
The Infinity Hero

infinity_hero01 · Fantasy
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The Ghoul, The Dragon, and The Wolf: The Ghoul

It's sad  that this is the way I'd go out, eaten by a giant worm. Well, since I have nothing better to do, I guess I can tell you how I ended up here. Let's start with introductions, my name is Malvis Stewart. I'm five ten with silver hair and pearl grey eyes, I'm sixteen and an only child. My mother died giving birth and I never knew my father. For most of my life I lived with my great uncle Ikol in his home in San Diego, California. It started off as a normal birthday, with uncle Ikol pretending I wasn't there (though that was most of the time) and me being late for school again (once again not uncommon). As I ran a strange chill down my spine, I stopped and the feeling of someone watching me crept over me like a thick fog as I looked around. Then all of a sudden the feeling was gone. Now with caution I started up again, glancing out of the corner of my eye every now and again.

Once I arrived was when I finally let myself relax a little. From the outside most people wouldn't be able to tell that it was a school. It was an old apartment style building made of bricks with boards over the bottom floor windows and a giant hole on the fifth floor (which  was prohibited for students), with  the only real way of telling  that it's a school is the old plaque on the wall half covered in dirt that said, "West Shores High". Otherwise one might have thought that it was an abandoned apartment building. I jog through the dirty old green double doors and up the stairs to the third floor for class. "Mister Stewart, late again as usual, well hurry up and take your seat so we can get started." my teacher said right before starting the day's lecture. 

Several hours later I'm walking out of my class on the fourth floor and I notice a girl heading towards the fire exit. Unsure at first I stood there thinking of who the girl was, but I didn't see her face and from her profile she didn't look like anyone that went here. I decided to tail her and find out who she was, after all, I didn't have anything better to do with my time and uncle Ikol was home till much later. As I approach I  see her go out the exit and up the stairs to the fifth floor, my curiosity getting the best of me I follow. She heads straight to room 33, and as she turns Right to enter I get a glimpse of her face, and I'm certain that she has never been here before, yet she knew exactly where to go. From what I could see she had brown eyes like that of  a coffee bean, skin as pale as snow, hair as black as the night, and ears that almost ended in a point. I crept down the hall towards the door, careful not to make a sound, for I wanted to see what she was up to, and peeked into the room. 

The story of the fifth floor is that it once was a science floor and some spilled chemicals causing an explosion that killed the class and making the floor to dangerous to use; but when I looked in the room, it looked just like my first class of the day, a book shelf full of books in perfect condition, a black board on the left wall with the teachers desk in front of it, several tables with chairs at them, and a cabinet with glass doors containing a variety of  weapons, figurines, maps, and other documents. The only difference was the giant gaping hole in the far wall that led out to the street. This doesn't make sense, it's supposed to be the remnants of a science lab not another Latin class, I thought to myself. Rummaging through the things in the cabinet and muttering to herself was the girl I saw earlier. "Hey, what are you doing here? Don't you know the floor is off …what the hell." I said as she turned around.

I finally got to see her, face to face, and while her right side looked how I described earlier, her left side was that of something out of nightmares.Her eye was a milky white with a large cut in it where you can see the tissue which  was infected, her skin was that of a cadaver with a giant hole in her cheek and jaw revealing her rotting teeth and decaying gums,her left arm was riddled with holes where you can see her bones and even more rotting flesh. " Well, I'm surprised that you know who I am little cousin" she said. I was consumed by confusion and shock as I stood there with an impression of  what she must have thought was terror. She smiled and said, "Though I assume you probably meant hell as in H-E-L-L while I'm H-E-L, what's wrong Malvis, scared of what you see, I don't blame you, it's most people's reaction." Hel's voice was raspy and sounded like dragging nails on a chalkboard, yet at the same time it was as sweet as candy and as smooth as honey. She held a strange item from the cabinet in her hand. "How do you know who I am, what are you, what do you mean by cousin, what is that, and what are you doing here?" I asked, " My my, so many questions, so little time. Where to sta ..." Hel stopped and craned her neck as if listening to someone. "I'm afraid though we do not have time, after all my brother is very impatient and so is our master, until we meet again Guardian.",  and with that she was consumed by a swirling column of black flame and mist. When It cleared, there was no evidence that she was ever there.

As I approached the house I could see my uncle through the window pacing back and forth in his office. Crap, he must have gotten home early. I thought, knowing the inevitable lecture I was about to receive. I walk in through the door and my uncle is immediately in the room, rushing to the door slamming it behind me and putting on all the locks and saying, " My office now!" His offices is a small room with a cabinet filled with different trinkets from Europe, a desk with Norse runes etched along the edge, a wall decorated with Greek, Roman, and Norse weaponry on side of the desk, a window with black curtains on the other side of the desk, and two chairs, one on each side of the desk. My great uncle locked the door after we both were in the room and closed the curtains,  "Are you hurt, did anyone follow you, what did you see?" said  uncle Ikol. Ikol is a strange man, he's tall and thin with red hair and pale skin, a crooked nose and serpent green eyes that glint with a hidden mischief in them. When he usually talked he had a calm, cold and somewhat persuasive tone to his voice but now it was filled with fear and unease. "Uncle what's going on, why would someone try to hurt me?" He stood there with a nervous look on his face, " No reason, … I was just worried that something happened to you, how was your day. Did you meet anyone new." He was fidgeting with his wolf head on his chain which I knew immediately meant that  he knew something and wasn't telling me. "Yeah I met a girl that claimed I was her cousin, you never told me about any other family." his face grew deathly pale as I described what happened earlier today. If it were anyone else I would have lied, but my great uncle could sniff out a lie a mile away so I didn't bother trying. I asked what was the problem, giving a reassuring smile he said, "It's nothing, now if you excuse me, I am very tired and have much work still to do." and I knew that that was my cue to leave. I prepped for bed not giving it another thought, knowing I wouldn't get another word out of him till morning.

This the first sub chapter please enjoy

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