of the planet and the ninth level on the outside, with each level containing its own sky. A masterpiece if I do say so myself.

The rules of the planet were simple. I got the idea for this specific masterpiece from a dungeon I was once trapped in. Where green creatures lived and beasts similar to dragons roamed about leisurely. The dungeon was formed out of a hundred floors each with its own separate world and like all planets, hugged by the heavens,each with its own blanket of stars when it was night and embraced by the warmth of the sun in the day. If it wasn't for the fact that my powers were greatly restricted there and each day brought great disasters I would've loved to take it all away with me.

It's such a pity.

Well, back to what I was saying, the rules of the planet are simple. I'm the owner and everything under the heavens is under my rule, plain and simple, weak creatures and the like are born in the first layer of the planet and mighty figures or those with my permission can stay on the nine level with me.

No other rules after that, my work was almost done, I made a moon and threw it next to the planet and went down to my new home. In all honesty I didn't have to add a moon to my work. But as someone who came from a small planet called earth in my previous life I decided It made more sense to have one, after all most planets had one and it just wouldn't feel right without it.

After I went down, I stomped my foot and the lands began to split, mountains and rivers formed and the land took shape,Then I spread my hands and extended my arms out and green foliage, grass and trees began to be born. After everything was done I couldn't help but let out a laugh. I had truly made a paradise, at the very least it was much better looking than the gardens of those dumbasses from the Heavenly Court.

And to truly enter retirement I let loose of all the livestock and species I had collected for my new home, found a suitable mountain by the river, made myself a grandiose temple that reached into the sky's, made out of jade and gold and other rare metals from all across the Universe and when I was done a made myself a stone plaque,written on it was the words Heavenly God Temple.

"oh lord if I only knew what that was going to cost me."

After that you probably know what happened.

I spent my time reading books, watched some soap operas, slept, ate and fished my time away. Everything was perfect.

My leisurely life continued like this for about a couple billion years when one day as I was sleeping I heard the sound of space tearing apart. For a moment there I thought someone took an interest in my world and was trying to take it for his own, for some reason I was excited at the thought of it, after all, it had been years since I had a chance at a proper workout.

But to my surprise, all that greeted me was a butt.

A tender but well rounded butt was staring at me, directly, to my face! At that moment I had no idea what to do, all that came to mind was centered around that ass in front of me.

Who's that ass?

How did that ass get here?

Why is an ass here?

And many... many more question were forming by the second, after a while I calmed myself down and got to business I walked over to that ass planning to investigate further when I saw it, a young beauty was completely naked laying on the ground in the fetal position, it just happened that from my point of view all I could see was her ass. Although it was common sense that an ass came with a body to beings like myself, creating a talking ass wouldn't be much of a problem. But nonetheless it was still somewhat baffling.

As I proceed to investigate, I noticed the young girl to be unconscious at first I didn't know what to do, but finding no other way, I reached out to grab the girl, i carried her in my arms and brought her to my temple to help her heal and of course I was careful not to cop a feel after all i'm a decent god, definitely righteous,and upright.

And so, without knowing it. My carefree and leisurely life was left behind.