
The Immortal Wife

Having outlived yet another wife, Jim is a lonely widower. When new neighbors arrive, he shunts aside his solitude to rejoin the world he protects, and has protected for several thousand years. He rediscovers old talents and skills, using them to bring pleasure to himself and others along the way.

Ayuba_Minkailu · Book&Literature
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17 Chs

Chapter 10

Exactly at six o'clock, the front door chimes echoed through the house.

Why hadn't Mandy walked across our back yards? With my eyebrows raising, I rose from a chair, dashed to the kitchen to check dinner, and slipped into my jacket. After crossing the tiled foyer, I paused to exhale, my heart racing, before pulling open the door. The universe shifted slightly to the left and wobbled. Everything Mi had said whipped through me as my mind struggled to take in the vision before me.

In sultry evening makeup and with her gorgeous dark hair, gleaming, piled atop her head, Mandy was ... amazing. A shiver raced through her when I glanced at the ankle-length, glistening black silken cloak held by a single large button at her neck. Beneath it, her black stilettos scraped against the concrete as she shifted feet. While rolling her shiny, red lips, she waited in silence until my eyes returned to hers.

"Should I unwrap you now?" I asked after stepping out and grasping the button in my fingers.

"I ... Uh, I went shopping today." As she spoke, her aromatic, elegant perfume swirled into my nostrils.

"Just for me?" I slipped the large black button out of the hole; a shudder rippled through her; she nodded.

As soon as I pulled the cloak apart, my jaw dropped.

"Sexy little tease," I muttered before letting a low whistle flutter through my lips.

As Mandy flushed bright crimson at my raising eyebrows and the beginning of a hungry grin on my face, another quiver pulled a whimper from her. She wore a matching sheer, silken, lace-lined black panties and bra set, black garter belt and stockings ... and absolutely nothing else.

Only lingerie? The direct inverse of her restaurant prank. Well, Mandy certainly knew how to change things up and ... keep me interested. And I was very interested. Our eyes met. That gleam ... Was Mi correct? And why was my heart beating so fast? Yeh, those eyes. Mandy wouldn't say it, but there was more, much more, than physical attraction going on here.

After tugging the cloak from her, she stood on my front porch, bared to the world. Although in reality, the neighbors across the cul-de-sac rarely, if ever, were outside. Yet, she had chosen to walk right up to the front door, dressed, or rather barely dressed. A swift exhale slipped from her shaking lips before she bit her lower lip.

"Turn." I gestured with my hand while dropping the cape over my shoulder. "Slowly. I want to see all of you."

While Mandy gulped, her heels scratched along the porch as she nervously shuffled around in a circle. A sharp inhale flew from her at the touch of my outstretched fingers, dragging over her midriff while she pivoted. Yep, that outfit worked just fine. As much as I wanted to fuck her right then and there, I forced a grin.

"You are absolutely gorgeous," I stated, nodding before adding. "Who are you?"

With another gulp, Mandy halted with my hand rubbing her rippling stomach muscles. A forceful tremor sped beneath my fingertips when she met my eyes.

"I..." She paused and her gaze flicked to her house before returning to me. After a long swallow, she finished. "I am your ... naughty ... Naughty little slut, Jim."

"Uh, huh." While gazing at her, I pushed my hand down. Her breathing hitched as I curved under to cup her thinly covered mound; burning heat and dampness. After raising my eyebrow, I grinned. "How long have you been this wet?"

"Since..." She sucked on her lips, her gorgeous blue eyes gazing into my appraising face. "All afternoon."

"How can I help?" I nodded and took my hand from her.

"You..." Not waiting for us to play our usual game, she blurted out. "You can fuck me." As she swayed forward, chasing my departing fingers, Mandy's azure pools gleamed; wanton desire bubbling behind them.


"Yes ... please, Jim." Mandy bobbed her chin. "I really need to be fucked again."

"Okay." Whether Mi was correct or not, I craved her. And she wanted me. We'd see about the rest ... later. At least, that's what I told myself as I reached for her hand. "Come in."

After leading her inside and closing the door, I draped her cloak over a hook. Mandy emitted a long, low moan when I drew my outstretched fingertips along her writhing back. When I cradled one firm globe beneath her panties, she rolled her glossy lips and held in another whimper. As I guided her towards the dining room, Mandy's groan escaped. She pushed her compact little rear into my palm mid-step, almost losing her balance.

Eyes twinkling up at me, she was already beyond aroused.

A change of plans was in order.

After placing Mandy's hands on the back of her chair, I scooted her dinner ware to my place. At first, she watched in silence, a puzzled look on her face. But as I dashed into the kitchen and tripped into a counter, a laugh escaped her shiny lips.

"Oh, poor Jim." As she spoke, Mandy ran a long red-nailed fingertip under the lace-flower trimmed cup of her crimson bra. "Is my little outfit distracting you?"

Before I could answer, she drew her glossy tongue over her lips while pulling the black lace downwards; exposing her sharp nipple. The little tease! Gods, she was fun. With a chuckle, I slapped together our plates. As she moaned, her crimson nails pinching her rubbery stem, I managed to set our food on the table beside a pair of wine glasses.

After a last scan of the table and filling the glasses with red wine, I smiled at her; everything was before me.

With her perky cone exposed, Mandy's rolling fingertips continued to toy with her darkened nub. Though she said nothing when I sat, white-knuckled, the digits of her other hand squeaked along the back of the chair as she glanced from our plates to my crotch before returning to my face.

"Come here." I gestured.

Not bothering to cover her tit, Mandy removed her fingers and tapped towards me on her heels. No sooner had I reached out to pull her to my lap than a hungry moan tore from her. Her soft, trembling hands slid along my chest as her warm, silken frame settled. When she nuzzled into me, her next groan, muffled by my jacket, sent tremors rippling through me.

The room blurred as the swirling aromas of her perfumes, store-bought and her own, tickled my nose. As she sighed into me, I pressed my lips into her dark, silky hair and held her tight. When her fingers came up to my cheek, she shifted to look at me.

"I like this, Jim." When she caught my answering surge beneath her, she swallowed and flicked an impish grin at me before grinding against my rising hardness. "Seems ... Uh, seems you like it too."

With her blue eyes boring into me, I more than liked this. Her hand caressed my cheek as I dragged mine along her toned thigh. Time simply faded away. Her lips rose, parting. Everything Mi had said flashed into me. Yes! Yes, I wanted Mandy. As my own. Damn the universe! Damn the Gods!

"You still want it all?" I murmured as I leaned closer.

"Yes, Jim." Mandy rolled her shiny lips and gripped tight to the back of my neck, pulling me down. "With you, anything."

Both moaning, our lips mashed together as her dainty tongue poked against mine. This was not a hurried, lust-filled kiss. As Mandy pressed into me, her eyes fluttered closed and her heartbeat raced to catch mine.

So long. It had been so very long.

No sounds but our heavy breathing, the gliding of her taut frame over my heating body, and our pounding heartbeats entered my muffled ears. The room continued to flutter in and out of focus as her gliding soft lips smeared waxy lipstick over my hungry mouth. When she pushed her hand between us to grasp my shaft, my breath flooded our mouths.

With a grunt, I pulled her lips from mine.

"Dinner first, my—" As my heart thumped to a halt, I ran my tongue over my lips— "naughty little slut."

Though Mandy nodded, her eyes gleaming up at me, her fingers remained planted on my trousers. A smile slid across her lipstick-smeared mouth as she squeezed tighter, drawing a groan from me. Yep, no matter what else we may mean to each other, whether either of us chose to admit it yet or not, she wanted to earn that title.

As I nodded, I ran my palm over her silken warm thigh, now shivering beneath my fingertips. I would help her earn it.

Anything, that's what she'd said.

After a lifetime as long as mine, I knew a heck of a lot.

When I placed her glass in Mandy's shaking hands, air sliced from her lips. The first thing ... Our eyes met as I raised my glass and tinked hers. The first thing was not to rush. As she sipped, I stabbed into her food and lifted a forkful. After leaning forward to take it into her mouth, I grinned at her eyebrows raising and her slow nod.

Yeh, I had learned to cook. Well. I'd had plenty of time to practice.

As I alternated between feeding Mandy and myself, I pressed her close to me. All the while, she fixed her gaze on me as her fingers clenched and unclenched along my aching rod. She wasn't making this easy, the little tease. Who was seducing whom?

When I chuckled, she lifted her eyebrow as I slipped the last forkful into her lips.

"Wow, Jim." After Mandy let me dab her mouth, she continued. "That was amazing."

"You're amazing." As I lowered the napkin, I smiled at her and tilted my glass, drinking the last of the wine.

After placing the empty on the table, Mandy did the same and slipped her fingers around my wrist. My heart raced as she lifted my hand and placed it on her toned stomach. Skin silky soft, the muscles rippling beneath were chaotic. After a gulp, she chewed her lips and drove my fingertips downwards, under the tight waistband.

"I want—"

Before she could finish, I plunged further, palming Mandy's hard clit and gliding my digits into the damp warmth of her swollen folds. With a groan, she arched upwards, driving her open lips skyward. Her fingers clenched my hardness; a matching groan tore from me.

Yeh, we weren't gonna make it to dessert. And, as I glanced at the table, fuck doing the dishes as well.

With Mandy's eyes blazing into mine, I pulled my shiny fingers free and lifted her from my lap. As she wobbled on her heels, I rose next to her, took her by the hand and led her upstairs. The soft heels of her shoes dragged and sank in the thick tan carpeting as I tugged her towards my bedroom at the end of the hallway.

After flicking on the lights and walking Mandy into the middle of the bedroom, she whirled around, taking in the room. The first night she'd spent with me, it had been such a whirl, and in the darkness, she hadn't been able to see much at all. After a long sigh, she swept the place; her eyes narrowing.

It was a lonely man's bedroom. The walls, I'd repainted off-white ... after Debbie, held only a few old paintings. Brown and tan patterned curtains framed the single large window overlooking the rear yard. On one side of the bed was an open door to the white and blue tiled bathroom, while on the other was the walk-in closet.

Though I'd kept the old king-sized, carved mahogany, four-poster, a pale azure and tan striped comforter covered the new mattress and box spring. A stack of various-sized white and blue pillows was strewn about the headboard.

A matching pair of antique cherry bedside tables flanked the bed. Mine was cluttered with a trio of mostly read books and an ancient alarm clock radio, complete with bright red digital numbers. It also held a half-full bottle of Dewars ... for medicinal purposes. The other was bare. As was the cherry-topped make-up table, but for its folded mirror. Underneath was a small matching chair with a pink cushion. Almost everything else I had trashed, but that little desk I kept, sometimes waking to imagine Debbie still sitting there, primping. As if she'd ever needed any primping.

The last pieces of furniture were a long cherry dresser topped by a mirror with a matching carved cherry frame. It lined the wall beyond the wide, plushly carpeted space at the foot of the bed. Beside it was Debbie's tall six-drawer bureau. Though I never used it, I hadn't gotten rid of it. It lay empty except for the bottom drawer.

Once she stopped turning, I stepped in front of Mandy, and, without a word, kept my gaze on her while I stripped from my shirt. With a gulp, her gaze drifted from mine to trace the scars puckering my skin. Her eyes ... softened.

After turning from her, I removed my trousers before taking my time to fold and place them atop the dresser. When I once again faced her, a shiver wormed from the base of my shaft to my skull. As a long whimper slipped from her, Mandy's hunger-starved pools were locked on my hardened mast. With a smile, I walked to the bedside table to grab the scotch and scooped the makeup chair out to the side of the bed before sitting. After unscrewing the bottle, I tossed my phone to the comforter beside me.

"Is this what you want—" While gripping my throbbing shaft in one fist, I grinned at her and added— "my naughty ... little ... slut?"

"Ye ... yes." A tremor wriggled through her as she flicked her eyes from my smiling face to my rod. "Oh, please ... Jim ... All day ... God ... I need ... it."

"What?" I tilted the bottle and took a swig before smacking my lips. The heady aroma of good alcohol added to those of her delicate, flowery perfume and syrupy arousal.

"I need your big cock inside me, Jim! Please!" Mandy's vehement voice echoed across the room for several seconds as she flashed her tongue around her lips. Oh, now the little tease didn't want to play games?

"You're gonna have to earn it." With a grin, I settled into the chair back and gestured at her with the bottle sloshing with amber fluid.

While tilting her head, she lifted one perfect dark eyebrow and swallowed, confusion in her eyes. We both knew I craved her as much as she wanted me, but where's the fun in that?

Would Mandy play a game for me, even if she didn't want to?

"Your turn to strip." A tremor rippled through Mandy at my words. "Show me how naughty you can be."

When I tapped my phone's player app, sensuous stripper music filled the room. At first, Mandy's eyes bulged, and she sucked in her lips; her gaze drifted to her heaving chest before rising to me once more. At the twinkle in her eyes, a shudder swept through me. A cooling globule escaped my tip to trickle down my shaft and over my clenching fingers.

Mandy's eyebrows raised when she caught its motion.

"You want me to take off my little outfit ... big ... bad ... Jim?" A smile appeared as her palms, shaky, wandered up her flanks and her slender, lace-covered hips began to sway to the music.

While taking another swig, I nodded and dragged my fingers up my shaft in time with her. Once more, a dribble dripped free. As her blue eyes flashed, tracking its descent, she chewed her rosy lips.

When her hands wandered behind her, my heartbeat thumped. Her eyes twinkled as she turned away and bent forward, swirling her tight little butt under the taut lace as her bra slipped from her back.

"Jeez, you done this for real, before?" I murmured as she smiled over her shoulder while dangling her top in one hand.

After a slow shake of her head, she tossed her bra atop my clothes and turned once more, her arm across her chest. The little tease. How my shaft ached as I crushed my base in a desperate attempt to control myself. Why had I thought this was a good idea? As she rocked her pelvis in time with the slow music, Mandy was in her ... new world.

The world she wanted to inhabit.

While swapping from one arm to the other, teasing me with quick glimpses of her cones, she leaned to unsnap her stockings from the garter. All the while spinning and swirling her little hips until she pranced forward and stood before me. This close, I tracked the beads of sweat forming on her skin.

When her arm came away, revealing her wobbling chest, I sucked on my lips and crushed my shaft once more; another trickle raced downwards. Her eyes followed it before she bent and slid each stocking from her toned legs. With a puff, she sent a blast of hot air over my bulb before giggling as she straightened. While keeping time, she kicked off her heels and pushed the rolled silk from both feet.

"Wow," I said before taking another drink. "Never before?"

Silent, Mandy only raised her hands to her head, removed hairpins and shook her silky black waves across her shoulders as her teeth crushed her lower lip. Natural talent. With a smile, she danced backwards, slipping her palms along her ribs until her fingers rested inside the waistband of her taut black panties.

When another dribble slithered downwards, sending shivers along my arching spine, Mandy's eyes locked onto it as she swallowed. Distracted by her hungry moan and her wide gleaming eyes, if I'd blinked I would have missed the rolling lace flying down her legs. A series of tremors shook her as she ripped them from her feet and threw them atop her bra. A wave of her syrupy scent washed over me and I squeezed my root ... hard.

If I thought that would end her show, I was so wrong. Hands rising in the air or dragging through her waving tresses, Mandy kept her gaze flicking between me and my throbbing pole as she danced. Their darkened points sharp, her cones wriggled, hips rolled, and little round butt swirled while she turned; all in perfect time to the music.

Yeh, some natural talent.

When she swayed closer, the heat from her sweat-gleaming frame engulfed me. Entranced by her swaying body so near, I lifted my hand from my shaft to reach for her with my outstretched fingers,

"No touching." With an impish giggle, she batted my fingers away. "House rules."

The little minx flounced from me to bend all the way forward. With a smile amidst her dangling, swaying, dark tresses, she peered at me from between her spread legs. Fuck! She was so hot.

And she knew it.

With another chuckle, she meandered closer until her nails glittered before me. Both of us tracked her fingertips, approaching each side of my shaft.

"I thought you said—" I started before her finger landed across my lips.

"Shh, that's for you." Though Mandy grinned, one inhale of her sweetness and a quick glance between her shifting legs, showing glossy inner thighs—not from sweat alone ... she was as desperate as I was. "Not the talent."

Yep, talent. She'd said it. Because she had it. As soon as her red nails landed on my aching flesh, a moan ripped from me as electric jolts flickered across my entire body. Her chuckle was lost in the roar of blood in my ears when they skimmed upwards to bounce off my rubbery helmet rim. As I shook, she lifted one hand and tugged the whiskey from me.

While her nails roamed my shaft, she tipped the bottle to down a long draft; her eyes twinkled as she gazed at me. When she turned and pushed her bare buttocks into my aching mast, I came so close to flinging her to the bed. As she rubbed my pole with her tight globes, she grinned over her shoulder through her dangling dark hair. She was daring me to do it. The little...

The room blurred and spun when her fingers grasped me and swept my aching bulb through her soft, heated wetness. After lifting herself on her toes, Mandy was rubbing me with her soaking folds; her tight little entrance nudging along my tip. As a shudder raced through her and her eyes fluttered, loud, hungry groans tore from both of us. My knob, dripping with her sweet-smelling juices, glistened as it swayed free of her after she slipped away to continue dancing.

Bright red, her face shined as she took another long swig and came closer once more. What would she do this time? God, she was so fucking hot. When she bent forward, I could only gaze at her as she ran one hard nipple along my lower lip. Her eyes twinkled; daring me. With every muscle in my body a taut jangling wire, I gritted my teeth and pulsed my neck muscles.

With a grin, she slid down my seated frame to her knees. She wouldn't? After lifting the whiskey to her lips, she paused to wave it at my pole.

"I bet that hurts, huh?" Mandy again emitted that cute little giggle and took another drink.

Her eyes stayed on me as her head cocked. Would she ask if she'd earned it yet?


With an impish grin, Mandy tilted the bottle ... Oh, fuck! She wouldn't? Ice cold scotch dribbled over my shaft. She would! Her head sloped further while her tongue surged from her parting lips. Her rapid breathing sending furnace blasts over my tight skin; she dragged her nails along one side of my twitching pole. Along the other, her slurping, swirling tongue roamed upwards.

Goddamn! Mandy was amazing.

Once at the top, she pulled away, swished her hair from her face and locked eyes with me. Time, the room, and the universe stuttered as she widened her lips and leaned forward. Silky. So silky. Warm. Pillows landed on my flesh ... and glided downwards. The tiniest nudge of her little tongue into my slit pulled a howling moan from me as I shook the chair. White-knuckled, my fists clenched the sides as I struggled for air.

Her cheeks sunk inwards and the world ... blinked while powerful suction drew from deep in my balls. When she lifted her mouth away with a loud plop to begin another giggle while dragging her nails downwards, I ... surrendered.

"Enough." After driving my hands under her arms, I tugged her to her feet, nodded and managed a tight grin. "You win."

Her naked flesh glistening, Mandy squealed and let out a laugh as I tossed her to the mattress. My first thought was simply to fuck her then and there. Hard and fast. Then I raised my eyebrow and held in a laugh as I took the bottle from her clenching fingers and had another drink. After placing it on the bedside table and replacing the chair, I returned to stand between Mandy's dangling legs.

"Now it's my turn." I drew my hands along her shaking thighs. "Dessert time."

While Mandy had said nothing, only squirming as she'd tracked my movements, when I slipped to my knees and clasped her legs, a long moan erupted from her. The sweet nectar aroma was intoxicating as I lowered my lips to her inner thigh. While she struggled for air, her gleaming blue eyes widened.

This time I sucked.

As Mandy tore at her hair, she arched upwards and pummeled me with her quavering thighs as I slurped her silken heated flesh into my mouth. It was my turn to flash an impish grin while sliding my arms underneath her behind to clamp my hands over her pelvis.

"Please, Jim! God ... I am—" Her words disappeared into another lengthy moan as I dragged my tongue upwards along the velvety shivering skin of her other warm thigh.

Beneath my hands, she thrust her hips hard, trying to trap me with her swollen lips as I skimmed my tongue across them. Air hissed from her as she stared, wide-eyed, into my grinning face.

"Please!" whispered through her clenched teeth as her entire frame twisted when I settled my mouth on one puffy petal.

Her bright red clit, soaked in syrupy slickness, stood prominently; she caught my glance at it and rolled her shiny lips. When her outstretched hands drifted downwards, I pulled away and wagged my finger from her roiling pelvis.

"No. You keep those pretty titties warm for me, little ... slut."

With a quick nod, Mandy's fingers enclosed each plush cone, squeezing and pulling moans from herself as her fingertips did to her rubbery stems what I wanted mine to do. With her gaze shifted to them, I pushed the tip of my tongue into her slick, tight slit before dragging it upwards.

Mandy froze. Eyes wide. Mouth open. A tremor sputtered through her as she stared at me. My tongue did slow circles around her little button; so red. Inside the angry, tight flesh, her pulse throbbed. When I dragged my tongue away, her eyes watered. I dropped my mouth to her cleft, pushing my face into the soft wet pillows, seeking her tight little gate with my tongue.

I drove my nose into her nub.

Mandy unfroze.

"Oh, Fuck! Oh, Fuck! Oh ... Oh, Jim!"

As her cries became a scream, every muscle in her convulsed while her thighs clamped my fast twisting head. A wave of syrupy sweetness flowed over my plunging tongue to flood my gulping mouth.


When I lifted from her pulsating crimson folds and swept my tongue over my lips, Mandy lay facing the ceiling, her chest pulsing up and down as she huffed. Her trembling arms now outstretched, each spasming fist clutching a clump of crumpled comforter.

With a smile, I unclasped my hands and slipped from her. At the touch of my palms opening her thighs, her eyes flashed to me as a tremor wriggled through her. With her jaw frozen wide, her little tongue flickered inside her shaking lips.

"Oh my god ... Jim. How?" As another shudder slithered through her, she rolled her head to gape at the ceiling before coming back to me and gulping. "What the...? I ... Wow."

"Let me guess." As her silken skin shivered beneath my fingers, I ran them up along her ribs and smiled. "Nobody's eaten your pretty little pussy before?"

"No ... never." Her dark hair swayed as she shook her head.

"Well, I guess it really is a lucky day for you, huh?"

After opening her mouth, Mandy was forced to suck on her lips while a shudder flowed through her.

"Yes," she whispered as she unclamped her hands and slid them onto mine.

With a sigh, I pressed her ribs as her fingers interlocked with mine. As she swallowed, she glanced at my aching mast. The silence grew as time slowed once more. When I pushed upwards, crawling onto the bed, Mandy squiggled along the comforter until she could shove pillows beneath her head. All the while, her eyes flicked between my wavering knob and my face.

"Do you still—"

"Yes!" flew from her lips as she spread her shaking legs and planted her feet. "Please, Jim. All damned day. At the mall."

As I nodded, I lifted my eyebrow.

"What happened at the mall?"

"I was ... For you. Trying on things..." She gestured to her lingerie pile atop the dresser before swallowing. "And I was so—"

"Did you finger yourself ... slut?" I gripped my shaft; it wavered over her twisting pelvis as I settled on my knees.

Mandy nodded. "Jim! I've never. Ever ... In public, I couldn't, but I was so wet."

"Well, after a dance like that." As I ran my other hand over the silky warm skin of her shaking stomach, I smiled. "Let's see what bad old Jim can do for you."

When I tilted to push between her soft folds, Mandy's hands went to my chest. A groan tore from her while her tightness widened to accommodate my sinking bulb.

"Yes! God, Jim! I want you!"

Her strident tone sent a shudder through me as I paused, her gate taut around my tip. Our eyes met. Her fingers clawed into my flesh.

She wanted me. That was the first time she'd said that aloud.

With a groan, I slid forward, stretching her slick, warm walls aside. No pause. Not this time. I needed her. While plunging deeper, I shoved a pillow under her shaking little behind. Even as she twisted and huffed for air, Mandy kept her gaze fixed on my face, with only swift glances at the fleshy tube disappearing into her.

"I want you, too ... Mandy," I said in a low voice when my pelvis mashed into her arching frame.

Not "little slut," "tease," "minx," or any other playful name. I craved all of her; body and soul ... and everything. As much as Mandy wanted to try everything, I needed every part of her.

When I looked up from our union, my heart stopped. Lips pursed, Mandy's eyes leaked tears down her upturned face. Since my arms had shifted to either side of her, she slid her fists along my forearms.

"Why are you crying?"

"I've never ... Been so ... owned ... in my life, Jim." Blood rushed to my ears as my heart once again raced. I was shaking my head to hear the rest. "Nobody ... ever."

"I don't own you!" The words flew from me with more anger than I intended. Visions of Debbie. Others long ago. Those I'd actually owned. So many. And the Baron? Fuck, was I using some super mojo on her? Was I like him? All that flew into me at her use of "owned." "You are under me, with me buried in you, because you want to be here."

Eyes wide, Mandy swallowed at my tone; while frozen outside, her pussy undulated all along my pole.

"Sorry. That's just ... Look—" Words ceased flowing from me. As she stroked my arms and grinned up at me, the universe became simple, yet so beautiful.

"I'm your naughty little slut, Jim." Mandy's soft voice as she caressed my shaking arms pulled a long exhale from me. It had been wrong of me. Too many mistakes in my past. And I nodded as she continued. "All I meant was that I've never wanted to be anything so much in my entire life."

With a nod, I pulled from her.

"Please, Jim. Don't go. Don't send me away. I promise—"

After my tip spread her widening gate, I pushed into Mandy, driving a low twisting groan from her lips. With her slippery flesh squishing between us, Mandy's fists clamped around my arms as I rocked back and forth, pumping her swaying frame. Even as she huffed for air, her legs wavering in the air alongside my ribs, that grin widened into a radiant smile.

It was a wondrous smile, and I found myself grinning as well while the bed began to creak under my faster strokes. Watching her smile morph into an open-mouthed stare as I accelerated brought a chuckle from me. I wanted her. All of her. With a grunt. I pushed deep before flipping her onto her stomach around my shaft. In a swirl of hair, Mandy whipped her face to gaze at me as I peeled her tight little backside upwards.

"Okay. If that's what you want, I'll own you." With a smile I resumed pounding her.

I'd been an idiot. Mandy was not Debbie. Nor was I the Baron. And if she wanted, Mandy could crawl from here when we were done. Never to return.

Arms outstretched, they twisted as Mandy's clawed fists gathered clumps of swaying comforter. Behind her, my hips flew back and forth, slapping wet splashes from her clenching insides as the bed slammed, thumping into the wall.

And did she ever clench. "Fuck me, Jim!" Clench. "Yes!" Clench and ruffling spasm. "Harder!" I sped up, pushing her open-mouthed into the pillows. She whipped her head to stare at me through her swaying tresses.

"Yes, like that, my Jim!" Her back bowed with each speeding thrust, while her slick walls, so alive with her racing pulse, clamped me.

Now, I was "her" Jim. I hadn't been anybody's in such a long time. With a grunt, I pushed faster, deeper and twisted my hips, pulling her little frame around as the first massive pulse bubbled in my tightening base.

"Fuck ... fuck me, Jim!" Mandy must have seen the expression of impending bliss on my face; she tore a hand free and ripped one of mine from her hip. "Make me your slut!"

After driving it under her, she pressed our fingers into her bisected cleft and raced them in time with my shaft. Our fingertips nudging my speeding shaft was too much. With a roar, I pushed deep. Mandy's eyelids flew apart. As the first lengthy jet of magical relief erupted inside her, her entire body arched upwards and twisted. With scream after scream tearing from her lips, her hand drove us faster, igniting wave after wave of muscular contortions across her shuddering frame.

My arm now sliding under Mandy to hold her pinned to me, I grunted with each thrust as jet after long, ball-draining jet splashed into her. Only after a final cry did her fingers drop away, releasing mine. As a final whole-body shudder rippled through me, I skimmed my hands along her shaking flanks. Her face buried in the pillows; her spine heaved up and down as burbling air hissed from her mashed lips.

"Owned ... slut?" I managed a grin as the last of my essence bubbled from us to dribble onto my balls.

Without lifting her head, Mandy only nodded under her shattered dark tresses. After straightening, I pulled my hands along her ribs; shocks slithered under her sweat-slick skin. Okay, fear drifted away ... for now. Mandy wanted to play being a slut? "Owned" as she put it? Fine. All in good fun.

Fun? This was the most intense "fun" I'd had in years. As I pressed my fingers into the silken flesh of Mandy's shaking slender hips, I sighed.

"Years," I murmured. Mandy's sudden moan as another shudder wriggled through her, covered my voice.

Once Mandy had collapsed and my shrinking pole pulled from her, she rolled to her side and swept dark matted strands from her flushed face. On the verge of speaking, she opened her lips as she ran her shaky fingertips over her flat belly.

"Come on." As I slipped from the battered comforter, I held out my hand.

After Mandy placed her shaky fingers in mine, I helped her to the edge of the bed, lifted her into my arms and carried her to the bathroom. With her arms around my neck, her eyes wide the whole time, she gaped at the huge tub sunken in a raised dais and an enormous glass-enclosed shower.

"Debbie wanted a large bathroom." With a sigh and a shake of my head, I added. "It's a pain in the ass to clean."

After flicking on the warm spray, I lowered Mandy to her wobbly feet in the shower, and went to the nearby cabinet. With a sudden rash of heat over my cheeks, I pulled out Debbie's shampoo and soap along with unwrapping a new pink fluffy nylon sponge ball. She loved 'em, I loathed them. It had been there since ... As I sighed, I turned and placed the shampoo on the little shower shelf next to mine.

"Uh, it was, um, Debbie's but, I figure you might like it."

Before Mandy could reply, I squeezed flowery smelling liquid soap on the soaked pink sponge and settled it onto her. When her hand lifted, I pushed it away. As tremors raced under my swirling palm, she swayed and sucked on her lips.

"Let me guess." I grinned, as I spun her to wash her back. Under the warm spray, goosebumps erupted across her as I drove soapy arcs along her rippling muscles. "Nobody ever bathed you either?"

"No." She replied, sliding her feet apart when I passed the soft ball of suds over the firm globes of her swaying little butt.

"Well aren't you just having a lucky day?"

Any reply was devoured by the moan that tore from her. Mandy's palms splatted against the tile when I skimmed under her to scrub her little cleft and rosebud. Her ass cheeks wobbled as her entire body shuddered.

"God, Jim!" She continued quivering as I rinsed out and hung the sponge. "You..."

Her words fluttered a way when I collected her long tresses in one hand and poured shampoo with the other. Whimper after whimper slid from the swaying woman as I massaged her scalp and ran my fingertips through her matted, soapy dark hair. After covering her eyes and rinsing the shiny strands, I squeezed out as much water as I could before laying it on her back.

For the longest time, Mandy just hung from her trembling arms. Head drooping; she trembled as water sprayed her, sending rivulets cascading from her little frame. As she leaned in silence, I soaped and rinsed myself while roaming her absolutely stunningly gorgeous body. My heartbeat rose.

After wringing out my long towel, I turned to find Mandy now faced me. Her eyes flicked from mine to my jutting mast. My heartbeat wasn't the only thing that had risen. She rolled her lips and again looked at me while stepping closer.

Mandy was silent as she raised one leg to place her foot on the tiled wall before grasping my shaft in both hands. As air hissed into my gritted teeth at her gentle but firm touch, she tilted my rod under her while shifting closer. When my bulb left the warm waterfall sluicing from her stomach to glide into her velvety wetness, a shudder rippled along my spine.

Time slowed. Everything but Mandy faded a million miles away. The sounds of the water were replaced by the thumping of my heart, the rapid puffs from both our lips, and the slight squish as she pulled me deeper.

With the tight gate once more parting before my tip, a groan tore from me as my heartbeat raced. At the same time as her hole spasmed, a whimper sputtered free of her lips under the spraying water. Her eyes widened when I cradled her warm slick butt and lifted her from the tiled floor.

After wrapping her legs around my waist, she settled her head on my shoulder and pressed her lips to my neck. With warm spray splashing over us, she draped her arms around my neck and pushed her sleek little frame tight to me. As her shaking thighs relaxed, her slick warm body slid downwards, impaling her stretching, squelching flesh on my aching pole.

Soon, our heartbeats matched with each gentle rise and fall. Between moans puffing bubbles over my skin, she sucked and kissed along my throat. With a groan she pushed her teeth into me when the first wave convulsed through her; inside, all along my shaft, she pulsated.

"That's it." As she contorted, I held her shaking rear with one arm and splayed my hand against her spine, flattening her cones and wriggling frame tighter to me. "That's it, Mandy. I've got you. Jim's got you."

As another wave crashed over her, Mandy's soft eyes gazed at me. This wasn't simply "Anything." And this wasn't me doing "Anything" to her. No, this was something else entirely.

After the convulsions ceased, she sucked in wet air along my skin while flexing her legs to lift herself. Once again, she rose and fell with long, slow gentle motions, riding me under the warm spray; heartbeat to heartbeat. Her teeth sunk deep into her lower lip as a groan hissed free; her entire little frame twisted under my pressing hand. When the groan became a low warbling cry, her nails clawed at the back of my neck. But for the quivering and the massive crushing and releasing inside her, she froze against me.

Once that shuddering wave too had fled her, Mandy glanced at me and swallowed before running her hand down to glide her fingers along my sticky root.

"How can you ... stay like that?" Her eyes flicked between us as she leaned away. "So hard? There's no way Charles would—"

"I will stay hard for as long as you need me to stay hard."

Perhaps it sounded arrogant, but after all the ... sessions in my life, for a woman such as Mandy, I would. Not a brag, but a fact.

No matter, it had sounded like a boast to her. Mandy's eyes narrowed. No, not a boast. A challenge. With a slight grin, she raised herself high. After a lengthy exhale she drove herself downward before once more flying upwards. As she raced, I clutched her ribcage to keep her from decoupling in mid-air.

Her brows knitted; Mandy's lips were pursed. As she rode me ever quicker, moans slithered from her. While her eyes remained focused on mine, inside, her velvet, slick flesh was clenched tight. Yeh, she was determined. Challenge accepted. With her shiny black tresses, matted by the water, flying in the spray, at last I grinned up at her.

Okay, Mandy had made a point.

A beaming smile crossed her face when the first pulsation uncoiled from deep in my aching balls and shot upwards inside her racing cave. While I grunted and thrust skywards, she rammed herself down and clamped me tight with her limbs. Once more, she moaned into my neck while jet after long jet of relief splashed deep into her.

Clamped together as one, we shuddered together under the shower until the universe died. I don't know ... maybe it did. I didn't care. Neither did Mandy. Time simply stopped and there was only Mandy attached to me, as the Gods ordained.

"I'm sorry Jim." Her soft words brought me back to reality as our heartbeats slowed and my pole at last began its slow retreat.

"For what?" I ran my fingers over her shaking spine as she tilted her head up to look at me. I flashed her a smile. A tired smile. "That was amazing."

Liquid, her eyes were soft. Instead of answering, Mandy chewed her lips and gazed at me in silence for a long time. There was the tiniest flick of her eyes to her house before once more focusing on me. I'd seen that look before ... in other lovers. Mi had been correct. Because of course she was. She was Fae. And one damned thing they knew was love.

After a swift shake of her head Mandy slipped from me to lean against the wall as the spray once more sluiced over her red-tinged frame. Still not speaking, she took my shaft in her hands to soap and rinse it.

Right then, I should have asked. Or she should have said something more. Both of us should have discussed this like adults. Hell, especially me. But when she looked at me as I turned off the water, her eyes remained ... conflicted. With a nod, I took a towel and wrapped it around her.

As I rinsed the shower, Mandy stepped out to dry herself on the large fluffy blue bath mat. Though she still hadn't spoken, our shared sidelong glances said more than enough. After I found and pulled out Debbie's old hair-dryer, I gestured Mandy closer and turned her back to me.

With her eyes tracking my every gentle motion in the large mirror, her hands clasped the bathroom counter while I brushed and dried her black silken tresses. When I raised my eyebrow and opened my mouth, she emitted that cute, girlish giggle and shook her head.

"No, Jim. Nobody since my mother has dried my hair for me." She paused as a shiver rippled through her before adding. "And yes, this is a very lucky day for me."

Once I'd finished, I walked to the bedroom and flipped open the sheets. After Mandy glided past me, encircling me with the flowery aromas of Debbie's soap and shampoo, she slipped under the covers and gazed at me. With a sigh, I also clambered in and lay on my back.

Without a word, Mandy slid one arm over my chest and draped a leg over mine before snuggling her warm frame tight to me. As I stared at the ceiling, her open mouth pressed into my shoulder. So many memories. So many.

It had been so long. Just to have this—the quiet warmth of a heart beating against me. Yeh, Mi was right. I rolled my head in time to glimpse the last glinting slits of Mandy's fluttering eyes. She was not the type of woman to snuggle this tight to simply anyone.

Secret attracting magic crap? No. She was my lover. And I was hers. Spoken words or not.

Sometime that night, it was still dark, when I came awake with a jolt. At my sudden jerk, Mandy gasped under her breath. As I swallowed, I stared down to catch her gleaming blue eyes, rimmed with white; her lips pressed into my chest.

After she sighed, her frame tightened against me and she lifted her glossy lips from my skin. Her eyebrows furled and she swallowed before emitting a long breath of air.

"Jim ... what happened to Debbie?" Mandy glanced at the makeup table.

"She, di ... uh, passed away." Shiny, her lips parted as I dragged my fingers along the curve of her hip.

"Was she like me?" Mandy settled to my chest and swirled a nail around my nipple.

"Sorta. She was..." There was no way I was going into Debbie's history right then and there. That was for another time. In the daylight. And with a lot more booze in me. "Uh, she had more intense cravings than you ... I think."

"What do you mean?"

"Check the bureau. The, um ... The bottom drawer."

With my neck pulsing, I gestured to Debbie's old bureau. Moving like a cat, Mandy slipped from me and glided to the tall dresser. While she settled to her knees, I rolled to my side. She had such a toned, elegant back.

When she slid the drawer open, I couldn't see her face, but her gasp echoed through the room. While clasping a handful of chains and one of the large black leather collars Debbie used to wear, Mandy turned to me.

Since I remained quiet, she returned to the stuffed drawer. Her breathing became rapid and shallow as she tugged out more clinking, rattling items. Some of the smaller whips, bindings, and shackles that Debbie had loved me to use on her in bed. After Mandy lay all the things across the carpet next to her, a shiver slid through her as she turned to gape at me.

"Debbie enjoyed being controlled and ... Well, loved ... all of that." As I shrugged, I added with a chuckle. "So, you still want to try ... anything?"

Should I have mentioned Debbie's playroom? In complete silence, the glinting perky cones on her chest wobbled as her torso heaved. Mandy's blue eyes only blinked while again scanning the gear before gawking at me. Nope, no playroom; she already had plenty to think about.

While she hadn't replied, Mandy replaced everything, closed the drawer and returned to my arms. After I tossed the sheets over her, she snuggled closer before pressing her lips to mine. Her hips thrust against me as I sought her playful tongue.

So much for her to contemplate. Anything? I held in a chuckle as she settled against me; soon her breathing and heartbeat slowed.

Soon afterwards, blackness took me once again.

The next morning, I awoke just as the sun rose and checked the time.

Charles' red-eye flight would be arriving soon, which meant he should be home not long afterwards. One of the reasons I picked the neighborhood, and apparently so had Charles, was its proximity to the airport.

With a grin, I pulled Mandy tight, drawing a whimper and a gentle thrust of her hips into me. As I cleared the hair from her face and gazed at her, I let her sleep until half an hour before Charles would be home. Although she'd been shocked by Debbie's gear, she'd done so well on her "anything" quest.

So, what about one more little game?

"Hey, sleepy little slut." After a soft nudge on her shoulder, I peeled the sheets from her. "Your husband'll be home any minute."

When Mandy's eyes flew open and she tried to push from the bed, I pinned her in place with my body. As she flailed her limbs and wriggled to get free, she gaped at me.

"You've gotta earn your freedom," I said with a grin.

With a gulp, her squirming stopped and her hands drifted along my ribs. When I shifted to grasp my hardness, her eyes widened, flicking between the clock's giant red numbers and my face. After a laugh, I leaned down to place a quick kiss on her soft lips before rolling away.

At first she lay there, splayed out, her fingertips still grazing my hip as I rose from the bed. With a gasp, she flicked her gaze to the clock, flew from the mattress and dashed for her lingerie and shoes while I pulled on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt.

Just as she was lifting her leg to tug on her panties, I snatched them from her; leaving her wobbling on one foot. Eyebrows raising, Mandy gawked at me, but slid her garter and stockings on before replacing her heels. When she looked at the bra, I gestured and she placed the crumpled black lace in my palm. Though she tried to straighten her hair in the mirror, I clenched her wrist and tugged her downstairs.

Before Mandy could reach for her cloak, I took it in my hand and smiled at her while unlatching the front door. A whimper slid from her as I tugged the door open and the dim early morning sunlight flooded the entry way. And her quivering frame. Her eyes met mine, but she thrust out her trembling chin and let me lead her from the house.

Okay. She was up for playing.

With the sun barely up, the dark trees swished in a light warm breeze while chirping birds circled overhead. When my fingers glided under her and pushed upwards into her soft folds, her eyes widened; she twisted on my squelching hand. With her legs pressing me, she waddled down the front path beside me; her warming slickness soon dribbled sweet-smelling fluids over my palm. While snuggling tight to me, her swaying hair tickled my arm; whimper after whimper echoed across the empty cul-de-sac.

"Jim..." Her plea ended in a groan when I pushed deeper; my fingertips piercing her inner gate.

After slowing, Mandy's legs crushed my hand as she slapped into me. Nonetheless, I dragged her forward until she stood in the middle of her driveway, facing the road. As I pushed my thumb against her throbbing sharp nib, a groan ripped from her to echo through the early morning quiet.

When I tugged my shiny fingers free with a squelch, Mandy swayed forward, eyes wide. She tracked me grasp her wrist, place her hand between her legs and step aside.

"Come for me ... slut." As I ran my tongue over my fingers, enjoying her syrupy nectar, I smiled. How could she taste so impossibly sweet?

Now, it was her game. Let's see how much she wanted to play. At first, Mandy's palm remained motionless, cupping herself as she scanned the houses.

"Better be quick." With a swift nod, I gestured up the road. "Charles is on the way."

After another gulp, Mandy lifted her blue pools to me and, with a long groan, drove her slim fingers into herself. As her body contorted and shuddered, her hand pumped, sending splashes out around her shiny, plunging knuckles. Wobbly on her scraping heels, her toned legs glinted in the morning sunshine as they quivered.

"That's it baby. Get up in there." At my words, Mandy's azure pools ignited and her digits pushed deeper on every thrust. Air puffing from her open lips, she tilted her head skyward. "Come big for me. Don't you dare hold back."

Another challenge accepted.

With a high-pitched cry that scared cawing birds from the trees, Mandy's little frame bucked and whipsawed as spurting jets of fluid sprayed from her hand. The clawed fingers of her other slapped onto my shoulder and dug deep. Another scream exploded from her, as her head whipped from side to side and her body bucked into me.

At the resounding echoes, my heart thumped in my chest and I scanned the neighborhood; I gulped as I glanced at her lowering, bright red face. Mandy's blue eyes were ... amazing. When a juddering aftershock tore through her, I tossed the cloak to the ground in a clump and gripped her shoulder. Her puffing hot breaths searing my skin, she melted into my arms and shook.

Neither of us had expected that. Whatever "that" was.

When the syrupy scent intensified, I glanced down and jolted as she brought her shiny fingers to her lips and smiled up at me. With a sigh, she slid them inside and sucked as her eyes twinkled. As I shifted, she blinked her long lashes and glanced at my swollen crotch before returning to me. A groan slithered from me when her other hand dropped to glide along my shorts.

"No. Your husband's getting—"

With Mandy's fingers pressing harder, all words fluttered into a moan while I arched to the sky. But I sighed and gritted my teeth before stopping her from lowering herself to her knees. As I flicked my gaze to the end of the street, I retrieved her cloak and handed it to her.

"For another day, my lov ... slut."

Although her eyes narrowed only the slightest bit, Mandy's body tensed. She'd caught my slip and rolled her lips before stepping away. Just as I nodded and started to turn, the cloak thudded to the ground at my feet. Before I could move to avoid her, she dropped to her knees on it and yanked down my shorts. Chilly morning air swirled around the searing heat of my throbbing pole.

Alight, her blue eyes on me, daring me to stop her, she opened her mouth to engulf me in one swooping, slurping motion. With her fingers clasping my shaft, she froze in place, staring up at me. Her long dark tresses swirled around in the strengthening breeze.

Go ahead, stop me. Her unblinking eyes said. When I did nothing but swallow as the light swirls of her tongue sent electricity along my spine, her hands corkscrewed up my rod and her cheeks sank.

"Oh, Gods!" That slip she missed when she bobbed and twisted her mouth atop my aching pole. "You're amazing."

After plowing my fingers through her hair, I clamped her bouncing skull and timed my thrusts. Okay, if she wanted to play, well I damned sure needed the relief. Out there, before the world, this wouldn't take long at all. Though she arched upwards, trying to take me into her throat, the angle was poor and she could only manage my tip.

Though for a rookie, she was a fast learner. And a dedicated student.

As groan after louder groan tore from me, she raced ever faster. Soon, the familiar tightening behind my balls heralded my onrushing pulse. With a grunt, I clamped her head in place. One hand still stroking, the fingers of the other fondled my spinning balls.

"Here it comes ... Mandy."

The ability to speak left me as I arched upwards, thrust deep into her throat and unleashed jet after thick jet into her. Her muffled moans reverberated along my pulsing shaft until the last spasm fizzled even as my body still shuddered. One hand slithering upwards, driving any cum into her mouth, Mandy pulled from my hands and stared up at me while sliding from my shiny rod. After gliding off the end of my tip, her lips snapped closed as she grinned.

A shudder went through me when she swayed back on her knees and opened her mouth.

The pungent scent of my seed flooded my nose as a solid wave of thick chunky white flooded over her lower lip, poured from her chin and dribbled onto her cones and squirming body. After smacking her lips and running her tongue over her chin, her outstretched fingers smeared my cum into her skin.

As I helped her to her feet, her eyes sparkled, and she laughed before pushing a thick strand between her lips and slurping her digit clean.

"Anything, Jim." With a quick scoop, she brought her cloak up and hung it over one shoulder, leaving her bare, glistening in the sunshine, as she turned away. Over her shoulder, as her heels click-clacked towards her front door, she added through her swirling black tresses. "Anything for ... with you, my Jim."

Her Jim.

I liked that. My Mandy? Perhaps. Probably.