

Sigma was running before he felt a hand on his shoulder. He quickly jumped away and pointed his sword at the person.

"Calm down Sigma It's me. I finished my studying." Hisoka said.

"Oh. You did that all without me? That hurts me." He said.

"Well, you were busy here so I didn't want to disturb you." Hisoka excused.

"Let's finish this up I want to get back home. The moon really isn't the place for me."

"Stand back for a second I want to try something."

I imagined 2 gas masks and threw one to Sigma. "Make sure you wear that. This gas is perhaps one of the worst to be created in human history."

HCN or prussic acid was an extremely potent gas that killed on a single whiff. It was used in several wars but was brought to fame by the fact it was an ingredient in Zyklon B.

He had to get the creation perfect. One mistake and it could backfire on Hisoka and he didn't really want that. It was harder to get right since it was a triple bonded gas which just put more complications into the process.

After a few minutes of experimenting the gas came to life. Hisoka tested it out by bringing a mouse to life and seeing how long it stayed alive. It was exactly 2 minutes.

He created more of the gas and with the help of a blower, he spread all over the enemy stronghold.

Even though all was silent, he could still hear death coming for all.

Once he let death do his work. He walked to the centre of the city. There was a door on the floor which piqued both Hisoka and Sigmas curiosity.

The door was easily broken and it led down to a set of candlelit stairs which went down into the surface of the moon.

"How mysterious," Sigma commented.

The pair walked down the stairs and there was only one thing that met them down at the cold-core of the moon.

A giant blue cube.

More specifically.

Now, this was interesting.

"How the hell am I going to deal with this now."


The problem with a Poneglyph is that Hisoka had no idea what the hell it said. He couldn't imagine himself to understand it so that didn't work and moving the thing was impossible through natural means. Plus he didn't want to get caught with this thing.


Creativity was the solution to everything. Hisoka didn't really care about what was written on the stone itself. He cared about the value it held. He could sell it to the world government or the rocks pirates. It didn't really matter.

Had anyone ever sold one of these?

"How about we do this?" Hisoka imagined that the poneglyph was much smaller than it's usual size. Being small enough to fit in his hand like a Rubix cube. The stone was very smooth which made Hisoka touch it even more.

"Let's go home, Sigma."


The trip down was much longer than the trip up for some reason. It took them 14 hours exactly to get down.

"Ah, the feeling of rain touching my skin. How great it is." It was raining today.

"Let's go Sigma. Today we'll begin the Rocks initiative."

The rocks initiative had 3 plans.

1) Find how to get to Gods valley as easily as possible and go there.

2) Get a blueprint of the entire island and layout of key buildings.

3) Profit?

It was much easier said than done as getting a way to get to Gods valley was almost impossible unless you were a government official.

He'd probably have to either strike a deal with the WG or steal something. More specifically either a Vivre card of a Celestial dragon who is currently on gods valley or a log pose.

The latter was much "easier" to procure.

"So we'll have to go to Mariejois? That's going to be difficult." Sigma yawned. He hadn't got much sleep in a while.

"It will. But with the two of us, it'll be smooth sailing. Hopefully."

"That last word gives me worries."

"Don't worry, the variables in a task like this are so unknown that something is might go wrong. We just have to be smart enough to foresee it."

Sigma sighed. "How long do we have left to get this done?"

"Around 2 years but I'd like to get it done as soon as possible so I can concentrate on other projects." Hisoka calculated.

"Newspaper right?"

"Yep, It keeps getting pushed back."

"That is true. You've been talking about it for a while."

"If you can control the newspapers, you can control the world. Indoctrination is an effect that happens over time."



"Scalpel," Sigma said as he passed it to Hisoka.

Hisoka used the scalpel to cut the (now shaven) furry alien from the base of its neck to the start of its groin.

There were a few things that anyone could see. One it didn't have any genitals that you could see. More specifically it was inside its body. Like a horse. It's contained within the prepuce. (A/N: horse anatomy came in handy here)

Another was that it didn't have any ways of excreting waste. This just led Hisoka to believe that whatever it ate, it just committed it out. Since it didn't have a hole where any of the waste could come out of.

The internal body itself was just another mind jog too.

Everything was flipped and a few things were missing. There were no Kidneys in this alien and it was missing one lung. It just had one lung in the middle with the heart underneath it.

The temperature in the body was also much colder, possibly because they lived on the very cold moon.

Another interesting fact which took longer to figure out was the fact that the spine of the alien was much more flexible than regular humans. Hisoka could bend it in many different ways which wouldn't be possible with a humans spine.

"This was actually quite fun we should find more interesting creatures and dissect them I'd like to see what kind of treasures they hold inside."

Unbeknownst to Hisoka, he would be experimenting on more than Just animals very, very soon.

Chapter. Sprained my ankle so that sucks.


Kaido is not having a great time against these scabbard. But I'm sure most of the scabbard will die anyway.

Yamato is an interesting character so I'd like to see how that goes.

Expect a few more chapters on Friday, Saturday and possibly Sunday.

Ask any questions in the comments.

I bid you all a farewell.

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