
The Inner Circle

Epey was known in their province a smart, hard-working, and loving daughter. From the time she was young until she graduated from Senior High School, she had always been blessed with multiple scholarships from both the private and public sectors of the society, making her known as the "ultimate prodigy" of their town. When she received a scholarship grant from a prominent university in Manila for her college education, she immediately grabbed the opportunity to make it hers. She then went to Manila to make her scholarship application faster. But because of some game of fate and a danger that she encountered, she surprisingly and unexpectedly found herself in a mysterious place where, according to what she had heard, only the richest and smartest people in the society were allowed to enter. Caught in the uncertainties of time, Epey tried her best to conquer every challenge that came her way. Meeting a lot of people and connecting with them was one of them. And although, it wasn't an easy task, she definitely would do it one way or another. These people were not just capable of making or breaking her life's goals and aspirations, they were also capable of affecting even her identity. What would a simple girl from a simple town do then? Would Epey get through this situation, or would she be left wondering in the Inner Circle?

Ginevra_Jones · Teen
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4 Chs

Chapter One: The Ultimate Prodigy

It had been said that the early birds catch the finest worms, ​​so April Mariz Dimaguiba a.ka. Epey, made sure that she was early in delivering the laundries of their customers. Her family owned a small laundry shop, and since it was vacation time, she made sure to help her family in their business. So far, Epey was on her final delivery already. This was Joey's laudry. He was this a gay customer of theirs who owned a peso-net that young people flocked to in their barangay, especially during summer. Epey stopped her tricycle on the side of the road and unloaded Joey's two laundry bags one by one. Few seconds later, she was now inside the peso-net shop.


"Good morning, Joey, here they are. Nothing too much, nothing too little. 200 all in all. " Epey said kindly. 


"It's good that you're early, Epey. Here is the payment. Thank you." Joey replied.


"Thank you, too. I'll go now." Epey is about to leave when suddenly… 


"Son of a fucking tofu! Who is browing through the youtube website here?! Shit!" 


They were all surprised by the sudden shouting of Binoy, one of the youngsters in their barangay. Others were even speechless when a woman who was very familiar with Epey suddenly stood up to confront Binoy. She was Epey's cousin, Dorina. 


"Me. Why?! Don't speak as if you own this computer shop. We are just paying the same amount for our usage  here."

"So it was you…" Binoy was about to move forward so Epey quickly ran to mediate between the two of them.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, Binoy, Doring… what are you doing? Don't fight here. It's embarrassing for Ateng Joey. " 

"Oh my gosh, Epey, I'm used to that thing. Let it go. " Joey said nonchalantly.

Epey couldn't believe what Joey had just said. His customers were about to kill each other and that's all he would say? Amazing! 

It's not that Epey was  not used to life in their barangay, but even so, she still aspired for order in that place, and she was famous in their barangay because of that. The responsible lady with the low ponytail, that's her alias. Perhaps, it's her trademark and true to her nickname, her hairstyle hadn't changed since she was a child. Low ponytail with a hairline that was split in the middle of her head, as if she had actually used a ruler to measure it. She's also not that tall so if one would look closely she's just very petite and simple, but deep inside she had a lot to offer. Her principles in life are few them. 

"Binoy, that's enough. Don't hit my cousin. You know she's a big fan of Paulo Avelino, don't you? Please understand her. If you continue your reckless behaviour, I will report you to your parents. Also, can you at least reduce your swearing? It's not good to listen to." 

"Epey, you don't understand. My game is important to me. It's Dorina who is always the reason why I always lose, because of her stupid youtube thing!"

"Hey! You mean, your silly gaming skills? Why don't you just admit that you are useless that is why you are not winning at all! " 

"You're overdoing it, bitch!" Binoy bellowed.

"Stop! Please! Dornina, that's enough. Let's just come back here tomorrow. Besides, Noy, you shouldn't be like that to everyone. You need to learn to control your emotions. What did I say to your earlier? If you continue this bahvior of yours, I'm gonna report you to your parents so they won't give your allowance. Do you want that?" Epey stated. She was not joking at all.

Binoy did not answer but he stopped his raging already.

"Good. My cousin and I are now leaving. Good luck on your game. And please, no swearing." Epey and Dorina already left so that there would be no trouble. 

On the way to Epey's house, the two of them, Epey and Dorina, just talked. Dorina was riding at the passenger area of the tricycle which was driven by Epey. 

"That boy is really annoying. Just because he owns that stupidly huge body of his he thinks he already owns the world." Said Dorina. 

"Let it go. Only his parents will take care of his behavior. I will make sure to talk to them about Binoy. Also, you are happy because you saw your one and only Paulo Avelino, aren't you? Enough with Binoy." 

"Yeah, it's actually good that I watched that handsome face before I fought with that ugly Binoy." Dorina said.

"Hey, chill! Oh, here we are. " Epey was just parking the tricycle when someone suddenly shouted from inside their house. When she and Dorina looked at where it came from, they saw Epey's mother Marecel running towards them. 

"Anaaaaak!" Epey and Dorina were surprised but their worries disappeared when they saw that she looked happy. When Marecel finally got close to them, she suddenly hugged the two of them and said, "Congratulations, dear! You passed! You passed the university to which you applied for the scholarship! A letter was sent here recently and here it is, you passed! You can go to college for free! " Marecel was rejoicinh. Epey and Dorina also shouted with joy. Well, they already expected it, though, knowing Epey's intellectual capacity. After all, she was their town's Ultimate Prodigy who could do wonders in their place. But still, a victory like that deserved nothing more than a shout of pure bliss.

In the evening, while the Dimaguiba family was having dinner, they were warmly celebrating Epey's new achievement. They had a cake which they bought earlier and softdrinks as well. 

"I never really doubtedly our child. You're really smart, Epey. We are so proud of you." Billy, Epey's father, said.

"It's no big deal, pa. I just worked hard that's why I passed. But don't worry because I'll work harder when I get there." Epey responded cheerfully!

"By the way, have thought about the course you're going to take, Pey? You will enroll next week, right? Better think it through while you can so you won't be confused when you get there." Marecel asked. 

"Actually, I would like to study nursing, but I also want to major in Physics. You know, I love machines as well as Astronomy. But, I won't take either of those two if you don't agree with them. Of course, there will be other expenses from here on out, I don't want to burden you with them." 

"What are you talking about? What's the point of us being your parents if we don't support your dream? Of course, whatever it is, your mother and I will try our best to support you."

"Yes, dear. Don't ever bother with that because your father and I will take care of it. We are the Dimaguibas… "

"And we are undestructible!" they said that at the same time and just laughed afterwards. 

After they ate, Epey washed the dishes while her parents watched the news. But she stopped what she was doing when she overheard the news that were airing on TV. 

"Breaking News! Everyone is excited about the upcoming opening of the country's soon-to-be most prestigious Academy, which will surely capture our hearts, the Academy of L.I.B.E.R.A.T.I.ON. It has been almost a decade since the people behind this academy announced its foundation. However, due to some security concerns, they refused to be broadcasted after that. But now, it seems that they are ready to accept students from across the country and they are even thinking of giving out scholarships for those students who will pass their academy screening. Although, ,o other details were released by Ms. Savier, the academy's spokesperson, but they are expected to host another interview in the coming months, so for those who are planning to take the said screening, they advised you to stay tuned for more updates... " Epey suddenly couldn't understand how she felt, for that academy really had a special space in her heart that she could not explain. She was stunned by the news that she jast heard but suddenly regained consciousness when her father finallt spoke. 

"Hurry up there, Epey. You still have to pack your things for your trip." Said Billy. 

"Yes, Dad." Epey speeded up the washing and a few minutes later she finished as well. Now her mother Marecel was helping her pack her things up. While they were doing that, Marecel couldn't help but notice that her daughter was not her usual self.

"Epey, is there a problem?" 

"Huh? Uhm, nothing, mom. I'm probably a little sleepy." 

"Is that so, all right, let's just continue this tomorrow. I'll just leave here then so you can sleep already. " 

"Okay. Thanks, mom. Good night." Epey was left there and since she was a bit out of her mind she decided to lie down until she could finally fall asleep.