
The Ink Blotch Test

The backstory of Doctor Joseph Suarez, how he came who he is, where he came from, and his obstacles in early life. But later on in life, he is a psychologist who gets a call about a woman named Isabella Parker. But she was not mentally capable of calling and doing it herself? So who actually made the appointment? Little did Doctor Suarez know that woman was going to bring more with her and fall in love!

DaoistGf3dXc · Horror
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6 Chs

After High-School.

Two years later, Joseph was watching the news one day. He sees that his old friend Robert is going to prison for robbery and murder. Joseph called his mother, and said, "Mom guess who's going to prison?" Kathleen said, "Honey, I have no idea." he replied, "Do you remember Robert Miller?" She thought that it was bizarre. Kathleen told Joseph on the phone that she and Antonio needed to talk to him later. 

After dinner, Antonio and Kathleen sit down with Joseph. Antonio says "Son, we want you to get a job, or go to college." Joseph understood where they were coming from, they just wanted him to succeed. He pondered for a week, wondering what to do. That's when he came about the plan, to go to college to become a psychologist. He wanted to open a private practice. Joseph began applying to colleges.

  One day, Joseph checked the mail he had been accepted at Bridgewater State University! What could he do, it was also almost three hours away. Joseph waited until his parents got home from work to tell his amazing news. Joseph is delighted to announce to his parents that he blurts out "I got accepted to Bridgewater State!" They run over to him, hug him, and tell him that they're proud of him.