
The Imperial Concubine is the Most Favored in the Harem

Lin Wanyi, the daughter of the prime minister, is beautiful and talented, but she has been cautious in the harem for the sake of a safe life. She thought she would marry a peaceful family and live a smooth life, but things took a sharp turn when she received the imperial edict to enter the palace. Her father and brother were not helpful, and her position in the palace was only a low-ranking one. She seemed to have no other way out except to rely on her elder cousin sister, the imperial concubine. She wanted to live a quiet life behind closed doors, but the cold-hearted and cold-faced emperor came more diligently than anyone else! Outsiders all said that Lin Wanyi was spoiled, but they didn't know that the strong and forbearing young emperor was confused at a glance...

Alex_5130 · History
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27 Chs

Only Loyal Servants will Stay

"When I was a girl at home, I once raised a wild cat. It snowed heavily that winter and it almost froze to death. Later, Chunqi and I brought it back to the yard and took care of it carefully for several months. It was also obedient and cute."

"But after the beginning of spring, I looked for it everywhere but couldn't find it. Then I realized that my small yard was just its temporary residence. The world outside is vast, how could it be satisfied with the warmth of the small yard."

Lin Wanyi said while recalling.

"So after that, I understood that a forced melon is not sweet, and a person who is forced to stay will also have a different heart. If it is not wholeheartedly staying by my side, I don't care no matter how great its ability is. I only keep loyal servants by my side."

These words made Xiao Luzi blush and hot.

Lin Wanyi looked a little reluctant, but still suppressed the compassion in her heart.

This is the palace, where people will be eaten if you are not careful.

If Xiao Luzi is still the ear-reporting god of Eunuch Qin, then he can't stay.

Xia An and Chun Qi immediately knelt on the ground and said to Lin Wanyi in loyalty.

"I will serve you wholeheartedly and will never have second thoughts in my life, otherwise I will not die well!"

Xiao Luzi knelt down again, and this time he said with a firm tone.

"Don't worry, my lady, I am willing to serve you wholeheartedly like my two sisters, and will never have second thoughts. As for Eunuch Qin, I will take care of it myself." His loyalty is not real, just by listening to these words or seeing what he has done in the past few days.

It still needs to be observed over a long period of time.

But at the moment, Lin Wanyi still trusts him a little.

So, she said with a long sigh.

"Get up, all of you just remember that words are useless, and the intention is the most important."


Taking advantage of the swing shed incident, she knocked Xiao Luzi.

Afterwards, Lin Wanyi did not mention this matter again, as if it had never happened.

The seeds of the grapevine were delivered, and Chunqi took Xiaoluzi to plant them in the corner.

The two who loved to laugh and play on weekdays were speechless at this moment.

It was Xiaoluzi who broke the deadlock first, and said to Chunqi apologetically.

"Are you disappointed in me, Sister Chunqi?"

The sadness revealed in his words was not false, and Chunqi felt uncomfortable hearing it.

"One thing is that the young lady has never been a harsh person. I have served her for many years, and I have never seen her lose her temper. This is the first time I have seen her speak so seriously to someone."

Then she added.

"This palace is really terrible, everywhere is..."

The words came to her lips, but she kept her mouth shut because of what the young lady had just said.

But even if she didn't say it, Xiaoluzi understood what she wanted to express.

"Don't worry, sister. I have been in the palace for many years and have served many people, but only the young lady and you treat me sincerely. Although I am stupid, I also know the principle of repaying a drop of water with a spring of water. I will never do that again."

"I hope so."

Chunqi didn't dare to trust him rashly. Even if she saw the deep sadness in his eyes, she could only pretend not to see it.

Xiaoluzi knew that he had done something wrong. The only way now was to do his job well and strive to get their forgiveness.

So he worked harder than before, without any laziness.

"My lady, Xiao Luzi's matter..."

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, we don't have any handle of his hands. Just be careful in the future and don't mention things related to the family in front of him."


"Looking at what happened, Xiao Luzi also gained face in front of Eunuch Qin. Remember to tell Chunqi not to be too harsh on Xiao Luzi because of this matter."

"I understand."

After saying this, Lin Wanyi continued to read the book, but she didn't read it very well. It's really hard to live a peaceful life in the palace.

After a whole morning, Chunqi didn't have time to make lunch, so the master and servants ate what was sent by the imperial kitchen.

Today's dishes are not bad.The soup made from big bones was filled with three fresh shreds. The colors were well matched and looked appetizing.

The tripe was stir-fried with some bean sprouts. The tripe was very chewy and the bean sprouts retained their original crispness.

Some pungent chili peppers were also added, but Lin Wanyi didn't find it spicy.

"The young lady is really good at eating spicy food!" Chunqi took a look at the chili peppers in the tripe and didn't want to eat it at all.

She was most afraid of spicy food in her life. She would sweat a lot after a little bit of it. Unlike Lin Wanyi, who could eat anything spicier than this.

"There was a chef from Shuzhou in my grandfather's family. He always liked to mix spices with spicy food. At first, I was not used to it, but later I couldn't live without spicy food."

Xia An smiled. When she was still in the Dong family, she had also seen this chef from Shu. He obviously loved spicy food, but he didn't got scolded, which made many cooks jealous.

The people in the imperial kitchen probably saw the food delivered two days ago. Lin Wanyi likes spicy food, so they thought of sending the tripe strips today.

Lin Wanyi ate half a bowl of rice with the tripe strips.

She drank another bowl of bone soup, and felt very satisfied.

No wonder there is a saying that food is the first necessity of the people, and the feeling of being full and satisfied is comfort.

However, this comfort did not last long, and the peaceful life of the master and servants was broken again.Xiao Luzi welcomed Eunuch He in the outer courtyard. This time, Lin Wanyi knew what was going on without waiting for him to speak.

When Chunqi saw Eunuch He, her face was full of excitement.

It has been a long time since her young lady last served the emperor. If His Majesty does not summon her again, I am afraid that people outside will have something to say.

Eunuch He is the chief eunuch in charge of the bedroom. He looks a little thin and taciturn, but he actually speaks sweetly. He is polite to everyone he meets. He said with a smile on his face.

"Your servant wishes you the best of luck, young lady."

"Eunuch He, please stand up."

"Thank you, young lady. I came here today to ask you to prepare. His Majesty has turned over your name card, and the sedan chair will come to pick you up later."

After having his first bed, Lin Wanyi was not restrained this time.