

So here I am. In the front row of my psych class, tapping my leg aimlessly against my desk. This is what I get for coming to class 20 minutes early. The class is completely empty. I pull out my iPod and plug in my headphones and drown in my Bebe Rexha playlist. I begin singing banging my pencil on my book along to the beats. This is until someone rudely yanks my pencil and unplugs my headphones. "Who the-" my words are caught in my throat as I stare at the person in front of me,,,,scratch stare, glare. He, on the other hand, just stands there, looking more dashing than the last time I saw him. A smirk spreads across his lips as I raise my perfectly etched brow at him.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't crocs-girl. I'm surprised to see you wearing actual shoes. They aren't quite what a normal girl would wear, but they are shoes nonetheless." He looks at me as if waiting for a response but I stare blankly. "You can't speak? cool, I prefer you quiet cause you can't sing either," he said with a toothy grin. "Get out of my face Stone, I didn't wake up this early to deal with salty irrits". With this I put my headphones back on and he stood there for a couple more minutes before sitting right next to me.

In about 10 more minutes the class was full and the lecturer came in quite cheery. " Hello class, my name is professor Martin Clark. I will be lecturing you throughout your semester. I might be jolly but I take grades pretty seriously. " he looked through his desk . "So I have my own formula, so those of you who aren't freshmen will have to adjust to my ways" with this he sat on his seat and looked to us " I would like us to get to business, let's discuss the psychological disorders and how to handle people with them,in groups of two I'd like to assign you different disorders and I will expect a brief explanation of your finding by Friday. One group member will have to do the presentation. Meanwhile, I will be giving you notes on these topics and a pop quiz after we discuss each set of notes, any questions " The class was completely silent,wow,no complaints,this has to be everyone's favourite class then. I expected a few protests from even the people sitting in the back but nope,seems we are all liking 'his formula'. "Well,okay,pair yourselves as I pass the class attendance sheet. Oh and class, I promise dire consequences for ; late assignments, skipping class and poor grades" with that he smiled and handed a sheet to the person sitting at the end of the first row. I looked to my right and Barbie boy was smiling at me, I rolled my eyes and looked to my left to a beautiful blonde with blue eyes. "Hi, Samantha Summers, mind being my partner ?" I smiled at her and I saw a blush creep onto her cheeks "I'd love to" she put out her hand and gave me a firm handshake "Stevie Gold".

"I assume you've paired,when the bell sounds,approach my desk with your partner and I'll assign you a disorder to ponder" as if on cue,the bell rang and Stevie and I were the first pair. "Yours will be borderline personality disorder " we scribbled it down and I pulled her arm gently out the classroom. "We could be discussing during breaks,over lunch,when we both don't have classes and also after classes at your dorm room or mine or at the library if that's alright with you" she nodded but I could see discomfort in her features. "What's wrong Stevie" she looked at me "Samantha, I uhm,I,I was wondering if you could maybe present, I issues anxiety and might have a panic attack by just standing in front of those judgy curious eyes, I just-" I lift a finger to cut her off and put my hand on her shoulder. "Its okay,I'll present it". " Well,this is my only class today,so I'm ready to start when you are"she blurted out all cheery." Well, right now I had something I wanted to do, then go to my literature class,then after that I'm all yours" she nodded and we exchanged numbers before going our separate ways.

"Hey beautiful" I heard a familiar voice say behind me. I couldn't help but blush. It was a cheeky nickname but only my best friend could make it sound genuine. I felt two masculine hands creep around my waist from behind me and my cheeks instantly turned red. The thought of what Hailey said last night crossed my mind but I brushed it off turning around in his arms hugging him as tight as I could. He chuckled lightly kissing my forehead and holding me at arms length,looking into my eyes "I missed you today" he winked "and judging from how tight you just hugged me I can tell you've missed me too" I smack his hands and he let me go feigning hurt. "I hate how full of yourself you can be at times you know" I rolled my eyes walking past him. "Hey,wait up" I turn to him sticking out my tongue only to bump into a hard chest. The impact left me wobbly so I held onto the person's chest as he held me by my wrists to steady me. His smell was so intoxicating, I closed my eyes to take it in. I heard him laugh and snapped my eyes open roughly pulling myself from him and going to where Chase was waiting for me "watch where your walking towards next time crocs-girl" . We walked to the library and I picked out the book I've been waiting to read since it got published AFTER. With that we walked to literature which we had together.

The lecturer was quite delightful and she gave as an assignment to write an essay on our views regarding the poetic pattern over the years. She basically asked as to compare modern poetry to the poetry from back in the day. Sounds easy enough.

When the bell rang, Chase and I drove ourselves over this Wendy's where we were meeting with ; Barb, Hailey, Trevor and Alex for lunch. I know it sounds like bringing him over to get drilled, but I promise I'm not. Of course I want an opinion from my friends,but, I also want to get to know him,as my friends get to know him and each other too.

Walking into the restaurant, Alex was sitting at a booth. When he spotted us he smiled and waved us over. He stood up and gave Chase a man-hug then he turned to me. Need I say,he was looking extremely attractive with his black button up shirt and dirty blue jeans. He'd styled his hair so that it fell onto his forehead and the strands just accented his caramel orbs. This guy was drop dead gorgeous and the best part was he had his eyes set on me. Everything's coming up Sam. "Hey" I said in the most innocent voice I could conjure "Hi gorgeous" he opened up his arms and beckoned me with his head but I just stared in awe "come here" I blushed and walked to him and he wrapped his arms around me. This boy does things to me but I'm not complaining. He kissed my cheek "you look lovely today" he whispered in a raspy voice and I was on the edge but I composed myself, as usual. "You don't look so bad yourself, Charming" I gently pushed him back and winked at him.

"Is this the infamous Alex? Girl! He is smoking" Barb said walking around him as if trying to figure out something. "Yeap! Its settled, I want one just like him" at this I rolled my eyes at her and we all crawled into the booth and made our order. Small talk was mild. No drama. Trevor was accepting of Alex since they both played the same sports. That is; basketball ball and soccer. " Hey man there's a falcon's game this weekend ,we could do boys night just the three of us. Food drinks and just a super chill time" Trevor mumbled all ecstatic. "Sure, I don't see why not" Alex confirmed smiling at me. I just shrugged and looked at Chase. "You in bro?" Trev directed this to Chase but before he could answer "I'm sure he'd rather hang around Sam all night" she interrupted but we all looked at her confused "you know?for girls night" I scowled at her. Having told her that Chase doesn't like gay critics, I expected her to respect it. "Not cool Hailey, I will not have you make fun of my best friend, especially if it is something he is sensitive about" she changed her expression in realization. "I'm sorry! Okay!? I didn't mean to offend or disrespect you Chase, I just talk too much and I don't have control of what I say most of the time" she smiled at him holding his hand and giving it a tight squeeze. Chase brought his hand up and patted the back of Hailey's, which was still holding it "it's all in the past now". " Okay,put away the tissues and sentiments and let's eat"we shared a laugh and I swatted Barb's arm. The rest of the meal was ate in utter silence and after this the boys took care of the bill and we parted ways. I rode back with Alex cause he did come out here for me,on my request. The drive was mostly us getting to know each other and sharing old memories. Though I didn't tell him about my folks,too much baggage for the first eat out. Maybe I'll run it by him if we ever start dating.

"Are you okay" he asked when we reached the dorms. "Yes, I'm fine. Look thank you for today. I know my friends can be a little intense but they have good intentions. Thank you for coming. I had fun" he held my hand and intertwined our fingers. "Your friends are cool, I like them,I hope we can do more of these. I'd like to get to know you better. Maybe I'll get you to go on a date with me if I'm lucky" he brought my hand to his lips and placed a light yet lingering kiss winking at me then pulling me in for a goodbye hug. "I'd be delighted to,see you soon charming" he walked over to his car and I watched him drive off. I then hurried to the dorm and took a couple of books running to meet Stevie at the library. "Sorry I'm late I-" ,,,,"its okay Sam " she said with a smile and with that we read through a dozen psych books,did internet research and took notes for the whole evening. "Oh wow its late" I said looking at the clock which read 8:53. "I guess time really flies by when you are doing something you love" "I guess so" we both parked our stuff before we got kicked out at 9. "I'll see you tomorrow Stevie" I yelled running across campus to the dorms. When I got to my room, it was empty so I just took a quick shower, changed into my jamies and went to bed completely exhausted.
