

Lu Yini courtyard.

Chen Danshou walking inside his mother courtyard with his younger sister; Chen Houshin. The younger girl looks tired from the clan meet competition. Looking at his sister tired look, Danshou smile sweetly.

"Brother, please, don't smile like that to me. My mind can't handle it. Your smile is too bright for me." (T-T)

Hearing Houshin words, Danshou just chuckles making the girl using her hands to closed her ears. His brother charms are too deathly for her self-control now.


A roar can be heard from outside the courtyard gate making Chen Danshou and Chen Houshin shock. After the roar, both of them sees an old man sprinting inside the courtyard with blackface. Looking at the old man, the tense Danshou shielding his sister let loose. The roaring voice just comes from the old grandpa He. Scared him to death.

"Grandpa He." Danshou and Houshin call the old man when they recognize the old man.

Chen Moulun arrived with the other old men behind him, not long after Chen Mohe arrives in front of Chen Danshou. Chen Moulun smile is forced watching his old friend blackface. He starts to think about how to save the boy from Chen Mohe rage.

"Tell me!"

"Tells you what, grandpa?" Danshou confused looking at the old man ragging to him.

"Why are you making yourself lose from Chen Houmin?"

"Because I'm weaker than him?"

"Don't think I'm stupid, young man. I know your level at earth-level now." Chen Mohe whispering to Chen Danshou so his sister can't listen about his real level.

"Oh, you know?" Chen Danshou doesn't think the old man will found out about his level.

"Of course, after all, I'm a Hea-..a knowing old man."

Chen Mohe almost told Danshou his ancestor identity, makes Chen Moulun pull his robes.

"I see.."

"So, why are you making yourself lose to Chen Houmin?"

Looking at the old man, Danshou just told him honestly; "Because I don't want to be Chen clan heir."

"You don't want to be Chen clan heir, so you lose to him?"

Danshou nods.

"Why you don't want to be an heir?" Chen Moulun can't help to ask the young man. If the young man strong, he should be an heir.

"It's troublesome. I don't want to be shackled to the clan. I want to be more than to be the heir. The others can take the title."

Hearing his reasons, Chen Moulun and the other old men become silent. If they remember, this young man never treated kindly inside the clan. It's no wonder he doesn't have any attachment to the Chen clan. After all, even his father never care about the child, even if the child is the second son of the Patriarch.

"If you don't want to be attached to the clan, what's your plan later after you cultivate inside the Black Tower?"

Chen Mohe asks Danshou, wondering about the young man plans. The old man doesn't want his talent buried. A prodigy always needs to be shown in front of others.

"I don't know."

Danshou still doesn't know what to do after he finished showing his change in the clan meeting. He just wants to show to the people bullying the previous owner about his change for the better. So, all of them knows he's not trash anymore like before.

"How about you go and learn at Meryu Academy? You can learn many things there. Before you can cultivate, the clan must fill a lot of information to prepare you on the cultivation journey. But, because of your body constitution before, the clan never grooms you. So, how about learning the information there? The Merlun academy also good to temper you for the learning experience."

Hearing grandpa He talking about the academy makes Gelu in his space also told him to follow it. Even though his foundation for cultivation is firm but his combat experience is too little. He needs to fight more, so his later cultivation won't be shaky.

"Okay, maybe I'll go to the Meryu Academy later."

"That's good. Even if you don't want to stay inside the Chen clan as the heir, you still can bring glory to the clan if you get in the academy and shine there."

Chen Mohe looks happy, he can see how he can gloat to the old man inside the Merlun academy later about his great grandson's talent.

"Grandpa He, you promote about the academy so much just so I can bring glory for the clan?" Danshou frown to that thought.

"Of course, no matter you like it or not, you are Chen clan members. So, of course, no matter what you still carry the Chen clan's name. Also not just make glory for the Chen clan, your mother and sister also can be proud of your glory later. Isn't that good?"

Hearing that makes Chen Danshou annoyed heart better. That's right, not just for the Chen clan. His glory also can make his mother and sister proud. Before, Chen Danshou's Wasted Meridian body makes his mother and sister sad and getting many bad rumours. Now, it's time to make them using his glory to slapped many people.

"Okay then, I'll follow your advice, grandpa He."

"Good, good, we'll be leaving now. Don't forget three days later you need to go inside the black tower to cultivate. That tower is good for fast cultivating. Also don't forget to get the prize pills, those good for building your foundation."

Chen Danshou nods and waving goodbye to the old men group.

Hi, Cuties, enjoy the update

This author feels sad because I'm going to miss my puppies a lot. They all being taken by their new masters now. No Puppies to greet me in the morning when I'm awake now. ><

Junele66creators' thoughts