
The Innkeeper

In the depths of a newborn universe, a cultivator takes advantage of the abundant energy to refine himself a treasure. But after 14 billion years of refining and quite a few more to go, he decides to entertain himself by releasing countless systems and watching how the creatures of this fledgling universe handle them. On Earth, a young man, lost and confused about what to do with his life, sits in a park and looks up at the night sky. A shooting star, a wish and a bang. When the boy finally wakes up he hears a sound, "assimilation complete. Launching System. Welcome to the Midnight Inn. Host Designation: The Innkeeper." Discord: https://discord.gg/yqCkHedcUP Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61551387105778 Instagram: https://instagram.com/theinnkeepernovel?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==

lifesketcher · Fantasy
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1140 Chs


Lex was shocked to hear the scope of the war taking place! An entire army formed only of immortals? Especially an army large enough to face the entire realm? How many immortals would that even be? Hundreds of thousands no doubt, maybe even millions. Was it even possible for the Crystal realm to produce such a massive army?

The surprised Lex then looked from Belmont to Ezio, who wore a troubled look, but not a surprised one.

"The scope of the army is… is unbelievable," he said, fearing what he would do if such a force invaded the Inn. He probably didn't even have enough MP to to hire enough guards to fight such an invasion off. He really should start upgrading his Butter Knife again!