
The Immortal Mage

Raez was a mighty Immortal who has practiced to the limits of his world. He made many friends on his journey and was very famous for his strength. As he enjoyed his time being at the peak , as he had reached the peak he prepared to ascend to higher realm. But as he was going to succeed he was killed by someone , but he did not die but got a second chance. He reincarnated after 10,000 years with all his progress lost , he no longer had his prowess and was just a child. Watch him regain his strength and exact his revenge. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rewriting the story, 15 chapters per week.

little_nerd_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
5 Chs

5 years


363th year of the universal calendar, 6 years have passed since Raez's birth.

Raez was now six years old, he was watching his father doing his sword practice with a fake expression of excitement and awe in his eyes.

He had been very patient these five years as he didn't want to waste this chance he got through his reincarnation, he showed intelligence from an early age to get knowledge from his parents, this proved to be effective as he got alot of knowledge through their stories and sometimes he heard their conversation.

He got to know his mother and father were on a leave from their old lives, they were adventurers and strong ones at that, but they were tired of their life living only to fight so they left it and started a new life in their home village where they married and had a child peacefully.

Through their conversation Raez got to know that they were going to go back their lives once he becomes a teenager as a crisis was going to occur and strength of adventures, knights and the army was required to fight.

Ivan was continuously practicing his sword arts, Raez who was observing his father like everyday saw that the sword arts were good and were very compatible with his father's curse, he was using his curse to channel his energy into the sword and his body at the same time he was conjuring a spell, as his spell was conjured he would cover the sword with the spell and do the art this was taxing but the end result was very satisfying to Ivan.

Ofcourse Raez had seen through this art, he could improve this art and it's movements to make it less taxing and more efficient for Ivan but he couldn't do so and wasn't going to do so even if he had a chance.

Raez saw a chance, he started jumping in joy and then he said "Dad is so strong, when I grow I want to become like him", ofcourse this was just a cover for his main motives to get his father's attention, Ivan saw the whole thing and sighed as he didn't want to go through the adventurer's life.

Just to make his child happy he thought of an idea to play with him, "Raez come here, I have suprise for you." he said as he covered his finger in energy and took a log with his other hand from the ground, he tossed it in air and made several slashes using his finger.

Raez saw and he looked very happy this was his genuine feelings as he knew his father was making a sword for him to play but little did his father know he was playing on his palms.

"Do you like this sword?" asked Ivan, Raez nodded and said "Dad is so strong he can cut wood with his finger" with an amused tone,

"Hahaha, you will be able to do this when you grow up." said Ivan to Raez he rubbed his head in joy after looking at the childish nature of Raez.

Raez smiled and then took the sword happily and did many slashes in air and then started laughing happily saying "Hahaha did you see it, I am very strong Dad." little did Ivan know it was not some joke but a fact, Ivan laughed and said "I am defeated by Raez, he is the strongest hahaha."

Ivan suddenly thought 'Why not show him a basic sword art, maybe it will cause his excitement to die after seeing how it's hard for him'.

"Raez look at what I am going to show you carefully okay?" said Ivan.

Raez nodded and thought 'Here it comes my chance to use a sword' and then carefully observed his father doing the basic sword art known as 'Slash'.

"Did you watch carefully?" asked Ivan, Raez nodded,

"Then do you want to try it?" he asked Raez again, Raez nodded heavily just as Ivan expected, he sighed as he thought that Raez's curiosity about swords will die after this.

Raez stood in a wrong posture making a rookie mistake on purpose and his playful nature suddenly changed for just an instant as he held the sword and performed the basic sword art 'Slash'.

Shock was seen on Ivan's face, he was utterly shocked as not only his idea backfired but his son was a genius that could perform a sword art just by looking at it, he obviously had some mistakes due to him doing this for the first time but with his guidance it could easily be corrected and he could become a sword master at a very young age.

Ivan was thinking that should he teach his son sword, but that would lead him to become an adventurer but on the plus side he could protect himself and with him becoming a practitioner he could practically live on his own as they would have to leave him to go on the battlefield.

Seeing his father thinking Raez began smiling in joy as he thought his plan to learn sword was successful, he could finally start his journey even though becoming a practitioner was far off his standards for now, but if he could practice sword everyday his body structure would strengthen and allow him to become one earlier than he expected.

"Raez do you want to learn sword from me?" asked Ivan after he decided to teach him, Raez nodded and then started jumping in joy and then hugged his father's legs as his height wasn't much, he reminded himself every minute that he was a child and needed to act like one, at Raez's level anyone would become very patient and careful as every action at that level would affect something.

Ivan then lowered his body as he lifted Raez and rubbed his head as they went home, Raez didn't have any friends in the village as he was sick of acting like a child everyday and he didn't want to deal with children who were even worse than his parents, he could barely control himself to not act like his past self.

Raez ate food with parents as they finished eating, Irene took him in her laps as she sung a lullaby to make him sleep. His parents doted on him very much, Raez didn't have any friends in the village because he didn't "like" the other children in his parents eyes, this caused them to fill in the gaps of his childhood friends with them doting on him alot, as she finished singing the lullaby he acted as he had started dozing off so that he could hear their conversation.

This had became his daily routine, he first woke up and ate food, then he would observe his mother doing her work, this continued till afternoon as she would make food for the family for lunch, they would eat lunch and then he would observe his father doing sword practice then he would go back with his father for dinner and then he would act like he was sleeping to get information from his parents daily talk at night after he slept.

"Irene today something very surprising happened, Raez has talent in sword." said Ivan with a serious voice as he looked at the 'dozing' Raez.

Irene showed an expression of shock, she was about to say something but she went in deep thought and then said "So did you decide to teach him?" , Ivan nodded and then Irene sighed and said, "I really didn't want him to become an adventurer maybe it is fated for him to become one."

Ivan nodded after hearing her, he closed his eyes thinking something and then said "Let's sleep for now, he will be alright he is still a child, I really do not want to leave him but we must do our duties." , after saying this he held Irene's hand and they went to sleep.
