
The infinite god system

What happens when your father is the most powerful being in existence who rules all of fiction and beyond and you disobey him. You get sent to a world of abilities, ranks, military school's and Alien invasion's with an overpowered system

Pop_Prince · Fantasy
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13 Chs


Tio walked up to the gong and hit it as hard as she could by gathering all the momentum from her swing into the punch. The numbers slowly went up until they reached 200. While it was suspicious that she went past the normal human strength despite not having an ability, nobody seemed to care.

Tio then moved to the agility test. At first she was managing to dodge them but she found out that the longer she stayed the faster it became. She barely managed to reach one minute. Itade her wonder how people like Holly and Torres were able to last so long. She also got a score of 200.

For the push-up, she managed to do above 30 before she couldn't take it anymore. She looked at the machine as it read 200. She got a final power level of 3001 which meant that she was a High F-RANK. She then went back to the line.

After the test they were then escorted out and shown the various facilities that the school had to offer. Saying that the school was massive would be an understatement. There were then told the rules of the school like the curfew of 1:00 e.t.c. They then dispatched the students and told them that they were free for the rest of the day as they would begin school tomorrow. They were given hologram watches which display their rank, power level. It also served as a means of communication as well as other function's.

Tio first went to her teleport pad and got her stuff. She then looked at her watch to check which room she would be staying in. They were also informed that there would be a senior in every dorm to supervise.

'I wonder if it will be like in the novel's and I and Holly would be dorm mates. The people that took the test would also be my classmates'. Tio thought jovially.

She then opened the large room. Apparently, she had lucked out and chosen a large spacious room that could fit five people. She glanced to the side and saw the bed's and saw that all of them were already in their rooms. She dropped her luggage in her personal closet then went to the bunk bed that had two spaces and took the lower bunk. She decided to see what exactly the watch could do app from what they told them.

Tio's roommate's were a group of four girls consisting of one fourth year, one second year and three first years including Tio.

The name of the fourth year student was Vanessa Duke, she is an original from the Duke family which is one of the top five original families. Tio decided to use her inspect skill on her

Name: Vanessa Duke


Ability:Level 8 Lightning

Level: 18


Mana: 2800/2800

E.R.S: 1400 per hour

Power level: 63472

Strength: 4356





'Woah, her stats are through the roof. Well, she is a fourth year original so it expected'. Tio thought.

She looked at the second year. She wasn't an original. Tio then used the inspect skill on her

so sorry guys. We have connection problems in my area. Long chapter tommorow.