
The Immortal Rest System (Fanfic)

Sleep, such a foreign concept. Whenever the opportunity arises, I do my best to sleep as long as it doesn't impede on my normal life. My name is Durk Deus, and no not deus ex machina as much as I wish that was my last name but no just the first part of that and it has no special meaning. Follow our MC as he sleeps his way to the top of the multi-verse and raise some wives along the way! Additional Tags: It's Over 9000, Your still not reading the novel?, Hi there! Every character depicted in this is over the age of 18+ for all intents and purposes.

TrulyDesire · Anime & Comics
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

Sleep, such a foreign concept. Whenever the opportunity arises, I do my best to sleep as long as it doesn't impede on my normal life. My name is Durk Deus, and no not deus ex machina as much as I wish that was my last name but no just the first part of that and it has no special meaning. My life isn't all that special. I mostly live at home since I made all my money through stocks when I bet all my savings from part-time jobs when I was 20 years old. I grew up as an orphan and started working at the young age of 12 since my orphanage wanted nothing to do with me since I was made fun of as a demon spawn because, of my eyes that had one that was red and the other gold. My hair was also silver so that didn't help any. Honestly one would think that I would just be hateful or try to get revenge out of spite but I just didn't care and did my best to work so I could live on my own.

On that fateful day on my 20th birthday in my cheap apartment I was renting. I felt like I learned enough about the stock market and decided to take a huge risk and bet all my money on several small companies, one of them even being a gaming company that was trying to get further progress for VR technology. Luck smiled on me that day and I made back all of my life's savings 20 fold. Now I'm 30 years old and I'm going through my daily routine of stretching my body and going into deep meditation before having breakfast. I lived in a nice mansion with many maids and a head butler that kept the place clean and in top shape. Sadly though, today life had other plans for me since the moment I got downstairs I saw all of my maids and butlers tied up. Before I could even react I was stabbed from behind. When I saw who stabbed me, for the first time in my life I felt something I haven't felt before. I believe it is called hatred.

When I opened my eyes again, I noticed that I was in a sky blue room with a letter in the center. I walked or rather floated towards it since it seemed that I was just a soul at this moment. When I got near the letter it opened itself and spoke the words written on it in my mind. "First of all, allow me to express my dearest apologies for your untimely death at the hands of that filth from the orphanage you grew up in. However, don't fret because they have already been put to justice by your entire nation. Due to the fact that you contributed so much to society by investing in small companies that eventually became mega giants in the industry of health, science, gaming, and more your government was pressured into hunting down your killers and putting them to justice with the death sentence."

'Well that's good, I'm glad that at least they didn't get an opportunity to do anything.'

"Also before you even think about it, all of your assets have been given to a maid that will soon be bearing your child so you don't have to worry about that and she shared it with your other maids and head butler who refused and decided to continue to serve you under the maid. If I'm not mistaken her name was Kandy, which by the way, I'm not one to judge but I honestly didn't expect someone named that to be so pure at first ya know? Oh and before I forget I am what you could call the True God not those phonys that proclaim themselves as god but the True God that rules the multiverse. The main reason you are here is because I have decided to reincarnate you with a system like those novels I know you love to read. Also you won't be reincarnated as a human, but fret not you will be reincarnated as a mighty dragon! One that can take human form, of both sexes at that! Ahem, your system will be a tad bit special though in the fact that it is meant for you to sleep for long periods of time without the need to eat or have to take care of your business. Further details will be told to you by the system once it's integrated, also your humanoid look should match your previous looks from Earth. One last thing, you will be reincarnated into a world of swords, magic, and cultivation so it will be your choice as to what path you will take once you learn more about your system, and you will start in a cave deep underground with no life around for a great distance. You will soon understand why, I wish you good luck in your next life and hope you enjoy it to the fullest!" -Sincerely The True God of the Multiverse.

Well that was very detailed. I was never the person to ask a million questions but I wonder where is that system?

[Integrating Immortal Rest System ...1%]

Ah there it is! Wait, Immortal Rest system? What kind of name is that? I guess I'll find out soon enough. A portal opened up before me and sucked me in as the system is still integrating itself. After that, everything went black for a bit.

[Immortal Rest System fully Integrated!]

[Welcome to the system Durk Deus! You have received a starter gift box and a bonus of 5000 Sleep Points for you to be the first being to own this system! Starting out you have Five options to use in the system and will increase as you get higher in level. Those options are status, shop, inventory, spawns, and quest. To prevent possible questions in the future your status will be shown and the four options will be given further details. The system will ping the host with a notification due to the host currently being asleep, once the host wakes up and gets used to their surroundings to check the details.]

Name: Durk Deus

Age: N/A(30)

Race: Hatchling Dragon of Oblivion

Level: 0

Cultivation: None

Skills: [Humanoid Transformation Lvl MAX]

Cultivation Techniques: None


[First Of Its Kind] [Reincarnator]

[Shop: The shop has options for almost anything the owner can think of but most options will be locked until the host gets higher in level. Currently the only available options are skills, cultivation techniques, items, and spawns.]

[Inventory: Allows the host to store any non-living thing and time will not affect whatever is stored in inventory. There is unlimited space and the inventory will organize itself based on the items inside and sort by rarity or same type.]

[Spawns: As the host would say back in their homeworld, it is just a fancy word for beings created using the essence of the host. Or rather, the host's children. Each being will start out normal but will be altered due to the host's genes as a dragon of oblivion. What that alteration entails depends on the creatures that the host decides to raise. Spawns start out as a baby but depending on the species will either grow faster or slower with age. Host can't spawn humans but any other race is fair game. Spawns can be purchased from the shop, earned through special quest, or specific conditions.]

[Quest: Missions that are given out depending on specific conditions or host goals and given appropriate rewards depending on the difficulty.]

After who knows how long I finally start to see what's around me. I was in the center of a gigantic cave with dark purple, shining crystals all over the ceiling and the side of the walls. Everything seemed so giant to me until I looked down at myself and noticed that I was basically a tiny, dark purple and black dragon and when I looked at my reflection from one of the crystals I saw one red and one golden eye just like the ones I had on earth. Not long after I gathered my bearings I got a bell ring, most likely from the system and I read all the fine details of what it has and my miniscule status. When I noticed the humanoid transformation skill I immediately used it and felt much better, even though I was technically the size of a one year old. I decided to open up my inventory and use the starter pack to see what I would get.

[Starter pack opened! Received Slumber skill at max Level! Received Immortal Rest Technique at Level 1! Received Fox Yokai (F) x1! Received Vampire (F) x1! Received 3000 Sleep Points! Received Bottomless Stamina skill! P.S. This is a quick message from The True God, I just want to let you know that it is perfectly acceptable to have a harem in most of the multiverse, I noticed that you had quite a lot of stamina in your previous world and this skill here is to match it. *wink*]

I got extremely excited when I started reading what I received but when I read what The True God sent I almost punched the ground in a fit but managed to stop myself before I got hurt. Damnit! No wonder he made my first two spawn's female! Oh well, he probably wasn't referring to my spawns but any females I encounter in the multiverse. However, thankfully I don't have to raise them and they just get memories implanted into them about me and are given bodies through my 'essence'. Although they will be in a large egg for a certain period of time depending on what they are. I will have to grow into at least a teenage dragon before I could use them though. Although, 'teenaged' from this perspective is like 400 years old. Now then, hey system! Describe my new skills for me outside of the bottomless stamina skill since that is pretty self explanatory!

[Slumber: Allows the user to sustain themselves through sleep alone by gathering the energy around them in order to fuel themselves. Can sleep for however long they want and can set how long they would like to sleep before using the skill in order to be automatically awoken at the time limit.]

[Immortal Rest Technique Lvl 1: Sleep is a way of life! The longer the user sleeps the stronger they become. Allows the user to not only increase in level but also cultivation rank. Also increases the maturity of the mind and intelligence of the multiverse. User is able to access the system while sleeping. Most that tread this path are not able to do it because they can't sustain themselves through prolonged sleep. You however do not have that problem. When maxed out, a legend of you will form and follow you wherever you go. ]

[Boundless Stamina Lv MAX: As you can see, just like in your previous life where you could go many 'rounds' without stopping, this skill represents that. Now you could go for as long as you like. You don't even need to sleep! But that would defeat the purpose of this system now wouldn't it?]

Much to my dismay, it showed that skill regardless of me telling the system not to in the first place. I decided to explore the shop for a little bit.


[Skills] [Items] [Cultivation Techniques] [Spawns]

[Locked] [Locked]

I didn't really see a need to go into the cultivation techniques for myself since I already have one catered to myself. However, I will probably need to go there to buy stuff for my spawns when I'm able to use them. Items however, I quickly bought a capsule mansion from the item shop for 500 sp and used it. Thankfully the cave I was in was gigantic, otherwise it would collapse on itself from the sheer size of the mansion. It was a large, five story, purple, mansion. It had a giant gate and fence that surrounded the place as well. The mansion had all the accommodations I would need for me and my future spawns. I also bought 10 helper bots for another 500 sp. They would keep the mansion clean and wash me when I got dirty as I slept. Cool thing about the skill when I sleep, I don't need to breathe. I had one of the bots bring me into the place and put me in the largest room of the mansion since I anticipated that I would grow as I slept. Although I planned on staying in human form when I slept, you could never be too careful.

Another thing I noticed about the shop was that it even had things from movies, anime, manga, light novels, and more. My first priority right now, is to get stronger. Before I went to sleep though, I made sure everything would be fine for the next 400 years, before drifting off to sleep.