
Chapter 13

When Rachel left Carter's office, Leilani's heart sank. She had so many questions.

How did he meet Rachel? Did it start out as an interview as well?

How long has he known Rachel?

Did he sleep with Rachel? If so, how many times?

Was it an office thing? Did he wine and dine Rachel too?

Leilani left her thoughts at bay and tried to focus on the task at hand: responding to emails. She didn't want her day to be centered around Carter... which she soon realized was kind of impossible since he was technically her boss.

Glenda pinged Leilani's office phone. She huffed, knowing already that it was Carter doing this. "Mr. Vanderbilt would like the letters from the publishing company, now." Glenda spoke into the phone.

"Right on it." Leilani knew what Glenda was referring to. When authors sign with the company, Carter has his assistant type out "personal" letters from him on behalf of the company. He skims through the letters and then signs off on them.