
The Birth of The Incredible She-Hulk.

[At The Gamma Test Site]

Betty Ross: Sitting next to bruce banner with my dad and his subordinates and one more scientist behind us. Me and bruce was at the control panel getting ready to start the gamma bomb testing. But when we were only paying attention to the activation of the bomb.

The other scientist in the bunker, slowly moved backwards and turned to face the other control panel in the room and pulled out a small device from his lab coat pocket and placed it on the panel. The small device hacked into the system and all of the devices started to go haywire.

Seeing what was happening bruce got up and said. "Betty stay here and see what's going on?! well i check in the back!" Nodding my head in understanding, i continue to try to find what is the problem with the system.

While i was busy trying to find out the malfunction in the system. I had looked up for a brief second only to see a teen boy riding on a dirt bike. When the boy drove off of the sand dune, he then fell of his dirt bike and hit face first in the middle of the test site.

When i saw this happened i immediately got up from my seat and jumped over the control panel and went through the open window. Ignoring my dads shouts to get back here i ran tours the fallen boy and grabbed the back of his jacket.

Pulling him tours the bunker i then tossed him through the window. But when i was about to grab my dads out stretched hand the protected blinds closed on me. Turning around in a panic, the gamma bomb was set off with me in it.

Feeling the gamma radiation flow in my body i began to grow and morph into a green beast. Starting to feel my rage come to the surface i then went into a uncontrollable blind rage that i couldn't apprehend. When the dust and debris settle down i was standing there with my two arms stretched out in the air screaming to the heavens. "Aaaah!"