
Merchants Guild

A Couple Days later...

'I think I've done enough dungeons for the time being Ima head over to buy some new boots'

He traveled to the place of magic and wonders the capital of the players Its name is Camelot the city of legends. This is where most established merchants and trade companies (Groups of Merchants) set up shop selling high value items and consumables for players of all levels .

'Hmmmm those boots look quite impressive I wonder how much gold they go for?' He thought to himself approaching the Trades 'Merchant would you do those boots for 2000 gold I think that's a fair trade'

'2000 g...gold ARE YOU INSANE!' He shouted at him ' I BOUGHT THESE FOR HALF A MILLION GOLD'

'Why are they worth so much is there something special about them?'

'Yes There is something very special about them indeed. During the opening day of the game a group of professionals lead by Simone himself encountered a peculiar dungeon in the wilderness and its name was the dungeon of trickery. Being the proud people they were the carelessly entered the dungeon but just then the door slammed closed and powerful monsters over 50 levels above them and could instantly kill them it still but they still fought the normal and won losing most of the hip on their way. Without warning the boss fell from the ceiling revealing himself to the group and also crushing the player Parker. A fierce battle took place where no one was holding back in even the slightest but the player called minimoto sacrificed himself so the rest could end the monster. These boots were dropped from the boss as well as a mage cloak while Simone wanted the mage cloak no one wanted the boots so they were sold to me and that's the end of the story'

'May I ask a question?' Marcel inquired

'Sure, what is it?'

'If I had known who the supreme deity is would you give me the boots?

'Of course he or she could easily make me money'

In Marcels he contemplated if it was a good idea to tell the merchant his true identity just for a pair of boots and in his mind it most certainly was. His rank was hidden by a player setting so if he disabled it the merchant would be able to see.

'Follow me and I'll tell you who it is'

Marcel lead him to a place no one was and quickly showed him his rank then hiding once more so no one would know.

'N.nn..No w.Way Yo.ou're t.the Supreme deity. I'm so very sorry that I was acting arrogant to please forgive my insolent tongue.'

'Now Gimme the boots


[LEVEL: 126]

[HP: 102327/102327]

[MANA: 93271/93271]

[GOLD: 242,569]


[Elite Soldier Helmet]

[4 Leaf Pendant]

[Supreme Gauntlets]

[Elite Frost Armour]

[Silky Leggings]

[Demonic Boots]

[Ice Kings Great Sword]

[Defenders Shield]

'My gear is looking really good and also sir what's you name?'

'My name is Witty'

'Let's make a merchant guild and become the richest in the game!'