
The Innocence of Murderer

There was a lovely and gifted girl named Cindy, she adored her father since she was a child. Unexpectedly, her father commit sin against her wife, Cindy's mother. And Cindy witnessed that on her 7th Birthday party. While chasing the truth she turns out to be the victim of car accident, the one who hit was her father's mistress. Cindy's dream is to become a cop. She was inspired by her father's dream but she will pursue this dream to prepare revenge. She received criticism and got bullied because of not having a father. When she already studying in High School crime started, all shred of evidence got burnished. Years had passed, she already taking Bachelor of Science in Criminology. She has a tempre that you can tell like she was the murderer. She met the president also the top student of their class named Gamir, she treated him like her rival. Gamir has only one best friend named Jacob, the brother of the first ever victim. Cindy has a bestfriend that she adores the most more than anyone else, suddenly Cindy found out that they have the same father. Yet, crime will prevail, guess who's the one responsible for crimes committed and what's the character of mysterious murderer.

Dark_Athena21 · Teen
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3 Chs

Chapter 3: Unforgettable

The song that Stella heard is from outside of her private room. It came from the speaker that Han is holding.

When the door opened wide she saw Han holding the speaker and the bouquet of red roses.

Stella seemed surprised, she was holding her cheeks while shaking her head. There are tears in her eyes and you'll see the happiness through her tears.

She says she is very thankful and blessed to have a husband like Han.

Han walked close to her, he hugged Stella and suddenly he kissed her forehead.

"As always I said, I'll never leave you and Cindy. I promised from the bottom of my heart" he added.

Stella kissed him too in the lips with passion and you'll see how she was in love with Han.

Other Doctors and Nurses holding a lot of food. There are kinds of seafood, cake, spaghetti, carbonara and Ice cream.

Interns joined as well. Each of them enjoyed their food and was also inspired by what Han did.

Stella's Doctor knocked on the door of her private room. He delivered the good news.

The Doctor is smiling and he asks "What is happening here? Han, you didn't invite me, is it because I slapped you when you were  deeply asleep?"

Everyone laughed thinking that the Doctor would be mad.

"Sorry, I was too excited to surprise Stella, that's why I didn't call you first," Han said while smiling.

"I'm kidding, so how are you, Stella? I'm here to deliver good news myself. Congratulations Mrs and Mr Sandoval you can now be discharged as well as baby Cindy" Stella's Doctor said.

"Why are you all startled? You heard me right," he added.

All Nurses and Doctors are cheering, and saying congratulations for their success and winning their battle.

Stella and Han are very grateful, they say thank you again and again.

They went with their Doctor where Cindy is located, they are happy because finally they can see and hug baby Cindy.

A few hours had passed, Han went back after he paid the hospital bills.

And finally, they can go home and relax as a family in their home.

Han calls for a taxi and they head to their house.

They arrived at their place, carpenters and painters welcomed them and congratulated them as a brave family.

The workers say bye to them because their work is already completed.

Stella thanked them for their hard work while she reached Cindy.

When she opens the front door and says "Finally, we're at home Cindy" she inhales and exhales with a smile on her face. 

Here comes, she's too excited to see Cindy's room. She is in a hurry to go into Cindy's room while Han is giving wages to workers.

She opens the light then "Hey! What's the meaning of this? Han comes here."

She was trembling because of anger. She saw Cindy's room full of gun paints.

Han laughed at the workers and he said thank you for your work, I'll take care of this.

Han runs to Cindy's room to face his angry wife.

"Did I do wrong?" he asked with a confused face.

"Is my opinion a joke to you?" Stella said and she walked out after she dismounted Cindy into her bed.

"What's wrong with her? anyway, I won," he said while winking.

Months have passed, Han needs to find a stable job for their daily expenses.

Stella is always busy for Cindy, she wants to ensure that Cindy will be raised well.

Han passed the Interview and the Company hired him as a mechanical engineer. Even though he didn't go to college he has the skill of being an engineer.

Han is very happy, to enjoy the small victory he goes to the Bar himself. As he was in the middle of drinking his friends from high school saw him.

Han knows that his friends are in the US but they planned to surprise Han and it was a coincidence that they are in the same Bar.

Stella doesn't have an idea where Han is, when she sees it's late at night she tries to call Han but Han's phone is unattended.

She's wondering where Han is. She takes a nap while Cindy is asleep because since the morning she didn't take a nap and now it's halfway through the morning.

At the Bar where Han and his friends are, His friends are with a lot of girls.

Han is a bit drunk because he stayed in the Bar for 5 hours. One of his friends didn't know that he had Stella and Cindy so he was shifted by one of the girls.

Han is not in his senses because he is already drunk and wasted. Han's friend is giving a hand sign to the girl he's with. Saying that she can take care of Han.

The girl brought Han to the Hotel, Han didn't know what he was doing. They do what shouldn't be done.

Han got his wakefulness and hugged the girl next to him. When he opened his eyes he was startled by where he was. He looked at the girl and he found out that she's not Stella.

He is in a hurry, he wears his clothes then he prepares his bag and leaves the Hotel.

When he arrives at their house, Stella is at the door waiting for him.

Han's hair and clothes were messy when he arrived. Stella asked him directly if he was there all night.

He answered, "Where?"

At your friend's place, one of your friends called me and said they came back from the US. He also says you are with them at the Bar.

"Oh! Yes, I am in his place. I'm too drunk. I couldn't go home last night, sorry" he hesitates.

Stella says that it's okay because he hasn't seen his friends since high school graduation. And it's okay as long as he's not with other women.

Han seemed surprised and he answered, "Yes, Of course! Why should I be with another girl" he looked nervous.

They lived as a happy family, Han got promoted to his work and Stella did online selling to help Han with their living expenses.

Stella accepted the gun paints in Cindy's room as well because Cindy liked them too. 

Cindy grows fast, she is already 6 years old. She already does bath by herself, she can brush her teeth as well.

Her mom Stella tells her how brave she was way back in the day she was born. Cindy was amazed and she said "really mom ? You too mom, you are brave that you dragged me out." added.

"My pleasure, you're one of my treasures and for your dad as well. We love you, Cindy." Stella said.

Cindy lent a hug to her mother. And she says thank you for everything.

Cindy's 7th birthday is soon, Stella wants to have a birthday party for Cindy's birthday celebration.

Cindy requests that her costume will be a policewoman attire, Stella insists but she could do nothing because it's Cindy's request.

Cindy says she wants to become a policewoman as her father's dream.

"I'm the one who will fulfil what my father didn't achieve," she added.

Her father Han is amazed and feels great because his daughter is dreaming what he dreams.

Stella felt mad and disappointed as well. Her only daughter dreams of being a policewoman but she's not with it.

The day comes, the 7th birthday of Cindy. All of her friends came as well as the friends of her father and mother.

Cindy was happy because it's her party, it is unforgettable for her. She wishes it could be every day like that.

While everyone is busy and enjoying the party, one of Han's friends, the one who shifted him, is there.

They have a bit of a conversation in the smoking area at the garage of Han's place.

"Bro! Han, I'm so sorry, that night I didn't know that you already have a family. I feel ashamed of what I've done" Han's friend said.

Han answered "It's okay bro! I wasted too much that night, It's my fault too. Let's forget that and don't tell others, especially to Stella, promise me."

"Of course, I will not," his friend said.

Han's friend informed him that he will head back first at the party because her daughter is waiting for her.

"Oh, sure! just tell Cindy that her father will be right back too in a bit" he said.

While Han is still in the smoking area someone is calling his name. It is a girl but Han can't recognize her because she has a cup. 

He opens the gate and asks the girl who she is.

The girl answered "I'm the one who's with you in the Hotel, can't you remember me? because I remember you from head to toe. You're cute." she whispered.

Han hurried to hold her wrist and dragged her head to the back of his car.

The girl is laughing, she says Han's expression is too cute and why he is hurting her.

Han said to her that why she was there, he has a family and it is his daughter's birthday party.

The girl answered, "That's why I'm here to throw another party, don't you get it?."

Han will answer her question but someone is calling his name. And he was startled when he found out that it was Cindy.

"Dad, where are you? come back at the party" Cindy's murmuring outside the house.

Han answered his daughter "Yes baby, I'll be there soon there's something I couldn't find in the car"


It's already half of the day since my party started. I wish every day was like this.

Thanks to my mom and dad, I enjoyed every moment of my birthday. My friends are here, my parent's friends too.

I couldn't ask for more. I'm very lucky to have parents like them.

Where's my mom? Oh! there she is, she's busy with her neighbour friends. She is more delighted than me. It looks like this is her party.

Oh my! Why am I laughing, my terrible mouth?

But where is my dad? I saw him before at the smoking area, wait I'll find him.


Daddy, where are you? I asked while murmuring outside of our house.

Then he answered there he goes, I found him. He is in the back of our car that was parked outside.

He says he will go back in a bit so I chose to go to my room to change my dress.

While I was half of the stairs before my room's door I watched the pigeons fly out in the sky.

Since our window is transparent glass I can see them inside.

They soar high and can't see them anymore. So I decided to head to my room.

I am undressed and I couldn't find my dress. My police attire was irritable, that's why I'm changing dress.

I'm wearing the dress that my dad brought when he was out of town.

It is nice, It fits me well. I could tell that I'm gorgeous because my body mirror says so.

I should see this to dad, he's the one who gave me this. I'm sure he will compliment me with this.

Wait, did he go back to the party? I'll be there too.

While I'm on the stairs going down back to the party, I saw dad at the transparent window glass from here.

Our window is broad and we can see outside from here.

He is still right there, what he forgot in his car to stay longer.

Wait, what am I catching a glimpse of? Is it a woman? If I'm not mistaken she's not my mom.

Why would that girl hug my dad from the back?

What is the meaning of this? Who's that girl?

I want to know! I'll go where they are.

I rushed to go outside when I opened the gate and my dad and that girl were gone.

And I ran into the alleys to find them, thus unaware that I was bumped by a car.