
The Inventory of 20 Traveling Kings, the opening background of Luffy

Introduction: On the eve of the Summit War, a mysterious projection descended on Pirate World. Twenty king-level titles will be publicly selected, starting with [Background King] Luffy. Grandpa is a naval hero, father is the leader of the Revolutionary Army, the leader of the Four Emperors has red hair, and his master is Dark King Rayleigh... As Luffy's background was exposed, other supernovas were numb. We are going out to sea to be pirates, you are a rich second generation experiencing life! ... When the titles of the kings continued to burst out, the world of Pirates ushered in a violent shock! Buggy: King of luck? As expected of me! Shanks: Are you the king of faces? Haha, this inventory really gives me some faces~ Kaido: Wait, what the hell is this, the King of Hundred Disciples? ?!?! Kizaru: How dare you say that I am the master of paddling? slander! This is absolutely slander! Luffy: The background king, the prison king, the harem king, the sit-up king...all these are talking about me? Higuma: Smash the four emperors with a wine bottle, step on the future Pirate king, who is the strongest sailing? Only me Higuma mountain thief king! Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated. Feilu Novel.com's exclusive signed novel: "Inventory of the Twenty Kings of Voyage, King Lufei of the Opening Background"

hybenash · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 26 Luffy's Background Seventh, Uncle Kizaru!

on the projection screen, the picture turns——

fast forward to the Summit war period.


Luffy is running hard on the battlefield.

Passing through the blocking off Marine figure,

Boldly rushing towards the path of the execution platform.

Seeing one of these situation,

not far away, Sakazuki frowned barely.

some can't sit down still.

I saw hot magma rising unexpectedly above his arm.

Slowly walked towards the path in which Luffy was.


He wanted to take care of Luffy himself!


Akainu's footsteps have simply been taken,

A small ice spike suddenly appeared at his feet without caution.

This unexpected situation made Akainu stop.

he turned his head away,

Then I saw Aokiji coming forward from behind.

without any explanation,

Aokiji went directly past Akainu,

approaching directly to where Luffy is.

With a light jump, he rose into the air.

in the blink of an eye, he had already arrived in front of Luffy.

right now afterwards,

a cold air erupted from his body,

a sharp ice blade condensed on his arm.

Stabbed hard into Luffy's left arm shoulder!


Luffy screamed and fell to the ground.

Aokiji walked up to the opponent and pulled the ice blade from his shoulder.

Blood gushed out from the wound immediately.

stimulated by the chill,

It become so painful that Luffy covered the wound and rolled immediately.

[Kuzan: Ah la la~ look, i have never put water on the straw hat boy anymore~]

[Kizaru: Uh~ Kuzan, I didn't expect you to be so cruel to the Straw Hat Boy~]

[Kuzan: Of course, i have already paid off the favor I owed him, and now I have to fulfill my responsibilities as a Marine Admiral. Do you actually think that i will give water to the Straw Hat Boy every time? ]

[Sakazuki: Huh! if you didn't stop me just now, let me take the shot and kill the Straw Hat kid in seconds with a single punch. How could it be like you simply stabbed the opponent's shoulder like this? ! ]

[Monkey D Garp: hiya Kuzan! How dare you actually hurt the old man's precious grandson? ! ]

[Kuzan: Ahem...Vice Admiral Garp, I have no other choice~]

[ Nami: was Luffy attacked by Marine Admiral? Will he be fine? ! ]

[ Nico Robin: Don't worry Nami, from the previous video, didn't Luffy finally get on the execution platform where Ace is? So nothing will happen here. ]

[ Usopp: But that guy Aokiji seems to be going to get real with Luffy this time, how did Luffy escape from the other party? ]

[Monkey D. Luffy: Maybe it's because my future self will become stronger, hehe! ]

The video continues——

After pulling the ice blade out of Luffy's shoulder.

Aokiji looked at Luffy writhing in pain,

With a cold expression, he said in a deep voice:

"Although your grandfather is kind to me, I'm sorry."

"This is the dead end you have chosen as a man!"

After finishing speaking, Aokiji raised the ice blade in his hand high.

Get ready to stab Luffy hard in front of you!


do not know why,

His movements seemed a little slow.

The blade of ice fell slowly,

Little by little, he approached Luffy.

And just when he was about to stab Luffy,


There was a whistling piercing sound.

The movements in Aokiji's hands also paused accordingly.

The ice blade just stopped at a position less than ten centimeters away from Luffy.

Immediately after...

A figure wrapped in blue flames flew rapidly from a distance!

Facing the ice blade in Aokiji's hand, he kicked it violently!

this foot

Directly kick the ice blade off,

Then kicked Aokiji hard in the waist.

Kicked his whole body out!

Luffy was also rescued successfully.

And the rescuer,

Is the captain of the first team of the Whitebeard Pirates—Phoenix Marko!

The screen freezes.

The dense barrage army haunted again——

' Aokiji's peak acting scene! '

'Because I was afraid that Akainu would shoot Luffy and kill Luffy directly, so I hurriedly stopped Akainu and shot myself! '

'In order to let people rush to save Luffy, I deliberately stabbed Luffy first, but the stab did not hurt the vital shoulder at all! '

'Look at Aokiji's last slow falling ice blade, it's almost like being hit by the slow light of the silver fox Foxy! '

'Not only that, when he realized that Marco was coming to save people, instead of speeding up his movements, Aokiji stopped directly, as if he was waiting for Marco to kick him away! '

'snort! Don't talk nonsense, you gangsters, Aokiji Admiral's slow movement is only due to the side effect of using the Frozen Fruit ability, which freezes his own actions! (The dog's head saves his life)'

'Pfft——I almost believed what the upstairs said! '


[Rocks D. Xebec: Hahahaha! it's Killing me! I thought that Aokiji kid was really planning to kill the Straw Hat Boy, but I didn't expect that he was still acting! ]

[Shiki: I have to say, Garp, Sengoku, Aokiji...you Marines are really better at acting than the other! ]

[Kizaru: Uh~ It's dangerous, I was almost fooled by Kuzan just now~]

[Monkey D Garp: Hahahaha! OK, Kuzan boy, you did a great job! It was the old man who wrongly blamed you just now~]

[Sakazuki:? ? ? Kuzan! ! ! sure enough, you guys still let the straw hat kid go, and you even specifically prevented me from doing anything to the straw hat kid! ! ! ]

[Kuzan: Ah la la~ Sakazuki, do not blame me, didn't I attack the straw hat kid? and that i did intend to take his life, but Marco's speed was too fast and his attack was too strong, and i was kicked out before I could react. ]

[Marco: Huh? So I am so strong? How can I be able to kick a Marine Admiral away with one kick! ]

[Kizaru: Exactly! Kuzan, don't quibble, if it were me, it's absolutely impossible to be kicked away by Marko~]

[Kuzan: Kizaru, stop making sarcastic comments there, maybe you will be the next person to be counted! ]

[Kizaru: Uh~ how is it possible? I, Kizaru, am famous for being righteous and hardworking. it is clearly not possible for me to do something like yours to release water to pirates! ]

just when Kizaru said so confidently in the Tiandao chat group.

in the Tiandao projection display.

The session with Aokiji is over.

The screen is pitch black.

Then a line of textual content slowly emerged again.

[Monkey D. Luffy background Seven: Uncle-Kizaru! ]

[Porusalino: (?д?;)...]