
The infinite god system

What happens when your father is the most powerful being in existence who rules all of fiction and beyond and you disobey him. You get sent to a world of abilities, ranks, military school's and Alien invasion's with an overpowered system

Pop_Prince · Fantasy
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13 Chs

First day of military school

Tio woke up the next day feeling refreshed but before she could even get out of bed, some familiar notification's popped up.

[Sleep 100 exp gained]

[Wake up 100 exp gained]

[Breathe 100 exp gained]

She then got up but when she went to the shower, there was already someone there so she went to the second shower to take her bath. She saw that only the seniors were awake. She did her early morning routine then came back to dress up. By the time she came back she saw that all of her roommate's were already awake. She dressed up and went to the cafeteria to eat lunch.

She went to the cafeteria and the first thing that she noticed was that people were sitting according to their ranks. The cafeteria was a four story tall building. The ground floor was for the first years. The first floor was for the second years. The second floor was for the third years. The third floor was for the fourth years and the fourth floor was for the teachers although they rarely come to the cafeteria.

Guards were stationed at the exits and side of the cafeteria. Tio bought some food and went to find a quiet place to sit. She saw an empty table and proceeded to sit down and enjoy her meal. But before she even started eating, she heard someone speak.

"Excuse me is this sit taken?"

Tio looked up and saw someone she had never expected to see in a million years. It was her best friend from before military school. Although Tio's life was horrible, the one person that made her feel better was her best friend, Bella. Bella also had no ability but her life wasn't as bad as Tio's life because Bella would allow the bullies to have their way while Tio always fought back. Like Tio Bella trained herself to achieve peak human form.

"No, you can sit down" Tio said trying to contain her excitement because she saw that her friend was sad. "So what have you been up to?" Tio asked out of nervousness. She didn't want to ask her why she was sad because she already knew the answer and didn't want to make her feel worse.

"I did the usual, I trained myself during the break then I was sent off to military school."

The reason Tio knew that Bella was sad was because she used her emotion scanner on her. Tio then decided to use inspect.

Name: Bella Neuman

Race: Human

Ability: Level 1 Earth

Level: 2

H/P: 80/100

Mana: 100/100

ERS: 20 per hour

Power level: 1501

Strength: 100

Agility: 100

Stamina: 100



Tio quickly noticed that her H/P wasn't full which could only mean that she was bullied before she left. Tio felt sorry for her. They started catching up. They talked about their various experience's. Tio found out that she was one of the only ones to pick one of the executive dorm's she was in. The bell then rang indicating that it was time for class. They said their goodbyes and parted ways and went to class.

Tio made her way to around the school to where the classrooms were located. She looked around for classroom 1-A. When she entered she was greeted with the familiar faces of Torres, Lapis, Holly, Katsuki, Tatiana, and Natalia. She wasn't surprised because this was always how it was in the novel's. She also know that Mr.Travis would be their homeroom teacher.

She went to find herself a seat at the window like a true anime protagonist. But before she reached where she was going Torres called out to her.

"Natasha, come and sit next to me" Torres asked pointing to a seat next to him.

"Nah" Tio said and went to take her seat near the window."

The class started talking about what happened.

"Woah, did she just reject Torres."

"Does Torres have a crush on her?"

"No, you idiot can't you see that she is a just a high F-RANK. He can never like someone like her."

"Yeah but why did he ask her to sit beside him."

" Maybe they are childhood friends."

Tio just ignored them and went to her seat. After about five minutes, Travis came inside. After a 6-hour long lecture about classes of abilities and Trages, school came to a close. Tio didn't really care or listen to the lecture so she just read a book about Warewolves.

As she was about to leave the class, Torres called out to her again.

"Tasha, do you want to meet up at the usual place?"

"Are you sure they are not dating?"

" Is he going to confess to her?"

"Argggh wish I knew their usual meeting spot."

"I'd totally ship them together. Sike."

Tio quickly exited the class before any other rumor's entered her ears. She dashed back to her room. On the way to her room, she mistakenly bumped into a second-year student.

"Are you oka--." The second year student asked but stopped when she saw the number displayed on Tio's watch. "You scratched my uniform you imbecile." The second year wasn't powerful, in fact she was considered weak even among the first-years. She was so frustrated because she was weak, that is why she apologized because she thought that Tio was powerful.

"Follow me to the roof now." The girl wanted to let out her frustration on Tio.

Tio normally would have just left her and gone to her room but she agreed because of the notification she received.

[New quest unlocked]

[Beat Bully]

[Reward: 3000 exp]


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