
Chapter 1

Follow the stars, but they hold the light.

Ruanah's P.O.V~

Love, hope and belief are three such strong emotions that can give one a reason to live through hell, but when another loses them they can destroy the person within fraction of minutes.

When you believe in a person with all your heart and always hope for their betterment you love the person.

But what happens when you put so much trust in person who happens disappear into thin air just like that.

I still remember last summer when Cassandra, my twin and I had planned to spend it in the buzzing city of New York where our common best friend Brooklyn lives. Everything was going fantastic until my mother's fashion week came in the story. It was preponed and mum had truck loads of work to do in minimum time.I always have been known as multi talented person which means I had to suck it up and help mum with her designs.

My trip to New York had been postponed, I was going to visit after one whole week according to the planned date. Cassandra was going without me, she could not wait to meet Brooklyn.

"Are you okay with me going without you? I mean you are coming after one week but..."

Cassandra asked 'worriedly'.

"You know I don't mind and it's just one week I'll help out mom in here and then we three can enjoy the city together" I replied calmly.

"Okay, but I'll miss you." She said with a sad face.

"Trust me, I'll be happy to get one whole week to myself away from you."

"Bitch!" We laughed along.

After that everything was in a blur.I was busy with my mum for next four days. I wasn't able to contact cass or brook. Mum told me cass's flight had been good so I was less worried. But little did I know it was the silence before the storm.

I thought of surprising both of them by going two days ago, therefore I didn't contact any of them.

They say Karma is a Bitch! But life is it's mother.

I got the shock of mysteries life when I landed in New York. Brooks said that cass didn't come to her. But the pilot had informed it had been a safe flight to New York, he had sworn on his kids he left cass at New York airport. So we where left with the only question...

Where did Cassandra go?

We have hired three private investigators until now. None of them is successful! My family belongs to the one percent elite in the world for heaven's sake.

It's been one year now, since we lost Cassandra. Many things have changed in due time. But one thing will never change my love for my sister.

And that is why here I'm sitting in our family's private jet. I'm going to spend my junior and senior year in Realmswood High, the most prestigious school in U.S.A. Apparently. It's a boarding prep school for elites which Brooklyn studies in.

To say the least I'll be with my best friend for these two critical years of my life.

Let's see what life awaits for me. For once I don't have to face sympathetic faces of every one around me. Fresh start is something I'm earning for.

Here I come Realmswood High...

"Rua, ruaaa!" My mother's voice drags me out of my sleep.

"Honey. We're here, come out of your fantasies. We don't want to keep the headmaster waiting now, do we?" She chimes and gets off the vehicle.

I look out my window and find a castle like building standing proud, carrying the name Realmswood High. I follow the steps of my mother who now looks like she owns this damn place.

I notice a woman standing in front of the gate looking awfully professional in her signature Armani work suit consisting a skirt (no pants), who I guess is in her late thirties. Her lips are slightly curled upwards in a lip tight smile.

"Welcome to Realmswood High Mrs Queen. I'm the headmaster of this school. Rose Jacobs." She said choosing to ignore my absolute pleasurable presence. Rude.

"Nice place you've got here Ms Jacobs" mum said admiring the view.

"Thank you. I'd like to show you around. Inform about some rules and regulations to Ms Queen and.... "

Ms Jacobs is cut down by loud squealing and mere seconds after that, I'm tackled down to the road by a very heavy pig AKA my best friend AKA Brooklyn freaking Stewards.

"Ruanaaahhh! Oh my gosh.... I'm sooo sorry about that" she smiles sheepishly at her actions and I only grunt at her in disapproval. Fuck my muscles are soar.

"That is a very.... unladylike behaviour I must say Ms Stewards. Next time restrain yourself from such actions in school premises."

Ms Jacobs says sternly directing a glare towards my beloved best friend. I stifle a giggle.

"Didn't see you there" she mumbles first then cover ups " Yeah Ms Jacobs. Sorry about that. Now if you don't mind I'm here to escort Ms Queen in her dorm." Brooks is one hell of an actress.

"Actually I mind Ms Stewards. As you see that is my work but if you are so willing to show her around, you can go ahead. I talk with Mrs Queen here with all other arrangements."

"Okay" brooks then turns towards my mother and engulfs her in a warm hug which my mother Returns without second thoughts.

After pleasantries we separate our ways. Brooklyn leads the way to the track.

"I am so happy now that you are here"

Brook breaks the silence

"Yeah me too. At least I'll have you by my side" Call me dependant, I don't care, I just need someone by my side who understands me truly. I'm not in my best mental state now.

We continue to bicker random things whilst touring the school. But I still haven't seen my dorm yet. Only after saying our goodbyes to my mother who had to depart, we make our way to my dorm.

My bags are already delivered there. I must say, some facilities they have here. Behind the main school building, there is one more castle like structure which is pretty big I guess it must have elevators. The place must contain at least five to six floors.

"Wow! This place is pretty big for a high school." I exclaim

"That's why it's the best."


"Wait lemme check where your dorm is located.... oh my gosh it's in the platinum wing. B.but h..how? No one except The Clique stays there." Brooklyn says in a dilemma, still staring at the piece of paper in which my dorm location is written.

"What is 'The Clique'? And what is this platinum wing? Didn't they get the idea of simple alphabet like A or whatever"

Brooklyn is still staring at that piece of shit. Oh god, help me now. I snatch the paper from her hand and read the directions.

"Brook, get out of your day dreaming or whatever you're doing. Just follow the damn directions I'm tired." I snap to get her out of her dazedly state

"Ohh, yeah you must be tired. But the hell! How did your parents scored to get a dorm there? It's like a reserved place" with that she starts moving in what I guess is my dorm's direction.

"Ohh, I don't know and don't care"

When we finally reach the freaking dorm of mine. I open the door to find a small apartment, which consists of one bedroom, living room, one big bathroom and kitchen. Oh I forgot the small balcony, which have an incredible view of garden and forest on the back side.

"This is good." I huff settling down

"Yeah, it's cool. I like the sofa it's comfortable even if we sleep on it" brooks replied in agreement

"Yeah, I'm off. You wanna join me for a nap" I ask whilst changing into pajamas

"Nah, I've to complete the assignment which is due tomorrow. You have your beauty sleep."

"Okay. It's 3 o'clock we'll meet for dinner?"

"Sounds like a plan. See you later"

I hear the voice of door closing. I quickly jump into my fluffy bed. Within seconds I feel the darkness consume me into a slumber sleep.

After waking up to the alarm. I carry myself to the bathroom to freshen up. I need a run. Running has become a habit after Cassandra vanished.

I wear a sports bra under my cropped hoodie matching it with my spandex shorts. While tying up my hair in a tight ponytail my iPhone blares F.R.I.E.N.D.S theme song. Brooklyn's happy face flashing. I pick it up

"Hey bitch! Listen we have to cancel that dinner plan. A guy here is hosting this awesome party that we are so attending. Like old times we will get wasted and get some dick. What do you say?"She rambles.

"Oh god. Not today brooks, I've decided to take a run on the tracks to freshen my self up. And I'm already wearing this stuff... so can I make it up to you some other time?"

"Uhh, see I know you are going through this rough stage but don't become an introvert, it does not suit your personality."

"Who said I'm an introvert?"

"You are starting to act like one. The alone time that you are always asking for, sleeping way too much instead of hanging out with friends."

"As much as I hate to say it you're right. So when is the party?"

"That's my girl. 7 o'clock."

"Mind if I come one to two hours late. "

"Not at all. You're coming that's enough. And if you don't find me ask for Annelise Bartoni, Okay?"


"Yeah, bye"

This girl really has her way with words. I hear my stomach rumble. Geez didn't notice I was this hungry. I find a fruit juice in the refrigerator from the dorm kitchen. Damn this school! They have set really high standards.

After wasting almost one hour I make my way towards the tracks. Taylor Swift's Delicate blaring in my ears. The track is empty indicating everyone is either at the party or their dorms. I start to run, the wind blowing against my face excites me.

After what felt forever I stopped. Now I was thirsty and damn, the dorm is very very far away. The only thing in front of my eyes is main building.... ugh Wait I remember seeing a water cooler when Brooklyn was showing me around.

I start walking in the direction where I think the cooler is, Hope I don't get lost in this massive building. After ten minutes of roaming I finally find the water cooler. Fulfilling my thirst I begin to make my way out.

At the second corner out of nowhere I hear laughing? It seems that there are more than three boys. What are they doing here? What are they laughing at? And what is that irritating voice, of some spray or something. Man, what is going on?

I put my hood on and slowly tip toe in their direction. Better safe than sorry,if I get caught which I don't want to happen, at all.

After hiding safely around a corner, close to them where I can get a perfect view I take a glance, it seems like a office they are loafing around with freaking aerosol can Spray in their hands.

Woah, these guys are Vandalising this school! Some guts they have. But how come? Don't this school have a thing called CCTV camera.

Vandalism is pretty bad...

They have donned same black pants with black hoodies on, and I can't see one face clearly. Damn these guys are good at hiding their faces.  There are about four of them from where I see... "Guys come on in to see this masterpiece

I've got here." A loud voice booms out from the door which I assume is the office.

That guy has a deep voice. Laughing starts again and now I see five guys exit the office. Shit! They are coming in my direction. I get from my position and try to run. Keyword TRY. I freaking fall face first with a loud bang.

"Who is there?" That deep voice again. I hear footsteps coming closer.  

Shit, shit, shit, shit!!!

I hastily get up again and ready myself to run when a hand is clasped down on my arm with much force and I'm spinning around not literally but only to collide in a solid structure.

Karma a fucking bitch!

And curiosity killed the cat. That cat is no one but me.

"Oww" Realising I'm getting hurt he loses his tight grip on me. Now it will be easy to  free myself off his loose grip.

"I'm asking again, who are you?" That deep voice again... Now is not the time, damn it!

"I'm... Tinker bell!" With that I sneak his hand off and start running as fast as I can. I never gave a thought to how fast I can run till now. Damn I'm good at this.

I can still hear their steps behind. Even if I can run fast that assholes have advantage of their long legs. Ugh!

I take some tricky turns to loose them. Panting I stop to check, after seeing that the coast is clear. I make a run for exit but after merely taking three steps I realise I'm where, I started.

There are colourful walls around me. Okay this is good news I know the way around from here.  I hope off.

After finally reaching my dorm I gulp down half of the water bottle which I found in the kitchen. Taking a seat on sofa I realise how tired I am.

I don't think I can handle a party now. All I want is food. I still have unpack my things.

God today has been one hell of a day.

I send a text to Brooklyn saying couldn't make it today. I have to tell her what happened today or she will eat me alive. I shudder at the thought. She can be very zombie like when she wants to be.

After I finish unpacking half of my stuff. I think Where Cassandra would be now? Absentmindedly my hand goes to the locket which Cassandra gave me on my fifteenth Birthday.

It's really a fine piece of gold and diamonds craved in the fragile pendant, which is leaf shaped.

But where is it? It's not there!

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, Fucking hell!!!"


Hope you guys enjoyed. And yeah I know there are lots of grammatical mistakes, sorry about it!

I promise you guys next chapters will be far better than this. Keep reading, and I'll try as much I can to update daily.

Have a beautiful day!

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