
The Immortal Guard

The Earth has been sundered. Masses of floating islands filling the sky- home to Monsters and beings of great power. With this 'Sundering'. The world changed. With that change. Three friends decide to challenge the change which had come to the realization for many to follow. Humanity isn't down for the count just yet. Not with the Immortal Guard It all starts with three brothers. Jae Perceval, a young man with aspirations to be A Regis: A King within this changing earth. Michael Kane, his best friend. His shadow. Then the protagonist, not quite the hero expected. Though painted like a villain. Yet the one who held the essence of being. . . An Immortal Guard “Where others will fall, and those who seek to destroy everything we love shall rise. We are Immortals! We are the vanguard that strikes the blood of our fathers and the children of our future. Stand with me here and answer. . . Answer the call as I know you all! We, are undying, and until we draw the breath of victory! Stand as an Immortal Guard!” -Caspian Rio, not completely human. Yet all the same.

UahiLoa · Urban
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2 Chs

001 - The Sundering - The Hero but not.

Abilities? Skills? Status windows.

What bullshit. If only things were as simple as games. The capability to view one's own being with a clear message, direction, and log of skills and abilities would flesh out their capabilities in a way that almost felt like cheating. The knowledge alone of a skill or ability, and simply having the requirement to use them be activated as though pushing a button. Similar to an animal's instinct.

Yet, humanity could.

The sundering hit Terra-no-Earth as quickly as lightning strikes through the sky. Shattering the earth, splitting seas. Mountains fell and rose. Seas Split, boiled, parting to rising earth, consuming land sunk beneath unforgiving tidal waves. From the ruin: the Earth untouched became havens to humanity and their struggle. As change brought with it foreign lands- The Isles. Floating among the Sea, the Skye, and anchoring themselves to even mountains. These Isles brought with them Monsters, beasts, and "Ruin"


As from ruin, those capable of 'stopping' it rose. With those abilities, skills, and stupid status windows.

Within two years of the Sundering, The UN had made contact as well as plans for integration of 'Allied Races'. Magical beings from the Isles with the knowledge that humanity lacked. In return, integration and peace between these beings. Within 5 years, Humanity was able to change. Their strength returning, their power growing once more in time of crisis.

Those with Powers: "Heroes" or "Champions" grew in influence and power in this world as well. The Humans with the most power, creating Guilds and becoming a Regis; a "King" with territory for their Guild and families. These Regis were powerful fighters of humanity commanding powerful guilds; Fame, fortune, and power theirs. Slowly but surely Order returning as The Allied Races and Humanity fought the beasts and monsters of the Isles.

Who were these Allied Races?

'Kaxin' - Nightwalkers. Vampires. A magical race known for their Bat like features (Wings, Fangs, and even ears and tails). Aiding Humanity with their connection to Fire, and their combat prowess of blood and night. They often serve as a police force in the integration between races.

'Pallids' - Pale Ones. Humans recognized them as Elves. prideful as they were, they brought wisdom. as well as boasting one of the largest military forces of the Isles. Their affinity to Ice and Wind, understanding of the Arcane Magic filling the world, granted them influence into the human world almost seamlessly.

'Dvergr' - Stone Skinned. Dwarves recognized and respected. Their Earthen connection and fire resistance had made them essential in the growth of Humanity. Production, weapons, armaments, all advancing technology while simplifying it.

And 'Groms' - The least popular of the allied races due to our lackluster combat capabilities outside of the sea. "Beings of the Wake" often mistaken for Mermaids or Sirens, though they were descendent of them. Lacked in combat outside of consistent water. Though water was not needed all the time. The longer without, the weaker they became. The only use being in medicine and safety. an unsung story as they were often if not always seen as weak. With few exceptions.

Despite this, it all came back to the simple 'Status Screen'


Even Magical beings with some form of coherent knowledge and perception-even understanding could use the positive effects of the 'Status Screen'. Even checking their own personal Health and Mana as numbers. A Boon to Humanity and those allied with them. A deadly double-edged sword that worked for even those against them.

However, despite that. Among the Mainland of Humanity [Terra]. one of the few anchored lands.

The Protagonist of the story sat on a couch; His black windswept hair pinned up as to not block his vision as he frowned looking down at a book in hand, resting on his lap. Despite his intent focus of concentration in studying. His tired sea green eyes under furrowed brows made him seem as though he was trying to murder the very piece of literature. The frown of frustration form studying for hours looking like a frown of hatred. A Tattoo on his exposed forearms revealed matching wave like patterns, a proud representation of his heritage as a Grom. Which would explain his swimmer like lean build.

His friends for his 4 years of integration. The people he would soon be attempting to make a Guild with Studying the Guild test's written challenge in the same room with him.

Short blonde hair, electrifying blue eyes focused as he practiced his poised physical training with his simple steel spear. Stopping only to check his Status screen, grumbling in his tank top in his attempt at naturally raising his stats with his ever-consistent training. Jae Percival was a human who had been training with his friends as independents. His hope of offically travelling to the Isles being the very Guild test. The do or die that would decide whether he would start his journey to Glory and Honor, or if the journey would end as him merely being a 'Glorified Civilian'.

Michael Kane, merely lounging on the floor flipping through the Channels of the RuneStone T.V. His Chocolate skin complimenting his short twist hair. Brown eyes with lax attention as he stopped on an interview of one of the current top Guilds: Argent Dawn. Their current leader, dressed in Silver Plate mail and a war hammer on his back- Ryker Damacius.

"-So as I say and will say again. Even if you are someone who can see the famed 'Status Screen' doesn't mean you can be a capable champion. It takes time and dedication. A sense of sacrificing that the civilian military does. . . yet more."

"Thank you thank you Sir Damacius. However, due to the growing popularity of 'supporting' civilians. Some of them can't see the 'Status Screen' yet still join champions in the front line fights within the walls of some of the cities in the Isles. What are your opinions on that seeing as your Guild has a strict 'No civilian' rule?"

Ryker only gave a pitying chuckle, running a hand through his white hair.

"If you try to do what we do without a status screen. Unable to know your capabilities let alone your potential. Where you may find hints to your greater strength. You're just a chicken without a head. . . Lost. Just stay at home and let us protect you."

The T.V. was immediately shut off in response. Jae stopping his physical training once more as he gave a quick glane at Michael with worry as they both turned to their Grom friend. A magical being. A magical being who he himself was unable to see a 'Status Screen'.

"Hey Casp. . .-" Jae began.

"-You good?" Michael finished.

Caspian, sighed as he closed the book. His tired and seemingly threatening gaze softening-albeit only slightly-as he simply gave a wide smile. A toothy smile that seemed out of place on his face.

"Were fine. You think that's gonna stop us guys?"

Michael and Jae shared a final glance before sharing the said smile.

"To the Guard!"

"The Guard!"

[Jae Percival] Born to a Working class father who underwent the effects of the Status Screen, became a champion of the Guild [Gemstone Miners] working as a miner within the Isle Svartalfheim-the island of the Dwarves to support his son and his aspirations of starting his own Guild.

Athletically gifted, Jae has a strong desire to become a man capable of becoming a respected Regis.

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