

In a full moon of June 30th, Kata looked up to the moon..

"Why am I not good at anything..? A worthless fool like me should be exterminated for eternity. "

Kata shattered in tears.

"Why..? Why am I not born with a talent or anything good? It's not fair!"

After a moment of sadness, Kata stood up on a slippery stone. For a single moment, he shouted..

"Do your best to hurt me, I will never fall for it again!" He shouted at the top of his lungs as he whimpers slowly in agony.

Slightly unsure of what he said, Kata moved an inch away from the slippery rock and fell down to the ground. He fully regrets the words he swore to already.. Suddenly, a smell of fire has rosed.

Kata immediately stood up and looked for the fire. Then, he saw a trail of smoke from the northern part of Latra forest.

Kata, who is astonished with fear, immediately run to the burning part of the forest, only to see firefighters surrounded around his burning house.

Kata started to shiver in fear when a thought passed through his mind.

"Mom and dad.. I think, they may be inside that house!"

Kata remembered the image of his beloved mother and steel-like father.

With a calm and benevolent voice, Kata whispered in his thoughts, "Mom told me that I shall be home before 8 or I won't be treated for dinner... That's right! She was already cooking the moment I left and my dad was cleaning our backyard before I withdrew from the house."

He made a straight run towards the house, but the firefighters stopped him.

Kata shouted in fear as he expresses a raging look on his face.

"Mom! Dad!"

*Flash back*

February 21,First birth of kata a healthy baby with a perfect smile. The mother and the father were so blessed to have a perfect baby for them.Yet the father was hiding something from his wife.

Kata's father was never sincere to her mother.Having a fake smile from day and night.But his father was just forced to marry his mother for money.That's why Kata and his father never get along.There was always a dull moment between them.

His father needed money for a certain witch.The witch told him that if you won't pay up I will curse you and you will never ever again have a talent or anything useful for yourself.

When kata's father gained a large amount of money he suddenly realised.

"Why am I believing in an old fraud"

He took away the money and hid his family in Latra Village. After years have passed the witch came searching for him and saw their son having a healthy life playing with other kids.

The witch was filled with anger

"This is my revenge for who will cross the path of the witch. You shall suffer for all you've done."

The witch cursed kata instead of his father.Erased his memories and took all his talents and wealth away.

"You will suffer for the debt of your father."as the witch faded in the forest.At a fast paced momentum Kata's father saw how the witch cursed his son Through the glass window of a convenience store.He was shivering in fear..But he can't withstand the scenary, so he did nothing, but made a scared stare at his son.

After the witch vanished. Kata's father rushed to him,but slightly stepped away from his unconcious son.When kata woked up.. He made a blank stare at him.. ,his father whispered.

"Are..Yo-...u Alri-..ght... son."

Tears started falling down from his eyes.

Suddenly Kata tried to stand.But then he felt something piercing in his heart..Until.. He got knocked unconcious again.

His father driving in out of nervousness,screamed .

"Help!!!"but suddenly.. When his father looked around.He saw the witch grinning directly at him.

His father astonished in fear.Whispered.


As he kneels down the ground with falling tears in his eyes.Then suddenly he heard a loud sound at his back and he quickly looked behind.But then He saw nothing only his son lying down the ground. As he glances back at the witch.. It was gone..

Kata's father Dialed his wife for help, as he cries in verging fear

"Lucy..I nee-d your he-lp meet me at the convenience store near The Plaza..HURRY!."

After a long wait for Kata's mother to arrive.His father carried him into the car and brought him to the nearest hospital.

But then his mother was looking so blanked when she heard from the doctor that.

"He lost his memories of the past 2 years, but we have no idea how... were very sorry..."

As soon as time passes their family normally lived a life with kata not knowing about the past.


Fading scenary of Kata's past life,Back into the burning house in latra forest.

In a slow moment of time kata once again felt something piercing in his heart.But as the fire fighters hold him tight.Kata Raged and fought over them as he ran towards back the burning house.

But suddenly..He heard a siren at his left.Kata immediately stopped and went to the ambulance.As he saw his parents having burnt flesh all over them.

Kata shivered in fear..Shatered in tears and kneel down the ground.

And in that moment..

All the red flames that is surrounding him turned to ashes..

As his life turned to a monochrome color in perspective.

He felt empty all over and as he make a blank stare he whispered.

"It's over.Everythings gone.I have nothing left,not a single thing..,I lost it all..I lost all the God damn things in my life!.. Yet It's all my fault. It's my fault.."

After a silent sigh..He fell asleep on the ground.One thought has crossed into his mind. The kind voice of her mother "Kata we love you.."

And as he slowly opens his eyes.He saw a white ceiling and a face of an old stranger.Kata asked in a low tone of voice..

"Excuse me Mister..,Are my Parents still alive?"


"Im sorry son..Please take a rest for now.."

When he slightly closes his eyes.Tears came falling down from his face...

First time writing a novel now i got a rumbled mindset what the hell

Anmlesscreators' thoughts