
Impish friend or foe

Hello, it is me the immortal whit my knowledge, today I will tell you everything (or at least what I'm allowed to), on the summoning and taming of imps. Then I will be taking a week to increase my standing in this world, that way I can talk more freely.

First things first I have to tell you that taming and summoning is different for each world, in order to help you all to the best of my abilities, I will explain this worlds process.

Summoning imps is one of the simplest summon second only to summoning a familiar.

The way to summon an imp is something that from what I've gathered is frowned upon in this world because after you summon one there is a chance, that if a single mistake is made, the gates to the imps playground will open and hundreds of imps will appear.

Anyways I don't really care for this planets safety since if something really happens ill just go find another world in which to spread my knowledge so ill tell you how to summon an imp.

First you will require a summoning circle wich is fairly easy to gain access to, if that is you are a mage or wizard, secondly you will need a few items from the imps playground

• impish rock/8/

• evil core /2/

•door ( preferably made from magic wood)

•key for the door

• chalk ( preferably made from impish dust)

•pedestals( made from limestone) /2/

Then what you want to do is to make a summoning circle large enough for a door and about 2.5 feet of space in between the door and the border of the circle. You will then want to place the impish rocks in the circle's specified in the formation, then you want to place the two evil cores in the two pedestals at the sides of the door then use the chalk to draw the symbols that come with the summoning circle book on the pedestals, and then say the magic words( also included in the book) and then use the key to open the door and then the imp will come out and be loyal to you for reason that aren't really important enough for me to explain. Once the imp comes out the door will shatter, but if you did it incorrectly the door wont shatter and imps will come out.

If you follow all these steps congratulations you now have a cute demonic imp pet which will kill your enemy's without hestitation

Well that's all for today but, sadly I will only talk about the imps once more then I will move into other creatures wich I will leave for a vote to you please choose in what I think is called comments.