
Two Titles

Fire and lightning rained down from the dark skies, destroying everything in sight. Screams and shouts of despair wailed out as people all over the place ran for their lives, but there was nowhere to go as the destruction covered the entire area. Bodies lined the streets as limbs and organs flew everywhere, creating a fiery hellish landscape. Standing there in the middle of this destruction was a single man. He was the Immortal, Tian Hagen.

Although he held the title of "Immortal" in reality he just had a lifespan of a few thousand years.

Tian Hagen watched as the ground next to him split in half and a raging wall of lava shot out of it. With a single swipe of his blade, the wall was pushed aside and he looked at his surroundings sorrowfully as his whole body trembled in anger. He couldn't believe it, the world was really ending. Suddenly, a gaping hole formed directly under his feet and swallowed him whole.

As the ground beneath him broke open, he froze in shock and surprise for a few seconds as darkness encroached upon his vision.

Quickly waking up from the trance, he tried to stab his weapon into the nearby wall. He hoped to slow down his descent by doing this. Usually in situations like this, Tian Hagen would be able to fly but the energy inside of him that he used to fly was in a chaotic state at the moment.

In other words, he couldn't control it. And because of this his flying abilities were restricted.

Unfortunately, the wall that he stabbed into barely slowed him down and he continued his descent down into the abyss. Worst yet, down below him was the molten core of the world that had begun to bubble and fizz.

An intolerable heat radiated off of this core and he saw cracks begin to form across its sphere-like surface. A great foreboding feeling swelled up inside of Tian Hagen's chest as a dark premonition appeared inside of his mind.

Tian Hagen watched helplessly as he ended up in the middle of a powerful explosion that ended his world once and for all. He tried to use all of the energy inside of his body to protect himself but it was all in vain and the heat of the blast burnt him to a crisp.

Before the explosion, many people wondered why all of this was happening. Everyone had the same question screaming out in their hearts while their death approached, "What was causing this destruction?" Sadly, they all knew the answer, but it was something they did not accept in the past and have been ignoring for a long time.

The force of power that granted cultivators the ability to empower themselves was also the very thing that held the world together. It acted as the world's power-source and life force, turning it into the glue that kept the planet from falling apart.

After an uncountable amount of years have passed and trillions of cultivators have been born, the amount of power that was absorbed by people exceeded the amount that the planet could produce. Due to this high consumption of what cultivators called {Celestial Strength}, the energy from the world was extinguished and the planet lost its source of life as a result.

Luckily for Tian Hagen though, this wasn't the end of his story.


A soft, crackly voice called out from the shadows, "—Wake-! —Wake up!" Tian Hagen's eyes shot open as darkness filled his vision. Within the shadows Tian Hagen saw strange beasts, that could only be described as... demons, surround him.

Even in a world full of cultivators and immortals, demons were mythical creatures that very few people believed in. They were used to scare young boys and girls whenever they would misbehave. Thought to be red skinned with curled up horns that grew from their foreheads as well as a goat-like face, these legendary creatures were only thought of as just that, legends. Yet right before him was a monster that matched the description from the stories to even the smallest details.

The demon's beady black eyes stared at Tian Hagen and with a menacing snort it hissed out to the compatriots crawling behind behind it, "BrRrInG hIm wItH uSsSs, hE looksSs scRumPtiousSss."

The demons, who seemed servile to the one who spoke, began to close in on him. This caused Tian Hagen to begin to fight back any creature that came near him. He kicked and punched anyone or anything that got close to him. Unfortunately, Tian Hagen did not have the strength he did when he was alive. He was currently nothing more than a weak, pitiful soul that was struggling to not be brought down into wherever these creatures were taking him.

As he screamed and shouted, the lead demon laughed out, "WhY sTruGgLe? YoUr hoMe isSs gOnE and yOuR bOdy isSs deStrOyEd. Just fall into despair and become our meal!" Tian Hagen ignored their words and kept struggling for his life. This wasn't because he had some sort of false hope that he could survive this ordeal, or because he knew a way out of his situation. No, this was just how his personality was.

Even when he was alive, Tian Hagen was a stubborn man who never gave up no matter how much the odds were stacked against him. Some would say that his determination was one of the main reasons he was able to achieve one of the highest cultivation levels, the seventh realm {Saint}.

Even now when all hope was lost, he still wouldn't give up his life without a fight. The demons ignored most of his blows as they grabbed onto his limbs. In one swift movement they lifted Tian Hagen up and began to carry him back to their leader, "StOp SqUiRmInG HuMaN!" No matter how much they threatened and beat on him, Tian Hagen still twisted around in an attempt to escape their grasp.

It seemed that luck was on his side at that time as well. While his actions did not affect the demons much, they did slow down their advances at the very least. Tian Hagen unknowingly stalled for barely enough time for help to arrive.

A shining yellow light suddenly shined around the demons and a booming voice said, "It seems that today is your unlucky day, monsters!" A woman dressed in light floated down next to the demonic group.

The leader of the creatures stepped back in fear and panic as recognition appeared in its eyes and it screeched out, "It CaN't Be! WhAt ArE yOu DoInG hErE!" The creature waved over to its companions and pointed wildly at the mysterious being while shouting unintelligible words from its mouth. The other demons looked over in understanding as they dropped Tian Hagen and charged at the woman.

Their red hands began to grow black, jagged claws while their black eyes glowed with a murderous tint. While he was being kidnapped, Tian Hagen was able to count out their exact numbers and knew that there were at least twenty-five demons here. He wasn't sure how many the woman could handle and was about to shout out a warning. But before he could do anything,something shocking happened.

The woman, whose face could not be seen, whispered a word under her breath and a shockwave shot out from her body. All of the vile creatures who were charging at her turned to dust within seconds. The wave struck the lead demon directly in the chest and it collapsed onto the ground and began to cough out bubbly, black blood.

The mysterious being slowly walked over to the monster and looked down towards it. Tian Hagen didn't notice since she was so far away and there was really nothing to compare her to, but the woman was incredibly huge. The demon was around his height and yet the woman was towering over it like a giant looking down upon a small rabbit.

A hand shrouded by light was suddenly brought towards the monster's face and with a blood curdling cry, the demon melted into a fleshy puddle.

Looking at this scene, Tian Hagen understood that the weaker demons got off easy with a quick death. The leader was truly an unlucky one.

After killing the monster, the woman set her sights upon Tian Hagen. A panicked feeling welled up inside of his heart as the entity approached him slowly as well. Tian Hagen scrambled back quickly in order to escape from the person's grasp. Although she saved him, he was still not sure if she was a friend or foe. Maybe she just wanted to deal the finishing blow on him or something?

His actions didn't matter though as the woman was able to disappear from directly in front of him and reappear behind him. Without even skipping a beat, Tian Hagen spun around and lifted his leg up into the air in order to kick the woman in her head. He didn't mean to do this, it was just his natural instinct taking over.

The woman lifted her arm up and stopped his kick midair, "How rude! Is this how you thank someone who just saved your life?" When the "woman" spoke once more, a childish and sweet voice came out. Tian Hagen gave off a surprised look as he stared at the oddly comforting voice coming from the entity.

"Who are you?" He said while slowly getting up from his seated position after the entity released his foot. The mysterious being's face shined brightly in what Tian Hagen could only describe as a radiant smile. She held out the palm of her hand towards him. While he couldn't figure out what was happening, Tian Hagen figured that the being wasn't his enemy and he reached for her palm.

She suddenly flung her arm up and threw him directly into the endless void above them, "AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Tian Hagen shouted the whole time while that same childish voice appeared within his ear, "You'll understand who I am one day. Until then, it's~a~secret~."

And with that Tian Hagen disappeared.


"What's going on here!?" A woman wearing a tight pink dress with the caduceus symbol, a winged rod with two serpents wrapping around it, on her chest asked while two paramedics charged into her operating room while pushing a boy on a gurney along with them. Her name was Mei Fang and she was one of the best doctors in the hospital the paramedics were currently in.

One of the men turned to her and said, "This boy needs medical attention now!" The woman looked confused at the injured child and asked, "What happened to him?"

"He ran in and tried to save a girl who got in the way of a speeding vehicle that ran passed a red light. He only had enough time to push the person away before getting hit himself. Here this is his status card." The man pulled out a strange black card that was covered in blood from his pockets.

Status cards were little rectangles that held some information about the person they were bonded to. This information was generally used to judge how powerful a person usually was, and while the cards don't take into account several factors that could happen in a fight, they were pretty accurate most of the time.

A hospital such as theirs would use the status card to see what type of power a person had. If the injuries were lessened thanks to a person's ability, then they would prioritize patients who were more seriously injured first.

In the world that the doctor lived in, people with incredible powers, called heroes or villains, were very common. Heroes were either those who used their powers to assist others or those who used their powers to fight off villains and defend the public from crime. Villains were those who used their powers to commit evil.

Mei Fang was a medical hero and her job was to be a doctor and heal whoever she could. Due to her ability; however, she was considered a high class medical professional. Her power was the ability to scan and repair the body of anything her aura touched, and this even applied to some mental and "spiritual" injuries as well. This power along with the fact that she came from a prodigious medical university, made her one of the best doctors in the hospital. This was the reason why the paramedic brought the seriously injured boy to her, and he chose such a high class doctor for the boy because of a specific reason.

The woman took the card from him and read the lines on it. A look of disdain flashed in her eyes for a second, "He is powerless and yet he still tried to act like a hero? Why did you even bring him here, I'm one of the best doctors in this hospital and his injuries only need to be dealt with by a level 32 at most. There are probably more important patients to deal with."

As she began to walk away, the paramedic grabbed her hand and said, "No, you WILL operate on him. There is a serious reason why I chose you to operate specifically." He leaned in and whispered a few words into the woman's ear before taking a step back.

The doctor's originally attractive face that was red with a natural blush was now drained of all color. A look of shock and fear grew within her eyes as she ran back toward's the young man. "Get out! The operation begins immediately and I'll be taking care of this myself!"

The paramedics left soon afterwords in order to give the woman some space. They went ahead and called the young man's parents, with fear in their hearts, to report to them on what happened to their son. After explaining the situation, the person on the other end of the line said a single word, "Where?"

Meanwhile in the operating room, Mei Fang looked down in shock as she used a mysterious power to heal the wounds on the young man's body. A strange pink aura was seeping out of her hands and covering the boy's body. His injuries began to heal at a rapid pace and there were no serious internal injuries that she couldn't heal. But there was something that she sensed coming from the young man's body that surprised her for a second.

What she called spiritual injuries were usually found in what she assumed to be a sort of "soul". Although there was no proof of the existence of such a thing, the strange energy she sensed coming from peoples' bodies were real and she could not deny that there was something about them that science could not explain.

The strange part about the boy that she was operating on was that when she checked his "soul", she felt as if he had two of them. She had operated on many people before, from high class heroes to even other low class powerless before, yet none of them ever had the same feeling that she got from the young man at that very moment.

The feeling left just as soon as it came and after rescanning him a few more times and not finding that weird thing she spotted at first, the woman ignored her curiosity and continued to operate on the young man.

A few hours later, Mei Fang left the room covered in a cold sweat. After the operation was finished, she entered into the white and blue hallway outside of the operating room. Her eyes went wide with shock as she slightly lowered her head in a sort of bow to the two people standing in front of her.

Two of the greatest heroes in their city stood directly in front of her. The primordial hero, Tian Tang, and his wife the blessed saint, Ai Shu. Legendary heroes who were said to be the strongest people to be seen in the last one hundred years. They were especially loved due to their caring nature, humble personality, and the interactions they have with their fans.

Although these two people weren't the strongest beings in the world, considering their talent and speed of improvement, it was only a matter of time before they made a name for themselves.

Why were these two people of such status and power here at her hospital at the moment? The answer was simple, they were the parents of the child that she just operated on. There was a sort of tension in the air as Tian Tang stared at the woman, "Where's my son?" She trembled under his gaze as pressure emanating from Tian Tang made it hard for her to breath. Ai Shu gave off a smile as she placed her hand softly upon her husband's shoulder.

"Calm down, I know you're worried but you are scaring the good doctor." As Ai Shu said these words, the pressure and tension coming from Tian Tang began to lessen and the female doctor was able to breathe again. She calmed down herself down and said, "He is doing fine, I was able to heal up all of his wounds but he is in a sort of coma right now."

Looks of surprise came from Ai Shui's face as she asked, "Is there anything we can do? What happened?" Mei Fang explained the situation two the couple and said, "Don't worry too much. The coma is due to the fact that his body was completely exhausted from the healing process. My power uses both mine and the receiver's energy to repair their wounds. Only a small portion of my power was consumed while a great deal of your son's strength was used. His comatose state is due to this and will only be temporary, I'd say he will wake up three days later at most."

A sigh relief escaped the parents mouth as they looked at each other happily. They thanked the doctor profusely while promising to leave her a tip once their son checked out. The way they acted was actually kind of a surprise for Mei Fang.

The world they lived in places a great amount of importance on powers, the greater someone's ability was the more they were loved and praised. Even people with extremely weak abilities were respected to a certain extent, but as for those with no power at all... they were considered trash.

To discover that two of the greatest heroes ever known had a trash son AND they still cared for him so much, Mei Fang could not understand what was going on inside of their heads. After she allowed them to enter into the operation room and see their son, she realized that the young man's status card was still in her pocket. She decided that she would hand it over to the couple after they visited their son.

While she was tempted to look at the boy's status again to make sure he was powerless, since she had some doubts considering who his parents were, Mei Fang did not look at the card since there really was no need to. If she did; however, she would've seen something strange.

Most status cards have a sort of title next to the owner's name, which was also included on the card. While these titles have the possibility of changing, this rarely happened since the title usually described the owner or how a huge group of people would describe the owner.

But there would never be two titles ever. Especially if a title appeared and then suddenly disappeared. However, if Mei Fang checked the card at that exact moment, she would've seen this exact thing happen.

Tian Hagen

(The Weakest Hero) (Th£ 1mm0r+@l)

Which would then revert back to:

Tian Hagen

(The Weakest Hero)

I honestly have no idea if I’ll continue this novel or not, this is sort of like a one-shot rather than an actual novel. I just thought this would be an interesting idea and decided to spend some time to write this and if I get inspired again I might continue this. But who knows?

Anyway, hope you enjoyed the read. And have a nice day!

UnjustlyUnderpaidcreators' thoughts