

"Star!! Star!!"shouted as she shook star who was fast asleep .Star opened his eyes slowly while his hand to block the brightness of the morning from getting into his eyes ..He got up sluggishly.

"Why are you waking me up this early" he said as he opened up his crimson colored eyes with reluctance

"I feel another one and it's big this time "she whispered into his ears as if there was someone else in the cave .

Immediately , star 's traces of sleep cleared from his eyes . He jumped up from the brownish linen he laid on which had some leaves underneath. He ran towards a small rock , he raised it up and brought out a weird looking dagger. He turned towards Anna and asked

"Where is it "

"Few steps to the right when you leave the cave but remember to be very careful , it seems strange "Anna said cautiously

Star walked slowly to his right when he exited the cave then he hid behind a huge rock while peeping , he saw a reindeer drinking water from a running pond that came from a large water not very far from the cave, Star smiled and pulled his dagger from his torn up cloth then he muttered "Bingo" . Star aimed at the reindeer which raised up his head , it had three eyes ,long ears similar to that of a bunny which it heard star with .

Star aimed with precision ,he threw the dagger at the reindeer ,it jumped away dodging the dagger and fled away .Star was pretty disappointed at himself , it was his third miss this week and this was the biggest one so far.

The forest was a very big place and Star along his sister Anna lived there comfortably. Star walked in on Anna and she said " Do not feel bad ". She held a bowl on her hands so that star could place the fruits he gathered and then they ate , she stared at her big brother "Do not be sad please". She kept her eyes on him. Her eyes beautiful because they were golden in color and a white hair while Star had crimson eye color and black hair color.

" Star , Tell me the story about Mum and Dad again please" Anna said trying to distract Star from the fact that he wasn't able to kill the reindeer .she came closer to him widening her eyes . Star was keeping a straight face , she came closer and closer as she dragged him , she smiled sheepishly in order to make him smile too and he did

"Okay, Okay i will but just this once "said star

"When we where younger mum , dad and the two of us came for camping then they left us THE END " star said smiling like he had done something evil

"It is a lie ... tell me the real story" she said laughing while looking at star curiouslyas though she had not heard the story before

"Tell me "

"Tell me please " She said pulling him by the hand.

" Okay listen up carefully . when you were younger ,more younger. I was sensible then , mum and dad brought us to the forest , so that when we get old enough and strong enough we can join them in the place called The Great North . so if you grow strong enough we can go and meet them " Star said smiling at Anna , he knew that all he told her was a lie

" I will give mum and dad all the gifts that i made for them ... when we arrive at the Great North" Anna said pointing at the collection of sticks and rocks with painted faces placed on a corner of the cave

Star knew that mum and dad did not go to any Great North they died but Anna should notes know that . she is too small and a very happy girl, no matter what happened star will let her know because it would scar her like it's scared him.

Star went out of the cave for a short stroll through the forest as it was going along he came across some rusty cars covered with grasses blended with the fields how empty the world wars show that something happened a cataclysm that cleared out the population but what ?

it was 10 years ago when Anna was still 4 years old and star was 10 years old that it happened something that those who survived called the Mighty wave. it was announced in the news that everyone should stay in their various homes but stars family had already been on camping. they wanted some family time together so they set up camp and suddenly the ground started to shake, at some point they thought it was an earthquake but as the sky began to radiate waves, this waves passed through the atmosphere on to everyone on Earth. it happened so quickly that they was loss of breath and everyone fell to the ground the way we switch you are radioactive came from the cosmos ( outside Earth) and penetrated into their bodies and into nature itself. some scientists believed it was the earth starting all over again as a new world while some believe that it was a nearby star that exploded sending these waves across its spherical region.

The impact on Earth caused by this waves was detrimental . It destroyed buildings cost explosions and 62% of the human and animal population were wiped out leaving the resistance and stronger organisms on Earth mutated due to some genetically changes causes by the Mighty Waves . This waves past for two weeks .

The truth about star story was that Star and his little sister Anna lost their parents to the cataclysm that occurred on Earth while they were camping. Due to the flexibility of star and Anna's young bodies they were able to survive the mighty wave but this killed their parents but it changed minor traits in their appearances.

Anna was still so small when this all happened so star had no choice but to bury his parents and moving to the forest where they found their home in a cave and take care of his sister for all the years they have lived until now.

Star roamed the forest until he had gotten to where he buried his parents as a child. His eyes began to leak with tears when he stared at their graves"mum dad I'm doing well protecting her. like you would have wanted.... she's really happy but she deserves better than this", he said with the heavy sigh . "maybe when she gets a little more older I will take her to the Great North , where other people like us then we'll be happy again I know that's what you guys want"He said as he stood glaring at the sun behind the clattering leaves. It was already late and start to gather some fruits so he and Anna could eat . He did so and left back for the cave.

life went on like a cycle with a similar pattern, starbright food daily while and I used her ability to feel distant movements to know when an animal was nearby. The day a star had a kill it was a fat rabbit which could turn invisible at any moment . then my dad put on his normal camouflage of invisibility when it went up to the stream to drink some water not knowing that star had a perfect aim at its head and his struck is dead. Anna was so happy, she had gathered some woods wow still had some tricks of his own which was the ability to generate Sparks with his fingers that ended up creating flames which used to light up the wood which day use to cook their meal.

the next day star woke up and he saw Anna staring at him widely with an exploding smile and he was shocked

"I have something to tell you !!!"she yelled I should jump up and down in happiness

"you're going to be happy to when you hear it"

The last time Anna acted like this what's few a years ago, Star wars carrying some wood and she ran up to star and asked him "guess what I just found out"

"What??" he asked with a little bit of curiosity

" I was going to get some leaves and saw a rabbit producing more rabbits but smaller ones" she said dragon her brother in his hands towards the direction while pointing.

This was something star had already known and and he had seen multiple times but she was his sister so he had to follow and he saw everything all over again but this time with the joy of his sister.

Now she's here again exhibiting the same behaviour, star knows that it might be cheesy but he asked her anyway.

" What??"

"I felt something but it's not just one animal, its many coming this direction with speed... I think it might be a flock"she said glaring with smiles

"They are a bit far so you have a little time to prepare and go get a big animal"Anna informed star stretching out running over his Dagger to him .

"Okay, thanks... which type of meat would you like to eat because I'll be killing in thousands"star proudly made a joke but later realized that it was too cheesy, even though Anna I laughed because his jokes were once in a blue moon.

Star took his dagger and a long beating up rope in his side pockets which was large and old , then he asked her the way the animals were headed before he went off enthusiastically.

Star was shocked but it was true, he came across multiple animals ,so he tied his rope to his dagger, using this as a kind of whip which he used to slaughter the animals that he came across .At the end of the of his hunt , he was able to gather five huge and small animals which was his biggest caught so far . He was dragging them home conceitedly hoping to surprise Anna .

meanwhile, and I started to feel something strange again but this time it wasn't scattered it was an organized movement towards the direction of the cave. it was marching at a pace and follow the path while Anna was all alone in the cave.

" Am almost there "an appointed as she ran towards Star's direction.

"Star!! Star!! Big bro!!" she whispered turning backwards continuously as if she could feel someone kissing her and she kept on running.

Star wars coming home with animals on his shoulder then the heard something that sounded like Anna's voice shouting" Star!!"

"I killed them...." he shouted when he heard her voice as he thought to himself in less than a second .

"why is Hannah outside the cave? and why is she running"he thought to himself.

immediately he dropped the animals on the floor without even thinking for a second and began to run towards her voice as his mind played multiple

"what if an animal is after"

"did she fall into a pit?"

"did you get bitten by a snake"

"what if she's drowning".

Star put all his energy into his legs and ran like he was being chased by a tiger . he had never ran this fast in his life . his head kept on repeating

"I can't lose her !!"

"she's all I have"

"she has already suffered a lot"

he taught assuming the worst.

"big bro" he heard another shout and he fell to the ground. He stood up and continued to run .

Then I saw her running towards him with a facial expression that had fear written all over it. He started to wonder" what was wrong" as he stretched out his hand and she stretched out hers too into the distance he reduced his speed so he could get a hold of her .

Then suddenly from the darkness behind her a moving body appeared. it looked like a black horse with a horn but it was different because someone was on top of it a man with a very long hair ,he had one of his eyes White and the other black, he also had a huge scar that looks like a claw slashed his face. He looked very scary as his horse galloped behind Anna. To Star everything slowed down. he was much closer to her than Star was and he stretched his hands to her hair from behind while star stretch his hand to hold his sister . Anna jumped towards star hoping he would catch her and star jumped to catch her but in less than a second the man on the horse moved with great speed while on his horse as if they were one and held under by the hair, he then drew to himself then landed swiftly.

Star's jump was careless that he lost his chance of catching Anna then he fell to the ground stumbling upon the floor and rolled to hit his head against a tree .He saw 3 more horses with blurry people on them as they approached the man holding his sister as his eyes closed and he fainted next to the tree.

" Mom, where is dad " said a boy to a beautiful woman with a long black hair

" Dad went for a meeting but he will be back for the camping trip "said mom as she smile and patted his head

" what about little sis?" he said

" she is asleep" said mom

" Where are you Mom??" asked the boy

" We are with you " she said with a bright smile

" pls don't loose her " said mum staring into his eyes

"pls .... Star don't loose her "said mom

immediately star saw Anna running and yelling in his dream which was caused but the hit on his head

" Help me ... Star ." she repeated

" Am coming"

" Am coming" star yelled as he woke up from his dream panting. he let out a shout as he opened his eyes" Am coming Anna " which drew the attention of the four men on their horses .

" FOOL !! YOU COULD HAVE JUST PLAYED DEAD " shouted the 2nd horse man with a terrifying bass voice. he had a bald head , black lips , large beard wearing a large black garment.

"LEAVE MY SISTER ALONE!!!" shouted Star as he stood up slowly putting his hand in his side pocket pulling out his rope which was tightened to the dagger at the tip.

Star knew that in this situation he didn't stand a chance against them but his actions give Anna a sense of hope. Although she looked scared he was willing to do anything for his sister.

Writer's note:

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