
The immortal hellhound

A man wakes up in the void after having died in his sleep. Once there, he is told that he will be reincarnated after spinning the infamous wheel for what world and what cheats he will get. He is also told that his appearence will change into the fictional character he can relate to the most. When he next awoke, he was stunned. Just by a small glance, he saw he was covered in white-grey fur, but he never managed to think any further before hearing someone speak. " Hey, you. You're finally awake"

Michaela_9156 · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Chapter 5


The sounds of weapons colliding were heard all around me as we fought our way through the dungeons. We had met up with a couple more stormcloaks who were fighting an imperial torturer and his apprentice who used magic against them.

We had barely gone through the locked gate before heading down a few stairs. Once we reached the bottom of the stairs, we were met with the roof ahead collapsing and a roar from the dragon that was apparently still rampaging the area. Thankfully, we weren`t closed off from escape. There was a door located along the left wall right before the area that collapsed.

We reached the door and entered quickly, hoping to avoid further problems. We weren`t that lucky. We had sadly managed to walk in on a few imperial soldiers scouring the area, seemingly the kitchen, for any and all potions they could grab. From what I could deduce, they hadn`t been so lucky on that front, what, with only a single low quality health potion.

We weren`t that much more lucky either since they quickly rounded on our location, resulting in a large free for all, with Ralof and me being the free, and the soldiers the all.

We did manage to win against them though. It did cost us a health potion since they managed to cut Ralof`s right arm, but we still won.

Just like they did, we scoured the place for any and all loot.

`Loot goblin activated!´

I immediatly searched the usual places for potions, and lo and behold, there were a few more than usual. Normally there would only be a single minor potion for both magicka and health, yet I found three minor health and two minor magicka. On top of those two, I managed to find a single low quality potion for stamina. I grabbed them all.

Other than the potions, I managed to grab a few cabbages, dried elves ears, garlic braid, salt piles, a rabbit and pheasant, some bottles of alto wine, a loaf of bread and a couple of different books, which includes a couple rare ones.

I also searched a bit more thoroughly since I wasn`t restricted by the game engine anymore, and what do I find? A damn barrel hiding in a corner with five damn potions, three of minor healing, one of minor magicka, and one of minor stamina.

It honestly pissed me off a bit since I could have used them back when I played the game, but what could I do other than be a bit salty. I just shook my head and adhered to my loot giblin persona once again.

I did make sure to grab a table and a few chairs. I also grabbed tableware while I was at it. My only thought was `Why the hell not?´ while shrugging my shoulders.

We finally finished looting the place after a while.

`Loot goblin disagrees.´

After we finished, we once more made our way out of the tunnel. We reached another set of stairs rather quickly, but paused for a second after we heard the sound of battle. I knew what was happening, but Ralof didn`t, so we hurried down the steps where we were met with the sight of magic being cast at a couple of stormcloaks that wielded large two-handed weapons.

We quickly joined the battle. Things seemed to go in our favor until a few more imperials joined our opponents. There were close to a dozen imperials against our group of five stormcloaks and one me. We fought for what felt like an eternity.

Thankfully, we managed to get a lucky break after the continuous battle.

For just as one of the inperials was about to take my head off my shoulders, another dragon roar sounded through the underground. The ground shook with large tremors, making most of the dungeons occupants stumble to remain standing upright. I grabbed the opportunity thanks to my greater sense of balance and managed to turn the tables on the soldier that tried to end my life.

I dual wielded both the axe and imperial sword and cut through the mans throat with the sword before running towards the next soldier right after, taking him off guard due to my sudden approach. I barely managed to take his head off as well before the rest of the room combatants managed to regain their footing.

It seemed as if my actions had the effect of inspiring the remaining stormcloaks, for not even five minutes passed before they too finished off their respective opponents. They didn`t come out unscathed however, with many dead and wounded. Ralof and I ended up using the health potions we had scavenged to make sure those remaining would at the very least survive.

We also made sure to use the time we had to rest. A well deserved break if I had to say so myself. But I wasn`t idle during the break either. Only one thing to say.

`Loot goblin is back bitches!!!´

I started to search the entire area for different loot. I grabbed the few shields, swords and a single hunting bow behind the torturers desk. I also found quite a few septims and a couple books, includind the book about the dragonborn that was just laying about. I also grabbed the lockpicks from the bag along with a couple apples that was inside.

I then used what little I had learned about lockpicking and barely managed to open the cage with the wizard inside, netting me a couple coins and the book for sparks. I also made sure to grab his robes and hood since they would fetch a few septims once we were out of this place.

But sadly, the break wouldn`t last. We had to get out of there after all, so we packed up what we could, with me grabbing more of the stormcloaks armor from the dead along with their weapons, giving me a few two handed swords and axes.

We quickly made our way through the narrow passage, reaching another room with cages. A few even had skeletons in them. I just made sure to grab whatever books I could before following the stormcloaks through the next tunnel.

Sadly, our luck wouldn`t hold up, since on the other end of the tunnel was a group of soldiers waiting for us. I grabbed my bow to make sure to stay a bit at the back. I had just spent the last hour or so fighting up close and personal, so I was entitled this much at least.

My first few arrows missed my targets completely, but I soon noticed that as I kept firing away at our opponents, my aim also started to improve massively. At the end I had finally managed to shoot down some of them. I just made sure to loot the soldiers as we kept moving forward.

Once more a roar was heard, collapsing a tunnel to the side, but we kept moving. I also made sure to grab the septims laying around, along with the health potion on our way forward. It seemed as though the others in our rag-tag group completely forgot about looting since they just walked straight past whatever we found.

We soon reached the spider cavern. I just said `NOPE!´ and stayed far in the back. No matter what world or body I was in, spiders creeped me the fuck out, these ones even more since they were bigger than a pick-up truck. I only approached them once they were dead to grab the venom, but I quickly fucked off afterwards.

We followed a small tunnel to the left of the cavern and finally reached the larger cave that would lead us out of all these caves. This was also the cave I remembered having a sleeping bear inside. I just drew my bowstring, firing the arrow, hitting the bear right between the eyes.

I was shocked since barely half an hour earlier, I couldn`t even hit a target barely a few in front of me, but I quickly managed to suppress my shock as we kept moving. I just grabbed the entire bear corpse and put it in my inventory.

We could finally feel the air blowing on our skin. The sweet, sweet air that didn`t smell like burning flesh. It felt so.... invigorating on our skin as we finally managed to exit the cave.

I was amazed. The scenery just blew me away, but I knew I still had a single thing to do before I could enjoy the fresh air.

"Quick, get down!" I whisper-yelled at my group of companions.

Seeing as I most likely had better senses then them, they followed my lead and crouched behind different trees and rocks to hide. They were thankful for my warning at least, going by their looks of appreciation sent my way, for not long after we hid, a large shadow passed over our heads.

`Alduin has left the building.´

Thank you, thank you very much.

Once we were sure that the danger had passed, we all released a sigh that we didn`t even know we kept in. Just the fact that we had only just barely survived the whole shitstorm called Helgen, we were relieved. Some of our groups members even fell on their asses as they sighed.

I just chuckled at their reactions before looking out to the distance. I could clearly see it, Bleak falls barrow, the place it all started for the dragonborn in the game.

I hadn`t had a chance to realize it, but where was the dragonborn?

Was it me?

I was the one interacting with Ralof and the others, like the dragonborn did originally, so had I become the new dragonborn?

So many questions, yet no one to answer them.

I stopped my inner ramblings once I noticed Ralof and a few of the other stormcloaks approached me. The others stopped behind Ralof while he came in front of me.

"Well, we finally made it." He started.

"Yeah. That we did Ralof." I replied with a small, tired chuckle. He joined me in chuckling until we managed to calm down.

He held out his hand towards me once we finished our happy chuckling. I grabbed his hand with a smile on both our faces, but I was surprised when he suddenly pulled me in to hug. It surprised me due to the suddenness of his actions, but once I could, I returned the hug.

"If you`re ever in Windhelm, make sure to come by would you. You are always welcome to join our ranks as well." He said, and we released our embrace.

"I`ll think about it. I`m a free spirit, but that doesn`t mean I can`t help ever now and then." I said with a joking tone in my voice. He seemed to catch on to my tone of speaking if his grin was anything to go by.

We soon had to say our goodbyes since the stormcloaks and Ralof had to return to Ulfric`s little hideout in Windhelm. But we both knew that, that wasn`t the last we saw of eachother.

I then, once more, looked out to the distance.

"Now, we can start for real."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Health - 150 / 150

Mana - 150 / 150

[Skills / abilities:]

Passive -

Enhanced senses - Greatly enhances hosts senses.

Enhanced strength - Greatly enhances hosts physical strength due to hellhound heritage.

Weaponry - Due to hellhound heritage, host is naturally gifted with sharp nails and teeth. Host`s nails are hard as steel and sharp enough to cut through flesh and muscle tissue. Host`s teeth are sharp enough to bite a regular human`s head off.

Active -

Human shapeshift - Gives host the ability to shift between human and hellhound form. This is an innate ability of the hellhound race. Cost 400 mana upon activation with no other cost for keeping skill active.

Charm - Host is able to charm both men and women into following simple and unsuspicious commands by using the prospect of intercourse into play. Cost 150 mana upon activation with a cost of 10 mana per minute after activation.

Intimidation - Due to the host having sharp nails and teeth combined with crass attitude, host is able to intimidate most people. Cost 100 mana.

One-handed axe mastery (6/100) - The ability to handle one-handed axes.

One-handed sword mastery (4/100) - The ability to swing a one-handed sword.

Archery (5/100) - Improves the handling of a bow. It improves eyesight when aiming at a target.

Lockpicking (2/100) - Improves chances of opening locked doors and chests.


Reach first milestone after awakening - Rewards: Starter-pack. Status: Completed.

Escape Helgen - Rewards: ?????. Status: Completed.


Gacha token x2 - Used in the [Gacha] tab to randomly receive rewards. (Note: Tokens never rolls lower than uncommon)

760 septim - Septims are the local currency in the land of Tamriel.

Complete memory pack - Contains complete memory of host`s body from before assimilation. (CONSUMED)

Low quality bed x1 - A low quality bed that was by a low ranking soldier of the imperial army.

Low grade health potion x 3 - A low quality potion used to restore a small amount of health after consumption.

Low grade magicka potion x 2 - A low grade potion used to restore a small amount of magicka after consumtion.

Iron axe x1 (EQUIPPED) - An axe made of iron. They are regarded as the lowest grade weapon availible, but is still used due to being cheap compared to other types of metal.

Imperial sword (EQUIPPED) - A steel sword made for the imperial army. While they are made of steel, these swords are only slightly better than iron-made weapons.

Imperial bow (EQUIPPED) - A bow made for the imperial army. They are mostly used by the regular forces due to their low quality. While still better than ordinary bows, they are still regarded as low quality.

Iron arrows x 26 (EQUIPPED) - Iron arrows are low quality arrows. They are cheap, therefore the most common type of arrow used.

Imperial heavy armor x1 - Heavy armor made for the imperial armor.

Imperial captains helmet x1 - A steel helmet made for soldiers of the imperial army. They are seldom used, but when used, you can be sure they are of captain rank or above.

Books x12 - A collection of different books. (Note: Certain books may help advance certain skills.)

Wine x8 - A collection of different types of wine.

Dried elves ear x4 - Dried elves ears are an ingredient used in cooking and potion making.

Bread x1 - A stale loaf of bread.

Garlic braid x2 - Used in cooking. Also deters vampires from attacking at the mere sight of the person holding it.

Iron shield x1 - A low quality shield made of iron. It won`t protect from more than a couple hits.

Novice robes of destruction x1 - Robes given to a practicioner of the destruction school of magic. Grants a small boost in power of destruction spell cast by the wearer.

Two-handed greatsword x2 - A two handed greatsword made from iron. It`s low quality, but with sufficient strength, the wielder would still be capable of causing severe damage.

Two-handed battleaxe x3 - A two-handed battleaxe with a spike on the opposite end of the axe blade. It`s made of iron, and is therefore low quality. With sufficient strength however, it is still possible to cause severe damage.

Food x30 - An assortment of different food ingredients.


Roll - 2x FREE ROLL.

Trash - high probability.

Common - high-mid probability.

Uncommon - medium probability.

Rare - high-low probability.

Ultra rare - mid-low probability.

Legendary - low-low probability.

Mythical - nigh probable.


Loona Wolf-fang is the daughter of Kodlak Whitemane, the harbinger of the companions in Whiterun, and Sasha Wildflower from Windhelm.

She was abandoned at a young age due to her mother feeling disgust towards her animalistic appearence. Instead of feeling sorry for herself, she went to make a life for herself. She trained in multiple weapons after reaching the age of 10 with whatever she could get her hands on and is proficient in quite a few of them.

After having left Skyrim to train in different enviorenments she returned home, only to met with an ambush by imperial soldiers and brought to Helgen for excecution.

[Familial status:]

Father - Kodlak Whitemane: Alive. Ignorant of the existance of a daughter.

Mother - Sasha Wildflower: Alive. Disgusted by the birth of her daughter.