
The Immortals Gambit

The mcs name is Nathan Walker his journey is about being a minimum-wage man to a Godlike existence and I the Writer of his Story hope you Enjoy

Playfulpundit · Fantasy
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8 Chs


Ryn showed a middle finger to the dying Monster and when it died, Ryn collapsed out of exhaustion and excruciating pain due to his multitude of wounds.

Ryn is lying near the corpses breathing heavily and looking completely bloodied and bruised.

"That Asshole I just came to this world why do you have to make it this hard for me, I'm fucking scared of pain like you wouldn't expect that from someone who died in the past but why do you think I didn't kill myself sooner because I was scared of the pain that followed You Bitch"

This is true even though he looked terrifying in his past life he was quite a softy and hated pain, helping the strays on the streets or giving money to the homeless in fact, this Situation was completely out of Character to Na- Ryn like taking the example of the person he broke the Arm of that was only because that guy was tormenting him and insulting Ryn for being an Orphan but you know what's sad Ryn didn't even break his arm on purpose he pushed him and the Kid fell on his arm wrong and SNAP you know what happened after.

"Forget it let's look at my rewards," Ryn said trying to put his mind on something else.

Ryn looked at the corpse with Pure Hatred and summoned the System.

[New Features Unlocked For Killing Your First Monster]

[Name: Ryn ] Currency:100

Race: Human

Age: 14

HP: 5/20

MP: 0

Main Skill: /*+"E$"


Lesser Strength: 8-9

Lesser Agility: 7-8

Lesser Endurance:5-7

Lesser Stamina:6-8

Lesser Intelligence: 3-4

Lesser Perception: 10

Beginner Charm/Charisma: 1

Points Unused


Active: None

Passive: {F} Intuition lv.2, {E} Unbreakable Will lv.1, {F} Low Regeneration

[Shop] Available

"Amazing how strong that monster must have been for me to get so much stuff and regeneration bleu-!!"

Ryn spoke excitingly of his Progress and ignored the state he was in making him puke a handful of crimson blood.

'I shouldn't be talking it hurts like hell so much that I want to cry surprised I didn't yet.

Maybe it is because this body doesn't cry as easily as me, but how much of me is inside this body what else has changed other than this ... forget it I'm gonna think of something else. Ryn quickly changes the topic of his Thoughts to not make things complicated.

'what even are those Lesser and Beginner stats wait is beginner worse than Lesser if yes that would mean I'm hella ugly !!'

Ryn gets saddened by this fact and tries to forget it.

"What is even a main skill or a Shop why doesn't anyone explain this to me, let's see the Skills first," Ryn Thinks annoyed that he doesn't have a Mom that explains everything to him.

{F} Low Regeneration 

Description: After you experienced a large number of attacks and wounds your body's regeneration gets a boost in the form of a skill, this skill speeds up your recovery, but it won't make you grow back limbs it will only close those wounds faster and better and make you harder to kill.

'Ok I can work with that, It's sad that it can't regrow my body parts if needed but that would have been too good to be true...,

who the fuck am I kidding what do you mean that I can't regrow limbs those Isekai shitheads could, why not me huh you blue holographic sociopath!!'

Ryn thought while lying near a pile of corpses covering his wounds from spilling more blood.

"Bleur" Ryn puked blood again this time more severe than the last.

'This hurts like hell, I got carried away because of the regeneration skill, I first have to bandage these injuries before I continue doing anything else'

Ryn looked around to find something to stop the blood from spilling or at least lower it, he saw the usual landscape the broken and blood-stained walls, the gutted Stalker, hundreds of Corpses, and two paths, one leading to the cave, and the other what Ryn imagines to be the outside world.

His Crimson Blood flowing from his stomach, Shoulder, and other less injured parts of his body almost reached the Stalker's gruesome Display of a Corpse its Dark Red blood mixing with his.

His Vision out of nowhere turns bright red a piece of blood travels to his eyes making him literally see 'Red'.

Then something caught his eye a red light brighter than Ryn's Red Vision coming from a Skeleton corpse at the Opposite side of the Cave, Ryn quickly guessed what it was.

'A Potion!!'

It wasn't that far maybe 10 to 15 meters he could make it if he really tried.

Ryn gained a sliver of hope and wanted to stand up and even managed to for three seconds only to quickly realize he was too weak and tumbled off the corpses he was standing on into the worst spot ever, in the monster's gutted belly face first.

He falls on it as if he was coming from a hard day's work and jumps face first into the Pillow except instead of a Pillow it is the Dark Red oddly cushy organs of something that wanted to eat you a couple minutes ago.

Obviously Shocked by what happened, he quickly got out of it and tried not to puke the remaining blood he had left wiping the blood off his face gulping it back down.

'What a sick joke I fought so hard not to get eaten but still managed to get inside the monster's belly.' Ryn made a Joke to easily get over the fact that he was in the belly of a Monster, he didn't succeed 'Walking is out of the question but I don't want to crawl it will hurt like hell' Ryn again quickly changes the topic.

Even after that Remark he still crawled to the Potion knowing there didn't seem to be another way, but before he did he picked something from the Stalker's Corpse and started crawling his blood smearing his path, making him get closer to Death's Door due to his insufficient blood to support his Body from Functioning, he crawled and crawled and crawled getting closer and his Vision Blurrier.

'I'm almost there but why is it getting so blurry.'

Ryn is slowly losing consciousness repeatedly closing his Blood-smeared Eyes making it seem like he is Crying Blood but he still crawls, his nails breaking and bleeding the blood leaving his body and his vision gradually growing blurry.

He finally stops and thinks reasonably of what he should 

'Ok let's stop and find something to cover this Wound' Ryn looks around trying to find something.

'This should do'

Ryn takes the leather belt of four Corpses and ties Two around his waist and the other two from the armpit to the shoulder covering most of the Bite wound and tightens it hard so that no blood comes out making him look quite ridiculous, like a bloodied Pervert who has a twisted and weird Fashion sense.

'Normally I would've put on a Leather Armor but it is too heavy to put it on and the clothes are too durable for me to tear this is the next best thing luckily there probably isn't social media or I would become a Laughing Stock for the rest of my life' Ryn thought embarrassed

'But I have to make up for the loss of Blood I bled quite a lot so even though I hate to do this' Ryn thought while grimacing while looking at his bloodied hand holding something.

It was a Heart !! or more accurately the heart of the Stalker he ripped out.

The Heart still oozing blood out looks quite similar to the Heart of a Human just Bigger which made it even more unpleasant what Ryn was going to do with it-.

Ryn brings it closer to his face and bites into it, and even more blood comes out of the Heart Ryn wants to Throw up but succeeds in not doing so because it wouldn't only making it throw up the foreign blood but his also.

'Why am I doing this how did I even come to this idea, but even though its a heart it tastes pretty g-- wait no don't think that it tastes awful like shit I'm crazy I'm crazy!!' while had an argument inside his mind he kept chewing that big Heart.

After a while, he gained some Vision and started to go back to normal, well how much normal a heart can give at least.

Ryn catches his breath and puts his mind at ease trying to forget what just happened and thinks of something disturbing.

'What if that isn't a Potion and even if it is, there isn't a high chance that it is a Health Potion so him eating that Heart would be for nothing' Ryn thought negatively

'No what am I thinking that is definitely a Health Potion why else bring it to a Monster hunt or a Poison Potion no no it's a Health Potion why else would it be red, red always means Health!!' Ryn thinks Positively,

excluding that red also means War, Blood, Destruction, and more stuff that is the opposite of Health.

After that little Interruption, he continued to crawl toward the potion visibly exhausted, but because of his embarrassing getup the Blood loss lessened tremendously it's weird he would've been long dead if this was Earth maybe it's because of his Skill or that he is too stubborn to die or maybe it was for the choice of his first meal in this World.

Well, he tries not to think about that his only concern should be that he is dying not that he's still alive.

Ryn finally managed to reach the Potion and grabbed it out of the belt of the Woman or Man it was hard to know as it was only Bones.

'This is probably the favorite Place for Necromancers excluding Graveyards of course' Ryn chuckled making him feel a sting in his stomach.

Ryn looked at the "Health" Potion it looked like an average videogame-featured Potion the only difference was that the had a magnificent Light Red Colour with no white bubbles seen in sodas this never looked this good in video games.

Ryn made an odd expression when he finally had the Potion in his Hands probably thinking about his Previous Theory that what in his hand wasn't a Health Potion but a Poison one and that he would die and feel excruciating pain.

"Ahh Fuck it" Ryn spoke with his light Voice

Put the Potion near his face and drank it whole, the red liquid moved interruptedly down his throat as if it was even more Liquid and Dissolved than Water.

Ryn's Face Tensed and he felt excruciating Pain.