
The Imperial Dragon of the Douluo Shocked the World

Synopsis. When the Golden Dragon met the God-slayer's Spear. When the supreme power met the heavenly weapon, In the loftiest Palace of Douluo, Lu Yuan wore a crown on his head and declared seriously: In this era, Martial Soul hall is destined to unite the continent! Author: Wind and Cloud https://h5.imiaobige.com/novel/204513.html .............. I am reading this story along with you guys, so no spoiler pls. And pls let me know any mistakes while reading, i m using this to increase my language skills, and grammar, along with the thought of earning some extra money for my studies. Support: https://paypal.me/DarkSideWildCat?locale.x=en_GB https://ko-fi.com/crazy_wildcat Thank you ................ This fanfic is something I found in Chinese site. I am just a Translator, nothing belong to me.

Crazy_DarkSide_Cat · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 9 Prime Demon Ape

The absorption of soul rings is always a time-consuming matter, even if the absorption is quite smooth, sometimes it takes most of the day.

Tang San's first soul ring Mandrake Snake is close to four hundred years old, and the soul ring's power is quite aggressive, so it's not easy to absorb.

Since Lu Yuan and the rest entered the soul-hunting forest it was already afternoon, and they spent some time on the road, so less than an hour before Tang San absorbed the soul ring, the sky had already darkened.

The master and Felos had already set up the tent, for those who are familiar with the survival of wilderness, tenting is just a basic skill.

Lu Yuan took the snake repellent powder given by the master, meticulously sprinkled it around, the repellent powder can cover the breath, but also repel poisonous insects, which is generally necessary for survival in the wild.

Night slowly fell, the master and Felos have lit a campfire, with the mandrake snake, a pot of snake soup, and braised snake meat.

When burying the carcasses of the mandrake snake and the blazing pig, the master cut off a section of the mandrake snake's flesh and used it to make a soup to drink.

Although the mandrake snake is highly poisonous, its own snake meat is non-toxic and tasty, Lu Yuan drank three bowls in a row before he closed his eyes and started meditating.

The night in the soul-hunting forest is not quiet at all, the sound of various soul beasts hissing came incessantly from afar.

In the night to ignite a bonfire is actually a very dangerous thing, some weak soul beasts are afraid of flame, but some powerful soul beasts are very fond of flame.

It's just that the soul-hunting forest's soul beasts have lower age, and Felos has the cultivation level of Spirit Elder, and if the master leads the team alone, he definitely won't dare to make a fire in the soul-hunting forest.

When spending the night in the wild, there is always someone who has to keep watch, the master is worried about Tang San, so he took the initiative to assume the responsibility of keeping guard.

Felos is happy to rest, lying in the tent, before long, the sound of snoring rose.

Thanks to the flame, Grandmaster's gaze glances from time to time towards Tang San, to see if his face looks normal, breathing steadily, only after that he gradually put his mind at ease.

Time is flowing like water, and it's slowly reaching late at night!

Late at night, the soul-hunting forest's temperature dropped, and the breeze added a few chills.

The master yawned deeply, the night watch always is a very tiring thing.

As the night falls, the sound of various soul beasts slowly disappears, the whole soul-hunting forest became quiet all at once.

The master slightly moved closer to the campfire, taking advantage of the warmth from the flame to drive the cold away.

Suddenly, the master's eyes stern, "Why so quiet all of a sudden!" There is a lot of soul beasts in the soul-hunting forest, even late at night there should be a slight sound of soul beasts, how can it be so quiet all of a sudden.

The master instantly became alert, sweeping his eyes, suddenly his gaze was frozen, in less than two hundred meters from the camp, a pair of yellow eyes emitting a fine light in the dark night.

" Felos, Xiao Yuan, get up quickly, there is a problem!" The master bellowed, and Lu Yuan who was in meditation, and Felos who were in the tent woke up at the same time.

" What is it?" Felos possessed martial spirit instantly, and the surrounding air scorched all of a sudden.

"Roar!" With a huge roar, a black figure pounced straight towards Lu Yuan and the rest.

"Watch out!" Everyone hurriedly dodged!

The huge figure landed on the ground, splashing a burst of dust!

The crowd finally got a good look at its full face!

"It's actually Prime Demon Ape!" The master's expression held a shock, this Prime Demon Ape is a powerful existence second only to the Titan Great Ape among the ape soul beasts, except for the Titan Great Ape in the tribe of apes, the Prime Demon Ape and the Heaven Shaking Giant Ape are the most powerful, they never thought they would encounter it today.

" Felos pull the fight far away, Xiao San still here!" The master instantly reacted, this place is too close to Tang San, must not let the Prime Demon Ape affect Tang San.

"The first soul skill, blazing fire!" The hot fireball blasted at the Prime Demon Ape's body, the intense pain brought out its bestial nature, and it directly lunged toward Felos.

"Master, can old man able to handle this Prime Demon Ape?" Looking at the constantly pulled away combat zone, Lu Yuan had concern in his heart, the Prime Demon Ape is not an ordinary soul beast.

Master face gloomy, said: " It is not easy to tell, this Prime Demon Ape is close to three meters tall, already close to a thousand years of cultivation, a rough estimate should be between eight hundred fifty to nine hundred years."

"This Prime Demon Ape although unlike the Titan Giant Ape a thousand years that can rival the average ten-thousand-year-old soul beast, but with its strength, I fear it is also comparable to three to four-thousand-year-old soul beasts, although Felos is already a spirit Elder, after all, he doesn't have a powerful martial soul, and the soul ring allotment is not good, the victory is unknown!"

Hearing the words of the master, Lu Yuan's heart immediately raised, a swipe of the hand, a fine iron spear appeared in his hand, said: "Master, you take care of Tang San, I'm going to help my old man!"

"You!" Master raised his hand and wanted to stop Lu Yuan, but thinking of the powerful strength Lu Yuan had shown during the day, he could not help but put down his hand and said, "Then you take care of yourself!"

Lu Yuan nodded, then instantly possessed the golden dragon martial spirit, operating the phoenix dance six illusion body technique, holding a spear he rushed towards the combat zone between Felos and the Prime Demon Ape.

The golden dragon possessed by Lu Yuan was like a bright light at night, extremely dazzling.

"Red Flame Wild Tsunami!"

Not far away, Felos unleashed his fourth soul skill, leaving a deep wound on the Prime Demon Ape's body.

"Roar!" The Prime Demon Ape suffered pain and roared in anger as its thick arms swept across the sky, and although Felos dodged in time, he was still grazed by the wind from a punch and was directly thrown away.

"Old man!" Lu Yuan's body turned into six residual shadows and finally caught Felos in his arms before he hit the ground.

"Old man, are you all right?" Lu Yuan asked.

The corner of Felos' mouth showed a trace of blood and laughed: "Yes, what a powerful beast, let's go together, as a father and son!"

Lu Yuan nodded and gripped the spear in his hand tightly.

"Third soul skill, Hellish Raging Inferno!" The soul skill from the eight hundred-year-old Red Devil Mastiff, carry a blazing hellfire.

"Vast Sea Spear Technique!" The spear stabbed out, bringing up a wave of sound that struck the eyes of the Prime Demon Ape.

A soul beast like the Prime Demon Ape had almost no shortcomings, and its only weakness is its eyes, or rather it's a weakness common to most soul beasts.

The intense hellfire spurted on the Prime Demon Ape's back, and instantly it became more violent!

The Prime Demon Ape's fur was burned by the Hellfire, and it actually had the effect of fueling the fire.

By using the old man's attack, Lu Yuan's spear also pierced directly into the Prime Demon Ape's body.

Although it did not pierce its eyes, it did pierce into its neck.

"What a hard body!" Lu Yuan's heart astonished, under the Golden Dragon Martial Spirit's augmentation, the huge force above two thousand jins and the powerful might of the Vast Sea Spear Technique did not completely pierce its body, only a small tip of the spear went in, its powerful defense, really terrifying!

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