
The Imperial Dragon of the Douluo Shocked the World

Synopsis. When the Golden Dragon met the God-slayer's Spear. When the supreme power met the heavenly weapon, In the loftiest Palace of Douluo, Lu Yuan wore a crown on his head and declared seriously: In this era, Martial Soul hall is destined to unite the continent! Author: Wind and Cloud https://h5.imiaobige.com/novel/204513.html .............. I am reading this story along with you guys, so no spoiler pls. And pls let me know any mistakes while reading, i m using this to increase my language skills, and grammar, along with the thought of earning some extra money for my studies. Support: https://paypal.me/DarkSideWildCat?locale.x=en_GB https://ko-fi.com/crazy_wildcat Thank you ................ This fanfic is something I found in Chinese site. I am just a Translator, nothing belong to me.

Crazy_DarkSide_Cat · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 84 Passing through the Heaven Dao Empire border

"You flatter me!" Being praised like this by Golden Crocodile Douluo, even with the thickness of Lu Yuan's face, he felt a little embarrassed.

"Not at all, you are worthy of it! This old man is not talking nonsense!" Golden Crocodile, Douluo said.

"Eh!" Lu Yuan also did not know what to say.

"Well!" Bibi Dong's voice sounded and said, "Since everything is ready, then set off, Second Worshipper, I'll leave Xiao Yuan and Nana to you!"

"Leave it to this old man!" Golden Crocodile Douluo nodded his head.

At that, Bibi Dong also put down her heart, Golden Crocodile Douluo is a rank 98 pinnacle Douluo, except for the three ultimate Douluo and Bibi Dong, there is almost no enemy, even today's Tang Hao is definitely not his opponent.

Unless Tang Hao's injuries are completely healed, then with the famous hammer and explosive ring he can still fight, otherwise, encountering the group is looking for death.

Therefore, with the Golden Crocodile Douluo in, Lu Yuan and Hu Liena's party are as stable as a mountain.

Lu Yuan and Hu Liena got on the carriage, there is no coachman, the Golden Crocodile Douluo directly played the role of the coachman.

In the gaze of Bibi Dong, Lu Yuan somewhat reluctantly waved his hand and then began to depart.

The carriage slowly drove out of Martial Soul City.

The same as when he came, from Martial Soul City to Notting Academy, with the speed of the carriage, even if rushed, it will take half a month, not to mention, this time Lu Yuan is not in a hurry, along the way took a playful and relaxed mindset, so the advancement is much slower.

After all, in addition to him, there is Hu Liena.

He now has some complicated feelings towards Hu Liena in his heart, it's not love, it's not to that level yet, but he already has feelings, so unknowingly, he considered Hu Liena into account.

Although Lu Yuan did not say it, but deep inside, perhaps even he did not know, he may have long had love and tenderness for Hu Liena, but his heart has always been filled with Qian Renxue, obsession is too strong, so subconsciously ignored it.

Looking at Hu Liena's slightly red eyes, Lu Yuan asked softly, "Senior sister, what's wrong, is it because you don't want to leave Teacher?"

Hu Liena is different from him, despite her maturity, is only a 13 or 14-year-old girl, although the mind is more mature, but has never gone out alone, is very dependent on Bibi Dong.

In the past, she never went far from Martial Soul City, but this time it is different, she is completely far from Martial Soul City, Hu Liena not only treats Bibi Dong as a master but also as a mother figure, suddenly being so far away from Bibi Dong, she is not used to it.

This is just like a student in a modern family, away from their parents, going to a foreign country to study alone, when they first leave, there is some apprehension and reluctance in their hearts.

Lu Yuan is different, he has memories from his past life, he is a real adult mentally, in his opinion this is just a journey.

Hearing Lu Yuan's words, Hu Liena nodded her head.

Lu Yuan smiled, pinched Hu Liena's cheek, and said, "Don't worry, it's not like you can't see Teacher anymore, at most two or three months' time, we'll be able to return."

"Besides, the Douluo Continent is so big, don't you want to go out and see it?"

Looking at Lu Yuan's gentle smile, Hu Liena suddenly felt at ease, yes, there is Brother by her side, what else to be afraid of?

One hand grabbed Lu Yuan hand which squeezing her cheek, Hu Liena pair of beautiful eyes with a trace of water mist, look charming and pitiful, " junior brother, senior sister has never been away from home, this time, I will bother junior brother, junior brother must take care of me, okay?"

Looking at Hu Liena's eyes that look watery and pitiful face, Lu Yuan's lips twitched, "This vixen, started again!"

Silently trying to withdraw his hand, but Hu Liena grabbed it to death, a pair of beautiful eyes looked at Lu Yuan, still glittering with tears, " Junior brother!"

Looking at Hu Liena's eyes, Lu Yuan was instantly defeated, he could not see Hu Liena's pitiful look.

Still too soft-hearted, ah!

A trace of cunning swept through Hu Liena's eyes and secretly made a victory sign in her heart.

From the Martial Soul City to the Heavenly Dou Empire, it is all a clear road.

With the speed of them, they left early in the morning and finally arrived at the border of the Heaven Dou Empire by sunset.

And from the border of the Heaven Dou Empire to the Heavenly Dou Imperial City, it would only take a day or so.

Facing the afterglow of the setting sun, a carriage traveled swiftly towards the border.

The empire's border, Time-limited passage, although their status could access the road even if they missed the time period, but that would certainly cause a lot of turbulence, it is likely will expose their identity, and Lu Yuan and his party originally intended to be low-key.

In the carriage, a day of traveling, is rather exhausting.

Lu Yuan is okay, with the Golden Dragon bloodline growth, his physical body is quite strong, not to mention sitting for a day, even a week is not a big deal, but Hu Liena could not do it, although she also a beast martial spirit, spirit master, but it focuses on the spirit and charm, although the physique is not bad, it is not much better, plus the first time travel, sitting for so long in the carriage, it is inevitable there is some discomfort.

At the moment, she is leaning against Lu Yuan, sleeping soundly.

A pair of lotus root arms wrapped around Lu Yuan's waist, her pretty face resting on Lu Yuan's shoulder, sleeping sweetly.

The corners of her mouth occasionally let out a trace of saliva, wetting a small piece of the clothes on Lu Yuan's shoulders.

Hu Liena's sleeping face he's afraid that no one knows better than him, after all, they are kind of sleeping in the same bed for almost three years.

Although Lu Yuan spent every night meditating but helping Hu Liena cover the quilt, pick up the quilt, such an operation, he did not know how many times he has done it.

There are even times when the morning practice is over when Hu Liena unconsciously releases the martial spirit when sleeping hazily, the long fox tail even wrapped around his body.

Today, she is considered a good sleeper.

Carefully surveyed Hu Liena, not to mention, willow eyebrows curved, fair face like jade, sleeping Hu Liena has a little less charm, but a little more pureness, it seems exceptionally beautiful, even if they have been together for three years, still gave Lu Yuan a stunning feeling, plus the lazy feeling brought by slightly messy hair, this moment of Hu Liena is really beautiful.

Looking at the Heaven Dou border which is already close at hand, Golden Crocodile Douluo peeked his head in from outside, " Xiao Yuan, the Heaven Dou border is here."

The golden crocodile douluo's eyes flashed a trace of unhappiness, in his heart, this cheap disciple of his and Xiao Xue are the pair made in heaven, although Hu Liena's talent is okay, it is far from Qian Renxue.

His mind spun with thoughts.