

The story focuses on a young girl “Mizuki” who dies and is taken to another world where her job is to defeat the Demon King, however, she has not been the only one summoned, she really just has to live quietly in a new world as the thirteenth heroine of the new era! It is a fantasy world, without many technological advances.

DaoistABy69c · Fantasy
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9 Chs


After bidding farewell to the goddess Era, I find myself in a gigantic room that seems to have no end. A white-floored corridor stretches before me, and the ceiling, or rather the lack of it, reveals to me a limitless sky. The atmosphere is like a beautiful sunny day, and the walls of this endless room are crammed with books. Each section has a year, type, and other categories that make me feel as if I am inside my dream come true.

Excitement sweeps over me as I discover the vast collection of knowledge before me. Quietly, I whisper to myself as I walk down the endless aisle: -This is amazing! -My new adventure in this brand new world is about to begin. However, something diverts my attention: a boy is staring at me. He has hazel skin and noticeably long ears. In a whisper, I wonder: -A dark elf? -

The boy seems to have heard me and stops dead in his tracks. A moment of silence stretches, and, hesitantly, I throw out a: - This... Well? -Really, that's what I asked?! Before I can rescue my dignity, the boy rubs his chin and declares: -I don't understand. -

You don't understand? I'm the one who doesn't understand what's going on! To divert attention, I decide to grab a random book from a nearby shelf and immerse myself in its pages. I try to concentrate on reading, leaving the confused boy in front of me behind.

Before I reach the book in the "Magic" section, the boy grabs my sleeve and asks the question: - What are you doing here? - His voice sounds full of uncertainty and curiosity, and his eyes confirm it. With a trembling voice, I answer: - Did I come to read? - I'm not sure if that's what the boy wanted to hear, because he touches his chin again, repeating a bit puzzled: "I don't understand".

The ticking of the clock sounds louder, and I feel the urge to catch every crumb of knowledge. Remembering this, I say to the boy: - Excuse me, I only have 3 days to read in this library, so, if you'll excuse me.... - I try to walk away to grab the book, but he stops me once again.

- This was your wish? - His voice trembling as if he had asked something forbidden. What's going on? I don't understand. - Yes, it was my wish. I wished "To obtain the greatest amount of knowledge", and here I am -. The boy stops again and, after a few seconds, says: - Why? - "Why?" I don't think long and answer firmly: - Because information is the most valuable asset to face the unknown, isn't it? - My words seem to reassure the boy, who seems to collapse with a sigh of relief. Although he falls to the ground and breaks through the surface, I don't move to stop him. My body just watches, something that doesn't fit my usual reaction to investigate.

Anyway, I try again to read the book for the third time, but just before I open it, my hand freezes. I... can't move it? What's going on?

-Sorry, you can't read that book, better take a look at the ones in this section. A butler, perhaps? The words come from a smartly dressed man who seems to have appeared out of nowhere. He gives a little snap of his fingers, and suddenly, the entire library begins to transform. The shelves, the books, everything is renewed. Even though the books now look a little more worn, I feel they are an improvement over the previous ones.

-My apologies, young lady. My name is Nestor and yes, I am a dark elf. You have passed the test, so feel free to loiter in this library for a week. Test? What test? Besides, did he say a week? Is he serious?

-I know you must have more questions than answers now, don't you, young lady? Don't worry, it was just an evaluation by the library administrator to find out what kind of person you are. Although there are many skills to analyze people, the administrator prefers to judge people with his own eyes. So, if you'll excuse me, I must get on with my task. If you need help, just say "Nestor", okay? The butler disappears, leaving me intrigued. I don't quite understand what's going on, but I guess it's nothing bad. Now, let's focus on reading these new books.

 In front of me is a small bookstore but it catches my attention because of its category name "Books for Mizuki [6D 23H 56M]" I'll start with these books then.

As I read the title of the books I realize something fatal, I don't know how to read this language! Out of all the books there is only one that I could understand "10 source languages you should already know" Well, I guess I'll read this one first.

It's been 4 hours of reading and it's exhausting, I don't know if I can get much information at this pace, if only I could use the skills I chose, wait I can't use them? Not knowing how to use them I decide to call Nestor. -Nestor

 -Yes, you called me? - Nestor appeared as soon as I whispered his name, I don't know how to feel about it, well, there's not much I can do so I just ask him if I can use the skills I selected before.

-Yes you can," he said calmly, 'How can I use them,' he tilted his head to one side as if he didn't understand my question, "In your world? In your world there is no magic, right? -At such a question I nodded and he sighed -My apologies, I didn't know, I thought you had chosen your skills with the intention of coming here right away, you just have to think about the skill you want to use, how it would affect your body or environment and if it becomes easier for you, say its name- Was it that easy? After hearing the way to use them I try to do it and it doesn't work and Nestor says: -Don't worry, since it's your first try sometimes it may fail, just try again- After that I tried again and again and again until an hour passed but finally I got it with "Swift thinking".

 - Whew, it's harder than expected, but now I can see everything around me moving slower.

 - Alright, just keep practicing, now if you'll excuse me - Before I could finish speaking I let out a small whimper.

 -A pain started to run through my head, "What's going on," I asked.

 -Nestor's eyes changed color to a bright blue, after a few moments he said, "Hoho, look no further, miss. Do you know how lucky you are? You have no mana, you've been using the library's mana instead of yours, it's a miracle you were even able to use magic. -What?" I asked, as I asked, I stopped concentrating on keeping the spell active and felt a sharper pain in my head, although this time I did not scream....

-Yes, look, in your previous world there was no mana, right? Your body lacks this energy but your constitution is something special and it seems that you managed to absorb the mana of this library, let's say that this library has purer mana than most places and is protected under certain laws that prevent certain nuisances, so you were lucky, being a peaceful area you can not die, otherwise the headache would have been something more than just a pain- I do not understand what you are talking about but there is something that I did understand

-You say that I can't die in this library, right? Nestor nods -You also say that it's not my mana that is used, right? I mean, I can keep it active all the time and I would only feel pain, right? Nestor thinks for a while, "Uhm...". Yes, that would be the case, but the pain will increase very quickly.

 -If the pain increases, I could faint because of it, right? Nestor thinks again - Generally your idea would have several mistakes, but in this library there are several laws as I have already mentioned: You can not die, anyone who damages the books will be exiled, you can not sleep while you are researching information from books, among others, so you would not faint, but the pain would be unbearable- -I see, thank you very much Nestor, thank you very much.

-I see, thank you very much Nestor..." Nestor made a strange face and asked, 'Forget the idea you have right now...' What idea?

-What idea? I don't know what you are talking about~ - Nestor just looks with a "Are you serious?" face and leaves. Between whispers Mizuki says -Tch, at least you would have asked.

Without anyone bothering me, I decided to activate "Analysis" to explore how it worked. Selecting the book I wanted to study, I had to wait a moment before a torrent of information started pounding my brain: letters, symbols and so on. Unfortunately, along with the flood of information came an agonizing pain.

It turns out that the language book had 2100 pages, even though on the outside it appeared to have only 50. It took me two hours to get all the information, two hours of intense pain. The suffering was so acute that I could do nothing but lie on the floor, waiting for it to end. I gritted my teeth with all my might, managing to endure the pain. When it was finally over, a notification appeared: "Skill acquired: 'Willpower (C)'". The sacrifice had been worth it, but I knew I could not underestimate the price of gaining knowledge in this new world.

- Wow, who knew you would. Ready to give up? - Nestor asked with a look of disappointment on his face Was he taking pity on me? I don't like being underestimated so - No, I still won't give up - I replied, my head is still hurting and I'm still on the floor, I feel like my brain is crashing into my skull, everything is spinning and I can't pass out, but I still won't let them pity me, at my words, Nestor disappeared, well, now to continue, my next book will be a basic magic book, hopefully there will be some recovery spell or so.

The book that seemed to be 40 pages long actually had 480 pages, it was full of drawings and basic information, but it still took me 3 hours to acquire its information, the pain is increasing more and more, my stomach is killing me, my senses are beginning to distort and this time Nestor did not appear. I decided to try to replicate healing magic that I read in the book "In the darkness of the mind, entangled and tired,With wise words and enlightened gestures,Claritas Mentis, restorative power,Releases fatigue, restores splendor. [Mental clarity]" My mind feels slightly calmer, but I still have a lot of pain, despite the fact that there were 480 pages there were only 8 spells, but there was a lot of information about the spell matrix.... I will cast [Mental Clarity] several more times and then continue.

-Well, I can go on now! My head is just dizzy, let's see, the next book will be [Herbs and Minerals].

And so the days went by, absorbing knowledge with pain and tears.... The amount of information I acquired I don't know how useful it will be, but I already know it, so I think I'll be able to do something... There are only 5 minutes left and I haven't been able to thank anyone, Nestor stopped seeing me after the fifth day...

 - Mizuki, here- Huh? The boy I saw the first time is giving me a present? I don't know what it is, it's wrapped with a very nice wrapper of a May flower pattern -Thank you very much, this one, what's your name -I asked while caressing my cheek, I don't know his name?

 -You don't need to know her name, she just recognized you as a scholar....

 -Oh well, thank you very much," I tell him while I throw him a smile and he answers in a very low voice, 'Never stop pursuing knowledge, please'.

After those words a light begins to envelop me, it is a warm light of a platinum golden color, when I open my eyes I know I will be in a new world, I have a lot of illusion actually.


Name- Aisha Mizuki level- 1


race- Moon amalgam

Life- 300

Speed- 20 

Physical strength- 45

Magic damage- 1428

Physical Resistance- 23

Magic resistance- 18

Intelligence- 13920

Mana- 2267

Affinities- all

Titles [5]

great sage- requirement to exceed 10k intelligence points/ bonus- artificial intelligence gained, will help you to know your status, when you gain titles and will provide you with necessary information depending on the situation you are in/ increase experience gained by 150%+ increase 100% points gained by leveling up

-Huh? "Moon Amalgam" race, not "human"? W-Well, they never said they'd bring me in as a human in the first place, besides, I feel a bit small Could it be because I'm younger now? Well, never mind, let's take a good look at our stats first.

 Uhm... I have 200 more life than average, 10 above average speed, 30 above average physical strength, well above average magic defense and very high magic skills, especially my magic damage which is over 1000 more than the amount of mana of an average adult and mana which is over 2000 more than a person with this skill. It seems that I still acquired titles, I'm going to check them at once [Titles].

(UR) Cosmic Incarnation: Your mortal body has been created from stardust, forged in the flames of the sun, fusing celestial essence with your earthly existence. You have acquired the skill "Celestial Alignment Body."

(S+) Otherworldly Traveler: By exploring beyond the known confines, you have been recognized as the "Otherworldly Traveler". This title celebrates your bravery in venturing into the unknown. Your ability to adapt to strange environments and face the unexpected has been honed, granting you unique insight and resilience in the face of the mysteries of unexplored worlds. Your adaptability, intuition and precognition are enhanced.

(A++) He Who Knew God: Elevated above ordinary mortals, you have earned the title "He Who Knew God." Your connection to the divine has marked your being in a unique way. This distinction celebrates your understanding and closeness to the deepest mysteries of the universe. You are recognized as one who has explored the divine spheres and carries with you the wisdom of having touched transcendence. Decreases causality

(A++) Great Sage: Congratulations! You have reached the title of "Great Sage". You surpassed 10,000 intelligence points and unlocked incredible abilities. Now, your artificial intelligence will provide you with crucial information depending on the situation, and you will gain 150% more experience and get 100% more points for leveling up. Leveling up has never been so rewarding! Keep on leveling up and discover the secrets of the game!

(E)Imperturbable Resilience: Succeeding in deciphering the extensive tome of languages, hidden behind deceptive modesty, has granted you the title "Imperturbable Resilience". Your ability to endure intense pain and persist through two hours of suffering has unlocked the skill "Willpower (C)".

Wow... there are some pretty strong titles huh? Especially "Cosmic Incarnation" and "Great Sage" The "Who Knew God" title is confusing me, I don't know how it affects causality, and the "Great Sage" one I got from reading a lot, but still An artificial intelligence in a world of magic? It feels weird... Well, I guess I'll see what new skills I acquired then....

At least, that was the idea I had, but some howling started to echo around me. As I turned my attention away from the system, I could see where I was: in a pine forest, covered by a pristine white blanket of snow. The tall pines, their branches laden with glistening flakes, stood like silent guardians against the winter sky. The air was fresh and crisp, permeated with the pungent scent of tree resin, a fragrance that was intensified by the purity of the snow that blanketed everything. I do not understand how I could not notice it until now and although there is snow covering everything that the eye can see, I do not feel cold, I just keep thinking looking at that pure white.

Suddenly, the silence was interrupted by the distant howl of a wolf. A melancholic echo resounded among the mountains, announcing the presence of a pack. Gradually, the wolves emerged from the trees, trotting gracefully over the fresh snow. Their gray and white coats camouflaged perfectly with the wintry surroundings, and their eyes glowed with a fierce, cunning intensity.

The herd surrounded me, keeping a respectful but curious distance. They watch me warily

Wolves Huh? I have nothing to defend myself with What should I do, I would like to hug them, but...! In this situation I think they see me as food, don't they? A pack of snow wolves, majestic and white as freshly fallen snow, stands in the winter landscape. They are of medium height, have white horns on their foreheads, their fur glistens with ice crystals, and their blue eyes sparkle with the wisdom of the vast frozen lands. With a nimble, graceful gait, they move gracefully, leaving barely noticeable tracks in the fresh snow. No doubt they are a danger to me at present, but why am I getting excited?

As I was thinking about it, one of the wolves closed the distance to bite me, however....

It's very slow, isn't it? If in my previous life I had barely had any room to dodge, in this one I seem to be twice as fast if not faster than the wolf, right?

Two other wolves pounced the same way, it doesn't matter, they are really slow, I gathered all my strength to hit him hard on the snout, but just as I imagined

It didn't hurt him much, huh? Well, I guess I'll have to use magic, won't I? [Discharge]

With a sparkling sound a chain of lightning shot out of my hand at the wolf, the chain bounced several times and hit all 7 wolves, none of them got up, they're dead.

AI: You have leveled up 12 times.

Was that all? It was a bit of a disappointing battle to tell you the truth, well, as far as I can see there's still night to go, I should start draining the blood shouldn't I? I don't have a knife for that so I guess an air cut would suffice?

After a while of waiting he's finally bleeding out the wolves, now we have to skin him, well, luckily I was able to get several materials to make a knife, if I remember correctly I had to make a transmutation matrix on the ground to be able to use the spell Right? I'll do it with a stick, then the chant? Can't the chants be less annoying?

In the dance of the elements, in the night and the dawn,

transmutation arises, creative power is born.

Words like sparks, my essence in transformation,

Creation: Transmutation, awaken, oh great song.

AI: Activating "Creation" skill Enter the ingredients for creation.

This...? What happened? This is not how it was supposed to be according to the book.

AI: I introduce myself, I am the Artificial Intelligence that will be helping you in this world, you are looking at a "Creation" interface check the recipes you can create and tell me if you need anything.

I need a knife please, I have rocks and sticks, look, a "makeshift knife".

AI: Wait a moment... 

After a brief moment the artificial intelligence spoke again

AI: Ready, please check your inventory.

 - Y-Yes, sure, I'll check it now [Inventory] Is there an improvised knife: Quality 7/10? Well, I guess with this I could skin wolves one way or another.

AI: Checking the skill catalog you can acquire the "Skinning" skill for 1 point, would you like to acquire it? 

How many points do I have?

AI: 780 points, I'll show you the catalog to see what skills are available.

A large skill store opened in front of me, there were hundreds of skills from frequent rank to Legendary rank, but there is something that puzzles me.

There are several skills whose price is in green and others that are in gray or blue, why is that? 

AI: It has to do with the talent and knowledge you have about them, if you have an affinity with them or the daily discounts, if you know a lot about them, you have good affinity or talent for them, it will decrease its price and it will be green, but if your talent, constitution or other things are not compatible, it will be shown in red or orange and its price will increase, the offers can be from 1% to 99.9% also, the same offers apply for when you want to improve a skill. The skinning skill costs 100 points but with the discount it has been reduced to 1 point.

 - Buy it, also the "Creation" skill.

AI: It would be more optimal not to buy "Creation" over time it may become a skill and not a spell.

 -Well, whatever you decide is best, I'll take your word for it.

AI: I suggest improving the skill "Skinning" to get better ingredients.

 - Okay, go for it. How many points are you going to use?

 AI: 748 points to raise it to level 3, 31 points left.

 - Do you really recommend it?

AI: Sure.

 - Just do it... - I don't really care, I consider that with the magic I have it should be enough to fight the beasts in the area, now that I think about it, I didn't use any spells for the "Flay" skill.

AI: "Flaying" has increased to level 3, it slightly increases the quality of materials and flaying time, do you want to link "Flaying" with "Inventory"? You will be able to skin corpses from your inventory.

 - Yes, sure, go ahead - I feel a bit weird talking to an AI but I guess it doesn't matter...

AI: Beginning skinning process, duration 4 hours per wolf.

 - 4 hours?! That's too long! It didn't even take me an hour, skin some and I'll skin some, okay?

AI: Understood

After a few hours the skinning work is over, night is starting to fall and although I'm not cold it would be better if I started to cover myself... the materials I got from the 7 wolves are: 50Kg of glacial wolf meat (D), 80Kg of glacial wolf meat (C), 2 pieces of glacial wolf skin (F) ,4 pieces of glacial wolf skin (D), 10 pieces of glacial wolf skin (C), 2 glacial wolf eyes (D), 10 glacial wolf eyes (E), 11 glacial wolf fangs (E). 7 Glacial wolf claws (D), 3 Glacial wolf horns (C) 15KG fat (E), 13 KG Glacial wolf bone (D)

I guess now it's back to conjure creation, isn't it? Well... [Creation] Seriously, I'm too embarrassed to say these spells.

AI: New recipes unlocked.

 - You know what I need, what do you recommend? 

AI: I recommend the following items:

- Glacial wolf coat [Enchanted] (D): 5 pieces of glacial wolf fur (C), 2 glacial wolf eyes (D), 1 Glacial wolf horn, Glacial wolf bone powder. High resistance to cold and weak resistance to heat

- Glacial wolf cap [Enchanted] (D): 3 pieces of glacial wolf fur (C), 1 glacial wolf horn, Glacial wolf bone powder. High resistance to cold.

- Reinforced glacial wolf skin boots: 2 pieces of glacial wolf skin (C), 4 pieces of glacial wolf skin (D), 6 glacial wolf claws (D). High cold resistance, increases speed and decreases presence in snowy climates, slightly increases kick damage.

- Glacial wolf bracelet: 8 glacial wolf eyes (E). Increases vision, senses and reflexes in winter climates.

 -I'm going to the inventory now, right? Okay, I'm going to equip it.

I finished equipping it and honestly, the clothes look better than expected, it's warm, it doesn't smell bad, the feeling around me was incredibly soft, like being wrapped in a delicate cloud. I closed my eyes for a moment, letting the sensation envelop my senses. It was as if I was touching the softness of a winter caress, a texture that evoked warmth and comfort in the midst of the coldest season. It also looked great, the hat looks and feels great too, my little ears don't feel cold and feel warm, the boots on the other hand look slightly ugly for my taste, but the footprints they leave in the snow are almost imperceptible unless you try hard to see them, the hard texture feels a little uncomfortable but I guess it's better than before... The bracelet if surprised me a lot, I expected it to be a bracelet with only eyes attached to each other, but it has a good taste, you can only see 3 eyes and the rest is attached by a black thread, the eyes are smaller than at the beginning and do not feel like eyes, they feel like stones which I appreciate a lot.

AI: The combo "GLACIAL WOLF CLOTHING (4)" has been activated. Reduces cold damage by 40%, resistance to icy magic 20%, damage bonus in icy magic 20%, increases senses 20%.

Suddenly a sound echoed in the place, it was a Gurururu, I'm already hungry....

I-I guess I'll go find something to eat.

After a long search, the use of the skill "Analyze" and the herbal knowledge I acquired in the library as well as in my past life I was able to find several edible plants, from roots to berries, I even found a centuries old Iced Ginseng (A++). I guess I have no choice but to make a plant salad. meat? I don't like to consume meat and I have nowhere to cook it, so... for the moment I can't do anything with it. the hunger I had already increased, maybe the fact that it's nighttime won't help too much?

While eating the wild plant salad I started to have an icy sensation in my mouth, it was like mint, but I didn't put mint in it, the freshness became more and more intense but it didn't bother me, I just kept eating, as time went by I started to see how my breath froze, my breath now looked like white mist with glitters glistening under the moonlight.

 - Beautiful...

AI: Acquired Skill: Icy Moon Body (UR), Skill "Icy Moon Body" is absorbed by "Celestial Alignment Body (L)", Skill "Celestial Alignment Body (L) contains new specifications."

Celestial Alignment Body: In your body resides the power of the cosmos, increases your adaptability, mystical damage and resistance, you receive celestial influence.

(1) Influence of the Moon: The Moon is especially fond of you and blesses you with a great mind and curiosity that will allow you to unveil the mysteries hidden in the gloom of destiny, you acquire the ability "Eyes of the Moon (A)".

(2)Influence of the Glacial Moon: The glacial moon blesses you with great intuition and serenity, you will remain calm even in the most hopeless situations, the skill "Willpower" transforms to "Lunar Will (A)"

 -V-Wow... I got new abilities Y-Yay! - I honestly don't know how to feel about it, I feel like I got skills I don't deserve just because! How would I know that a Centennial Ginseng would give me more skills! Plus it's funny that I get abilities from the moon when my name is spelled as "Bella Luna."

Well, I'll go to sleep.

Without further ado I climbed up to the top of a tree and lay down to sleep.