
The Immortal Witch and the Devil Himself


passionfruitjuice · Fantasy
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24 Chs



Isaak smiled amused, "I'll wait for that moment with joy. However, it won't be the same, since it won't be my first death. But with you, I'll be able to claim that myself. And, love, the first time is the most memorable and painful, it'll be a delight to watch such a sight."

"You sound like a sadistic."

"Oh, no. I just really want to kill you. Your existence annoys me." Is it because he believes I'm Jack's daughter? "It's alarming, and I don't like it. It's a pity that you are beautiful and unable to die. It would be the best if I could actually end your life for good."

I felt strange hearing that, but I still wasn't one bit scared. "Okay, I won't let anyone else kill me. Or, make me bleed."

A nod, "We have a deal."

That was it. It was the last thing we talked about.

𖣔 𖣔 𖣔

When the sun appeared, we waited until 8 in the morning, them we got back to the car and he took me to the property of the Sassos. They seemed to be the most famous family in the city, so everyone knew where they lived. In a luxury condo entirely for themselves.

Isaak left me in front of the doors, but didn't leave the car to not risk the reds of sensing him, so I took all of my bags alone. And before I could go back inside to take the bowel with the caramelized peanuts, he winked and left taking them with him. What an asshole, again taking my food from me.

Sighing, I turned to the guards and when they saw me they seemed kind of startled, "Hi there," I spoke in Italian again. "Is Alessia Sasso in here?"

The tallest one came closer, trying to scare me, "Who asks?"

"I'm her daughter. Arianna Sasso. The one she lost in Brazil. Please, go inside and call her here."

To my surprise, they didn't shoo me, they shared a concerned gaze and went inside. After some minutes, when they came back, they were still alone, but the answer wasn't bad. "The patriarch waits for you inside," the blonde shorter one said, then came closer and took my bags with him. "Come, half-breed."

Oh, yes. Dad told me the red look down on half-breed, the half-humans in special. And if I am Alessia's lost daughter, than I'm half red, half human. Makes sense their disdain.

The taller who first talked to me held me by my right forearm and took me inside, he had quite the hard grip on my skin, so, when we reached the ridiculously big villa, I pushed him away, "Hands off me, or I might do something you won't like," I glared at him coldly.

When he stared at me and saw how I was glaring him, he gulped, "Freak!" He mumbled, then pushed me inside and I had to hold it together not to hiss and curse him.

Taking a deep breath, I stepped forward and the door opened itself. The short blonde wizard who was guarding the front and had my bags in hands, dropped them inside, and then disappeared with the other guy. Leaving me alone without knowing what to expect, with such a warm greeting not to say the least. That's absolutely not what I expected when dad told about mom and her clan.

And it got worse.

When I took one step forward inside, I felt as a strong and invisible force suddenly grabbed me by the throat in a very hard grip and held me about 6 feet on the air. Only then I saw a tall man with ocean blue eyes and wavy blonde hair, pretty much similar to what dad said mother looked like. And as the guards said the patriarch was waiting for me, then, "I guess you are Leandro Sasso, the patriarch of the Italian reds," I mumbled, annoyed by his reception, "and also, my grandfather."

"Col cazzo!" Oh, to think the first thing I would hear from him would be a curse word. Great. "You are not my granddaughter. You have no proof."

"Well, I thought my good looks would be proof enough. Or the fact that I'm also a red, and my birth date is the same as that of Alessia Sasso's missing daughter. And so is my name," then, getting used to the feeling of being held by the throat, I held my left wrist of, "or this necklace that I have since I was a baby with my name on it. Though now I use it as a bracelet, since it clearly doesn't fit in my neck anymore."

He waved for a second, "You could have faked it all. Probably after our money. One more puttana in the world."

I scoffed, "Okay, now, that's offensive. And I don't need your money, I'm already rich enough, there's no need for charity. Besides, I'm open to a DNA test, if you want. I'm sure mother would definitely take me if she saw me!"

"Don't call my daughter that, you little zoccola." Is he going to use all variations of bitch to address me? Reds are really something else, aren't they? "Even if you were who you claim to be, there's no need of you in the family. My daughter stopped looking for you 12 years ago, and decided that even you were to appear, she wouldn't want anything from you."

What? Was dad aware of this? I thought she was part of the plan. What's happening? "I don't believe you! Where's my mother. I'm here for her. Not you, but her," I growled.

"Want to take over, dear?" He spoke kindly to someone behind him and then released my neck, making me fall to the ground.

However, I couldn't even take a breath, as someone else took the lead and held me by my throat again, but this time it was like they were really intending on breaking it. This is really making me mad. Especially because the person who's now holding me is the one who matches dad's words.

I gasped, "Mom?"

She clenched her jaw, "Don't call me that, you little monster." Oh, whoa. She is definitely unaware of the plan. Or is she ok putting an act right now? "Are you really Arianna?"

"I certainly am." I glared at her, "I don't think this is how a mother should be welcoming the daughter she lost almost 20 years," I managed to say, still letting her hold me by the throat for now.

Alessia Sasso stepped forward, her blue eyes shining bright, she looked disgusted, "I didn't lose you. Your father took you from me and disappeared."

My eyes went from her to her father behind her, and then I felt about twenty people on the shadows, watching the show first hand. "Hah, I don't believe that, but if he did, seeing how you are all mistreating me the first time we met, he was probably right on doing so." I'm done with this, I can't let her get her way with this.

Sighing annoyed, I inhaled and snapped my fingers, undoing her telekinesis and falling to the ground unfazed, then I caressed my neck.

Oh sweet Gods, father won't be pleased with this. He'll probably scold me after what I am going to do now, but fuck it. It can't take this bullshit anymore. First my grandfather, and then my mother? Isn't she supposed to take care of me or something?

Dad left out the fact that she's an asshole. So, let's take care of this. I don't need to give a damn about the consequences of my actions anymore. After all, dad only told me to lie because it would get mom in trouble, but if she doesn't want me as her daughter, then I don't want her as mu mother either. I'm not going after someone who clearly doesn't want shit with me, I have self respect. Me and dad deserve better than this.

I told dad I didn't need a mother, I only needed him, but he didn't listened to me and insisted in me coming and meeting her. And look at where that got me, hm?

They stared at me as if I had grown a second head, then I glared at them coldly and grinned viciously, proceeding to use my telekinesis to get them by their throats and hold them more the 6 feet in the air. And they seemed to be struggling. "Mother, mother, you shouldn't treat your daughter like this. I've waited so many years to finally meet you and you strangle me? How vile, mother. Besides, I inherited your telekinesis and I'm stronger at it for being a hybrid, if you were more rational, you would have thought about that possibility." My dad definitely would.

It seems like I inherited my IQ from him after all.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to snap your necks broken. I'm just giving you the same treatment you gave me, so you will now how it feels. Come on, wasn't I supposed to be one of," a strong force threw me back, making me hit my back on the marble wall. "That's not you treat your fucking guests, damn it."

When I looked up to see who it was, a girl similar to mom came to her aid, "Mom," the girl cried to my dismay, "Grandpa. Are you okay? What's with this psycho? Is she really the girl?" Mom? Grandpa? Did mother have another child?

Now that is insulting to my dad. How can she have another child with someone other than her mate? Repulsing.

Getting up, I tasted blood in my mouth, and held the newcomer by the throat, "Who are you? Why are you calling my mom, mom? And how dare you attack me? Have you lost your mind?"

The girl put her hands on her throat, gasping for air, "You crazy puttana, put me down. I'm the young Lady of this household. I don't care if you are my younger sister by blood, but as long as mother and grandpa doesn't recognize you as one of ours, you are nothing. You little pezzo di merda, hybrid whore. Half human trash!"

Feeling my blood rush through my veins, I felt like really killing her, and began to actually press her neck. "Please, Arianna, daughter, let your sister down. Let Anna down. She doesn't mean to offend you. Let her down, please!" Oh?

"So, you will recognize me as long as it is beneficial for you, mom? Now, that really hurts. Dad would be sad if he heard that. Should I tell them, mom? Who dad-" before I could say anything else, I felt like my belly was being reaped apart by claws spanking deeply into my skin from one side to the other and I fell on my knees screaming in pain, realizing the sister I didn't knew I had, and covering my belly.

The people who were in the shadows all came closer, all gasping in horror. Not because of Anna who was gasping for air, but because I was really bleeding. How the fuck?

Mother screamed and ran to me, "Porca puttana, what is happening to you?" She screamed and when I looked at her face, I saw terror. "If you are doing this to yourself, stop!"

"Mom," Anna yelled, "it can't be her!" Then she pointed to my belly, "It's the mark of a immortals claw. Whoever is doing this, is an immortal!" No shit?

When I tried to say something, I gasped and only blood came out of my mouth. "Fucking hell." She screamed, "Dad, help. I may not want her close to us, but Arianna's still my fucking daughter. For fuck's sake."

Was seeing me bleed or it took for her to come to her senses? "What…" I mumbled. "How…" Coughing in my blood it was hard to say anything else, "It… hurts…"

With her hands drowned in my blood, she held my face, "Stay up. Don't close your eyes. It doesn't seem to have been a cut made by…" then she gasped, taking a closer look to the cut that even ripped my shirt to pieces. "Oh no!" She cried. "Ripper's wea-" it was all I heard before I lost my conscious.

But I can't help but think that seeing my mother's helpless desperate face by the sight of me bleeding, made my heart warm. Although I still don't like any of the things they said to me.