
The Inventory of 20 Traveling Kings, the opening background of Luffy

Introduction: On the eve of the Summit War, a mysterious projection descended on Pirate World. Twenty king-level titles will be publicly selected, starting with [Background King] Luffy. Grandpa is a naval hero, father is the leader of the Revolutionary Army, the leader of the Four Emperors has red hair, and his master is Dark King Rayleigh... As Luffy's background was exposed, other supernovas were numb. We are going out to sea to be pirates, you are a rich second generation experiencing life! ... When the titles of the kings continued to burst out, the world of Pirates ushered in a violent shock! Buggy: King of luck? As expected of me! Shanks: Are you the king of faces? Haha, this inventory really gives me some faces~ Kaido: Wait, what the hell is this, the King of Hundred Disciples? ?!?! Kizaru: How dare you say that I am the master of paddling? slander! This is absolutely slander! Luffy: The background king, the prison king, the harem king, the sit-up king...all these are talking about me? Higuma: Smash the four emperors with a wine bottle, step on the future Pirate king, who is the strongest sailing? Only me Higuma mountain thief king! Reminder from Feilu Novels.com: This novel and its characters are purely fictitious. Any similarities are purely coincidental and should not be imitated. Feilu Novel.com's exclusive signed novel: "Inventory of the Twenty Kings of Voyage, King Lufei of the Opening Background"

hybenash · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 25 He Just Wanted To Chat With His Nephew, What's Wrong With Him?

After meeting the Straw Hat group.

Aokiji did not have any special response at first.

He just said he was passing by.

during the period, he also helped a group of civilians who were shipwrecked.

Use your Frozen Fruit ability to freeze the sea,

allowing them to travel to the next island.

but then...

After Aokiji had a brief exchange with Luffy.

but unexpectedly he threatened that it would be better to kill all of them right here.


Aokiji said that even though Straw Hat team has now not yet fully grown up,

but i can already see how tough the other party's group may be in the future.

if you just let it go like this,

The future is sure to bring more trouble to the Marine and the world government.

It was then told to Luffy.,

Nico Robin, new to the Straw Hat crew, is a very dangerous girl.

the other party was offered a reward of seventy nine million Baileys when she was only 8 years old.

over the years, Robin has joined countless organizations, and on the same time betrayed countless organizations.

i'm afraid this time joining the Straw Hat crew,

And only due to the fact after the downfall of Crocodile,

the other party wanted to found a new hiding place.

maybe it won't be long before he betrays once more.

therefore, it is better to kill all of them right here.

[Flying squirrel: Isn't what Aokiji Admiral said quite in line with Marine's position? How could he be said to be the straw hat boy's second uncle by the Tiandao inventory system? ]

[Ghost Spider: yes, have a look at the posture in the video, Aokiji Admiral is ready to attack Straw Hat crew, right? ]

[Dauberman: however if Aokiji Admiral clearly did something to Straw Hat crew, with his strength, how could Straw Hat crew survive until now? ]

[Huoshaoshan: could it be that... Aokiji Admiral in the video is without a doubt acting like Marshal Sengoku before? ]

[Sengoku: ... why did you mention me so properly? ! Huoshaoshan, Don't you want your bonus this month! ]

[Huoshaoshan: (?д?;)...]

on the display screen,

The translucent barrage keeps drifting past——

'Ha ha! look! Aokiji is starting to expose off his performing skills! '

' Aokiji said those phrases, on the one hand, reminding Luffy and others to be a little cautious of Robin, and on the other hand, reminding Robin that your current captain is the grandson of my benefactor, so don't mess with me again. it's a betrayal. '

'definitely, I assume this is also a test for Aokiji for Luffy and Robin and others. On the one hand, it's far testing whether or not Luffy and the others genuinely regard Robin as a partner, and on the other hand, it's also trying out whether or not Robin will betray Luffy and the others. '

'So, Aokiji was lying when he said he was simply passing through. He become obviously worried about Straw Hat group, so he came here to see it! '

'in order to visit his eldest nephew, he even made up so many reasons, I actually cried to death! '

on the projection screen, the video continues——

After talking plenty with Luffy and others.

Aokiji stood up slowly.

prepare to be the first to take Robin's life.

Luffy and the others fought against each other.

but with the terrifying power of Aokiji Marine Admiral.

Going up against Straw Hat crew is honestly crushing.

The 3 main players, Luffy, Zoro and Sanji, have been without difficulty subdued.

immediately afterwards, Robin became frozen into an ice sculpture in front of everyone.

And while he was about to break Robin into pieces,

but it was blocked desperately by the Straw Hat crew.

Luffy even recommend the request to challenge the opponent one-on-one.

allow Zoro and others take Robin back to the ship first.

on this regard, Aokiji did not block.

Then during the duel with Luffy,

Aokiji also without problems frozen Luffy into an ice sculpture.

but he didn't just end Luffy's life.

instead, he sat in front of Luffy, who turned into frozen into an ice sculpture, and had a lot of conversations with him.

another reminder to Luffy that putting Robin on board would possibly spell misfortune for them.

Then, a good way to return Luffy's favor for defeating Crocodile at Alabasta, he decided to allow them to go this time.

After talking, he got up and rode his bicycle faraway from the sea.

The barrage army passed by——

'After Garp and Sengoku, Aokiji has also joined the ranks of cracking down on counterfeiting! '

' Aokiji genuinely broke his heart for his eldest nephew, repeatedly reminding him to be cautious Nico Robin! '

'but why do I feel that Aokiji smiled gratifiedly when he noticed that Luffy and others were willing to go all out to protect Robin? '

'If Akainu knew that Aokiji had a chance to kill Luffy, however he just sat in the front of him and chatted for a while, he would probably be blown up, right? '

'Ha ha ha ha! Aokiji just wants to chat along with his eldest nephew, what is wrong with him? '


[Sakazuki:? ? ? Kuzan! How dare you just allow the Straw Hat Boys go? ! ! ! ]

[ Kuzan: Ah la la~ I said all of it to repay the favor they defeated Crocodile in Alabasta, and the Straw Hat child additionally saved Smoker's lifestyles in Alabasta, we as Marines can't be so unkind, right? ]

[Smoker: hiya! Kuzan, you guys don't use me as a shield! ]

[Sakazuki: Huh! at this time, you all of sudden talked about human relations? ! what is there to talk about with a group of pirates? ! ! ! ]

[Kuzan: i'm different from a cold-blooded and emotionless guy like you. I should pay back the favors I owe to others, no matter what the identity of the other party is. ]

[Sakazuki: Hehe, you better really just want to repay the favor! Now that the favor has been paid off, how would you give an explanation for it if you let the Straw Hat Boy down once more later? ! ]

The video continues——

The time has come after the Enies lobby incident.

Straw Hat crew is happily throwing a banquet at Seven of Waters.

Aokiji appears outside the banquet hall.

talk to Robin through a wall.

Aokiji said,

He allow Robin go in accordance with Saul's will,

I want to see with my very own eyes what the other person's life will look like within the future.

but Robin's wandering experience over the years,

It makes Aokiji think that the other party is like a time bomb that can walk.

And he also noticed that Robin had the idea of wanting to die.

So I wanted to use the arms of the world government CP agency to stop this grievance.

but Straw Hat crew's actions surpassed his expectations.

Aokiji thinks that Robin has finally found a real place to sacrifice,

and that i sense very gratified about this, and wish the other party a good life in the future.

After talking to Robin about this,

Aokiji left quietly again.

It didn't alarm anyone.

And when Garp saw Luffy off later,

Aokiji also happens to be on Garp's warship.

simply watched Straw Hat crew escape without doing anything.

[Sakazuki: Kuzan! ! ! you have already paid off the favor before, tell me, what is the reason for letting Straw Hat crew go unnoticed those times? ! ! ! ]

[Sakazuki: also... So in Ohara, you let go of Nico Robin? ! you need to give me an explanation for this matter! ! ! ]

[Kuzan: Ah la la~ provide an explanation for... i'm able to tell you once it finish editing. ]

[Sakazuki: ヽ(#`Д′)?┌┛〃! ! ! ]