
Chapter 11: Complications

Jace walked briskly towards the Institute, however, he decided it would be better to keep to the backstreets and alleys. He did not want to risk coming across another shadowhunter who knew he was supposed to be in Idris with Alec. He couldn't have them asking too many questions. He needed to protect Alec from the Clave. They did not have the best record for going about things well. He knew that he had to get there quietly and efficiently, without making a fuss or raising suspicions. With any luck he could make it into the back entrance that nobody even bothers to log. He could sneak in unnoticed there and just pray that he could get to his room and his computer. Then he could check the system for local action. If I could just find a job to do for a little bit, my head might stop spinning. Why is this all so confusing? Jace's thoughts were racing and that is exactly what he wanted to stop. No thinking necessary in a fight, just muscle memory for him.

Jace rounded a corner down an alley just two blocks from the Institute. His thoughts were still racing when he felt that familiar cold chill. It was the cold that passed through him when he was knocked out by the mist. The air smelled of thick, heavy ozone. It was not unlike a boggy hollow. It was so ethereal and earthy a smell that it was almost mesmerizing. It was like a luring beauty in the woods. Jace staggered for a moment and leaned against the alley wall. He tried to regain himself and shake off the drowsy cold that was creeping into him with the fog-like air. Right away he knew this had something to do with the mist, with the leviathans. This was the hunt he needed, but he also knew he was out-gunned. If it took a super-strong-deadly angel army to just trap these things, then he was not going to be able to charge headlong into this. He was itching for a fight, not death. He could not let it go either, though. He quickly decided on a scouting mission. He would sneak, follow, and report back anything he finds. No heroics no matter how against his nature that was. He needed to be there for Alec. He started to follow the scent of ozone and earth. He pulled his stele out and activated his silence and fortitude runes. He needed to stay awake in this mist and he needed to go unnoticed. He moved forward down the alley and around the corner away from the direction of the Institute. His runes were not working as well as he had hoped they would but he kept following the scent as it got stronger staggering every few minutes but forcing himself to stay awake.

Clary was in the Institute and she was looking around at everyone. She couldn't believe it as she stared at them; as she looked from face to face, she was struck by the weight of what she had learned and how blissful they all were in not knowing it. Every person that walked past her had a soul and therefore a piece of god himself. This was not religion that she was feeling. He wasn't someone to worship anymore. He was a person like she was a person. Just a person who had started everything. Now he was like the rest of us, unable to make miracles. As she moved through the Institute she was remembering moments with Alec and Izzy. These memories faded into a curiosity of how it all changes now. Questions. Will Alec ever be able to come back here? He runs this Institute; he has to come back at some point. Will he be able to hide what he has become? Will they see him as a Downworlder even though he has no demon blood? What would they think of Downworlders if they ever knew what we knew about how demons were made? Would 'demon blood' have the same negative connotation?

"Hey! I said, what are ya starin' at?!" It was a shadowhunter named Natalie and she was standing hands on hips with a snarl on her lips looking Clary up and down. Clary snapped out of her reverie and looked at the Shadowhunter. She had apparently been staring absent-mindedly for a little too long in her direction. Clary, mumbled an apology and that she was just "zoning out" and moved quickly towards her room so she could get to her computer. It was important to put these philosophical questions aside and work the problem just like they had time and time again. But this was different from all their previous battles. This seemed so much grander in nature and yet made her feel smaller than ever. How does she deal with what she has learned and yet still go on fighting as she had before. The answer is that she couldn't. Too much had changed so suddenly. So much had been morphed into something new. But what she could do is what she did best, investigate and find a new way forward. She could learn to live this new existence. She was nothing if not resilient, they all were.

She finally got to her room and shut the door. She locked it for good measure. This was not the time for visitors to pop in. She almost flew across the room to her computer. It was much worse than she expected. People were disappearing at an alarming rate. There were already fifty mundanes missing, and over 80 Downworlders missing, and about ten shadowhunters. It was clear that it liked Downworlders the best. The question was why and what was it doing with them? Clary began to look where all the missing people were last seen. She also looked for any sightings of any of them. Unfortunately none of them had been seen since they disappeared. There was one mundane who had been seen walking down an alley the night they disappeared but not again since. She began to look up the locations of where each person was last seen. A lot of them were simply the last time someone interacted with them and that was usually on the phone but there was still a pattern developing. She could tell that all the people who disappeared were last seen around or were supposed to be heading towards the district that the Institute was in. The one mundane was seen in an alleyway only a couple blocks away from the Institute. The rest seemed to be living in the area around there. She circled the 3 block radius around that alleyway and it included the Institute. She marked her findings in the system to warn the other shadowhunters to be on the lookout around the Institute and to be careful. Then she printed off the map and headed back to Simon's to show the group what she had learned.

Jace had made it quite a ways but he was really feeling the cold. It almost felt like he might get frostbite on his fingers and toes. He was sooo sleepy and tired. He was pulling on everything he had not to fall asleep in the alley he was stumbling down. Finally he came to a nice looking hotel. This hotel had been shut down recently for renovations but it was rather nice for this part of town. It was an upper class hotel in a middle class neighborhood. He looked up at it. His vision was fading in and out. He shakily pulled his stele out of his pocket and activated the fortitude rune again and this time the healing rune, just to be safe. His vision cleared a bit but not as much as he would have hoped. At this rate he would not be able to stay long. He would have to figure out what they were doing quickly and get out of there.

Up at the top of the hotel he could see lights on. Someone was on the top floor. Every now and then one of the windows would go completely dark as if the lights had been turned off but it would be for just a second as if something had moved past the window that just 'stole' the light. He stumbled across the street no longer able to walk in a straight line. By the time he got to the front door of the hotel he was winded and tired. He peered through the glass door. He could see the mist inside. It's official! The Leviathans are here! Jace thought. He suddenly realized that if he went in he would not have the strength to get out. This had been a bad idea. He had found out where they were now he needed to get out of here before he passed out right on their front step. He realized that no one was around this hotel, in fact, this whole part of town was completely vacant. How had he not heard anything about this? The news would pick up on it if a whole section of town just vanished. Yet, he had heard nothing of this from anyone. He started back towards the Institute. He had to warn somebody. He would just have to make up an excuse as to why he left Idris. This was too important they had to know about this neighborhood.

As Jace stumbled away from the hotel he became more and more tired and cold. He may have even been suffering from the beginnings of hypothermia. He soon realized he wasn't going to make it far. All he could do is try to make sure that the leviathans couldn't find him when he passed out. He found an old building that looked hidden and out of the way. Jace tried the door and it was open. Then he walked into the building and locked the door behind him. He crawled over by a set of stairs and he could see a cubby underneath. His vision was fading rapidly as he shuffled closer to the door. Jace opened the cubby door and there was an old mattress pad in there. Perfect! He thought. He fell on the mattress and the cubby door closed on its own. Jace didn't know what Alec's powers were yet but he knew he had to send a message to be found before the mist discovered him. With all his remaining will power and consciousness, he sent out a message screaming for Alec in his mind. He touched his Parabatai mark and in his mind he called Alec over and over again until his consciousness finally left him. Locked in sleep inside this cubby, surrounded by the leviathans sleeping mist he would remain until his friends or the enemy finds him.

Alec was still locked in discussion with Ezekiel on the couch. Ezekiel was sure that the best bet was to go to an old warehouse that he owned and start testing his powers there. Alec wasn't so sure because it was surrounded by a blooming residential area and he was worried his powers would be heard or possibly hurt someone. He had no concept of how far his powers could travel. Testing them was going to be dangerous for everyone. Ezekiel was in the middle of explaining some possible safety measures that could be implemented when Clary burst through the front door into the living room. They all looked up at her. Simon and Izzy came out of the bedroom to see what the noise was. Clary looked very concerned when she realized that Jace had not returned. She looked at everyone and said, "I think I know the area where the leviathans must be staying. It is very close to the Institute. I have no idea what that may mean or why they are staying so close. It also appears that they prefer Downworlders to everyone else but they are still taking everybody."

Clary kept looking around the room expecting Jace to pop out of the kitchen, the bathroom, or maybe the spare bedroom. She was about to ask if Jace had returned yet, but Alec had stood up abruptly. Alec had been sitting there listening to Clary talk and he could feel something off. His Parabatai mark began to hurt a little. Something was wrong. He stood up immediately and tried to focus on Jace. Why wasn't he here right now? As soon as he opened his mind to connect with Jace, his skull seemed to split open with Jace's mental screams for him. Alec's wings flared out of his back and fully extended, knocking Ezekiel and the entire couch back a couple feet and knocking Clary down to the ground. His eyes began to burn brightly and his wings began to spark like they might ignite any moment. Simon nervously moved closer towards Alec and pleaded, "Please, Alec don't burn down my house." Alec wasn't hearing him. He was not hearing any of them, just Jace pleading for rescue. He did not know from where yet. Although, he knew that he should have the capability to find him.

He said one word, his face filled with fury. "Jace!" It was a command and it sent the entire group down on their knees with their hands over their ears. His voice had taken on Samael's ethereal booming quality. His wings were sparking more and more. "Parabatai! Convenerunt in perpetuum Parabatai!" Somehow everyone knew what this meant. "The Parabatai came together forever." It was a spell, a chant, some ancient way to connect and summon his Parabatai. Everyone could feel the angelic power in the room. It was pulsing out of him in great waves. Alec was now floating an inch off the ground, his eyes still ablaze. He was chanting over and over again in that booming angelic voice. "Convenerunt in perpetuum Parabatai!" The house was beginning to shake. Everyone was haunched down with their ears covered trying not to pass out from the sheer power pulsing through the room around them. Finally Alec's head snapped up towards the heavens and fell silent. Everyone held their breath unsure of what was going to happen next. One final pulse went out from around Alec that knocked them all to the ground and like an echo it came back to Alec's chest. The moment it struck him his wings disappeared in a loud cracking flash and his eyes closed. He landed on the ground on his knees. He was panting and shaking.

Magnus quickly got up and ran over to Alec. "What is it? What happened?" Alec looked up and there were blood red tears streaming down his cheeks. Magnus took Alec's face in his hands. He gently kissed him on the lips. In a gentle whisper he said, "What has happened to Jace, love?" Everyone was standing now looking down at them, worry on all their faces. Tears were brimming in Clary's eyes. I knew I shouldn't have let him run off. He was in such a confused state. What if he dies? It will be all my fault. I should have told someone. Her mind raced with these destructive thoughts, tears were now streaming down her cheeks.

Alec looked up slowly into Magnus' eyes and spoke with a sob. "He is hurt. He is unconscious. It is them, the leviathans. But I don't think they have him yet. He is somewhere hidden for the moment but I don't know exactly where. All I know is that it is dark. I could see him and the darkness. I could feel the cold chill of those beasts, but I could not see where he was. He cannot die!!" His mouth opened in a gasp that turned to fury and his fangs bared. A feral sound was coming from his throat. Calm yourself my son. You can find him. Don't let your bloodlust take control with your anger. He could hear his angelic father's voice in his head but it was too late. His vision was going red. He could hear everyone's heartbeat thumping loudly in his ears. He could see their veins. He stood up quickly out of Magnus' grasp. They were all friends he loved dearly, but he was angry, and he was now hungry. Ezekiel stepped forward. "I think he has lost control." In a movement too quick to see, Alec had Ezekiel pinned to the couch by the throat, his mouth open ready to strike. Ezekiel was too old and fragile he didn't even bother to put up a fight. Better me than this poor boy's friends. Ezekiel thought.

Magnus quickly tried to pull at Alec's arms but he wouldn't move and a feral growl left his throat. Magnus gave up and tried to cast a spell but it bounced off of him. Simon finally stepped forward. "Everybody stop! He is in a high emotional state and that will make him hungry. He went for the one he didn't know well so his conscience is still in there somewhere. He will kill him, but not us." Simon quickly moved past Magnus and stepped closer to Alec. Alec was going in for the bite. He had Ezekiel's throat bared. Simon pulled out his stele and stabbed himself in the palm with it. Alec stopped and looked up at Simon standing before him. All he could see was red pulsing before him. He recognized the scent. Friend. Must not hurt, blood, need it. The blood began to pool in Simon's palm and he tilted his hand towards Alec letting the blood drip down his palm onto the floor.

"No Simon-" Izzy yelled but Simon cut her off with a "shoosh". He stepped closer to Alec with a brave confidence that shocked everyone in the room. He spoke low and softly. "It's okay you can have some. I know you are angry and scared. The blood helps. Let me help you." Alec could smell the blood and could feel the invitation coming from this pulsing being. He needed it. Make the fear go away. Simon extended his hand towards Alec offering the palm to him. Alec stood up away from Ezekiel and took Simon's hand in his. Then in one quick motion he pulled Simon by the arm towards him and against his chest. He wrapped his arms around him and sunk his fangs into Simon's throat. Simon let out a loud gasp and Izzy screamed but Magnus held up a hand. "Hold on dear, let's trust Simon's judgment on this. He has the experience here and there is nothing we can do now anyway." Simon's blood was delicious but not otherworldly like Jace's and Magnus' had been. It soothed him. He could feel the strong pulse fighting him and it came with energy that filled him and dulled the fear charged haze. Let go, son. Let him go. Once again Samael entered his mind.

As soon as Alec's fangs sunk into his throat Simon felt a wave of pleasure. He became drowsy with it. This must have been what it was like that day Jace saved him. The pulsing pleasure snaking through his veins and over Alec's lips was bringing that memory to the surface. He remembered the blinding, desperate thirst. He remembered needing it. The feel of Jace's blood dripping down his throat. How it felt when he sank his fangs into his throat. He couldn't control himself. He could have killed him. "I would have let you." Those words bubbled to the surface of his memory. He was willing to give up his life for Clary's loved one. He would return the favor. I will honor that sacrifice now for your loved one. Simon thought. He was growing weak as Alec locked himself to his throat. Blood was streaming down his throat from around Alec's lips. He could hear them all calling to Alec but they were so far away. His arms dangled by his sides now as he went limp in Alec's grasp. His head fell back but Alec cradled it in his hand. "Let him go Alec!" "Alec! Please!" Alec was hearing them now. He knew who he had in his arms, whose throat he had his fangs in. He gently let go. He instinctively knew he had taken a lot but not too much. Simon was weak and limp in his arms but his heart was still pumping strongly in his chest. Brave. He was so brave to have stepped forward and to stop him by offering himself.

Alec lifted Simon up into his arms and took him into his bedroom. He laid Simon down on the bed. Alec pricked his finger and wiped the blood drop over the fang marks in his neck and they instantly disappeared. He bent down and pulled the stele from Simon's pocket and pulled his shirt away from his collarbone where his healing rune was. He activated it. Simon's face relaxed, he would wake soon. Alec touched his lips as he looked down at Simon. He could hear and see his thoughts when he drank his blood. He could see the memory of Jace. He could feel the remembered thirst and desperation. He felt Simon's gratitude to Jace and the shame he felt for almost killing him. He knew what doing this meant for Simon. They had both just conquered their own demons from this moment. Alec had to learn from this moment. He could be just as much of a danger as any demon out there to his friends if he didn't keep his emotions in check. When he walked out of the bedroom everyone was looking at him in shock and fear. "I'm sorry guys, Simon will be alright. He understood what was happening to me and I understand him now. We need to go find Jace. He is in danger and I think I can find him." Alec looked at Clary. "And I need your help."