
The First Star

"What is it? Can't you see that i'm busy?" Liu Li said while staring at the girls eyes.

"..." Now it was the girls turn to be silent.

Why was the boy being hostile towards her for no reason? It was his fault for being zoned out during the teachers speech but when she tried to get him to introduce himself, he was just being so unreasonable.

Gnashing her teeth, she forced out "The teacher said to introduce ourselves to each other since we're going to be desk partners for the next few years."

"Oh I see. I'm Liu Li, you?" he said.

"I'm Feng Xue." she replied

"Feng? The name sounds familiar but I don't remember where?" Liu Li thought

Seeing his confused look she suddenly straightened her back in pride and said "My family runs Feng Enterprises!"

"Ah right! So I was right. What is a rich girl like you doing in a dump like this?" Liu Li said. In his previous life, although they did talk occasionally she never mentioned anything about her background so he didn't know of her noble background.

Feng Enterprises was a world renowned company that did everything from supplying their country with military equipment, real estate to clothing's. They dominated as one of the biggest brands in the world.

She should be able to go to a royal academy but instead was in this school so it was quite odd for her to be here.

"That's private." she said. Although her family was extremely successful their background was actually a martial artist family and no matter what, their tradition was to go to school in Lao city since it was their ancestor's birthplace.

"Okay." Liu Li was a bit curious but he had more important things at hand. Currently he was to weak to protect himself so how could he make his parents the most respected beings in the world?

Seeing that Liu Li didn't talk anymore and started to stare out at the window again, Feng Xue decided to not bother him anymore since she got the bare minimum the teacher asked for her.

Each class after that was basically introducing the units so nothing to special happened the whole day.

When the last bell for school rang, Liu Li got up in anticipation even thought the teacher hadn't dismissed the class.

"Student sit down. I haven't dismissed you yet." teacher Zhang said to Liu Li.

"I don't have time to spare with you. Since the last bell has rung I shall take my leave." Liu Li said while closing the classroom door in a hurry.

Instantly the class started to make a commotion. It was the first day of high school and Liu Li talked back to the teacher. One would know the students in this school were all smart to some level and almost everyone who graduated from this school became successful. Since it was so, they didn't dare talk back to the teacher being afraid of the teachers powers which were almost none existent if they opened their eyes a little bit.

"Tch. Seems I have to look out for that kid. I swear every class theirs always one of him." teacher Zhang thought.


"Finally I can start cultivating. Teacher Zhang is the exact same, he just never stops talking." Liu Li said complaining.

"I have roughly 600 yuan.. That should be enough for now."

Pulling over a taxi, Liu Li didn't go to his apartment but straight towards the outskirts of the city. Outside of Lao city, there was a big mountain in which Liu Li was interested in going to. Arriving to the mountain, he paid the taxi driver and started to go up the mountain with a smirk.

Arriving at the peak of the mountain, Liu Li cleared a rock big enough to support his body and sat down in the lotus position and said

"First Star of the Immortal's Empire. Starlight Qi Absorption." Liu Li called out while closing his eyes.

Suddenly, the bright sun which was starting to go down shone a godly yellow in which has never been seen before. Countless warm rays of light directed towards Liu Li's body as if being sucked into his body. Many people noticed this strange phenomenon leaving countless wide eyed and many scientists trying to deduce an answer to this. Many martial clans who resided near the mountain noticed a newly found high concentration of Qi whcih was practically being blasted into their bodies leaving huge smiles handing on their faces. But little did they know the Qi they were taking in were just the left overs that strayed away from Liu Li's absorption.

Although it wasn't the cultivation skill he used in his previous life, it was similarly powerful and didn't require worldly Qi for the user to cultivate.