
The Immortal Wife

Having outlived yet another wife, Jim is a lonely widower. When new neighbors arrive, he shunts aside his solitude to rejoin the world he protects, and has protected for several thousand years. He rediscovers old talents and skills, using them to bring pleasure to himself and others along the way.

Ayuba_Minkailu · Book&Literature
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17 Chs

Chapter 15

"Really? Uncle Jim? That's what I'm called nowadays?" I whispered towards the dark ceiling as both sleek frames pushed into my sides.

"Mmm, hmm." As Susan's lips pressed against my earlobe, her widespread fingers eased downwards over my chest. "I figure you're pretty much part of our family now, but with benefits."

"Benefits, huh?" I chuckled before moving to wrap both girls. "You know, I'm not complaining, but if you'd worn pajamas, it might've been warmer in your room."

At both quiet laughs, I grinned before rolling my head to face Susan. When her hand encircled my awakening rod, I exhaled. From the other side, Desi's rapid breathing sent puffs of hot air into my neck. With every quick breath, the sharp, heated points atop her pert chest seared my ribs.

As Susan slid her leg over mine, the softest of moans escaped both of them. When Desi shuddered into my ribs, Susan giggled. At the press of her friend's warm dampness into me, both squirmed, sending quiet squelches to match their puffing breaths.

"Desi's jealous." Susan poked at my chin with her tongue. "She really wants to fuck you, Jim."

"What? I never said—"

"So you don't want to fuck me, Desi?" I teased, while turning to her.

By then my rod was standing tall in Susan's slow-moving fist. When I gripped Desi's ribs and began sliding her over me, a loud gulp escaped her.

"Uh, it's just that..." Despite Desi smacking her lips, her shaking legs widened. "Well, Susan said, um—"

"—I said I'd never felt so filled in my entire life." Susan giggled before helping her friend's leg settle outside mine.

"Well, Desi. Your ride awaits." While smiling up at her youthful face, I clasped my hands behind my head. "Your choice. But make it quick, I've had a long day."

And to put a point on it, I drew my mouth wide with a false yawn. Oh, Mandy had done a number on me, but with the heat of Desi's pelvis and Susan pressing into my ribs, I was recalling happier times. And as the trembling girl's legs tensed, lifting her, I cracked a grin.

"Hmm, I think you were right, Susie." I chuckled. "She looks awful horny."

With Susan gripping my rod, aiming it below her friend, Desi moved into position. When her eyes locked on mine, time stopped. Everything stopped. When it restarted, she sank. In one slow move, her velvet warmth slid downward, engulfing my tip, then a good chunk of my shaft. Only then did she halt, gasping for air as her hands splatted down on my chest.

"Oh, God," shot from her trembling lips as she gazed at Susan.

"Told you, right?" Susan giggled and ran outstretched fingers over her friend's roiling abdomen. "Lemme guess, you've got some serious pussy fluttering?"

"Mmm, hmm. Y—yes. Fuck. Mmm. Oh. Oh, fuck, yes." With her slick tightness adjusting, giving way before me, she slipped further downward. Wide-eyed, her gaze flicked to me. "Jim. Jim. Jim. Mmm. Oh. My. Fucking. God."

After that, as Desi eased onto me, one brief halt at a time, her voice became nothing more than hitching breaths and low whimpers. While continuing to caress her friend's belly, Susan placed ever stronger kisses along my chest. When my hand slipped from my head to caress her little round butt, Susan's lips opened wide to moan.

At Desi's sudden cry, I glanced down to watch her settle on my pelvis. To say her pussy was stretched is an understatement. That beautiful, tanned redhead had become a living, breathing cocksleeve. And when her gaze lifted from her distended pink flesh to meet my eyes, her expression said she understood that.

As her pulsing insides clenched, Desi's fast gasping continued for a while. Even Susan stopped her kisses to inspect her impaled friend while running her hand along the flat of her stomach. When she turned to me and chuckled, I raised an eyebrow.

"Mmm. Wow. I can feel your pulse inside her, Jim." Susan bit deep into her lip before laughing again. "Fuck, that's weird."

At the first sob, Susan and I looked up. Although white-rimmed, her glossy eyes sent tears down both cheeks. Another sniffling cry left her and she stared at me, into me, through me. My heart seized. When I moved my hands, her sobbing intensified. But instead of going to her hips, I gripped her back and pulled her down to me.

"There, there." I nuzzled into her silken tresses to find her tense neck. "It's alright, Desi. It'll be okay. Jim's—Uncle Jim's got you."

With every hitching sniffle, her sharp points seared my skin. But her arms slid to wrap me tight. Despite her sobbing, her insides continued their rhythmic clenching. In the darkness, I lost track of time. When she rolled her head to face me, her shiny blue pools still sent tears across her cheeks.

Although she said nothing, the soft press of her lips spoke volumes. She didn't want to be a cocksleeve. Not Desiree. No, as her eyes widened and her pelvis started to lift, she needed much more from me. Why? No idea, but she did.

As we held each other, her slight frame continued pumping. And when her small tongue poked, I let it in to play with mine. Its gentle swirls matched her tender, slow riding. Except for her body tight to me, the universe wandered away. Whimpers replaced sniffles. Soon they became moans. Then longer, deeper groans. The occasional glide of Susan's mouth over my arm told me she was still there, but I was focused on her friend. Needy little Desiree.

By the time the first muffled scream flooded our lips, my hand had shifted, helping her rise and fall. But I permitted her to control the speed. And as more screams erupted and her body shuddered ever more forcefully, those eyes became brilliant sapphires.

When at last she crumpled and her mouth fell from mine, leaving her panting like a trapped beast and eyelashes fluttering, I grinned at Susan.

"You were wrong, Susie," I whispered. "She didn't want to just fuck me."

All Susan did was nod before snuggling tighter to us and closing her eyelids. Soon, Desi's breathing also became soft and regular. And the whole time, stretched around my aching shaft, her taut pussy continued its steady pulsing.

Inside the heated little body, my achiness continued, and when both clutched at me with quiet whimpers, I sighed. Did I want to come? Hell, yes. But I knew right then and there, I'd not use Desi for that. Others, most definitely, but not her. That was my final thought before blackness swept me away.

At a noise in the dark, I came awake in an instant. The pale shadow from the woods? It was inside! Warmth on either side. In my bed. What? Who? As my heartbeat thundered, I remembered. Desi must've slipped free of my tacky, deflated rod and was snoring on her back. She wore a blissful smile. On the other side, Susan was curled tight with her spine to me. So, the noise hadn't come from either of them.

When I caught another sound, I rolled my head and tensed to leap. My gaze shot to the kitchen. Behind the pass-through curtains, a shadow shifted. Instead of leaping, I eased from the bed and crept closer. As I moved around the corner, my chest froze.

It was Mandy. In a short sheer negligee and panties, she was illuminated only by the tiny oven clock light. At my sudden appearance, she jerked. As her eyes enlarged, the glass of water she held shook.

"S—sorry, Jim. Uh, master," she whispered while scanning my frame.

A moan left her as I took the water from her hand and moved her fingers to my rising cock. As I sipped, I said nothing. But as her dark pools glittered in the dim lighting, her fist started a slow twisting stroke that had my shaft swelling.

"Hungry, slut?" was all I had to say.

Even as I downed the water, she was already dropping to her knees. At the touch of her tongue, I waited. As those blue eyes twinkled, she widened her lips to take my growing tip.

"You watched, didn't you?" I ran my fingers through her silken black tresses.

After giving me a slow nod, she took more of me into her mouth. In a long twisting motion, she drove herself further. When she shoved forward, taking more of me, I gasped. Her lips nibbled further until she was mashed against my hard pelvis. As her glossy spread lips rose once more, I shuddered. Once only my tip remained in her mouth, she brushed it with her tongue. As she huffed in large breaths of air through her flaring nostrils, her gleaming pools blinked up at me.

She'd learned a new trick and was damned proud of it. That was my Mandy.

"Mmm. That's good, slut." While smiling, I swept the hair from her face.

Her cheeks sank. As I panted, her forceful suction pulled at my balls and a tight fist raced along my shaft.

"Okay, okay. Better than good. You're amazing. Naughty little slut."

My voice dissolved into a groan as she slid downward once more. But by that time I was engorged, and she struggled. Although I was tempted to tug on her, she kept shifting, forcing herself down until her face was tight to me once again. If nothing else, she was dedicated.

To me.

And as she stayed still, massaging my length with her throat, I glanced towards the dark room where her daughter and best friend lay sleeping. After a quiet sigh, I nodded to myself. As much as she said she wasn't jealous, Mandy wanted to ensure she remained my favorite.

Which she was. But, as she rose and her wide, glossy shadowed pools appeared, it was clear. No amount of words from me would convince her of that.

She jerked when I tugged her free of my cockhead with a wet plop.

"Jim, master, what?" she whispered in a panicky voice.

A lengthy winding moan tore from her when I lifted Mandy to her feet and turned her to face the cabinets. At my palm on her back, she bent, spreading her arms wide. As she clasped the countertop, I swept the negligee clear of her butt and gripped her panties. As soon as they'd tumbled to the floor, she spread her legs.

"Hmm, well-trained little slut, aren't you?" I whispered.

"Y—Yes, master." Her breathing hitched. "A—and. So. Oh. Naughty."

When I pushed into her, nails slid along the Formica, then scratched. As her spine arched, lifting her head, I gripped her neck to find her mouth with mine. While my rod sank further into her clamping insides, I drove my tongue past her fluttering lips. Pierced at both ends, Mandy moaned into me while thrusting her shaking little rear ever closer to me. Hungry as well, she wanted all of me.

At the soft splat as her butt slapped into my pelvis, her mouth flew from mine.

"Oh, fuck, Master." As her glossy lips quivered, her whisper was forceful and shaky. "Has it only been a few hours?"

"Yes." I said with a chuckle as her little frame corkscrewed, trying to engulf more of me.

Mandy. She was my cocksleeve. Any question died at the wild-eyed stare she flashed over her shoulder when I gave her the first stroke. With her nails clawing and compact butt cheeks thrusting as I pumped her, she dropped her head to huff.

"Happy, slut?" I asked as I shifted my hands to get a better grip on her sleek hips.

"Mmm, hmm. Oh, fuck. You've no idea how happy I am right now, master." Though quiet, there was a force behind her words. "So fucking happy. Use me, master."

I did.

It wasn't long before she buried her lips into her arm to muffle the first scream. Her insides became a chaotic mess as I thrust ever faster. Another spit-spraying cry soon followed. And at the third, after being clamped in Desi, my body's dire need for relief surged. As my legs shuddered, I shoved deep, burying my tip in the end of her canal. Pinned to the cabinets, Mandy stared into the darkness.

All along its hefty length, my cock bucked.

"Yes, master. Mmm, yes. Oh. Oh, fuck. Make me yours," hissed from her. "Again."

Right when she flung one hand back to claw at my shoulder, I did just that. Pulse after forceful pulse flooded her writhing little form. At long last, I stopped firing, and she collapsed to pant on the countertop. As I ran my outstretched fingers over her ribs, she moaned.

"You'll always be my first, Mandy."

Did those words mean anything to her?

Based on the moan and her attempt to speak, followed by a slow nod, I smiled. Right after my shaft slipped free of her, she spun and dropped. Before the first swaying strand could hit the tile, her open lips were beneath it. As she rose, gathering the glittery ooze, her eyes glimmered. And as she cleaned my dangling pole, her gaze remained locked on mine.

Yeah, I'd been wrong. My words meant a lot to her.

"Who are you?" I said, while shifting dark tresses from her cheeks.

After a final drag of her tongue along my shaft, she sat back on her knees. With her bottomless pools ablaze, she smiled up at me.

"Mmm, I'm your hard-fucking, cock-sucking naughty little slut, master."

"Yes, you are." I laughed and helped her to her feet. "Good night."

After a quick peck on her salty lips, I turned away. Any longer kiss and we'd have repeated our performance. But we both had busy days ahead of us. With a sigh, I headed back to my crowded bed. The door to her and Charles' bedroom creaked open, then shut with a soft thump.

Even as I tugged both small moaning frames to me, I missed Mandy. It'd been a long time since I'd needed a woman like her. Or knew one with such great need for me.