
The Immortal Wife

Having outlived yet another wife, Jim is a lonely widower. When new neighbors arrive, he shunts aside his solitude to rejoin the world he protects, and has protected for several thousand years. He rediscovers old talents and skills, using them to bring pleasure to himself and others along the way.

Ayuba_Minkailu · Book&Literature
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17 Chs

Chapter 12

After my normal morning routine and a quick shower, I was humming to myself as I packed my shaving gear and lugged my backpack downstairs. Just the thought of spending time near Mandy had tingles running through me. I hadn't been this giddy—in a long time. The humming slipped into a low whistle as I stepped out under the gray overcast sky and caught sight of my travel companions loading their car.

With her long dark hair pushed behind her ears, Mandy wore a loose, white and pale yellow flower print sundress that hung from two thin straps. Its swinging material left her toned shoulders, upper back and most of her sleek legs bare. With the recent—full body—sunbathing, her dark tan was a stark contrast to its lighter colors. She yawned and rubbed her eyes after loading her bag into the car. My heart fluttered. Though there was little chance of being alone with her, just having her close was—comforting.

Susan, her shoulders drooping and bleach blonde hair in a French braid, rolled her bag down the driveway. Skintight purple booty shorts covered a strip of her pelvis while a fuchsia crop top hugged the swell of her chest and hung off their sharp tips. Her brown eyes, so similar to her mother's, were circled with dark rings.

When her friend, Desi, in a ridiculously tiny pleated black skirt, bent forward to toss her suitcase into the rear of the car, my heart raced. Her firm, wobbling buttocks were separated by only the thin black line of her t-back panties. Although loose, her red blouse had a plunging neckline, revealing a straining red lace bra. As the petite redhead stood, she stretched, pulling the short top upwards to reveal her taut stomach muscles. Her blue eyes, though dulled by sleep, glittered when she caught sight of me.

Yeh, this'd be an interesting trip. At least, eye candy-wise. A tiny cabin surrounded by woods crowded with other campers left little time or space for much of anything, even if Mandy could get away. Oh, and how would she react to anything between me and her daughter? Or her daughter's friend? Or both? With a sigh, I gave thanks that at least I'd be closer to Mandy than if I'd stayed home. So, yeh, bonus eye-candy. Nothing more.

Just as I was about to call to them, Charles appeared, coffee in one hand, hauling a large wheeled duffle behind him. Nothing more. Eye-candy. That's it. Perhaps some pleasant conversations.

As I nodded to myself, I flashed a grin and waved. "Good morning, fellow travelers!"

All of them stopped, turned to me, and groaned. Okay, not morning people. I mean, if I had Mandy in bed with me, neither of us would get much sleep either. And Desi was a friend with amazingly well-shaped benefits for Susan.

On the other hand, lonely guys got plenty of rest. With a shrug, I helped Charles lift his bag into the trunk before adding my backpack and the small, rugged bag of climbing gear.

"Thanks, Jim." Charles gulped his coffee as he checked the mapping app on his phone.

"No prob." I gazed at Mandy; she ran her tongue along her lips and batted her eyelashes. Batted her eyelashes! Oh, the little minx. Yeh, she was also looking forward to this trip.

Desi and Susan had already clambered into the rear seat and were unfolding a thick blanket. At least, they had a plan to handle their sleep deprivation.

"You okay, Charles?" I placed my hand on his shoulder; a shiver ran through him. Eyebrows raised, I added. "You want me to start out?"

"Nah. I'll be fine. Stayed up too late working on slides. That's all."

I mean, if he'd fucked his wife all night long, he wouldn't have told me, right? Discretion seemed to be his mantra. Maybe more than discretion. Was he hiding something? Except, as he glanced at my fingers clasping his shirt, I believed him.

Other than a quick flip of her dark tresses and a quicker wink behind her husband, Mandy said nothing before settling into the passenger seat.

"Okay. Well, call it when you want me to take over." I squeezed into the backseat, nudging against Susan's blanket-wrapped tight frame.

As I pulled on the door handle, a muted whimper murmured from Susan between the soft slurping of their kisses; Desi's arms glided under the blanket. Yep, friends with benefits. With a sigh, I tugged the door closed with a thump as Mandy pulled hers shut as well.

No sooner had Charles started the engine than his wife curled up tight under a blanket and closed her eyes. What had kept her awake all night? No matter, it wasn't long before houses gave way to rolling fields scattered with cattle and horses. After a pair of shuddering moans, Susan and Desi had settled into rhythmic breathing and soft shuffling. Meanwhile, the combination of cute soft snoring from Mandy and Charles' classic rock music was causing my eyelids to droop.

After swallowing a chuckle, I let the car rock me as I wandered back to yesterday's video call with Luka.

"Good morning, Luka."

With only a curt nod, as usual, The Dusk Pride's ostensible leader had proceeded to grumble. While his low, rumbling voice recounted all the ills befalling his Pride, the swarthy man's beady eyes gleamed under several loose shocks of thick dark hair. At last, I sighed.

"Shut up Luka!" At my curt words, he'd yipped before pursing his lips.

At Susan's soft murmur and gentle thrust of her little butt into my thigh, I scratched my head and smiled at the view from the car window. A scattering of steer roaming within a large wire-fence enclosed pasture.

With a sigh low enough not to disturb Susan, I returned to the video call. A grin slid over my face in the reflection in the car window. Though by now our normal ritual, it always seemed to catch Luka by surprise. With a sigh, I recalled his eyes widening; he knew what was coming next.

"Show me your wife."

At my gesture, his expression became neutral before he slid from view. When Lisandra appeared, air hissed from my lips. Her straight dark hair was parted in the center and tucked behind her ears, framing her sharp-featured, gorgeous face. A gift of southern Italian ancestry, her smooth olive skin gleamed as she stood in a long, curve hugging black halter dress. Its plunging neckline revealed her flat stomach and belly button, pierced by a single diamond stud. I'd bought that for her.

As she rolled her glossy crimson lips, her deep red nails scratched along her thighs. This was another part of the ritual. Such things were important to their kind and, in this case, I didn't mind at all.

"Luka, strip your wife—for me."

After stepping behind her, he glanced at me. When I nodded, he raised his arms to the back of his wife's neck. A brief tremor raced through Lisandra as the halter straps flowed, then tumbled down her ample chest to dangle from her waist. Nipples, sharp, atop her swollen, darkened areolas covering most of her juddering globes. As always, impressive. After all these years, gravity had little effect on them.

Her dark eyes gleamed when I finished my inspection and smiled at her. As the zipper parted in his hands, the rest of her dress peeled away to slither down her shapely, slender hips. As I swallowed, she rolled her lips; her palms helped it drop free.

Even at rest, in only her black lace panties, lean, muscular Lisandra radiated the calm power of an apex predator. Her eyes gleamed; she was as much an exhibitionist as he was a voyeur. His trousers surged as he came back into view and lifted the simple black circlet to his wife's neck. We'd done this so many times before that he hadn't bothered to wait for my command.


As he wrapped the soft dark velvet with its single large circular white diamond around his wife's neck, she hooked her long fingers into the waistband of her panties. Eyes on me, she shoved them downward. When my gaze wandered over her, the glistening between her shaking thighs increased.

As he stood back, Luka gulped before looking at me. With a nod, I grinned at him and beamed at Lisandra. As her frame vibrated under my gaze, she returned my smile and ran her long pink tongue through her thick red lipstick. At his murmuring, she flicked her eyes to her husband; he shuddered and nodded before sliding from view.


Lisandra was mine now. He'd just given his wife to me until I handed him back the choker.

Which was the point of the whole exercise. As much as I was looking forward to being with her, she was the brains of the pride. Luka had always been the muscle and the face while she was the one running the deals. The sex had fallen out of our first meetings, and now, although Luka played at complaining, it was a turn on for them as well as me. She played, we talked, he watched. I took her from him. He pouted. We played together until I returned her. And then I handled whatever she'd explained needed handling. Good times for all, except the last part. That only involved me, and was rarely a good time.

Hence why I was happy to visit Mount Aristeia. It would make a nice break before meeting with them. After a lengthy exhale, I let a chuckle slip from me as we passed into the first low foothills speckled with scrubby trees. The mountains loomed in the distance. Susan murmured as I ran my hand over the blanket on her slender hip. Yep, should be fun, but with Charles so close I doubted anything much would happen. At least the fresh air would clear my mind before meeting Lisandra in the following week.

And that had been new. When I'd told them she'd have to wait a full week, instead of a single day as was customary, Luka had stepped back into frame. They'd looked at each other. Yep, her folds were dripping. As her hips swayed, she dragged her hands along the front of her tensing thighs; I could almost smell the pungent scent of her need.

"A whole week?" She'd murmured, her wide fingers spreading her enticing cleft.

When I nodded, a whimper slithered from Lisandra's trembling lips before glancing at her husband's straining trousers. She belonged to me. While, of course, as soon as we cut the video link, she could ride her husband as much as she wanted, she wouldn't. Nor, as his sad, narrowed eyes displayed, would he let her.


As Susan pushed her hip into my palm and murmured in her sleep, I tugged at my trousers to release my hardening shaft. Lisandra, and her husband, would be so wound up when I finally met with her. Yep, fun times ahead.

But only after a nice slow week of mountain climbing and scenery gazing. Mount Aristeia was beautiful at that time of year. Barring the occasional seasonal storm that could turn the washes and most trails into roaring torrents for a day or two. Just as I opened my mouth to yawn, I tensed at a roaming hand working its way over my thigh. With a low giggle, Susan reared up and slid over onto my shoulder. As her tight blonde hair tickled my chin, she looked into the rearview mirror to check if her dad was watching.

Head bobbing to the music, Charles was focused on the ever more winding road.

While my heart thumped, her soft lips raised to my neck; her pressing fingertips met my trapped shaft and glided upwards. A shudder slithered through me when she reached my zipper. As she sucked on my skin, her fingers tugged it downwards.

"You ... You don't have to do that," I whispered.

When I looked down into her eyes, they gleamed. After pulling her shiny lips from me, she chuckled as her fingers dug into my open trousers. "But I want to—my Jim."

Okay, maybe not as boring a trip as I'd thought.

"Oh, fuck," hissed from me as she wrapped her soft digits around my swelling pole and pulled it out.

"God, I've missed this," she said as she bowed to gaze at my wavering tower in her gently stroking hand. "You've got such a pretty cock, Jim."

Just then, she sounded like her mother. And my brain replayed what she'd just said— my Jim. Oh. Had they talked? Nah, had to be a coincidence. No matter, as she dropped into my lap, my capability for rational thinking ended.

"Don't you have a boyfriend?" I murmured as her hot breath slid around my pulsing bulb.

Susan's deep brown eyes, so similar to Mandy's, twinkled as she dragged her swirling, glistening tongue up my shaft, sending rippling shudders along my spine. At the top, she settled her lips on my knob and smiled before replying. "Yes, but he's not here, is he?"

Before I could respond, she nipped downwards with her sharp teeth, each little bite driving electrical jolts through my nerves. Nope, he wasn't. His loss.

"You don't mind, do you?" She asked before tilting her head to absorb one of my aching balls in her wide lips.

"No." As I shuddered, I flicked my gaze to Mandy, who remained curled up asleep.

"Hmm, so full. I didn't get breakfast." With a tight grip on my base, Susan dropped her open mouth over my knob.

With her sparkling eyes gazing at me, her cheeks collapsed inwards. As her twisting head bobbed and she sucked harder, I chewed my lips and pushed into her while holding in a moan. With a wet plop she pulled from me, leaving two long silvery trails to drop from the corners of her smiling open mouth.

"Yummy," she said before swirling her glossy tongue around my purple bulb. "Besides, his cock isn't nearly as large as this—beast."

As I raked my fingers through her hair, she grinned and lowered her soft lips to my tip; her cheeks sunk once more, and she came away with a stretching length of pre-cum dripping from her pursed lips. With a grin, she slurped it into her swallowing mouth; her eyes shone. Gods above, she loved this. A true talent.

At least the drive would be a lot more interesting.

With a low moan, her soft, warm lips once more slipped over my swelling head. In no rush, Susan rose and fell, twisting slowly as her hand gripped tight to my root. She wanted to play. Like her mother. Each of the long muffled groans leaking from her taut lips as a bubbly slurp sent wondrous vibrations through my shaft and across my shaking frame.

"You're amazing," I rasped from my clenching teeth as I stretched out to widen my legs.

So like Mandy's, her daughter's deep brown eyes twinkled up at me.

With a sigh, I glanced from Susan, sucking on my lips, just as her mother shifted. My chest froze. She now lay sideways in her chair, staring, wide-eyed, at her daughter's bleach blond hair moving in my lap. When she gazed at me, I gulped and shrugged, even as heat flowed up my cheeks. Would she freak out? Scream? Turn away in disgust?

As I forced back a groan, Mandy's eyes widened further when her daughter arched upwards to push me into her throat with ever longer, slow deep thrusts of her head. My hand landed on her skull and every muscle in my body tensed as she took me into her constricted throat. Mandy's jaw dropped. Unlike by the pool, this time she could see how good her daughter was; the beast stretching her neck tighter as she descended.

Fingers squeezing, Susan's fist clenched my root. Even as her lips rolled into her fingers at my base, she pressed tighter. This was her play time, and I was her toy. I tugged on her braid, pulling her face to mine; her eyes glowed.

"Yeh, you're amazing," I whispered. Her eyes glimmered as she shifted her grip on my base; she crushed me tight.

Though I shook under her clenching fist, she took her time, rising as she thrummed along my shaft, sending reverberating shudders into my core. Susan had one very lucky boyfriend. She wasn't giving me a blowjob; she was making love to my cock. At her own slow pace.

At the wet smack of her lips, I glanced at Mandy, whose gaze was locked on her daughter's slowly rising head. She'd figured that out as well. For the next hour, as her friend slept and her mother watched from behind her, Susan played.

Whenever Susan detected I was about to come, she'd lift her drooling mouth from me to gaze into my pleading eyes. One hand gripped tight to my root, while the other stroked along my aching shaft. At any time I could've forced her to throat me, but where's the fun in that? The impish twinkle in her eyes reminded me of her mother, whose own dark pools gleamed behind her daughter.

Every time I calmed, Susan leaned forward to once more take me into her soft, warm mouth; her slow twisting descents would devour my glossy, spit-covered pole with ease. Each time Mandy would stare at me, assessing if I'd force her daughter or explode. But I'd only smile and Mandy's eyes would glow brighter.

At long last, when Susan sensed that anything more she did would cause me to fire, she raised herself. After slurping thick trails of saliva into her mouth and licking her shiny lips, she pushed her face upwards. Her open mouth found mine; my eyes flicked to Mandy before closing as her daughter's little tongue, so velvety smooth, plunged into me. As our lips rolled together, her hand crushed my root; the slightest touch of her swaying frame sent electrical jolts spider-webbing across my body.

When she pulled from my gasping mouth, Susan grinned; her fist clenched. As I held in a groan, I shifted my gaze to her mother, whose dry lips trembled.

"Breakfast is served," Susan murmured before dropping downwards.

Just in time, I jammed my balled fist into my mouth to muffle the deep groan as she swallowed my entire cock in one long, rapid dive. As I stared at the ceiling of the car, she raced both her mouth and her hand along my pulsing shaft. Her other hand released my root—at last.

Arching upwards, I blasted a groan into my shaking fist as my shuddering frame unleashed a pulsating wave of blessed relief. It surged up my rod just as Susan dropped to my throbbing root. As grunt after grunt left me, a stream of thumping jets fed the poor, starving little girl.

Face flushed; her mother's rolling lips shook along the seatback as her rapid and shallow breathing sent loose strands of dark hair flitting into the air. How Charles didn't notice, I've no idea.

After her swallowing slowed, Susan rose up my gleaming shaft, releasing it into the cool air. Her long lashes blinked as she slurped on my head. Still tight, her fist stroked upwards, filling her puffing cheeks with the last of my seed. With one final gulp, she released my shiny knob and grinned.

"Now that was a nutritious breakfast," she whispered before gliding her tongue around my helmet's hyper-sensitive rim; my legs wobbled as my spine twinged.

Yet, she hadn't finished playing. Eyes on mine, she dragged her shiny, white-streaked tongue upwards and then down the length of my pole, pulling soft moans from me as my body shook. She was an artist. A pure, fucking artist. And that look in her eyes? When I glanced beyond Susan, her mother had that same expression.

With a cute little giggle, again like Mandy, Susan placed her tender lips on my now empty and spotless tip. One brief suck. A groan tore from me as I shuddered.

"Thank you Jim." Her eyes sparkled as she pulled away and tucked me into my trousers. "I'm not hungry anymore."

Before I could reply, she wiped her glossy mouth with her fingers and dropped under the blanket before turning and snuggling against Desi. Her friend moaned as Susan's arms slithered around the sleeping girl.

Had that really happened? My gaze flicked to Mandy, whose gaze went between my heated face and my crotch. All she did was run her tongue over her lips before peeking at her daughter's slowly rising and falling form beneath the blanket.

Yeh, it'd happened.

And Mandy...? Her eyes flashed at me; an impish grin appeared. Challenge?

Gods above, as tempting as her daughter was, I wanted to take Mandy right then and there. Her eyes—she wanted me to do it.

Welp, that answered that question. If she had no issues with her daughter playing with me, I doubted any other woman would be an issue. Of course, that begged the next question—why not? A million possible answers swirled into my head as Mandy turned from me and closed her eyes once more.

"Gonna stop for gas."

Charles' sudden voice jolted me to reality.

"Okay. You wanna swap?" I asked as I ran my fingers through my hair and rolled my shoulders.

"Yeh. If you don't mind, Jim."

"Nope. Just gonna stretch first, though. It's cramped back here."

Charles chuckled and nodded as he glanced at the two girls mounded up next to me under the still blanket. So innocent looking. After he'd turned away, Susan's firm butt pushed into my thigh.

Innocent. Uh, huh.

After Charles pulled into a modern gas station at the edge of a rundown, tan brick strip mall along the side of the road, he sighed and leaned on the steering wheel. With a shake of her long dark hair, his wife stepped out as the girls, in a shambling pile of swirling tresses and stretching limbs, tumbled from the rear.

"Hey, uh. Why don't you go on inside, Charles? I've got this."

With a nod, he staggered from the car while rubbing his back. As I stood and rolled my shoulders, he reached for his wallet.

"Nah. Don't bother." I stretched out my hand. "You're taking me on vacation. The least I can do is pay for gas."

"It's company money, Jim." He held up his corporate card.

"Don't care. I've got far more money than I know what to do with. Tell 'em you love the company so much you wanted to save them money. They'll love it."

As he chuckled, he shook his head. "Or think I'm nuts."

It was only then that I caught Mandy's cocked head and raised eyebrow. She'd never asked what I did. All they'd seen was me hanging around with a bunch of loud military types. Of course, I wasn't getting paid a nickel for that, especially now I'd retired. With a shrug, I gestured Charles away, and they all sauntered towards the main building while I turned to fuel the car.

By the time they stepped from the glass doors, the girls were laughing over something. While hanging on his arm, Mandy was leaning into her husband's ear and he was chuckling. A pang of jealousy slithered through me. With a grunt, I beat it down. It was a happy scene. Happy, I tell you.

Any lingering doubt that her feelings for me had changed vaporized after Charles slipped around to get in behind me. Over the roof of the car, just as I was about to sit, Mandy's gaze flashed to me; the corners of her eyes crinkled as that impish smile appeared. She flicked to her husband's disappearing head before turning to me and mouthing, "I want you, my Jim."

Before I could respond, she sank into the passenger seat. When I sat and tugged the door closed, she was belted in and covering herself with her blanket. As if nothing had happened. Nothing at all. Both rear doors thumped closed and Charles sat back while closing his eyes. As I pulled onto the road, heading uphill, the girls were soon crumpled in an unmoving knot under their blanket.

It wasn't long before Charles' head rolled to one side and loud, rhythmic snores uttered forth from his fluttering lips. Once more huddled together under the fuzzy soft warm blanket, both girls were also motionless but for their steady rising and falling.

When I glanced at Mandy, I saw her stare back at me with a glimmer in her eye.

"Jim, I'm so naughty."

At her whisper, I took my eyes from the road. Mandy had moved the blanket to one side. Her lean, tanned legs spread and dress crumpled around her waist; she wore no panties. As it glistened with need, her naked cleft squelched on the seat.

"So very naughty." With that devilish gleam in her eyes, she dragged a fingertip along her shiny slit. "Don't you think so, my Jim?"

After a quick nod, I tried to focus on the twisting roadway as liquid slurps from her gliding finger and soft whimpers kept me company.

Susan had played with me.

Now, her mother played with herself.

While I drove on, heart pounding and mast straining against my trousers once again, an occasional moan slipped from Mandy's lips as a tremor wandered through her. As she added a second, then a third finger, she sped up. Soon wet splashes accompanied more rapid cries into her fist as wave after wave pummeled her.

The little tease was tormenting me. Fair. She'd been tormented while watching Susan devour me.

Every time I thought about commenting, I'd glance over and lose my ability to speak. With her bared below the waist and bucking, while her shiny fingers splashed into herself, I'd rip my gaze away to focus on the road. Eyes screwed shut, moan after moan slipped from her until, at last, I caught her fluttering dark eyes.

"Naughty little slut," I mouthed.

With a slow nod, Mandy whispered. "Yours."

Then, as I squeezed the wheel, white-knuckled, she glided her sticky digits from between her legs and slipped them into her mouth. Eyes gleaming, she sucked and tongued them as she let the cool air conditioning blast her bared, battered cleft. At her gentle press into my trapped flesh, I jolted and twitched the car along the road. After pulling her clean fingers from her shiny lips, she glanced at my crotch, then shot me that impish grin.

"Careful, big, bad—" Mandy's groping fingertips found and tugged on my zipper— "Jim." Her other hand dipped inside and her soft fingers wrapped around my shaft. "Oh, my. Is this one for me? Will you share, Jim?"

As I darted a glance at the rear seat to check they all were still sleeping, Mandy leaned into my lap. While sliding over me, her thick, dark hair tickled my twitching arm. As her soft fingers encircled my root, her hot breath seared my pole. At the touch of her velvet, sweeping tongue, tingles raced along my spine and a moan pulled from me.

Okay, it was her turn to play with me. The sexy little minx.

My hands squeaked on the wheel as Mandy ran her silken tongue in a swirling sweep along my aching shaft. While her daughter had devoured me in the morning, Mandy couldn't, so she upped the ante in her own special teasing way. Fist tight to my base, she spent the better part of the afternoon licking, kissing, and stroking my throbbing cock. Just as Susan had done, whenever she sensed I was too close, she'd stop, glance up and smile.

She, too, used little nibbles of her teeth. Interesting.

Like a bee to honey, as soon as a globule of pre-cum appeared, her eyes sparkled, and she'd open wide to drop her shiny lips onto my head. Her tongue would drag the gleaming morsel from my slit and she'd suckle.

How I didn't crash, I've no idea.

Yeh, Mandy could play, the little tease.

At last, just as with Susan, any touch set my entire body shaking and my toes curling so much, I'd press the accelerator. Louder moans escaped me as she tormented.

"Jim?" Suspended above my shiny knob, her dark eyes twinkled when I glanced down at her.

"Yes," I hissed through gritted teeth.

"I'm so naughty."

Before I could process her soft words, Mandy dropped. Her tight lips spread wide as they flew down my shaft. A groan ripped from me as I arched off the seat, thrusting into her silken warm mouth. My foot depressed the gas pedal, and we accelerated as she bobbed in my lap. Hands twisting as she stroked me, her lips raced up and down while Mandy sucked with all her might.

It was mere seconds before the world blinked. My toes curled up in my boots. My cock jerked in her grip.

Charles snorted.

Mandy froze.

I froze. Everything froze. Except my cock. No, it surged, filling her mouth with its initial spurt. As she gulped, taking my first load into her throat, her eyes met mine before flicking towards her husband. When I checked the mirror, he was still asleep. I grinned at her. She again bobbed, twisting her hands upwards to force every drop of my seed into her sucking mouth.

It was only as she met my gaze once more that I realized—at no time had she pulled off me. if Charles had awakened, there would've been no hiding what she was doing. Not to mention her skirt was still wrapped around her waist, and her sticky petals squelched along the seat cushion.

Mandy didn't care. She'd only frozen because I'd frozen.

With a smile, she swallowed the rest of my jism before sliding her slick lips from my crimson, glistening knob. After a final deep kiss on the tip, she tucked it away and lifted from me. As she smacked her lips and ran her tongue around her mouth, she gazed out at the mountains. With a gulp, I slowed us to the speed limit and exhaled.

She was amazing. A puzzle, no doubt. But, Gods above, Mandy was absolutely fucking amazing.

At another snort from her husband, I peered into the rearview and caught his eyes flutter open.

"Oh, sorry Jim." He pushed his arms out as far as he could in the cramped car and grinned. "I must've fallen asleep."

"No problem. You don't snore like somebody."

When I gestured at his wife and chuckled, he laughed. As Mandy looked back at him and smiled, she tugged her skirt into place; show's over.

The entrance to the park was just ahead on the right, amidst tall pine trees. Several other vehicles were turning onto the wide asphalt paved road.

A long exhale slipped from me.

Playtime was over.