
The immortals wants to die

Our protagonist Fray has lived for thousands of years and has turned apathetic to nearly everything Why has his personality twisted so much? Why did he wipe out humanity? No better yet how did he wipe them out What are these so called divine authorities of his? How will he possibly end himself if nothing he does kills him? Join fray on his journey to uncover the countless mysteries of his world can the broken protagonist possibly be mended?

Cursed_Author · Fantasy
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4 Chs

The dragons wrath

It took fray 4 hours to jog to the city he was contemplating on wether or not to just use Sol's authority but he decided not to as well last time even if he pretended not to notice there were quite a few pests who had noticed his presence

Although he didn't fear them whatsoever he was somewhat concerned on wether or not there interference would ruin his future plans related to the academy

Hence why he was currently jogging to the city though calling it jogging would be somewhat of an understatement as he was at the bare minimum going at mach 1

The city's in this world were quite a distance away from each other if they were not so far away he would have indeed just walked and enjoyed the scenery

he was short on time however as that overgrown lizard could have already flown away

The city was in sight he could see tiny dots moving in the distance he assumed them to be cars and interestingly enough the city had a thin blue membrane around it if you didn't pay enough attention you would even miss it

Yet fray could sense the power emanating from that thin membrane, it was to the point where he started to believe that just maybe that thing could take a single half power attack

Which was an astonishing accomplishment from his perspective the craftsman or whoever made it must have been at the apex of there field to craft something so fragile yet powerful

He decided to stop getting distracted and search for the dragon he was thinking of just spreading his mana to search for the dragon until he remembered that every city had at least a special grade entity protecting the city

The ranks for the Humans, Elves and dragons were categorized in the same way after all it would be pointless to have different measuring systems it would just make more confusing to ones strength

It was essentially to make it more convenient for the public populace as the ones at the top don't need to categorize someones power to know how strong they were

ranks unanimously known through Exodia were

1 ✭ - It was also known as beginner rank as no matter what class you use you would tagged with the beginner title until you prove your strength to be 2 stars

2 ✭ - These people are also referred to as intermediate ranks they could wipe out at least a couple hundred monsters

3 ✭ - Known also as high grades they are on par with high grade demons typically however there are anomalies among this rank who can fight those much stronger then themselves through the use of skills or very rarely inheritances left by the forgotten ones..

4 ✭ - Special grade entities that can very well go on par with demon generals however not all of them are strong enough to do so

5 ✭ - Apex grade Individuals also known as the false apex among the very few who have reached this rank these individuals can single handedly deal with at at least hundreds of demon generals just by themselves and can potentially even fight on par with the 4 unranked kings of the demon kings army

Even Fray wasn't sure how he would fare up against special or apex grades as from what he had seen from his memories there strength wasn't the biggest issue but there means of fighting by using the unique skills they possessed and on rare occasions even inheritances they could pose quite a threat to even Fray if he underestimated them

Which might sound like good news however, the problem was that if he finds someone stronger than himself and they cant kill him.. there are only two options one the past would repeat itself or the other being they would seal him which is something that goes against his goal of dying

yet the expression that had formed on face...

it looked the same as before however if you payed close attention his lips had curved by a few centimeters and his hazy eyes had turned even more hazy then before

"So what? i'm immortal at worst the past will repeat at best I will die"

The option of getting sealed had completely disappeared from his mind though it sounded quite bad and it truly was, however to him who had already been sealed it was just a game of waiting and if there is one thing that he had confidence in, it was his patience

A black wave spread from fray as it continued forward till it reached the city and beyond, he had spread his mana in a 1000km radius and low and behold he sensed three presences which had reacted one of them being the special grade, while the other being a dragon and the third one he could get a read on he couldn't sense anything aside from the fact that they had sensed him

However as soon as he started pondering on the existence which sensed it had vanished without a trace as if it had never existed which made his frown even more noticeable

"Never mind that thing, i must remember my goal is that lizard"

He tensed his muscles as he got into a leaping position even though it was a negligible act cracks had already started forming all around him though he could have cared less

When he had finally leapt, a 100 meter crater was left on the ground his pure physical strength had truly transcended mortal bounds

He was in the clouds gazing upon the land as he got lost in his thoughts, pondering of ways he could make the main characters of this world kill him

---First person---

Can they even kill in the first place? no even when they reach there peak chances are they might not even able to take an arm off me, however if i personally train them then it can be different can it not?

The potential these main characters possessed was monstrous by the standards of this world, even from his own perception some of them had exceptional talent that if tapped into could potentially be his key to freedom

I suppose I've found the answer then, I shall teach them and make them strong enough to kill even me

---Third person---

Only a few seconds had elapsed as he had finished his thoughts and reached the den of the dragon

It was a cave craved into the mountain the caves entrance by itself was quite ginormous approximately being 20m by 20m

Fray entered the cave it was pitch dark well at least it would have been if two glowing eyes weren't currently staring at him

The eyes had slit pupils and were at least 4 meters in size which made them extremely intimidating to look at yet also mesmerizing

Fray had also gotten lost in those eyes, however for a different reason those eyes.. they look similar to that Childs

how interesting..

His thoughts however were interrupted quite rudely as an ear piercing roar had been let out by the owner of those eyes, the roar was that of one who held uncontrollable fury and rage

The ground had started cracking and the cave had started shaking madly as the cave slowly disappeared and was buried by boulders

"You insolent little reptile..."