
The Innovator: A CEO's New World to Game

Alexander Cross, a ruthless and cunning CEO, finds his life cut short by a twist of fate. Reincarnated into an advanced world as an orphan, he is stripped of his wealth and power. Now faced with a second chance at life, he must confront his dark past, navigate a society filled with wonders and dangers, and seek redemption in a journey that holds the promise of rags to riches. "The Innovator" is a captivating tale of self-discovery and redemption, where advanced technology meets the complexities of the human soul.

_Blue · Sci-fi
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19 Chs

Further Investigation

As Alexander woke up the next morning, he couldn't help but notice a familiar feeling tugging at the back of his mind—the longing to visit the Nexus. The soft morning light illuminated the room, and for a moment, he considered going to the digital world where he could access information, gather insights, and potentially uncover the truth about his missing memories.

But as he looked around at the cheerful surroundings of the orphanage, with the sounds of children laughing and playing echoing in the halls, he hesitated. The connections he had formed with the orphans were precious to him, and he didn't want to lose sight of the real-world experiences that had become so meaningful.

"Maybe just a quick visit," he thought to himself. "I could check for any updates and then return to the children."

With that decision in mind, Alexander closed his eyes, and in an instant, he found himself standing within the virtual landscape of the Nexus. The familiar network of interconnected data and knowledge stretched out before him, offering countless possibilities.

As he navigated through the digital world, he couldn't shake the feeling of being torn between two worlds. On the one hand, the Nexus provided him with a wealth of resources and information that could aid him in his mission. On the other hand, the real-world connections he had formed were grounded in something more profound—genuine care for the children and a shared desire for a better future.

His mind drifted back to Sarah's words and the way the orphans had welcomed him into their lives. He had made a promise to protect their innocence and uncover the truth, and that promise weighed heavily on his heart.

As he pondered his choices, a digital message from Psi's faction flashed on the virtual screen before him. It was a brief update on their progress, urging him to stay focused and vigilant in his quest for the truth.

But as he read the message, he couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt. He was spending time in the Nexus while the children were depending on him in the real world.

As Alexander grappled with the memories of his past life as a ruthless and cunning CEO, a part of him felt the temptation to distance himself from the children at the orphanage. He believed that caring for them might be a weakness and that his focus should solely be on his mission.

For a while, he allowed his past self to dictate his actions, shutting himself off from the genuine connections he had formed with the children. He believed that showing any hint of compassion or vulnerability would only hinder his progress on the mission.

As he distanced himself, the children noticed a change in him. They sensed the detachment, and it brought confusion and sadness to their faces. The once lively interactions were replaced with an air of formality, and the bond he had built with them began to weaken.

During one of the rare moments when Alexander was with the children, Sarah approached him, concern etched across her face. "Alexander, is something bothering you? You seem... different," she said, her voice filled with genuine worry.

He hesitated for a moment, torn between his past instincts as a CEO and the connection he had formed with Sarah and the other orphans.

"Nothing..." As Alexander proceeds to the library.

Sarah didn't seem entirely convinced, but she respected his response and didn't press further. Instead, she smiled gently and said, "Well, if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here. You've been there for us, and we want to be there for you too."

With a final, reassuring smile, Sarah returned to her activities, leaving Alexander to contemplate his next steps. He knew that he had to strike a balance between his mission in the Nexus and his responsibilities to the children. He couldn't completely shut himself off from the digital world, as it held valuable information and insights that could aid him in his quest. At the same time, he couldn't ignore the genuine connections he had formed with the orphans, who relied on him for guidance and support.

Deciding to take a moment to clear his head, Alexander made his way to the library within the orphanage. The library was a quiet and serene place, filled with books on various subjects and a tranquil atmosphere that invited reflection. It was a place where he could gather his thoughts and find some clarity amidst the complexity of his situation.

As Alexander stepped into the library, he was greeted by the familiar scent of old books and the peaceful ambiance that always welcomed him. He wandered through the aisles, searching for books that could provide insights into the concept of "Haywiring" and potentially shed some light on his missing memories. He pulled out one book after another, flipping through the pages, but none seemed to contain the information he sought.

Frustration started to gnaw at him. He had hoped that the library would hold the key to unlocking the mysteries surrounding his past and the enigmatic "Regulatory Tests." However, it seemed that the answers he needed were not within the physical books that surrounded him.

His thoughts drifted back to the Nexus, the vast digital repository of knowledge that could potentially hold the information he sought. He couldn't deny the pull it had on him, especially when the real world's resources proved insufficient.

Feeling conflicted, Alexander made a decision. He would return to the Nexus, just for a brief moment, to see if he could find any leads on "Haywiring" or any clues related to his memory gap. He rationalized that if he could gather the necessary information, he could come back to the orphanage and devote more time to the children, fulfilling the promise he had made to them.

Closing his eyes, he focused on the familiar sensation of entering the Nexus. In an instant, he was back in the virtual world, surrounded by a vast expanse of interconnected data.

As Alexander stood within the virtual landscape of the Nexus, he took a deep breath and focused his thoughts. He knew that he needed to find answers about "Haywiring" and the regulatory tests, but the information seemed elusive. Remembering Psi's faction's advice, he decided to reach out to the mercenaries and other individuals who might have knowledge about these secretive matters.

In the Nexus, there were various hubs and forums where mercenaries and operatives gathered to exchange information and discuss their missions. Alexander navigated his way to one of these hubs, where he knew he could find a diverse group of individuals with different expertise.

He cautiously approached a group of mercenaries, trying not to draw too much attention to himself. "Hey, I heard you talking about haywiring. Mind if I join in?"

The mercenaries eyed him suspiciously, not accustomed to newcomers asking about such sensitive topics. "Why do you want to know about that stuff?" one of them grunted.

"Just curious," Alexander replied smoothly, trying to sound nonchalant. "There was a recent 'Haywiring' incident near my neighborhood, and I couldn't help but wonder what it's all about."

The mercenaries exchanged glances, seemingly considering whether to share information with him. "It's not something we usually talk about with outsiders," one of them said, still wary of Alexander's presence.

"I understand," Alexander said, nodding sympathetically. "But you see, this incident has left the neighborhood shaken, and I'm trying to make sense of it. If there's any information you could share, it might help me bring some peace to the people there."

The mercenaries seemed to soften slightly, recognizing Alexander's concern. "Look, kid, 'Haywiring' is a dangerous phenomenon," another mercenary chimed in. "It's not just some random glitch in the system. It involves the manipulation of data and information on a massive scale. Powerful entities have been known to exploit 'Haywiring' to achieve their agendas, and they guard its secrets closely."

"I understand the risks," Alexander said, determination in his eyes. "But I'm willing to take the chance to find answers and potentially put a stop to it."

The mercenaries looked at each other, seemingly impressed by Alexander's resolve. "Alright, we can give you some basic information, but you have to promise not to get yourself into trouble. Just talking about this is dangerous," one of them said.

"I promise," Alexander replied earnestly.

"Haywiring occurs when someone with advanced hacking skills intentionally manipulates information in the Nexus," the mercenary explained. "It can lead to widespread confusion and misinformation and even create chaos in certain sectors. The data that's haywired becomes unstable, and it can be tough to discern fact from fiction."

"Is there any way to trace the source of a 'Haywiring' incident?" Alexander asked.

"It's not easy, but skilled investigators and hackers can sometimes follow digital breadcrumbs left by the perpetrator," the mercenary replied. "However, those who engage in haywiring get to be haywired themselves."

"I see," Alexander said, absorbing the information. "Thank you for sharing that much with me. It's a lot to take in, but it's a start."

"Just remember, kid, this is dangerous territory," the veteran mercenary warned. "If you're not careful, you could get caught up in something way beyond your control."

"I'll be cautious," Alexander assured them. "But I can't stand by while innocent people suffer from 'Haywiring' incidents. I have to do something."

The mercenaries laughed, seemingly appreciating his determination. "I was once like you kid, becoming justice and all that stuff. Well, if you're serious about getting involved, there's a meeting happening tonight in an underground digital forum," one of them said. "It's where some of us gather to share information and discuss the latest incidents. You might find more answers there."

"Thank you," Alexander said, appreciating their help. "I'll check it out."

"We've been talking about this for too long now. Bounce, kid," the veteran mercenary said with a dismissive wave of his hand.

Alexander nodded, understanding that he had taken up enough of their time. "Thank you again," he said, showing his gratitude. "I'll be careful, and I'll do what I can to make a difference."

The mercenaries returned to their discussions, and Alexander stepped away from the group. He still felt a mix of excitement and trepidation about attending the underground meeting later that night. The information he had gained was invaluable, but it had also highlighted the dangers and complexities surrounding "Haywiring."

As he made his way back to the Nexus's central hub, Alexander couldn't help but think about the orphans at the real-world orphanage. He missed their cheerful laughter and the genuine connections they shared. The guilt he had been feeling earlier intensified as he realized how much he had distanced himself from them.

As Alexander walked back to the Nexus's central hub, he couldn't help but think deeply about his mission and the choices he had to make. The information he had obtained from the mercenaries was valuable, but he knew that attending the underground meeting that night would come with risks. The danger surrounding "Haywiring" was real, and he couldn't afford to be careless.

As Alexander continued his contemplation, he knew that he couldn't handle the risks and challenges of investigating "Haywiring" alone. He needed the support and expertise of Psi's faction. With a renewed sense of purpose, he decided to reach out to Psi, seeking guidance and offering his assistance.

As Alexander pondered his options and the potential risks of attending the underground meeting, he realized that he needed more guidance and support. He knew that he couldn't navigate this complex world of information and intrigue alone. The memories of Psi's faction and their offer flashed in his mind. They had the expertise, the resources, and the knowledge he needed to make informed decisions and achieve his mission.

With determination in his heart, Alexander decided to contact Psi's faction once again. He accessed the communication interface within the Nexus and composed a message addressed to Psi. He briefly explained his recent encounter with the mercenaries and their willingness to share information about "Haywiring." He emphasized his commitment to uncovering the truth and putting an end to the dangerous phenomenon that was affecting innocent lives.

Alexander typed his message:


I hope this message finds you well. I've gathered some information about 'Haywiring' from a group of mercenaries in the Nexus. They've mentioned an underground meeting happening tonight where more insights might be gained. I'm considering attending, but I wanted to seek your advice and input before making any decisions."

Shortly after sending his message, Alexander received a response from Psi. The familiar digital avatar of Psi appeared before him, and a message popped up on the screen:


I'm glad to see you're taking the initiative and seeking out information about haywiring.' It's a delicate matter, and your caution is warranted. We will also be attending the meeting, but we will scatter out; not many people know about our group. The risks involved cannot be underestimated.

Regarding your proposal for the reward structure, the faction agrees with your suggestion. If you and the team successfully conduct the mission, the reward will be 5 million credits, to be divided equally among the team members, including yourself."

Alexander felt a sense of relief upon receiving Psi's response. Knowing that Psi's faction would also be present at the underground meeting provided him with an additional layer of support and security. They had the experience and resources to handle potentially dangerous situations, which eased some of the burden he had been carrying.

The promise of 5 million credits as a reward for the successful completion of the mission also lingered in his mind. As a former CEO, Alexander knew the value of such a substantial sum. He couldn't help but think about the possibilities that amount of money could bring. He decided to log out.

As Alexander removed the console from his head, the orphans' eyes widened with excitement and curiosity. They had never seen anything like it before, and their imaginations were running wild with possibilities.

"Wow, what is that?" one of the younger children exclaimed, pointing at the device.

As Alexander stood among the children, contemplating what to tell them about the unique console he wore on his head, he felt torn. On one hand, he understood that revealing the truth about the console's function as a gateway to the Nexus could potentially put the children in danger. On the other hand, lying to them went against the genuine connections they had formed and the trust they had placed in him.

"Why are you guys in my room?" Alexander exclaimed with a surprised look.

With quick thinking, Alexander decided to continue with the lie about the console's purpose. He smiled warmly at the children and said, "Oh, this? It's just a special device that allows me to watch movies in a virtual theater. It's like having a cinema right here in my head!"

The orphans' eyes sparkled with excitement, and they gathered around him, eager to hear more. "That's amazing! Can we try it too?" one of the older children asked.

As Alexander saw the excitement and curiosity in the orphans' eyes, he couldn't help but smile. He knew he had made the right decision by allowing them to try the console, even if it meant keeping the true purpose of the Nexus a secret for now. He switched the settings and made the console display an interactive movie, blocking its function to dive into the Nexus.

"Of course you can try it!" he said enthusiastically. "But remember, it's a virtual movie theater, so you'll see the movie in your mind. Just close your eyes, and you'll be transported to a whole new world!"

One by one, the children took turns wearing the console. Each of them closed their eyes, and soon, their faces lit up with wonder as they experienced the magic of the virtual movie theater. They laughed, gasped, and cheered as they immersed themselves in the imaginary world created by the Nexus.

As Alexander watched the children enjoying themselves, he felt a sense of joy and relief. For a moment, the weight of his mission and the complexities of the Nexus faded away. He was reminded of the innocence and simplicity that the orphans brought into his life.

When all the children had taken turns experiencing the virtual movie theater, they gathered around Alexander, eager to share their thoughts and feelings about the adventure they had just embarked on.

"That was incredible!" one of the younger children exclaimed.

"I felt like I was flying!" another chimed in.

"I want to watch more movies!" a third one said with excitement.

Alexander couldn't help but chuckle at their enthusiastic responses. "I'm glad you all enjoyed it," he said warmly. "But still, I don't want you barging into my room without consent. And this console is our little secret; the caretaker will be mad if she sees this, OK?"

As Alexander spent the rest of the day playing with the children, he felt the need to pass the time hanging out with his fellow orphans. Their laughter and innocent enthusiasm brought a sense of joy and lightness to his heart, temporarily pushing aside the weight of his mission.

They played games, told stories, and even had a mini-treasure hunt in the backyard. Alexander did his best to be present in the moment, cherishing these simple yet meaningful interactions. As they laughed and ran around, he couldn't help but be grateful for the genuine bonds he had formed with the orphans.

As the sun began to set, Alexander knew that the time for the underground meeting was drawing near. He gathered the children together and explained that he had to attend to some important matters, but he promised to be back soon.

"Can't you stay a bit longer?" one of the younger children pouted.

"I really wish I could, but I need to study for the tests," Alexander said apologetically. "You guys need to study too."

The children reluctantly accepted his explanation, understanding that he had responsibilities. They bid him goodbye with hugs and smiles, reminding him once again of the impact he had on their lives.

As Alexander made his way back to his room, he couldn't help but feel torn once more. The orphans had become like family to him, and leaving them behind, even for a short while, was difficult. However, he also knew that he couldn't ignore the mysteries surrounding "Haywiring" and the truth about his missing memories. Balancing these two worlds would be a constant challenge, but he was determined to do what was necessary to protect the innocent and uncover the truth.

He went back to his room, made sure to lock the door, and used his Holo device to hide the console on his head, a precautionary measure if ever the caretaker would wake him up as he dived into the nexus.

He put the console on once again, entering the Nexus.